15,017 research outputs found

    Charge Transfer Fluctuations as a QGP Signal

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    In this study, we analyze the recently proposed charge transfer fluctuations within a finite pseudo-rapidity space. As the charge transfer fluctuation is a measure of the local charge correlation length, it is capable of detecting inhomogeneity in the hot and dense matter created by heavy ion collisions. We predict that going from peripheral to central collisions, the charge transfer fluctuations at midrapidity should decrease substantially while the charge transfer fluctuations at the edges of the observation window should decrease by a small amount. These are consequences of having a strongly inhomogeneous matter where the QGP component is concentrated around midrapidity. We also show how to constrain the values of the charge correlations lengths in both the hadronic phase and the QGP phase using the charge transfer fluctuations. Current manuscript is based on the preprints hep-ph/0503085 (to appear in Physical Review C) and nucl-th/0506025.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 18th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2005 (QM 2005), Budapest, Hungary, 4-9 Aug 200

    Scaled Brownian motion: a paradoxical process with a time dependent diffusivity for the description of anomalous diffusion

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    Anomalous diffusion is frequently described by scaled Brownian motion (SBM), a Gaussian process with a power-law time dependent diffusion coefficient. Its mean squared displacement is x2(t)K(t)t\langle x^2(t)\rangle\simeq\mathscr{K}(t)t with K(t)tα1\mathscr{K}(t)\simeq t^{\alpha-1} for 0<α<20<\alpha<2. SBM may provide a seemingly adequate description in the case of unbounded diffusion, for which its probability density function coincides with that of fractional Brownian motion. Here we show that free SBM is weakly non-ergodic but does not exhibit a significant amplitude scatter of the time averaged mean squared displacement. More severely, we demonstrate that under confinement, the dynamics encoded by SBM is fundamentally different from both fractional Brownian motion and continuous time random walks. SBM is highly non-stationary and cannot provide a physical description for particles in a thermalised stationary system. Our findings have direct impact on the modelling of single particle tracking experiments, in particular, under confinement inside cellular compartments or when optical tweezers tracking methods are used.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    QCD critical region and higher moments for three flavor models

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    One of the distinctive feature of the QCD phase diagram is the possible emergence of a critical endpoint. The critical region around the critical point and the path dependency of the critical exponents is investigated within effective chiral (2+1)-flavor models with and without Polyakov-loops. Results obtained in no-sea mean-field approximations where a divergent vacuum part in the fermion-loop contribution is neglected, are confronted to the renormalized ones. Furthermore, the modifications caused by the back-reaction of the matter fluctuations on the pure Yang-Mills system are discussed. Higher order, non-Gaussian moments of event-by-event distributions of various particle multiplicities are enhanced near the critical point and could serve as a probe to determine its location in the phase diagram. By means of a novel derivative technique higher order generalized quark-number susceptibilities are calculated and their sign structure in the phase diagram is analyzed.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Final PRD version (references and one more equation added

    Nucleus-Nucleus Bremsstrahlung from Ultrarelativistic Collisions

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    The bremsstrahlung produced when heavy nuclei collide is estimated for central collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Soft photons can be used to infer the rapidity distribution of the outgoing charge. An experimental design is outlined.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, uses revte

    Synthesizing framework models for symbolic execution

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    Symbolic execution is a powerful program analysis technique, but it is difficult to apply to programs built using frameworks such as Swing and Android, because the framework code itself is hard to symbolically execute. The standard solution is to manually create a framework model that can be symbolically executed, but developing and maintaining a model is difficult and error-prone. In this paper, we present Pasket, a new system that takes a first step toward automatically generating Java framework models to support symbolic execution. Pasket's focus is on creating models by instantiating design patterns. Pasket takes as input class, method, and type information from the framework API, together with tutorial programs that exercise the framework. From these artifacts and Pasket's internal knowledge of design patterns, Pasket synthesizes a framework model whose behavior on the tutorial programs matches that of the original framework. We evaluated Pasket by synthesizing models for subsets of Swing and Android. Our results show that the models derived by Pasket are sufficient to allow us to use off-the-shelf symbolic execution tools to analyze Java programs that rely on frameworks.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1139021)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1139056)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1161775

