52 research outputs found

    The Rosa genome provides new insights into the domestication of modern roses

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    Roses have high cultural and economic importance as ornamental plants and in the perfume industry. We report the rose whole-genome sequencing and assembly and resequencing of major genotypes that contributed to rose domestication. We generated a homozygous genotype from a heterozygous diploid modern rose progenitor, Rosa chinensis ‘Old Blush’. Using single-molecule real-time sequencing and a meta-assembly approach, we obtained one of the most comprehensive plant genomes to date. Diversity analyses highlighted the mosaic origin of ‘La France’, one of the first hybrids combining the growth vigor of European species and the recurrent blooming of Chinese species. Genomic segments of Chinese ancestry identified new candidate genes for recurrent blooming. Reconstructing regulatory and secondary metabolism pathways allowed us to propose a model of interconnected regulation of scent and flower color. This genome provides a foundation for understanding the mechanisms governing rose traits and should accelerate improvement in roses, Rosaceae and ornamentals

    A new physical mapping approach refines the sex-determining gene positions on the Silene latifolia Y-chromosome

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    Sex chromosomes are particularly interesting regions of the genome for both molecular genetics and evolutionary studies; yet, for most species, we lack basic information, such as the gene order along the chromosome. Because they lack recombination, Y-linked genes cannot be mapped genetically, leaving physical mapping as the only option for establishing the extent of synteny and homology with the X chromosome. Here, we developed a novel and general method for deletion mapping of non-recombining regions by solving "the travelling salesman problem", and evaluate its accuracy using simulated datasets. Unlike the existing radiation hybrid approach, this method allows us to combine deletion mutants from different experiments and sources. We applied our method to a set of newly generated deletion mutants in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia and refined the locations of the sex-determining loci on its Y chromosome map

    Psicanálise modernista no Brasil: um recorte histórico Modernist psychoanalysis in Brazil: a historical approach

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    O presente artigo partiu do pressuposto de que o discurso psicanalítico é sempre apropriado por um intérprete que se filia a uma tradição histórica e cultural. Nesta perspectiva, a produção de subjetividade, que tem lugar na clínica psicanalítica, será marcada por essa tradição privilegiada pelo analista. Assim, julgou-se de grande relevância a investigação das vias discursivas de entrada da psicanálise no Brasil, indicando os pontos de ancoragem da mesma na cultura e na história locais. Com este intuito, traçou-se o processo de urbanização e modernização do Brasil no início do século XX e a entrada da psicanálise em um campo de forças divergentes. Encontrou-se um embate pela hegemonia discursiva entre duas leituras que se constituíram como antagônicas e inconciliáveis, e que levaram a dois modos distintos de uso instrumental da psicanálise: de um lado, o discurso psiquiátrico-higienista, com sua leitura reformista e universalizante da psicanálise; de outro, o discurso da vanguarda modernista, com a leitura da subversão dos códigos estabelecidos e da busca de singularidade. Ambos se constituíram no rastro da busca de forjar o brasileiro que se desejava. Este trabalho percorre o viés da psicanálise modernista, com sua utilização singular para a análise da cultura e das subjetividades, bem como sua função de construção de novos mundos.<br>The current article's basic premise is that psychoanalytic discourse is always appropriated by an interpreter thereof who belongs to a historical and cultural tradition. From this perspective, the production of subjectivity in psychoanalytic practice is marked by the analyst's prime tradition. Thus the major relevance of investigating the discursive routes by which psychoanalysis entered Brazil, identifying its anchoring points in local culture and history. The article thus outlines the urbanization and modernization process in early 20th-century Brazil, together with the entry of psychoanalysis in a field of divergent forces. What occurred was a struggle for discursive hegemony between two antagonistic and irreconcilable readings: on the one hand, psychiatric-hygienist discourse with its reformist and universalizing reading of psychoanalysis; on the other, that of the modernist vanguard, with a reading that subverted established codes in the pursuit of singularity. Both were constituted in the wake of a quest to forge what was viewed as the desired Brazilian. This study covers the modernist psychoanalytic bias, with its unique utilization in the analysis of culture and subjectivities, as well as its role in the construction of new worlds