946 research outputs found

    Container description ontology for CaaS

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    [EN] Besides its classical three service models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), container as a service (CaaS) has gained significant acceptance. It offers without the difficulty of high-performance challenges of traditional hypervisors deployable applications. As the adoption of containers is increasingly wide spreading, the use of tools to manage them across the infrastructure becomes a vital necessity. In this paper, we propose a conceptualisation of a domain ontology for the container description called CDO. CDO presents, in a detailed and equal manner, the functional and non-functional capabilities of containers, Dockers and container orchestration systems. In addition, we provide a framework that aims at simplifying the container management not only for the users but also for the cloud providers. In fact, this framework serves to populate CDO, help the users to deploy their application on a container orchestration system, and enhance interoperability between the cloud providers by providing migration service for deploying applications among different host platforms. Finally, the CDO effectiveness is demonstrated relying on a real case study on the deployment of a micro-service application over a containerised environment under a set of functional and non-functional requirements.K. Boukadi; M.a Rekik; J. Bernal Bernabe; Lloret, J. (2020). Container description ontology for CaaS. International Journal of Web and Grid Services (Online). 16(4):341-363. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJWGS.2020.11094434136316

    Formación para el profesorado: IDE como recurso educativo TIC

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    El desarrollo vertiginoso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), y la progresiva incorporación de las mismas en el ámbito educativo implican cambios en la forma de enseñar y aprender, lo que demanda la incorporación de nuevos recursos educativos en el aula. En este contexto, las Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) responde a las características de las TIC y se presenta como un recurso/medio que al otorgarle una intencionalidad educativa se transforma en un recurso educativo TIC; sin embargo, su utilización en el aula requiere una formación previa del profesorado para conocer sus características y aplicaciones. Con el objetivo de dar una respuesta a la formación del profesorado, tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como práctico en materia de IDE, se han diseñado, desarrollado, implementado y evaluado tres cursos e-learning de autoformación para el profesorado de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de las asignaturas Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias de la Naturaleza y Tecnología. En esta comunicación se exponen las fases de implementación y evaluación de los cursos e-learning de autoformación, recogiendo los resultados de la prueba piloto en la que han participado profesores de distintos países de Iberoamérica. Estos resultados han permitido obtener una primera aproximación a la opinión del profesorado de la ESO respecto a la posibilidad de utilizar las IDE como un recurso educativo TIC para abordar contenidos relacionados con Información Geográfica

    La representación de la información geográfica

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    Independientemente de sus implicaciones en las IDE, los mapas son y se han utilizado para presentar la información existente sobre la Tierra. No están exentos de errores ya que, debido a una mala redacción gráfica, pueden conducir a una mala legibilidad de la información o incluso a una idea equivocada de la realidad que muestran. Los mapas son modelos de la realidad y para eso se utilizan artificios como (a) las escalas, que obligan a reducir el tamaño y simplificar la información, (b) las proyecciones cartográficas que permiten representar la esfericidad de la Tierra sobre un plano, (c) las cartografías temáticas que representan aspectos concretos de la superficie de la Tierra (edafología, climatología, población, etc.) y (d) el lenguaje cartográfico con sus reglas de redacción, sintácticas, ortográficas y semánticas. Este último aspecto es clave para la producción de mapas que cumplan el objetivo de presentar adecuadamente la información geográfica, al que se dedica este capítulo. La redacción en base a sistemas de símbolos dispone de unas normas relacionadas con las capacidades perceptivas del sistema visual humano que no deben infringirse. El conocimiento de las variables gráficas que pueden aplicarse a la simbología (la forma, el color, el tamaño, etc.); las ventajas y dificultades que tienen cada una de esas variables para la percepción; su aplicación a los diferentes fenómenos, ya sean puntuales lineales o superficiales; la forma en la que se haya adquirido la información que los define (información cualitativa, ordenada o cuantitativa), permitirá garantizar que la información gráfica enviada al lector no sólo sea entendida sino que sea correctamente comprendida. Vulnerar el uso de las variables visuales, desconocer el funcionamiento de la percepción respecto a los estímulos visuales y no tener en cuenta el tipo de información que define a los fenómenos, crea errores como se muestra en el presente capítulo a través de unos ejemplos finales

    Impact of Food Assistance Programs on Obesity in Mothers and Children: A Prospective Cohort Study in Peru.

