548 research outputs found


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    Transformational programming is a program development method which is usually applied using 'pen and paper'. Since this requires a lot of clerical work (copying expressions, con- sistent substitution) which is tiresome and prone to error, some form of machine support is desirable. In this paper a number of systems are described that have already been built to this aim. Some of their shortcomings and limitations are identified. Based on experience with program transformation and transformation systems, a long list of features is given that would be useful in an 'utopian' transformation system. This list is presented using an orthogonal division of the problem area. A number of problems with the realisation of some aspects of our 'utopian' system are identified, and some areas for further research are indicated

    Comparison of Longitudinal Membrane Function in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients According to Dialysis Fluid Biocompatibility

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    Introduction: Preservation of peritoneal function is essential in long-term peritoneal dialysis. Biocompatible dialysis solutions might prevent or postpone the membrane alteration resulting in ultrafiltration failure and consecutive morbidity and mortality. Methods: We conducted an observational cohort study in which we made a longitudinal comparison between the course of peritoneal solute and fluid transport during treatment with conventional and biocompatible solutions. Therefore, prospectively collected peritoneal transport data from the yearly standard peritoneal permeability analysis were analyzed in 251 incident patients treated between 1994 and censoring in 2016. Fluid transport included small pore and free water transport. Solute transport was assessed by creatinine mass transfer area coefficient and glucose absorption. Linear mixed models including change point analyses were performed. Interaction with peritonitis was examined. Results: One hundred thirty-five patients received conventional and 116 biocompatible solutions. Sixtyseven percent (conventional) and 64% (biocompatible) of these underwent minimally three transport measurements. Initially, biocompatible fluids showed higher small solute transport and lower ultrafiltration than conventional fluids up to 3 years. Thereafter, conventional fluids showed an increase in small solute transport (+2.7 ml/min per year; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.9 to 4.5) and a decrease of free water transport (-28.0 ml/min per year; 95% CI: -60.4 to 4.4). These were minor or absent in biocompatible treatment. Peritonitis induced a decrease of transcapillary ultrafiltration after 2 years on dialysis with conventional solutions (-291 ml/min per year; 95% CI: -550 to -32) while this was absent in biocompatible treatment. Conclusion: Despite a higher initial solute transport with biocompatible solutions, these have less influence on functional long-term peritoneal alterations than conventional solutions. (C) 2020 International Society of Nephrology. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Phosphorylation of the actin binding protein Drebrin at S647 and is regulated by neuronal activity and PTEN

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    Defects in actin dynamics affect activity-dependent modulation of synaptic transmission and neuronal plasticity, and can cause cognitive impairment. A salient candidate actin-binding protein linking synaptic dysfunction to cognitive deficits is Drebrin (DBN). However, the specific mode of how DBN is regulated at the central synapse is largely unknown. In this study we identify and characterize the interaction of the PTEN tumor suppressor with DBN. Our results demonstrate that PTEN binds DBN and that this interaction results in the dephosphorylation of a site present in the DBN C-terminus - serine 647. PTEN and pS647-DBN segregate into distinct and complimentary compartments in neurons, supporting the idea that PTEN negatively regulates DBN phosphorylation at this site. We further demonstrate that neuronal activity increases phosphorylation of DBN at S647 in hippocampal neurons in vitro and in ex vivo hippocampus slices exhibiting seizure activity, potentially by inducing rapid dissociation of the PTEN:DBN complex. Our results identify a novel mechanism by which PTEN is required to maintain DBN phosphorylation at dynamic range and signifies an unusual regulation of an actin-binding protein linked to cognitive decline and degenerative conditions at the CNS synapse

    Complement activation during OKT3 treatment: A possible explanation for respiratory side effects

