214 research outputs found

    30P Nowa fizyczna metoda wczesnego diagnozowania i monitorowania leczenia chorych z rozpoznaniem nowotworu

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    Pole magnetyczne o indukcji B > 10 tesli znajduje zastosowanie w analizie indukowanej dwójłomności kołowej surowicy krwi. Analiza oddziaływania silnego pola magnetycznego i elektromagnetycznego pola wiązki świetlnej z surowicą krwi wykazała, że w silnym polu magnetycznym ujawnia się wyraźnie ilościowa różnica magneto-optycznych efektów obserwowanych dla surowic dawców krwi chorych z nowotworami. Dokonano analizy 110 surowic krwi. Pomiary wykonano w silnym impulsowym (B ≅ 30 tesli). Próbki surowicy 23 dawców krwi zostały poddane badaniom mającym na celu określenie naturalnej aktywności optycznej. Surowice te stanowiły punkt odniesienia do analiz surowic chorych onkologicznych. Analizowano surowice chorych z rozpoznaniem raka prostaty, jelita grubego, raka jajnika, w którym w trakcie leczenia oznacza się poziom markerów nowotworowych. Druga grupa chorych to pacjenci z mierzalnymi guzami gruczołu piersiowego, mięsaka, czerniaka, szpiczaka. Dokonano pomiarów magneto-optycznych współczynników a, b, c oraz naturalnej aktywności optycznej α0 surowic.Wykazano wyraźną współzależność między stanem chorego, a wartością współczynnika b oraz jego korelacją ze wzrostem poziomu markerów nowotworowych lub wielkością ognisk przerzutowych. Prowadzone po raz pierwszy badania magnatyczno-optycznej dwójłomności kołowej surowicy są szybką metodą analityczną. Mogą w przyszłości mieć zastosowanie w diagnostyce i monitorowaniu leczenia nowotworów

    1,8-Diamidocarbazoles: an easily tuneable family of fluorescent anion sensors and transporters

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    The synthesis, structure and anion recognition properties of an extensive, rationally designed series of bisamide derivatives of 1,8-diaminocarbazole and 1,8-diamino-3,6-dichlorocarbazole are described. Despite simple structures and the presence of only three hydrogen bond donors, such compounds are remarkably strong and selective receptors for oxyanions in DMSO + 0.5%H2O. Owing to their carbazole fluorophore, they are also sensitive turn-on fluorescent sensors for H2PO4− and AcO−, with a more than 15-fold increase in fluorescence intensity upon binding. Despite relatively weak chloride affinity, some of the diamidocarbazoles have also been shown, for the first time, to be very active chloride transporters through lipid bilayers. The binding, sensing and transport properties of these receptors can be easily modulated by the usually overlooked variations in the length and degree of branching of their alkyl side arms. Overall, this study demonstrates that the 1,8-diamidocarbazole binding unit is a very promising and synthetically versatile platform for the development of fluorescent sensors and transporters for anions.Polish National Science Centre for grant OPUS (2011/01/B/ST5/03900). The study was carried out at the Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw, established within a project co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007–2013. R. Q. thanks financial support provided by Consejería de Educación – Junta de Castilla y León (Project BU092U16

    Phase separation in a lattice model of a superconductor with pair hopping

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    We have studied the extended Hubbard model with pair hopping in the atomic limit for arbitrary electron density and chemical potential. The Hamiltonian considered consists of (i) the effective on-site interaction U and (ii) the intersite charge exchange interactions I, determining the hopping of electron pairs between nearest-neighbour sites. The model can be treated as a simple effective model of a superconductor with very short coherence length in which electrons are localized and only electron pairs have possibility of transferring. The phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties of this model have been determined within the variational approach, which treats the on-site interaction term exactly and the intersite interactions within the mean-field approximation. We have also obtained rigorous results for a linear chain (d=1) in the ground state. Moreover, at T=0 some results derived within the random phase approximation (and the spin-wave approximation) for d=2 and d=3 lattices and within the low density expansions for d=3 lattices are presented. Our investigation of the general case (as a function of the electron concentration and as a function of the chemical potential) shows that, depending on the values of interaction parameters, the system can exhibit not only the homogeneous phases: superconducting (SS) and nonordered (NO), but also the phase separated states (PS: SS-NO). The system considered exhibits interesting multicritical behaviour including tricritical points.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; pdf-ReVTeX, final version, corrected typos; submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    70 Wyniki leczenia chorych na raka sutka w stadium rozsiewu w materiale Wielkopolskiego Centrum Onkologii