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    Objectives. To assess obesity risk among mothers participating in Community Kitchens and children participating in Glass of Milk (Peru food assistance programs). Methods. We analyzed prospective data from the Young Lives study. The exposure consisted in varying degrees of benefit from any of the programs (no participation in any of the programs, program participation for some months, or program participation nearly every month) at baseline (2006–2007). The outcome was overweight and obesity in mothers and children at follow-up (2009–2010). Results. Prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity was 15.5% and 5.1%, respectively; the corresponding figures for mothers were 40.5% and 14.6%. Children exposed nearly every month to the Glass of Milk program had a 65% lower risk of becoming obese compared with children not participating in the program (relative risk [RR] = 0.35; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.18, 0.66). Mothers participating frequently in the Community Kitchens program had almost twice the risk of becoming obese compared with those who did not participate (RR = 1.93; 95% CI = 1.18, 3.15). Conclusions. Participating in food assistance programs in Peru was associated with a lower risk of obesity in children and greater risk of obesity in mothers.Revisión por pare

    Comparison of the Halpha equivalent width of HII regions in a flocculent and a grand design galaxy: possible evidences for IMF variations

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    We present here a study of the Halpha equivalent widths of the flocculent galaxy NGC 4395 and the grand design galaxy NGC 5457. A difference between the mean values of the Halpha equivalent widths for the two galaxies has been found. Several hypotheses are presented in order to explain this difference: differences in age, metallicity, star formation rate, photon leakage and initial mass function. Various tests and Monte Carlo models are used to find out the most probable cause of this difference. The resultsshow that the possible cause for the difference could be a variation in the initial mass function. This difference is such that it seems to favor a fraction of more massive stars in the grand design galaxy when compared with the flocculent galaxy. This could be due to a change of the environmental conditions due to a density wave.Comment: 29 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The contribution of specific non-communicable diseases to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 in Peru

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    Background Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have received political attention and commitment, yet surveillance is needed to measure progress and set priorities. Building on global estimates suggesting that Peru is not on target to meet the Sustainable Development Goal 3.4, we estimated the contribution of various NCDs to the change in unconditional probability of dying from NCDs in 25 regions in Peru. Methods Using national death registries and census data, we estimated the unconditional probability of dying between ages 30 and 69 from any and from each of the following NCDs: cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and chronic kidney disease. We estimated the contribution of each NCD to the change in the unconditional probability of dying from any of these NCDs between 2006 and 2016. Results The overall unconditional probability of dying improved for men (21.4%) and women (23.3%). Cancer accounted for 10.9% in men and 13.7% in women of the overall reduction; cardiovascular diseases also contributed substantially: 11.3% in men) and 9.8% in women. Consistently in men and women and across regions, diabetes moved in the opposite direction of the overall reduction in the unconditional probability of dying from any selected NCD. Diabetes contributed a rise in the unconditional probability of 3.6% in men and 2.1% in women. Conclusions Although the unconditional probability of dying from any selected NCD has decreased, diabetes would prevent Peru from meeting international targets. Policies are needed to prevent diabetes and to strengthen healthcare to avoid diabetes-related complications and delay mortality


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    Several fullerenes that resemble Cubic or Octahedral structure are presented, between them a molecule with 128 carbons, and another one with 132

    The Andean Latin-American burden of diabetes attributable to high body mass index: a comparative risk assessment

