1,512 research outputs found

    Robust symmetric multiplication for programmable analog VLSI array processing

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    This paper presents an electrically programmable analog multiplier. The circuit performs the multiplication between an input variable and an electrically selectable scaling factor. The multiplier is divided in several blocks: a linearized transconductor, binary weighted current mirrors and a differential to single-ended current adder. This paper shows the advantages introduced using a linearized OTA-based multiplier. The circuit presented renders higher linearity and symmetry in the output current than a previously reported single-transistor multiplier. Its inclusion in an array processor based on CNN allows for a more accurate implementation of the processing model and a more robust weight distribution scheme than those found in previous designs.Office of Naval Research (USA) N-00014- 02-1-0884Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2003-09817-C02-0

    A Focal-Plane Image Processor for Low Power Adaptive Capture and Analysis of the Visual Stimulus

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    Portable applications of artificial vision are limited by the fact that conventional processing schemes fail to meet the specifications under a tight power budget. A bio-inspired approach, based in the goal-directed organization of sensory organs found in nature, has been employed to implement a focal-plane image processor for low power vision applications. The prototype contains a multi-layered CNN structure concurrent with 32times32 photosensors with locally programmable integration time for adaptive image capture with on-chip local and global adaptation mechanisms. A more robust and linear multiplier block has been employed to reduce irregular analog wave propagation ought to asymmetric synapses. The predicted computing power per power consumption, 142MOPS/mW, is orders of magnitude above what rendered by conventional architectures

    Design of an analog/digital truly random number generator

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    An analog-digital system is presented for the generation of truly random (aperiodic) digital sequences. This model is based on a very simple piecewise-linear discrete map which is suitable for implementation using monolithic analog sampled-data techniques. Simulation results are given illustrating the optimum choice of the model parameters. Circuit implementations are reported for the discrete map using both switched-capacitor (SC) and switched-current (SI) techniques. The layout of a SI prototype in a 3-μm n-well double-polysilicon double-metal technology is included

    Arcillas cerámicas de Andalucía 11. Yacimientos terciarios y cuaternarios de la margen derecha del Guadalquivir en la provincia de Jaén

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    Eighteen samples of clay of ceramic interestare studied. They belong to several deposits in exploitation located in tertiary and cuaternary lands in the regions of Bailen and Loma de Ubeda, in the province of Jaen. These clays are of an illitic montmorillonitic nature with a clear illitic predominance in those from the region of Bailen and Linares, whilst the montmorillonite predominates in the rest (Lomas de Ubeda). Becaus of its mineralogical composition, togerther with the strength and location of deposits, these are clays of great industrial interest.Se estudian 18 muestras de arcillas de interés cerámico procedentes de diversos yacimientos en explotación situados en terrenos terciarios y cuaternarios de las zonas de Bailen y Loma de Ubeda, en la provincia de Jaén. Estas arcillas son de naturaleza ilítico montmorillonítica, con un claro predominio ilítico en las procedentes de la zona de Bailen y de Linares, mientras que predomina la montmorillonita en las restantes (Loma de Ubeda). Por su composición mineralógica y la potencia y situación de los yacimientos, se trata de arcillas de un gran interés industrial.On étudie 18 échantillons d'argiles ayant de l´intéret céramique qui procédet de divers gisements en exploitation situés dans des terrains terciaires et quaternaires des zones de Bailen et Loma de Ubeda, dans la province de Jaén. Ces argiles ont une nature ilitique montmorillonitique, avec une prédominance clairement ilitique pour celles qui procèdent de la zone de Bailen et de Linares, pendant que pour le reste prédomine la montmorillonite (Lomas de Ubeda). Par leur composition minéralogique et la puissance et situation des giesements, il s´agit d´argiles d´un grand intérêt industriel.Zur Untersuchung kamen 18 keramische Ton-Problen die aus verschiedenen in Exploration befíndlichen Lagerstätten stammten, die in Tertiär-und Quartär-Gebieten der Zonen von Bailén und Loma de Ubeda der Provinz Jaén liegen. Diese Tonerden sind montmorillonit-glimmerähnlicher art, wobei diejenigen proben aus den zonen von Bailén und Linares ausgesprochen illitischer Natur sind, während bei den restlichen Proben (aus Lomas de Ubeda) der montmorillonite Charakter vorherrscht. Aufgrund ihrer mineralogischen Zusammensetzung, sowie der Kapazität und situation der Lagerstätten, handelt es sich un Tonerden von beträchtlichem Interesse für die Industrie

    Nonassociative real H*-algebras

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    We prove that, if A denotes a topologically simple real (non-associative) H*-algebra, then either A is a topologically simple complex H*-algebra regarded as real H*-algebra or there is a topologically simple complex H*-algebra B with *-involution r such that A = {b € B : r(b) = b*} . Using this, we obtain our main result, namely: (algebraically) isomorphic topologically simple real H*-algebras are actually * isometrically isomorphic

    Homocysteine treatment alters redox capacity of both endothelial and tumor cells

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    Homocysteine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid playing key roles in two interconnected metabolic pathways, namely, the activated methyl cycle and the linear trans-sulfuration pathway that allows the conversion of methionine to cysteine. A dysregulation of intracellular homocysteine metabolism could yield an increased export of this amino acid, leading to hyperhomocysteinemia, which has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. In spite of decades of experimental effort, there is no definitive consensus on what could be the molecular mechanisms whereby hyperhomocysteinemia could contribute to cardiovascular disease. The redox active nature of homocysteine has favored the idea of an induction of oxidative stress as the underlying mechanism of homocysteine toxicity. In contrast, homocysteine can also behave as an anti-oxidant. The present work is aimed to further analyze the capacity of homocysteine to modulate the redox capacity of both endothelial and tumor cells. [Our experimental work is supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER) and P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER) and funds from group BIO-267 (Andalusian Government). The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain)].Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Review of ADCs for imaging

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    The aim of this article is to guide image sensors designers to optimize the analog-to-digital conversion of pixel outputs. The most common ADCs topologies for image sensors are presented and discussed. The ADCs specific requirements for these sensors are analyzed and quantified. Finally, we present relevant recent contributions of specific ADCs for image sensors and we compare them using a novel FOM. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use onlyPeer reviewe