555 research outputs found

    Where are the tropical plants? A call for better inclusion of tropical plants in studies investigating and predicting the effects of climate change

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    Tropical plant species are systematically underrepresented in large-scale analyses or synthesis looking at the potential effects of global climate change.  The reason being that we simply don’t know enough about the distributions and ecologies of most tropical plant species to predict their fate under climate change. This gaping hole in our knowledge is extremely worrisome given the high diversity of tropical plants, the crucial roles that they play in supporting global diversity and ecosystem function, and the elevated threats that climate change may pose to tropical species in general.  </p

    Autophagy mediates caloric restriction-induced lifespan extension in Arabidopsis.

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    Caloric restriction (CR) extends lifespan in various heterotrophic organisms ranging from yeasts to mammals, but whether a similar phenomenon occurs in plants remains unknown. Plants are autotrophs and use their photosynthetic machinery to convert light energy into the chemical energy of glucose and other organic compounds. As the rate of photosynthesis is proportional to the level of photosynthetically active radiation, the CR in plants can be modeled by lowering light intensity. Here, we report that low light intensity extends the lifespan in Arabidopsis through the mechanisms triggering autophagy, the major catabolic process that recycles damaged and potentially harmful cellular material. Knockout of autophagy-related genes results in the short lifespan and suppression of the lifespan-extending effect of the CR. Our data demonstrate that the autophagy-dependent mechanism of CR induced lifespan extension is conserved between autotrophs and heterotrophs.This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council, Pehrssons Fund, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, Olle Engkvist Foundation and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. V.S-V was a recipient of a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BES-2008-0035

    Lohenkalastus Tenojoen sivuvesissÀ

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    Policy and policy framework for growth of women's fisheries activities: accessing micro credit facilities for women in fisheries development as a fundamental human right

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    This paper begins with a review of policy issues on status of women&rsquo;s fundamental human rights and the effects on their optimal participation in fisheries development. The focus of the paper is on the importance of women in fisheries activities within the fisheries industry. Issues pertaining to gender inequality in the rural communities affecting women in the fisheries sector, and solutions to overcome some of these issues are discussed. The degree of participation of women in the fisheries sector is an overall reflection of the cultures, the laws of the country and the priority given by the state to ensure gender equity. Generally, women in Nigeria, especially those from depressed fisheries households, participate actively in many fisheries activities, including aquaculture. However, the lower status accorded to women in many of the communities in Nigeria means that their contribution to fisheries is undervalued and unrecognized. Issues that need to be addressed with regards to participation of women in fisheries which include sensitivity to gender issues in fishery, improve living conditions, promote programs relating to women, reconsidering the practice of relating fishing rights to their right to speak and others are discussed in the paper The paper also looks at the possibilities of articulating measures in sensitizing the womenfolks through education, especially in knowing their fundamental human rights as specified by the UN&rsquo;s articles, especially ability to access micro-credit in fisheries activities, the nature of loans and alternative strategies to tackle the problem of small-scale credit to women in fisheries development in the nation

    Review on Importance of FTC in Adoption of New Farm Technology In Ethiopia

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    Though farmers training center is a important in adoption of new farm technology and improving incomes of farmers through improving agricultural productivity .Even though different FTC have been established in different part of the country, the effectiveness is still low. Provision of training through this center is to important in adoption of new farm technologies to the agricultural and other sub-sector in Ethiopia, but rate of adoption and dissemination of the technology is found to be very minimal. However, there is a wide gap exists between productivity at different farmers training center and farmers’ field. To fill this gap, training is an important tool. The findings of study indicate that the major area of training needs adoption of new farm technology. Another gap identified in this review, even though, in improving income of the farmers through improving agricultural productivity and adoption of new farm technology, however, few and no recent research have been done on farmers training center in different part of Ethiopia. Thus, this review was sought to ascertain importance of farmers training in adoption of new farm technology and put highlight policy implication for further implementation of modern farm technology. Keywords: Importance, farmers training center, Adoption, Technology DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-7-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Trygghet och delaktighet pÄ daghem : Idéer till en verksamhetsgudie för Dagisfred

