556 research outputs found

    Análisis de la composición mineral en alimentos congelados precocinados de consumo habitual

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    La realización del presente estudio analítico ha tenido como principal objetivo ampliar y mejorar los datos queactualmente vienen reflejados en las tablas de composición de alimentos españoles, aportando datos que, además depropios, corresponden a alimentos ampliamente distribuidos en el mercado español y son consumidos de formahabitual en nuestro país. El análisis de los diferentes minerales se ha realizado en 28 alimentos precocinados congelados,previamente seleccionados, entre los que se incluyen pastas, pizzas, arroces y fritos de mayor consumo. Estetipo de alimentos son susceptibles de sufrir pérdidas en minerales debido a los procesos de elaboración, congelacióny pretratamiento culinario a que son sometidos antes de su consumo, por lo que es de gran interés el conocimientode su composición mineral, dando respuesta a las exigencias de un amplio grupo de profesionales y consumidoresque requieren de esta información nutricional

    Deterministic Hydrological Model For Flood Risk Assessment Of Mexico City

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    Mexico City is facing problems of flooding in some areas at certain times of the year, causing important losses and damages on properties and residents including some casualties. Therefore, it is important to carry out a flood risk assessment in the catchment of Mexico City and estimate damages of probable flood events. However, limited data of observed discharges and water depths in the main rivers of the city are available, and this represents an obstacle for the understanding of flooding in Mexico City. The objective of the developed tool is to provide an efficient support to management of the flood processes by predicting the behavior of the catchment for different rainfall events and flood scenarios. The capability of a model based on MIKE SHE modeling system for the Mexico City catchment was evaluated by comparing the observed data and the simulation results during a year after a careful development based on the most important parameters for characterizing the processes. Significant and operational results (\u3e0.75 for Nash Sutcliffe coefficient) have been obtained on one of the major sub-catchments of the Mexico basin. These results demonstrate the interest to implement a deterministic hydrological model for assessing flood risks in a dense urban environment where data availability is limited. In addition, three methods for flood map creation are proposed to assist flood risk management

    Péptidos y proteínas de la leche con propiedades funcionales

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    La fracción proteica de la leche contiene un gran número de compuestos biológicamente activos. Además de lasproteínas de la leche, caseínas y proteínas del suero lácteo, existen también pequeñas cantidades de otras proteínasy péptidos. Estos péptidos, que son inactivos dentro de la secuencia de la proteína nativa, pueden ser liberados porhidrólisis enzimática, por ejemplo, durante la digestión gastrointestinal o durante el procesado del alimento. Estospéptidos bioactivos procedentes de proteínas lácteas presentan una actividad moduladora de numerosos procesosmetabólicos del organismo. Asimismo, las proteínas del suero lácteo representan una mezcla variada de proteínassecretadas, tales como á-lactoalbúmina, â-lactoglobulina, lactoferrina, lactoperoxidasa, inmunoglobulinas,glicomacropéptido y una gran cantidad de factores de crecimiento. Estas proteínas tienen una serie de efectosbiológicos, que van desde un efecto anticancerígenos hasta efectos en la función digestiva

    Considerations on the joint recovery of the monument and its environment: The town walls of albarracÍn (Spain)

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    The city walls of Albarracín (Teruel) show an exemplary trajectory of restoration and conservation works, thanks to a fifty year-long trajectory of interventions carried out by different architects. The last of these projects, promoted by the City Council and driven by Fundación Santa María de Albarracín, was drafted in 2019 and involved the restoration of the southern end of the wall. For the first time, this project has addressed the recovery of the monument and its surroundings in a joint effort that bets on a global vision for the city's public space system. The keys to this binomial are based on the following premises: a well-coordinated monument-environment relationship, the emphasis on a conservative approach to the restoration works, the promotion of public use and the dignification of the space in a coherent way with its context. The joint treatment of the building and its environment goes far beyond an aesthetic or functional issue - which may have been achieved through independent projects - and verifies the criteria adopted for both dimensions of the project: minimal intervention, distinguishability, preservation of the authenticity, reversibility, compatibility, character, readability and sustainability. In general, this approach reduces the risks of unilateral, partial or limiting visions ending in the loss of heritage value and embraces the understanding of the immediate environment as an inseparable extension of the monument itself

    Biodegradation and Mechanical Integrity of Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys Suitable for Implants

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    This book chapter deals with the fundamental aspects of corrosion of magnesium based alloys in bodily fluids and reviews the various techniques that can be used to tune their degradation rate. The time-dependent evolution of their mechanical properties during the biodegradation process is also outlined

    Quality of two table grape guard cultivars treated with single or dual-phase release SO2 generators

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    Berries of seeded table grapes (cultivars Napoleón and Aledo) were trimmed in commercial packing houses, inoculated with Botrytis cinerea, packed with single and dual-phase release SO2 pads, and stored for up to four months at 0 ºC and 85±5 % relative humidity. Control grapes with or without inoculation, but without SO2 pads, were stored for up to 2 months. Botrytis cinerea rot (grey mould) limited the shelf-life of Aledo grapes to one month, while a two month shelf-life was established for Napoleón grapes, which suffered from berry splitting, Cladosporium herbarum and Botrytis cinerea rots. Yeasts of the Candida genera and secondary fungi were also identified in fruit suffering sour rot after 2 months at 0oC. No differences in grey mould development in the treatments without SO2 pads with or without inoculation. The native grey mould of these grapes was purified and included as the B. cinerea strain 20248 in the Spanish Type Culture Collection. Storage time, but not SO2 pads, slightly affected fruit quality. During the first month at 0oC, total soluble solids decreased by 1oBrix in 'Áledo' and berry hardness temporarily increased by around 30% in both cultivars. The pads provoked an SO2 taste acceptable for consumption, which was slightly higher in Napoleón than in Aledo grapes. The dual-phase release SO2 pads showed better performance for the long-term storage of grapes than single-release pads (both as regards berry sensory attributes and stem appearance, with lower stem browning). The dual-phase release SO2 pads extended the shelf-life of grapes by around 1 month, depending on the cultivar. Napoleón grapes showed a better potential for longterm storage than Aledo grapes due to thicker and more compact epidermis, thicker cell walls, and different epidermal microstructure including the transition cells between epidermis and the parenchyma