535 research outputs found

    Dusty Sources at the Galactic Center: The N- and Q-band view with VISIR

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    We present mid-infrared N- and Q-band photometry of the Galactic Center from images obtained with the mid-infrared camera VISIR at the ESO VLT in May 2004. The high resolution and sensitivity possible with VISIR enables us to investigate a total of over 60 point-like sources, an unprecedented number for the Galactic Center at these wavelengths. Combining these data with previous results at shorter wavelengths (Viehmann et al. 2005) enables us to construct SEDs covering the H- to Q-band regions of the spectrum, i.e. 1.6 to 19.5 Ό\mum. We find that the SEDs of certain types of Galactic Center sources show characteristic features. We can clearly distinguish between luminous Northern Arm bow-shock sources, lower luminosity bow-shock sources, hot stars, and cool stars. This characterization may help clarify the status of presently unclassified sources.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Properties of bow-shock sources at the Galactic center

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    There are an enigmatic population of massive stars around the Galactic Center (GC) that were formed some Ma ago. A fraction of these stars has been found to orbit the supermassive black hole, SgrA*, in a projected clockwise disk, which suggests that they were formed in a formerly existing dense disk around SgrA*. We focus on the extended, near-infrared (NIR) sources IRS1W, IRS5, IRS10W, and IRS21 that have been suggested to be young, massive stars that form bow-shocks through their interaction with the ISM. Their nature has impeded accurate determination of their orbital parameters. We aim at establishing their nature and kinematics to test whether they form part of the clockwise disk. We performed NIR multi-wavelength imaging using adaptive optics (AO) and sparse aperture masking (SAM). We introduce a new method for self-calibration of the SAM PSF in dense stellar fields. The emission mechanism, morphology and kinematics of the targets were examined via 3D bow-shock models. We confirm previous findings that IRS21, IRS1W, and IRS5 are bow-shocks created by the interaction between mass-losing stars and the interstellar gas. The nature of IRS10W remains unclear. Our modeling shows that the bow-shock-emission is caused by thermal emission while the scattering of stellar light does not play any significant role. IRS 1W appears to be a bow-shock produced by an anisotropic stellar wind or by locally inhomogeneous ISM density. Our best-fit models provide an estimate of the local proper motion of the ISM in the NA in agreement with the published models. Assuming that all of the sources are tied to SgrA*, their orbital planes were obtained via a Monte-Carlo simulation. Our orbital analysis suggests that they are not part of any of the clockwise disk. We thus add more evidence to recent findings that a large part of the massive stars show apparently random orbital orientations.Comment: accepted for publication by A&A, 17 pages, 11 figures, 1 appendi

    Direct Detection of the Tertiary Component in the Massive Multiple HD 150 136 with VLTI

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    Massive stars are of fundamental importance for almost all aspects of astrophysics, but there still exist large gaps in our understanding of their properties and formation because they are rare and therefore distant. It has been found that most O-stars are multiples. HD 150 136 is the nearest system to Earth with >100 M_sol, and provides a unique opportunity to study an extremely massive system. Recently, evidence for the existence of a third component in HD 150 136, in addition to the tight spectroscopic binary that forms the main component, was found in spectroscopic observations. Our aim was to image and obtain astrometric and photometric measurements of this component using long baseline optical interferometry to further constrain the nature of this component. We observed HD150136 with the near-infrared instrument AMBER attached to the ESO VLT Interferometer. The recovered closure phases are robust to systematic errors and provide unique information on the source asymmetry. Therefore, they are of crucial relevance for both image reconstruction and model fitting of the source structure. The third component in HD 150 136 is clearly detected in the high-quality data from AMBER. It is located at a projected angular distance of 7.3 mas, or about 13 AU at the line-of-sight distance of HD 150 136, at a position angle of 209 degrees East of North, and has a flux ratio of 0.25 with respect to the inner binary. We resolved the third component of HD 150 136 in J, H and K filters. The luminosity and color of the tertiary agrees with the predictions and shows that it is also an O main-sequence star. The small measured angular separation indicates that the tertiary may be approaching the periastron of its orbit. These results, only achievable with long baseline near infrared interferometry, constitute the first step towards the understanding of the massive star formation mechanisms

    VLT-SINFONI observations of Mrk 609 - A showcase for X-ray active galaxies chosen from a sample of AGN suitable for adaptive optics observations with natural guide stars

