709 research outputs found

    The Likelihood Ratio as a tool for Radio Continuum Surveys with SKA precursor telescopes

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    In this paper we investigate the performance of the likelihood ratio method as a tool for identifying optical and infrared counterparts to proposed radio continuum surveys with SKA precursor and pathfinder telescopes. We present a comparison of the infrared counterparts identified by the likelihood ratio in the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) survey to radio observations with 6, 10 and 15 arcsec resolution. We cross-match a deep radio catalogue consisting of radio sources with peak flux density >> 60 μ\muJy with deep near-infrared data limited to KsK_{\mathrm{s}}\lesssim 22.6. Comparing the infrared counterparts from this procedure to those obtained when cross-matching a set of simulated lower resolution radio catalogues indicates that degrading the resolution from 6 arcsec to 10 and 15 arcsec decreases the completeness of the cross-matched catalogue by approximately 3 and 7 percent respectively. When matching against shallower infrared data, comparable to that achieved by the VISTA Hemisphere Survey, the fraction of radio sources with reliably identified counterparts drops from \sim89%, at KsK_{\mathrm{s}}\lesssim22.6, to 47% with KsK_{\mathrm{s}}\lesssim20.0. Decreasing the resolution at this shallower infrared limit does not result in any further decrease in the completeness produced by the likelihood ratio matching procedure. However, we note that radio continuum surveys with the MeerKAT and eventually the SKA, will require long baselines in order to ensure that the resulting maps are not limited by instrumental confusion noise.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in mnra

    Can Self-Organizing Maps accurately predict photometric redshifts?

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    We present an unsupervised machine learning approach that can be employed for estimating photometric redshifts. The proposed method is based on a vector quantization approach called Self--Organizing Mapping (SOM). A variety of photometrically derived input values were utilized from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's Main Galaxy Sample, Luminous Red Galaxy, and Quasar samples along with the PHAT0 data set from the PHoto-z Accuracy Testing project. Regression results obtained with this new approach were evaluated in terms of root mean square error (RMSE) to estimate the accuracy of the photometric redshift estimates. The results demonstrate competitive RMSE and outlier percentages when compared with several other popular approaches such as Artificial Neural Networks and Gaussian Process Regression. SOM RMSE--results (using Δ\Deltaz=zphot_{phot}--zspec_{spec}) for the Main Galaxy Sample are 0.023, for the Luminous Red Galaxy sample 0.027, Quasars are 0.418, and PHAT0 synthetic data are 0.022. The results demonstrate that there are non--unique solutions for estimating SOM RMSEs. Further research is needed in order to find more robust estimation techniques using SOMs, but the results herein are a positive indication of their capabilities when compared with other well-known methods.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PAS

    Bioactive ceramic-reinforced composites for bone augmentation

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    Biomaterials have been used to repair the human body for millennia, but it is only since the 1970s that man-made composites have been used. Hydroxyapatite (HA)-reinforced polyethylene (PE) is the first of the ‘second-generation’ biomaterials that have been developed to be bioactive rather than bioinert. The mechanical properties have been characterized using quasi-static, fatigue, creep and fracture toughness testing, and these studies have allowed optimization of the production method. The in vitro and in vivo biological properties have been investigated with a range of filler content and have shown that the presence of sufficient bioactive filler leads to a bioactive composite. Finally, the material has been applied clinically, initially in the orbital floor and later in the middle ear. From this initial combination of HA in PE other bioactive ceramic polymer composites have been developed

    Shotgun haplotyping: a novel method for surveying allelic sequence variation

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    Haplotypic sequences contain significantly more information than genotypes of genetic markers and are critical for studying disease association and genome evolution. Current methods for obtaining haplotypic sequences require the physical separation of alleles before sequencing, are time consuming and are not scaleable for large surveys of genetic variation. We have developed a novel method for acquiring haplotypic sequences from long PCR products using simple, high-throughput techniques. This method applies modified shotgun sequencing protocols to sequence both alleles concurrently, with read-pair information allowing the two alleles to be separated during sequence assembly. Although the haplotypic sequences can be assembled manually from the resultant data using pre-existing sequence assembly software, we have devised a novel heuristic algorithm to automate assembly and remove human error. We validated the approach on two long PCR products amplified from the human genome and confirmed the accuracy of our sequences against full-length clones of the same alleles. This method presents a simple high-throughput means to obtain full haplotypic sequences potentially up to 20 kb in length and is suitable for surveying genetic variation even in poorly-characterized genomes as it requires no prior information on sequence variation