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    Syftet med det hĂ€r examensarbetet Ă€r att samla idĂ©er till en verksamhetsguide för Dagisfred. Dagisfred Ă€r ett projekt startat av FolkhĂ€lsans förbund rf och under Ă„r 2016 utvecklar FolkhĂ€lsan konceptet Dagisfred och samarbetar med studerande vid yrkeshögskolan Novia. MĂ„let med Dagisfred Ă€r att ytterligare stĂ€rka daghemmens arbete med respekt, delaktighet och trygghet. De mest relevanta begreppen i detta arbete Ă€r delaktighet och inflytande. För att fĂ„ fram idĂ©er till verksamhetsguiden har besök till ett samarbetsdaghem gjorts, och för att fĂ„ fram barns och pedagogers tankar och Ă„sikter har FolkhĂ€lsan utvecklat tvĂ„ verktyg som har anvĂ€nts för att genomföra detta. En Dialogduk för daghemmets personal och Spelet för Dagisfred för barnen, som skribenter frĂ„n detta examensarbete varit med och dokumenterat anvĂ€ndningen av. Efter att resultaten frĂ„n anvĂ€ndningen av dessa verktyg och examensarbetets teori har analyserats, har skribenterna arbetat fram idĂ©er som kommer att sammanstĂ€llas till en verksamhetsguide. Som slutsats efter anvĂ€ndningen av dessa verktyg kan skribenterna konstatera att de fungerar bra för att ta till vara barnens och personalens tankar, Ă„sikter och idĂ©er. Verksamhetguiden kommer att stöda daghem att implementera Dagisfred pĂ„ den egna enheten.TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena on keksiĂ€ ideoita FolkhĂ€lsanin aloittamaan hankkeeseen, jonka tavoitteena on luoda pĂ€ivĂ€kotirauhaa kĂ€sittelevĂ€ toimintaopas. Toimintaoppaan tavoitteena on vahvistaa lasten osallisuutta pĂ€ivĂ€kodissa, eli huomioida heidĂ€n ajatuksiaan ja toiveitaan pĂ€ivĂ€kotitoimintaan liittyen sekĂ€ huomioida lasten turvallinen kasvuympĂ€ristö. TĂ€rkeimpĂ€nĂ€ kĂ€siteenĂ€ tĂ€ssĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ on lasten osallisuus. Ideoiden saamiseksi osa kirjoittajista on vieraillut yhteistyöpĂ€ivĂ€kodissa. Jotta lasten ja aikuisten ajatukset ja mielipiteet on saatu selville, on FolkhĂ€lsan kehittĂ€nyt kaksi työkalua tĂ€tĂ€ selvitystyötĂ€ varten.. Työkalut ovat Dialogduk pĂ€ivĂ€kodin työntekijöille ja Spelet för Dagisfred lapsille. NĂ€iden pelien avulla saatiin selville lasten ja aikuisten ideoita ja ajatuksia pĂ€ivĂ€kotirauhasta, joiden perusteella kirjoittajat kerĂ€sivĂ€t ideat toimintaoppaaksi. Kirjoittajien mielestĂ€ työkalut, Dialogduken ja Spelet för Dagisfred, toimivat hyvin ja niiden avulla saadaan pedagogien ja lasten ajatuksia ja mielipiteitĂ€ selville. TĂ€mĂ€n oppaan on tarkoitus olla avuksi pĂ€ivĂ€kodeille, jotka voivat sen avulla alkaa kehittÀÀ PĂ€ivĂ€kotirauhaa omassa pĂ€ivĂ€kodissaan.The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to collect ideas for an activity guide for the project Dagisfred. The project was initiated by FolkhĂ€lsans förbund r.f. and during 2016 FolkhĂ€lsan is developing the concept of Dagisfred by cooperating with students from Novia Univeristy of Applied Sciences. The goal of the project is to further strengthen nurseries work with respect, participation and safety. The main focus of this bachelor’s thesis was childrens participation and influence in nurseries. Ideas for the activity guide are collected by obtaining children’s and educators thoughts and opinions about Dagisfred. To be able to do this FolkhĂ€lsan has developed two instruments, Spelet för Dagisfred and Dialogduken. Spelet for Dagisfred is a game for children and Dialogduken is for the staff. The students have documented the use of these instruments at the nursery. The result from these documentations has then been analyzed. Based on the analysis of the result and the bachelor’s thesis theory the students have developed ideas that will be compiled to an activity guide. The results show that the instruments work well in use of collecting thoughts and opinions from the children as well as educators. The activity guide will support nurseries to achieve Dagisfred

    En modern allemansrÀtt - Allas rÀtt att vÀrna och vÄrda naturen

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    Den accelererande utrotningen av arter Ă€r ett av de största hoten mot vĂ€rlden, vĂ€lstĂ„ndet, ekonomin och kanske ocksĂ„ mĂ€nsklighetens överlevnad enligt en samstĂ€md expertis inom t.ex. FN och EU. Sverige, har gjort globala Ă„taganden att ”dra sitt strĂ„ till stacken” för bevarandet av den biologiska mĂ„ngfalden och har dĂ€rför försökt att lagstifta till skydd för denna Uppsatsen pĂ„visar hur den rĂ„dande allemansrĂ€ttens konfliktfyllda natur kan utgöra hinder för en effektiv tillĂ€mpning av den svenska lagstiftningen. I uppsatsen finns ett försök att definiera en konfliktbefriad allemansrĂ€tt som stödjer bevarande av biologisk mĂ„ngfald.The accelerating extinction of species on our planet is one of the most serious threats against the world. Like most other countries, Sweden has legislated and applied rules for the protection of the biodiversity. The public right to access (PRA) allows a set of limited uses of private and public land in Sweden. The way the PRA is dealt with in the Swedish, Constitution and the establishment of adjacent rules causes conflicts between eg. practitioners of outdoor activities and the authorities that has been assigned to protect the biodiversty, also between the authorities and the landowners aswell as between the outdoor life practioners and the landowners. These conflicts have a detramental effect on the Swedish protection of biodiversity. Based on an analysis of the origins of the conflicts, a new approach that may eliviate the conflicts, and at the same time promotes the protection of the biodiversity, has been suggested in the thesis