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    WstępLeczenie chorych na raka sutka w stadium rozsiewu (M1) ma charakter paliatywny. Metody leczenia obejmują radioterapię, chemioterapię, hormonoterapię w monoterapii lub jako leczenie skojarzone. Wyniki leczenia są najczęściej złe. Przedstawiamy wyniki leczenia chorych na raka sutka w stadium rozsiewu leczonych w Wielkopolskim Centrum Onkologii.Materiał i metody95 chorych na raka sutka w stadium M1 leczono w latach 1983–1987 w Wielkopolskim Centrum Onkologii. Wiek chorych wahał się od 29 do 74 lat, średnio 51,5 lat. W grupie 65 chorych pierwszym umiejscowieniem przerzutów był kościec, w dalszej kolejności płuca i wątroba. Większość chorych leczona była cytostatykami lub hormonami, u części zastosowano paliatywną radioterapię. Wyniki leczenia opracowano na podstawie historii chorób i przeprowadzonej katamnezie. Grupę badaną poddano 5-letniej obserwacji.Wyniki8 chorych (8,4%) przeżyło 5 lat od momentu rozpoczęcia leczenia zmian przerzutowych. Średni okres przeżycia w całej grupie wyniósł 13,5 miesiąca.WnioskiPomimo złego rokowania leczeniem systemowym udaje się przedłużyć życie części chorych na raka sutka, u których wystąpiły przerzuty odległe

    79. The effectivness of pain treatment with Strontium 89 in patient with osseous metastases

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    Aimof this study was to assessment of 89 Sr therapy as pain treatment modality in the group of patients with multiple bone metastases.Material and methodsFrom January 2000 to October 2000 in our center were treated 41 patients; 17 – prostate cancer and 24 – breast cancer patients. All patients had applied only one dose of 150 MBq of 89 Sr. Before and follow-up each patient has been evaluated; performance status according to the Karnofsky Scale and paro intensity according the VAS scale. We did not observe any clinical important haematological side effects. The ionisation dosemetric monitoring of the sources and the radioactive refuse were recorded. The radioactive refuse was storage in special container when the activity decreased to the background.ResultsWe noted relief of paro as follow:-“complete” 18 of 41 patients (8-prostate cancer, 10 – breast cancer),-“partial” 12 of 41 patients (3- prostate cancer, 9- breast cancer),-“no effect” 11 of 41 patients (6-prostate cancer, 5- breast cancer).ConclusionsWe suggest that therapy of painful multiple bone metastases with application of 89 Sr is effective nd safe

    Thermal properties of large main-belt asteroids observed by Herschel PACS

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    Non-resolved thermal infrared observations enable studies of thermal and physical properties of asteroid surfaces provided the shape and rotational properties of the target are well determined via thermo-physical models. We used calibration-programme Herschel PACS data (70, 100, 160 μ\mum) and state-of-the-art shape models derived from adaptive-optics observations and/or optical light curves to constrain for the first time the thermal inertia of twelve large main-belt asteroids. We also modelled previously well-characterised targets such as (1) Ceres or (4) Vesta as they constitute important benchmarks. Using the scale as a free parameter, most targets required a re-scaling \sim5\% consistent with what would be expected given the absolute calibration error bars. This constitutes a good cross-validation of the scaled shape models, although some targets required larger re-scaling to reproduce the IR data. We obtained low thermal inertias typical of large main belt asteroids studied before, which continues to give support to the notion that these surfaces are covered by fine-grained insulating regolith. Although the wavelengths at which PACS observed are longwards of the emission peak for main-belt asteroids, they proved to be extremely valuable to constrain size and thermal inertia and not too sensitive to surface roughness. Finally, we also propose a graphical approach to help examine how different values of the exponent used for scaling the thermal inertia as a function of heliocentric distance (i.e. temperature) affect our interpretation of the results.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (preprint version

    Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space Weather

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    The Sun's outer atmosphere is heated to temperatures of millions of degrees, and solar plasma flows out into interplanetary space at supersonic speeds. This paper reviews our current understanding of these interrelated problems: coronal heating and the acceleration of the ambient solar wind. We also discuss where the community stands in its ability to forecast how variations in the solar wind (i.e., fast and slow wind streams) impact the Earth. Although the last few decades have seen significant progress in observations and modeling, we still do not have a complete understanding of the relevant physical processes, nor do we have a quantitatively precise census of which coronal structures contribute to specific types of solar wind. Fast streams are known to be connected to the central regions of large coronal holes. Slow streams, however, appear to come from a wide range of sources, including streamers, pseudostreamers, coronal loops, active regions, and coronal hole boundaries. Complicating our understanding even more is the fact that processes such as turbulence, stream-stream interactions, and Coulomb collisions can make it difficult to unambiguously map a parcel measured at 1 AU back down to its coronal source. We also review recent progress -- in theoretical modeling, observational data analysis, and forecasting techniques that sit at the interface between data and theory -- that gives us hope that the above problems are indeed solvable.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Special issue connected with a 2016 ISSI workshop on "The Scientific Foundations of Space Weather." 44 pages, 9 figure