2,096 research outputs found

    Up-dating the Cholodny method using PET films to sample microbial communities in soil

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the use of PET (polyethylene terephtalate) films as a modern development of Cholodny’s glass slides, to enable microscopy and molecular-based analysis of soil communities where spatial detail at the scale of microbial habitats is essential to understand microbial associations and interactions in this complex environment. Methods. Classical microbiological methods; attachment assay; surface tension measurements; molecular techniques: DNA extraction, PCR; confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM); micro- focus X-ray computed tomography (μCT). Results. We first show, using the model soil and rhizosphere bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and P. putida KT2440, that bacteria are able to attach and detach from PET films, and that pre-conditioning with a filtered soil suspension improved the levels of attachment. Bacteria attached to the films were viable and could develop substantial biofilms. PET films buried in soil were rapidly colonised by microorganisms which could be investigated by CLSM and recovered onto agar plates. Secondly, we demonstrate that μCT can be used to non-destructively visualise soil aggregate contact points and pore spaces across the surface of PET films buried in soil. Conclusions. PET films are a successful development of Cholodny’s glass slides and can be used to sample soil communities in which bacterial adherence, growth, biofilm and community development can be investigated. The use of these films with μCT imaging in soil will enable a better understanding of soil micro-habitats and the spatially-explicit nature of microbial interactions in this complex environment

    Quorum-quenching activity of the AHL-lactonase from <i>Bacillus licheniformis</i> DAHB1 inhibits vibrio biofilm formation in vitro and reduces shrimp intestinal colonisation and mortality

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a significant cause of gastroenteritis resulting from the consumption of undercooked sea foods and often cause significant infections in shrimp aquaculture. Vibrio virulence is associated with biofilm formation and is regulated by N-acylated homoserine lactone (AHL)-mediated quorum sensing. In an attempt to reduce vibrio colonisation of shrimps and mortality, we screened native intestinal bacilli from Indian white shrimps (Fenneropenaeus indicus) for an isolate which showed biofilm-inhibitory activity (quorum quenching) against the pathogen V. parahaemolyticus DAHP1. The AHL-lactonase (AiiA) expressed by one of these, Bacillus licheniformis DAHB1, was characterised as having a broad-spectrum AHL substrate specificity and intrinsic resistance to the acid conditions of the shrimp intestine. Purified recombinant AiiA inhibited vibrio biofilm development in a cover slip assay and significantly attenuated infection and mortality in shrimps reared in a recirculation aquaculture system. Investigation of intestinal samples also showed that AiiA treatment also reduced vibrio viable counts and biofilm development as determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) imaging. These findings suggest that the B. licheniformis DAHB1 quorum-quenching AiiA might be developed for use as a prophylactic treatment to inhibit or reduce vibrio colonisation and mortality of shrimps in aquaculture

    Parallel compensatory evolution stabilizes plasmids across the parasitism-mutualism continuum

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    Plasmids drive genomic diversity in bacteria via horizontal gene transfer [1 and 2]; nevertheless, explaining their survival in bacterial populations is challenging [3]. Theory predicts that irrespective of their net fitness effects, plasmids should be lost: when parasitic (costs outweigh benefits), plasmids should decline due to purifying selection [4, 5 and 6], yet under mutualism (benefits outweigh costs), selection favors the capture of beneficial accessory genes by the chromosome and loss of the costly plasmid backbone [4]. While compensatory evolution can enhance plasmid stability within populations [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15], the propensity for this to occur across the parasitism-mutualism continuum is unknown. We experimentally evolved Pseudomonas fluorescens and its mercury resistance mega-plasmid, pQBR103 [ 16], across an environment-mediated parasitism-mutualism continuum. Compensatory evolution stabilized plasmids by rapidly ameliorating the cost of plasmid carriage in all environments. Genomic analysis revealed that, in both parasitic and mutualistic treatments, evolution repeatedly targeted the gacA/gacS bacterial two-component global regulatory system while leaving the plasmid sequence intact. Deletion of either gacA or gacS was sufficient to completely ameliorate the cost of plasmid carriage. Mutation of gacA/gacS downregulated the expression of ∼17% of chromosomal and plasmid genes and appears to have relieved the translational demand imposed by the plasmid. Chromosomal capture of mercury resistance accompanied by plasmid loss occurred throughout the experiment but very rarely invaded to high frequency, suggesting that rapid compensatory evolution can limit this process. Compensatory evolution can explain the widespread occurrence of plasmids and allows bacteria to retain horizontally acquired plasmids even in environments where their accessory genes are not immediately useful