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    Complement activation during OKT3 treatment: A possible explanation for respiratory side effects. Respiratory side effects that sometimes occur during treatment with anti-CD3 MAb OKT3 might result from pulmonary sequestration of activated neutrophils. Therefore, we studied complement activation in relation to activation and pulmonary sequestration of neutrophils during antirejection treatment with OKT3. In each of nine patients studied, plasma C3a-desarg and C4b/c levels increased compared with pretreatment values already in the first sample taken 15 minutes after the first dose of OKT3 (P < 0.05), with peak values at 15 and 30 minutes, respectively. Levels of neutrophil degranulation product elastase (complexed to α1-antitrypsin) also increased already at 15 minutes after the first dose of OKT3 (P < 0.05), which is before elevated levels of the cytokines TNFα, IL-6 or IL-8 were detectable. In contrast, upon subsequent OKT3 administrations or in the control group treated with methylprednisolone, neither complement activation, cytokine release nor neutrophil degranulation occurred. In five studied patients treated with OKT3, pulmonary sequestration of radiolabeled granulocytes was observed from 3 until 15 minutes after the first dose of OKT3, together with peripheral blood granulocytopenia, which lasted at least 30 minutes. In conclusion, we demonstrate a simultaneous activation of complement and pulmonary sequestration of activated granulocytes immediately following the first dose of OKT3. These phenomena may be involved in the development of respiratory side effects complicating this therapy

    State-of-the-Art bewaarsysteem tulpenbollen : Resultaten 2010

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    Het project State-of-the-Art bewaren van tulpenbollen is in 2007 opgestart om te demonstreren wat er met behoud of verbetering van productkwaliteit, met de huidige stand der techniek aan energiebesparing mogelijk is. En om met aanvullend onderzoek op de deelnemende bloembollenbedrijven in de toekomst nog meer te kunnen besparen. Voor het 4de jaar op rij is er door de nu 10 deelnemers fors bespaard op energie: gemiddeld 30% op gas en 44% op elektra. Op het bedrijf dat het meest op gas bespaarde was dat zelfs 72% en op het bedrijf dat het meest op elektra bespaarde was dat 80%. Het doel van het project is tweeledig: Spoor 1) demonstreren wat er met behoud of verbetering van de productkwaliteit met de huidige stand der techniek aan energiebesparing in de bewaring bij tulp mogelijk is. Spoor 2) aanvullend onderzoek & ontwikkeling om hierbij in de toekomst nog meer energie te kunnen besparen

    Optimized Trigger for Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic-Ray and Neutrino Observations with the Low Frequency Radio Array

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    When an ultra-high energy neutrino or cosmic ray strikes the Lunar surface a radio-frequency pulse is emitted. We plan to use the LOFAR radio telescope to detect these pulses. In this work we propose an efficient trigger implementation for LOFAR optimized for the observation of short radio pulses.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section

    Extensive Study of Breast Milk and Infant Growth: Protocol of the Cambridge Baby Growth and Breastfeeding Study (CBGS-BF).

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    Funder: Medical Research Council; Grant(s): Unit programmes: MC_UU_12015/2 and MC_UU_00006/2Funder: Wellcome TrustGrowth and nutrition during early life have been strongly linked to future health and metabolic risks. The Cambridge Baby Growth Study (CBGS), a longitudinal birth cohort of 2229 mother-infant pairs, was set up in 2001 to investigate early life determinant factors of infant growth and body composition in the UK setting. To carry out extensive profiling of breastmilk intakes and composition in relation to infancy growth, the Cambridge Baby Growth and Breastfeeding Study (CBGS-BF) was established upon the original CBGS. The strict inclusion criteria were applied, focusing on a normal birth weight vaginally delivered infant cohort born of healthy and non-obese mothers. Crucially, only infants who were exclusively breastfed for the first 6 weeks of life were retained in the analysed study sample. At each visit from birth, 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and then at 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months, longitudinal anthropometric measurements and blood spot collections were conducted. Infant body composition was assessed using air displacement plethysmography (ADP) at 6 weeks and 3 months of age. Breast milk was collected for macronutrients and human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) measurements. Breast milk intake volume was also estimated, as well as sterile breastmilk and infant stool collection for microbiome study