581 research outputs found

    Multiphase Plasma in Sub-Damped Lyman Alpha Systems: A Hidden Metal Reservoir

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    We present a VLT/UVES spectrum of a proximate sub-damped Lyman-alpha (sub-DLA) system at z=2.65618 toward the quasar Q0331-4505 (z_qso=2.6785+/-0.0030). Absorption lines of O I, Si II, Si III, Si IV, C II, C III, C IV, Fe II, Al II, and O VI are seen in the sub-DLA, which has a neutral hydrogen column density log N(H I)=19.82+/-0.05. The absorber is at a velocity of 1820+/-250 km/s from the quasar; however, its low metallicity [O/H]=-1.64+/-0.07, lack of partial coverage, lack of temporal variations between observations taken in 2003 and 2006, and non-detection of N V imply the absorber is not a genuine intrinsic system. By measuring the O VI column density and assuming equal metallicities in the neutral and ionized gas, we determine the column density of hot ionized hydrogen in this sub-DLA, and in two other sub-DLAs with O VI drawn from the literature. Coupling this with determinations of the typical amount of warm ionized hydrogen in sub-DLAs, we confirm that sub-DLAs are a more important metal reservoir than DLAs, in total comprising at least 6-22% of the metal budget at z~2.5.Comment: 5 pages, 3 color figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The History of Cosmological Star Formation: Three Independent Approaches and a Critical Test Using the Extragalactic Background Light

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    Taking three independent approaches, we investigate the simultaneous constraints set on the cosmic star formation history from various observations, including stellar mass density and extragalactic background light (EBL). We compare results based on: 1) direct observations of past light-cone, 2) a model using local fossil evidence constrained by SDSS observations at z~0 (the `Fossil' model), and 3) theoretical ab initio models from three calculations of cosmic star formation history: (a) new (1024)^3 Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) cosmological hydrodynamic simulation, (b) analytic expression of Hernquist & Springel based on cosmological Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, and (c) semi-analytic model of Cole et al. We find good agreement among the three independent approaches up to the order of observational errors, except that all the models predict bolometric EBL of I_tot ~= 37-52 nW m^-2 sr^-1, which is at the lower edge of the the observational estimate by Hauser & Dwek. We emphasize that the Fossil model that consists of two components -- spheroids and disks --, when normalized to the local observations, provides a surprisingly simple but accurate description of the cosmic star formation history and other observable quantities. Our analysis suggests that the consensus global parameters at z=0 are: Omega_* = 0.0023+-0.0004, I_EBL = 43+-7 nW m^-2 sr^-1 rho_SFR=(1.06+-0.22)e-2 Msun yr^-1 Mpc^-3, j_bol = (3.1+-0.2)e8 Lsun Mpc^-3.Comment: 40 page, 10 figures. ApJ in press. Matched to the accepted versio

    Optical properties and spatial distribution of MgII absorbers from SDSS image stacking

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    We present a statistical analysis of the photometric properties and spatial distribution of more than 2,800 MgII absorbers with 0.37<z<1 and rest equivalent width W_0(\lambda2796)>0.8\AA detected in SDSS quasar spectra. Using an improved image stacking technique, we measure the cross-correlation between MgII gas and light (in the g, r, i and z-bands) from 10 to 200 kpc and infer the light-weighted impact parameter distribution of MgII absorbers. Such a quantity is well described by a power-law with an index that strongly depends on W_0, ranging from ~-1 for W_0~ 1.5\AA. At redshift 0.37<z<0.55, we find the average luminosity enclosed within 100 kpc around MgII absorbers to be M_g=-20.65+-0.11 mag, which is ~0.5 L_g*. The global luminosity-weighted colors are typical of present-day intermediate type galaxies. However, while the light of weaker absorbers originates mostly from red passive galaxies, stronger systems display the colors of blue star-forming galaxies. Based on these observations, we argue that the origin of strong MgII absorber systems might be better explained by models of metal-enriched gas outflows from star-forming/bursting galaxies. Our analysis does not show any redshift dependence for both impact parameter and rest-frame colors up to z=1. However, we do observe a brightening of the absorbers related light at high redshift (~50% from z~0.4 to 1). We argue that MgII absorbers are a phenomenon typical of a given evolutionary phase that more massive galaxies experience earlier than less massive ones, in a downsizing fashion. (abridged)Comment: ApJ in press, 28 pages, 16 figures, using emulateapj. Only typo corrections wrt the original submission (v1

    Probabilistic analysis of the upwind scheme for transport

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    We provide a probabilistic analysis of the upwind scheme for multi-dimensional transport equations. We associate a Markov chain with the numerical scheme and then obtain a backward representation formula of Kolmogorov type for the numerical solution. We then understand that the error induced by the scheme is governed by the fluctuations of the Markov chain around the characteristics of the flow. We show, in various situations, that the fluctuations are of diffusive type. As a by-product, we prove that the scheme is of order 1/2 for an initial datum in BV and of order 1/2-a, for all a>0, for a Lipschitz continuous initial datum. Our analysis provides a new interpretation of the numerical diffusion phenomenon

    Big Line Bundles over Arithmetic Varieties

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    We prove a Hilbert-Samuel type result of arithmetic big line bundles in Arakelov geometry, which is an analogue of a classical theorem of Siu. An application of this result gives equidistribution of small points over algebraic dynamical systems, following the work of Szpiro-Ullmo-Zhang. We also generalize Chambert-Loir's non-archimedean equidistribution