    Quantifying prosthetic and intact limb use in upper limb amputees via egocentric video: an unsupervised, at-home study

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    Analysis of the manipulation strategies employed by upper-limb prosthetic device users can provide valuable insights into the shortcomings of current prosthetic technology or therapeutic interventions. Typically, this problem has been approached with survey or lab-based studies, whose prehensile-grasp-focused results do not necessarily give accurate representations of daily activity. In this work, we capture prosthesis-user behavior in the unstructured and familiar environments of the participants own homes. Compact head-mounted video cameras recorded ego-centric views of the hands during self-selected household chores. Over 60 hours of video was recorded from 8 persons with unilateral amputation or limb difference (6 transradial, 1 transhumeral, 1 shoulder). Of this, almost 16 hours of video data was analyzed by human experts using the 22-category ‘TULIP’ custom manipulation taxonomy, producing the type and duration of over 27,000 prehensile and non-prehensile manipulation tags on both upper limbs, permitting a level of objective analysis not previously possible with this population. Our analysis included unique observations on non-prehensile manipulations occurrence, determining that 79% of transradial body-powered device manipulations were non-prehensile, compared to 60% for transradial myoelectric devices. Conversely, only 16-19% of intact limb activity was non-prehensile. Additionally, multi-grasp terminal devices did not lead to increased activity compared to 1DOF devices

    Rapid compensatory evolution promotes the survival of conjugative plasmids

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    Conjugative plasmids play a vital role in bacterial adaptation through horizontal gene transfer. Explaining how plasmids persist in host populations however is difficult, given the high costs often associated with plasmid carriage. Compensatory evolution to ameliorate this cost can rescue plasmids from extinction. In a recently published study we showed that compensatory evolution repeatedly targeted the same bacterial regulatory system, GacA/GacS, in populations of plasmid-carrying bacteria evolving across a range of selective environments. Mutations in these genes arose rapidly and completely eliminated the cost of plasmid carriage. Here we extend our analysis using an individual based model to explore the dynamics of compensatory evolution in this system. We show that mutations which ameliorate the cost of plasmid carriage can prevent both the loss of plasmids from the population and the fixation of accessory traits on the bacterial chromosome. We discuss how dependent the outcome of compensatory evolution is on the strength and availability of such mutations and the rate at which beneficial accessory traits integrate on the host chromosome

    Transparent soil for imaging the rhizosphere

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    Understanding of soil processes is essential for addressing the global issues of food security, disease transmission and climate change. However, techniques for observing soil biology are lacking. We present a heterogeneous, porous, transparent substrate for in situ 3D imaging of living plants and root-associated microorganisms using particles of the transparent polymer, Nafion, and a solution with matching optical properties. Minerals and fluorescent dyes were adsorbed onto the Nafion particles for nutrient supply and imaging of pore size and geometry. Plant growth in transparent soil was similar to that in soil. We imaged colonization of lettuce roots by the human bacterial pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7 showing micro-colony development. Micro-colonies may contribute to bacterial survival in soil. Transparent soil has applications in root biology, crop genetics and soil microbiology