    PDS 144: the first confirmed Herbig Ae-Herbig Ae wide binary

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    PDS 144 is a pair of Herbig Ae stars that are separated by 5.'' 35 on the sky. It has previously been shown to have an A2Ve Herbig Ae star viewed at 83 degrees inclination as its northern member and an A5Ve Herbig Ae star as its southern member. Direct imagery revealed a disk occulting PDS 144 N-the first edge-on disk observed around a Herbig Ae star. The lack of an obvious disk in direct imagery suggested PDS 144 S might be viewed face-on or not physically associated with PDS 144 N. Multi-epoch Hubble Space Telescope imagery of PDS 144 with a 5 year baseline demonstrates PDS 144 N & S are comoving and have a common proper motion with TYC 6782-878-1. TYC 6782-878-1 has previously been identified as a member of Upper Sco sub-association A at d = 145 +/- 2 pc with an age of 5-10 Myr. Ground-based imagery reveals jets and a string of Herbig-Haro knots extending 13' (possibly further) which are aligned to within 7 degrees +/- 6 degrees on the sky. By combining proper motion data and the absence of a dark mid-plane with radial velocity data, we measure the inclination of PDS 144 S to be i = 73 degrees +/- 7 degrees. The radial velocity of the jets from PDS 144 N & S indicates they, and therefore their disks, are misaligned by 25 degrees +/- 9 degrees. This degree of misalignment is similar to that seen in T Tauri wide binaries.Peer reviewe

    Photons as a 21st century reagent

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    A pharmaceutical industry viewpoint on how the fundamental laws of photochemistry are used to identify the parameters required to implement photochemistry from lab to scale. Parameters such as photon stoichiometry and light intensity are highlighted within to inform future publications

    Selective laser sintering of hydroxyapatite reinforced polyethylene composites for bioactive implants and tissue scaffold development

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    Selective laser sintering (SLS) has been investigated for the production of bioactive implants and tissue scaffolds using composites of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) reinforced with hydroxyapatite (HA) with the aim of achieving the rapid manufacturing of customized implants. Single-layer and multilayer block specimens made of HA-HDPE composites with 30 and 40 vol % HA were sintered successfully using a CO2 laser sintering system. Laser power and scanning speed had a significant effect on the sintering behaviour. The degree of particle fusion and porosity were influenced by the laser processing parameters, hence control can be attained by varying these parameters. Moreover, the SLS processing allowed exposure of HA particles on the surface of the composites and thereby should provide bioactive products. Pores existed in the SLS-fabricated composite parts and at certain processing parameters a significant fraction of the pores were within the optimal sizes for tissue regeneration. The results indicate that the SLS technique has the potential not only to fabricate HA-HDPE composite products but also to produce appropriate features for their application as bioactive implants and tissue scaffolds

    Evidence of a link between the evolution of clusters and their AGN fraction

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    We discuss the optical properties, X-ray detections and active galactic nucleus (AGN) populations of four clusters at z ~ 1 in the Subaru–XMM Deep Field (SXDF). The velocity distribution and plausible extended X-ray detections are examined, as well as the number of X-ray point sources and radio sources associated with the clusters. We find that the two clusters that appear virialized and have an extended X-ray detection contain few, if any, AGN, whereas the two pre-virialized clusters have a large AGN population. This constitutes evidence that the AGN fraction in clusters is linked to the clusters' evolutionary stage. The number of X-ray AGN in the pre-virialized clusters is consistent with an overdensity of a factor of ~200; the radio AGN appear to be clustered with a factor of 3 to 6 higher. The median K-band luminosities of L_K= 1.7 ± 0.7 L* for the X-ray sources and L_K= 2.3 ± 0.1 L* for the radio sources support the theory that these AGN are triggered by galaxy interaction and merging events in sub-groups with low internal velocity distributions, which make up the cluster environment in a pre-virialization evolutionary stage

    The Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS): The Environments of High-z SDSS Quasi-Stellar-Objects

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    This paper presents a study of the environments of SDSS Quasi-Stellar-Objects (QSOs) in the Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS). We concentrate on the high-redshift QSOs as these have not been studied in large numbers with data of this depth before. We use the IRAC 3.6-4.5{\mu}m colour of objects and ancillary r-band data to filter out as much foreground contamination as possible. This technique allows us to find a significant (> 4-{\sigma}) over-density of galaxies around QSOs in a redshift bin centred on z ~ 2.0 and a (> 2-{\sigma}) over-density of galaxies around QSOs in a redshift bin centred on z ~ 3.3. We compare our findings to the predictions of a semi-analytic galaxy formation model, based on the {\Lambda}CDM millennium simulation, and find for both redshift bins that the model predictions match well the source-density we have measured from the SERVS data.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, Accepted by Ap