    Non-Equilibrium Quantum Fields in the Large N Expansion

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    An effective action technique for the time evolution of a closed system consisting of one or more mean fields interacting with their quantum fluctuations is presented. By marrying large NN expansion methods to the Schwinger-Keldysh closed time path (CTP) formulation of the quantum effective action, causality of the resulting equations of motion is ensured and a systematic, energy conserving and gauge invariant expansion about the quasi-classical mean field(s) in powers of 1/N1/N developed. The general method is exposed in two specific examples, O(N)O(N) symmetric scalar \l\F^4 theory and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with NN fermion fields. The \l\F^4 case is well suited to the numerical study of the real time dynamics of phase transitions characterized by a scalar order parameter. In QED the technique may be used to study the quantum non-equilibrium effects of pair creation in strong electric fields and the scattering and transport processes in a relativistic e+ee^+e^- plasma. A simple renormalization scheme that makes practical the numerical solution of the equations of motion of these and other field theories is described.Comment: 43 pages, LA-UR-94-783 (PRD, in press), uuencoded PostScrip

    The Role of Sub-damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers in the Cosmic Evolution of Metals

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    Observations of low mean metallicity of damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) quasar absorbers at all redshifts studied appear to contradict the predictions for the global mean interstellar metallicity in galaxies from cosmic chemical evolution models. On the other hand, a number of metal-rich sub-DLA systems have been identified recently, and the fraction of metal-rich sub-DLAs appears to be considerably larger than that of metal-rich DLAs, especially at z < 1.5. In view of this, here we investigate the evolution of metallicity in sub-DLAs. We find that the mean Zn metallicity of the observed sub-DLAs may be higher than that of the observed DLAs, especially at low redshifts, reaching a near-solar level at z <~ 1. This trend does not appear to be an artifact of sample selection, the use of Zn, the use of N_{HI}-weighting, or observational sensitivity. While a bias against very low metallicity could be present in the sub-DLA sample in some situations, this cannot explain the difference between the DLA and sub-DLA metallicities at low z. The primary reason for the difference between the DLAs and sub-DLAs appears to be the dearth of metal-rich DLAs. We estimate the sub-DLA contribution to the total metal budget using measures of their metallicity and comoving gas density. These calculations suggest that at z <~ 1, the contribution of sub-DLAs to the total metal budget may be several times that of DLAs. At higher redshifts also, there are indications that the sub-DLAs may contribute significantly to the cosmic metal budget.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Low percentage of clinically relevant pistachio nut and mango co-sensitisation in cashew nut sensitised children

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    Background: Cashew nut, pistachio nut and mango belong to the Anacardiaceae family and are botanically related. Therefore, cashew nut sensitised children are frequently advised to eliminate cashew nuts and pistachio nuts from their diet. The ‘Improvement of Diagnostic mEthods for ALlergy assessment (IDEAL trial number NTR3572) study showed that cashew nut sensitised children were co-sensitised to pistachio nut in 98% of cases and to mango in 21% of cases. The aim of this follow-up study to IDEAL is to assess the clinical relevance of co-sensitisation to pistachio nut and mango in cashew nut sensitised children. Methods: Children were recruited from the study: ‘Improvement of Diagnostic mEthods for ALlergy assessment (IDEAL trial number NTR3572). Inclusion criterion for the IDEAL study was sensitization to cashew nut as demonstrated by either SPT or sIgE, and a clinical history of reactions to cashew nuts or no previous (known) exposure. Sensitized children who were tolerant to cashew nuts were excluded. Inclusion criterion for this IDEAL follow-up study was co-sensitization to pistachio nut, regardless the result of the DBPCFC with cashew nut. In this follow-up study a double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge with pistachio nut and an open food challenge with mango were performed. Results: Twenty-nine children (mean age of 11.6 years, 62% male) were included. Pistachio nut sensitisation was clinically relevant in only 34% of cashew-sensitised children and only 31% of cashew challenge positive children. None of the children was challenge positive to mango. Conclusion: Although co-sensitisation between cashew nut and pistachio nut was observed in 98%, pistachio nut sensitisation was only clinically relevant in 34% of the children. Therefore, a challenge test with pistachio nut is recommended in children with cashew nut and pistachio nut sensitisation.</p

    Non variability of intervening absorbers observed in the UVES spectra of the "naked-eye" GRB080319

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the properties of the intervening absorbers lying along the line of sight of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) 080319B through the analysis of its optical absorption features. To this purpose, we analyze a multi-epoch, high resolution spectroscopic observations (R=40000, corresponding to 7.5 km/s) of the optical afterglow of GRB080319B (z=0.937), taken with UVES at the VLT. Thanks to the rapid response mode (RRM), we observed the afterglow just 8m:30s after the GRB onset when the magnitude was R ~ 12. This allowed us to obtain the best signal-to-noise, high resolution spectrum of a GRB afterglow ever (S/N per resolution element ~ 50). Two further RRM and target of opportunity observations were obtained starting 1.0 and 2.4 hours after the event, respectively. Four MgII absorption systems lying along the line of sight to the afterglow have been detected in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 0.8, most of them showing a complex structure featuring several components. Absorptions due to FeII, MgI and MnII are also present; they appear in four, two and one intervening absorbers, respectively. One out of four systems show a MgII2796 rest frame equivalent width larger than 1A. This confirms the excess of strong MgII absorbers compared to quasars, with dn/dz = 0.9, ~ 4 times larger than the one observed along quasar lines of sight. In addition, the analysis of multi-epoch, high-resolution spectra allowed us to exclude a significant variability in the column density of the single components of each absorber. Combining this result with estimates of the size of the emitting region, we can reject the hypothesis that the difference between GRB and QSO MgII absorbers is due to a different size of the emitting regions.Comment: 10 pages, 15 ps figures, submitted to MNRA