    Bacteriophages limit the existence conditions for conjugative plasmids

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    Bacteriophages are a major cause of bacterial mortality and impose strong selection on natural bacterial populations, yet their effects on the dynamics of conjugative plasmids have rarely been tested. We combined experimental evolution, mathematical modeling, and individual-based simulations to explain how the ecological and population genetics effects of bacteriophages upon bacteria interact to determine the dynamics of conjugative plasmids and their persistence. The ecological effects of bacteriophages on bacteria are predicted to limit the existence conditions for conjugative plasmids, preventing persistence under weak selection for plasmid accessory traits. Experiments showed that phages drove faster extinction of plasmids in environments where the plasmid conferred no benefit, but they also revealed more complex effects of phages on plasmid dynamics under these conditions, specifically, the temporary maintenance of plasmids at fixation followed by rapid loss. We hypothesized that the population genetic effects of bacteriophages, specifically, selection for phage resistance mutations, may have caused this. Further mathematical modeling and individual-based simulations supported our hypothesis, showing that conjugative plasmids may hitchhike with phage resistance mutations in the bacterial chromosome

    Examining c-di-GMP and possible quorum sensing regulation in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25:links between intra and inter-cellular regulation benefits community cooperative activities such as biofilm formation

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    Bacterial success in colonizing complex environments requires individual response to micro-scale conditions as well as community-level cooperation to produce large-scale structures such as biofilms. Connecting individual and community responses could be achieved by linking the intracellular sensory and regulatory systems mediated by bis-(3′-5′)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) and other compounds of individuals with intercellular quorum sensing (QS) regulation controlling populations. There is growing evidence to suggest that biofilm formation by many pseudomonads is regulated by both intra and intercellular systems, though in the case of the model Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 Wrinkly Spreader in which mutations increasing c-di-GMP levels result in the production of a robust cellulose-based air-liquid interface biofilm, no evidence for the involvement of QS regulation has been reported. However, our recent review of the P. fluorescens SBW25 genome has identified a potential QS regulatory pathway and other QS–associated genes linked to c-di-GMP homeostasis, and QS signal molecules have also been identified in culture supernatants. These findings suggest a possible link between c-di-GMP and QS regulation in P. fluorescens SBW25 which might allow a more sophisticated and responsive control of cellulose production and biofilm formation when colonising the soil and plant-associated environments P. fluorescens SBW25 normally inhabits.Анализ ц-ди-ГМФ и возможного чувства кворума у Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW 25: связь между внутри и межклеточной регуляцией способствует кооперативному поведению в сообществе и формированию биоплёнкиУспешность бактериальной колонизации сложных экониш требует индивидуального ответа на изменения условий на микроуровне равно как и кооперации на уровне сообщества для продукции таких крупно масштабных структур как биоплёнки. Координация индивидуальных ответ ов и ответов сообщества может быть достигнута путем связывания внутриклеточных сенсорных и регуляторных систем, опосредуемых бис-(3',5')-циклическим димерным гуанозинмонофосфатом (ц-ди-ГМФ) и другими соединениями индивидуумов с межклеточной регуляцией - чувством кворума (ЧК), контролирующем популяци ю. Накапливается всё больше доказательств того, что формирование биопленки многими псевдомонадами регулируется как внутри клеточными, так и меж клеточными регуляторными системами, хотя в случае модельной Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 Wrinkly Spreader, у которой мутации, повышающ ие уровни ц-ди-ГМФ, приводят к созданию прочной целлюлозной биоплёнки на границе раздела фаз воздух-жидкость, не было обнаружено ни ка кого свидетельства вовлечения кворум-зависимой регуляции. Однако наш недавний обзор генома P. fluorescens SBW25 выявил потенциальный ЧК-зависимый регуляторный пу ть и другие ЧК-зависимые гены, связанные с гомеостазом ц-ди-ГМФ, а молекулы ЧК-сигналинга были идентифицированы в культуре. Эти данные свидетельствуют о возможной связи между ц-ди-ГМФ-регуляцией и ЧК у P. fluorescens SBW25, что позволяет более сложный и гибкий контроль над продукцией целлюлозы и образовани ем биопленки при колонизации почв и экониш, aссоциированных с растениям и, - естественными средами обитания P. fluorescens SBW25

    Апеляційний перегляд постанов місцевого суду, винесених за розглядом скарг на постанову про порушення кримінальної справи

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    Досліджуються основні проблеми апеляційної перевірки правомірності порушення кримінальної справи.Исследованы основные проблемы апелляционной проверки правомерности возбуж­дения уголовного дела.The article is dedicated to the main problems of the appellate review of instituting pros­ecution