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    We will present first results of ESO-VLT AO-assisted integral-field spectroscopy of a sample of X-ray bright AGN with redshifts of 0.04 < z < 1. We constructed this sample by cross-correlating the SDSS and ROSAT surveys and utilizing typical AO constraints. This sample allows for a detailed study of the NIR properties of the nuclear and host environments with high spectral resolution on the 100 pc scale. These objects can then be compared directly to the local (z<0.01) galaxy populations (observed without AO) at the same linear scale. As a current example, we will present observations of the z=0.034 Seyfert 1.8 galaxy Mrk 609 with the new AO-assisted integral-field spectrometer SINFONI at the VLT. The successful observations show, that in the future - while having observed more objects - we will be able to determine the presence, frequency and importance of nuclear bars and/or circum-nuclear star forming rings in these objects and address the question of how these X-ray luminous AGN and their hosts are linked to optically/UV-bright QSOs, low-z QSOs/radio galaxies, or ULIRGs.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to "Adaptive Optics-Assisted Integral-Field Spectroscopy", Rutten R.G.M., Benn C.R., Mendez J., eds., May 2005, La Palma (Spain), New Astr. Re

    First VLTI infrared spectro-interferometry on GCIRS 7 - Characterizing the prime reference source for Galactic center observations at highest angular resolution

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    Investigating the environment of the massive black hole SgrA* at the center of the Galaxy requires the highest angular resolution available to avoid source confusion and to study the physical properties of the individual objects. GCIRS7 has been used as wavefront and astrometric reference. Our studies investigate, for the first time, its properties at 2&10um using VLTI/AMBER and MIDI. We aim at analyzing the suitability of IRS7 as an IF-phase-reference for the upcoming generation of dual-field facilities at optical interferometers. We observed with (R~30) and 50m (proj.) baseline, resulting in 9 and 45mas resolution for NIR and MIR, resp. The first K-band fringe detection of a GC star suggests that IRS7 could be marginally resolved at 2um, which would imply that the photosphere of the supergiant is enshrouded by a molecular and dusty envelope. At 10um, IRS7 is strongly resolved with a visibility of approximately 0.2. The MIR is dominated by moderately warm (200 K), extended dust, mostly distributed outside of a radius of about 120 AU (15 mas) around the star. A deep 9.8-silicate absorption in excess of the usual extinction law with respect to the NIR extinction has been found. This confirms recent findings of a relatively enhanced, interstellar 9.8-silicate absorption with respect to the NIR extinction towards another star in the central arcsec, suggesting an unusual dust composition in that region. Our VLTI observations show that interferometric NIR phase-referencing experiments with mas resolution using IRS7 as phase-reference appear to be feasible, but more such studies are required to definitely characterize the close environment around this star. We demonstrate that interferometry is required to resolve the innermost environment of stars at the Galactic center.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Science with the Keck Interferometer ASTRA Program

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    The ASTrometric and phase-Referenced Astronomy (ASTRA) project will provide phase referencing and astrometric observations at the Keck Interferometer, leading to enhanced sensitivity and the ability to monitor orbits at an accuracy level of 30-100 microarcseconds. Here we discuss recent scientific results from ASTRA, and describe new scientific programs that will begin in 2010-2011. We begin with results from the "self phase referencing" (SPR) mode of ASTRA, which uses continuum light to correct atmospheric phase variations and produce a phase-stabilized channel for spectroscopy. We have observed a number of protoplanetary disks using SPR and a grism providing a spectral dispersion of ~2000. In our data we spatially resolve emission from dust as well as gas. Hydrogen line emission is spectrally resolved, allowing differential phase measurements across the emission line that constrain the relative centroids of different velocity components at the 10 microarcsecond level. In the upcoming year, we will begin dual-field phase referencing (DFPR) measurements of the Galactic Center and a number of exoplanet systems. These observations will, in part, serve as precursors to astrometric monitoring of stellar orbits in the Galactic Center and stellar wobbles of exoplanet host stars. We describe the design of several scientific investigations capitalizing on the upcoming phase-referencing and astrometric capabilities of ASTRA.Comment: Published in the proceedings of the SPIE 2010 conference on "Optical and Infrared Interferometry II

    VLTI observations of IRS~3: The brightest compact MIR source at the Galactic Centre

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    The dust enshrouded star IRS~3 in the central light year of our galaxy was partially resolved in a recent VLTI experiment. The presented observation is the first step in investigating both IRS~3 in particular and the stellar population of the Galactic Centre in general with the VLTI at highest angular resolution. We will outline which scientific issues can be addressed by a complete MIDI dataset on IRS~3 in the mid infrared.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in: The ESO Messenge