    Synthesis of Recursive ADT Transformations from Reusable Templates

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    Recent work has proposed a promising approach to improving scalability of program synthesis by allowing the user to supply a syntactic template that constrains the space of potential programs. Unfortunately, creating templates often requires nontrivial effort from the user, which impedes the usability of the synthesizer. We present a solution to this problem in the context of recursive transformations on algebraic data-types. Our approach relies on polymorphic synthesis constructs: a small but powerful extension to the language of syntactic templates, which makes it possible to define a program space in a concise and highly reusable manner, while at the same time retains the scalability benefits of conventional templates. This approach enables end-users to reuse predefined templates from a library for a wide variety of problems with little effort. The paper also describes a novel optimization that further improves the performance and scalability of the system. We evaluated the approach on a set of benchmarks that most notably includes desugaring functions for lambda calculus, which force the synthesizer to discover Church encodings for pairs and boolean operations

    Pion Decay Constant at Finite Temperature in the Nonlinear Sigma Model

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    We calculate the pion decay constant near the critical temperature of the O(N)O(N) nonlinear sigma model in the large NN limit. Making use of the known low temperature behavior, we construct a Pad\'{e} approximant to obtain the behavior of fπ(T)f_\pi(T) at all temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, one latex file and one postscript file (uses psfig). Uuencode

    Low-Temperature Spin Diffusion in a Spin-Polarized Fermi Gas

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    We present a finite temperature calculation of the transverse spin-diffusion coefficient, DD_\bot, in a dilute degenerate Fermi gas in the presence of a small external magnetic field, HH. While the longitudinal diffusion coefficient displays the conventional low-temperature Fermi-liquid behavior, DT2D_\parallel \propto T^{-2}, the corresponding results for DD_\bot show three separate regimes: (a) DH2D_\bot \sim H^{-2} for THT \ll H; (b) DT2D_\bot \sim T^{-2}, D/D1D_\bot /D_\parallel \neq 1 for THT \gg H and large spin-rotation parameter ξ1\xi \gg 1, and (c) D=DT2D_\bot = D_\parallel \propto T^{-2} for THT \gg H and ξ1\xi \ll 1. Our results are qualitatively consistent with the available experimental data in weakly spin-polarized 3He^3{\rm He} and 3He4He^3{\rm He} - ^4{\rm He} mixtures.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, 3 figures available upon request, RU-94-4

    Effects of rhythm and phrase-final lengthening on word-spotting in Korean

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    A word-spotting experiment was conducted to investigate whether rhythmic consistency and phrase-final lengthening facilitate performance in Korean. Listeners had to spot disyllabic and trisyllabic words in nonsense strings organized in phrases with either the same or variable syllable count; phrase-final lengthening was absent, or occurring either in all phrases or only in the phrase immediately preceding the target. The results show that, for disyllabic targets, inconsistent syllable count and lengthening before the target led to fewer errors. For trisyllabic targets, accuracy was at ceiling, but final lengthening in all phrases reduced reaction times. The results imply that both rhythmic consistency (i.e. regular syllable count) and phrase-final lengthening play a role in word-spotting and, by extension, in speech processing in Korean, as in other languages. However, the results also reflect the language specific role of prosodic cues. First, the cues here were used primarily with disyllabic targets, which were cognitively more demanding to process partly due to their high phonological neighborhood density. Second, the facilitating effect of rhythmic consistency was weak, possibly because strict consistency is not present in spoken Korean. Overall, rhythmic consistency facilitated spotting when targets mapped onto phrases, confirming the importance of phrasal organization in Korean speech processing