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    Background:Body mass index (BMI)has increased in Latin-America, but the implications for the diabetesburden havenot been quantified. We estimated the proportion and absolute number of diabetescasesattributable to high BMI in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru(Andean Latin-America), with estimation of region-level indicators in Peru.Methods: Weestimated the population attributable fraction (PAF) of BMI ondiabetes(regardless of type 1 or 2)from 1980 to 2014, including the number of cases attributable to overweight (BMI 25-<30), class I (30-<35),class II (BMI 35-<40) and class III(BMI ≥40)obesity.We used age-and sex-specific prevalence estimates of diabetes and BMI categories(NCD-RisC and Peru’s DHS survey)combined with relative risks from population-based cohortsin Peru. Findings: Across Andean Latin-Americain 2014, there were 1,258,313diabetes cases attributable to high BMI: 209,855 in Bolivia, 367,440in Ecuadorand681,018in Peru. Between 1980-2010, the absolute proportion of diabetes cases attributable toclass I obesity increased the most (from 12.9% to 27.2%) across the region. The second greatest increase was for class II obesity (from 3.6% to 16.5%). There was heterogeneity in the fraction of diabetes cases attributable to high BMI by region in Peru, ascoastal regions hadthelargestfractions,andso did high-income regions. Interpretation: Over one milliondiabetes cases are attributable to high BMI in Andean Latin-America. Public health efforts should focus on implementing population-based interventions to reduce high BMI and to developfocused interventions targeted at those at highest risk of diabetes

    Estándares OGC en el flujo de trabajo para la implantación de nuevas instalaciones eléctricas.

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    El desarrollo de la red de transporte de energía eléctrica implica la construcción de nuevas instalaciones de alta tensión, cuya materialización sobre el territorio implica la afección sobre una serie de propiedades inmuebles. El documento resultante de la combinación de la información geográfica catastral, la información de afección de la nueva instalación y la información de propietarios de las parcelas se llama Relación de Bienes y Derechos afectados (RBD). Las especificaciones y estándares del Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) habilitan, a través de internet, ambientes distribuidos e interoperables para compartir el acceso a juegos de datos y funcionalidad relacionados con información geográfica. Con el objetivo de estandarizar el flujo de trabajo de creación de RBDs, minimizar plazos de ejecución y aumentar la fiabilidad de los resultados, se promueve el uso de estándares del OGC. El presente trabajo muestra la metodología de generación de RBDs desarrollada en Red Eléctrica de España (REE)

    Evaluation of cognitive impairment in elderly population with hypertension from a low-resource setting: Agreement and bias between screening tools.

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    INTRODUCTION: The evaluation of cognitive impairment in adulthood merits attention in societies in transition and especially in people with chronic diseases. Screening tools available for clinical practice and epidemiological studies have been designed in high-income but not in resource-constrained settings. The aim of this study was to assess the agreement and bias of three common tools used for screening of cognitive impairment in people with hypertension: the modified Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and the Leganés Cognitive Test (LCT). METHODS: A cross-sectional study enrolling participants with hypertension from a semi-urban area in Peru was performed. The three screening tools for cognitive impairment were applied on three consecutive days. The prevalence of cognitive impairment was calculated for each test. Pearson's correlation coefficients, Bland-Altman plots, and Kappa statistics were used to assess agreement and bias between screening tools. RESULTS: We evaluated 139 participants, mean age 76.5 years (SD ± 6.9), 56.1% females. Cognitive impairment was found in 28.1% of individuals using LCT, 63.3% using MMSE, and 100% using MoCA. Correlation coefficients ranged from 0.501 between LCT and MoCA, to 0.698 between MMSE and MoCA. Bland-Altman plots confirmed bias between screening tests. The agreement between MMSE and LCT was 60.4%, between MMSE and MoCA was 63.3%, and between MoCA and LCT was 28.1%. CONCLUSIONS: Three of the most commonly used screening tests to evaluate cognitive impairment showed major discrepancies in a resource-constrained setting, signaling towards a sorely need to develop and validate appropriate tools