14,682 research outputs found

    Quantum Spin Dynamics with Pairwise-Tunable, Long-Range Interactions

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    We present a platform for the simulation of quantum magnetism with full control of interactions between pairs of spins at arbitrary distances in one- and two-dimensional lattices. In our scheme, two internal atomic states represent a pseudo-spin for atoms trapped within a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW). With the atomic transition frequency aligned inside a band gap of the PCW, virtual photons mediate coherent spin-spin interactions between lattice sites. To obtain full control of interaction coefficients at arbitrary atom-atom separations, ground-state energy shifts are introduced as a function of distance across the PCW. In conjunction with auxiliary pump fields, spin-exchange versus atom-atom separation can be engineered with arbitrary magnitude and phase, and arranged to introduce non-trivial Berry phases in the spin lattice, thus opening new avenues for realizing novel topological spin models. We illustrate the broad applicability of our scheme by explicit construction for several well known spin models.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Mining and Incentive Concession Contracts

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    This paper studies the design of a mining concession contract as a multi-period autoselection problem where production is the depletion of a non renewable resource. As compared to symmetric information, we show that overproduction (resp. underproduction) is optimal in the initial phase (resp. terminal phase ) of the resource extraction program. Also, asymmetric information lengthens the contract duration but reduces the scarcity rent. Finally, when there are several agents competing for contract bid, we show that optimal auctioning could be used to award the concession, assigning the lowest cost agent to carry out the extraction.ADVERSE SELECTION; EXHAUSTIBILITY; OVERPRODUCTION

    Computer-aided design of bevel gear tooth surfaces

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    This paper presents a computer-aided design procedure for generating bevel gears. The development is based on examining a perfectly plastic, cone-shaped gear blank rolling over a cutting tooth on a plane crown rack. The resulting impression on the plastic gear blank is the envelope of the cutting tooth. This impression and envelope thus form a conjugate tooth surface. Equations are presented for the locus of points on the tooth surface. The same procedures are then extended to simulate the generation of a spiral bevel gear. The corresponding governing equations are presented

    Quantum many-body models with cold atoms coupled to photonic crystals

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    Using cold atoms to simulate strongly interacting quantum systems represents an exciting frontier of physics. However, as atoms are nominally neutral point particles, this limits the types of interactions that can be produced. We propose to use the powerful new platform of cold atoms trapped near nanophotonic systems to extend these limits, enabling a novel quantum material in which atomic spin degrees of freedom, motion, and photons strongly couple over long distances. In this system, an atom trapped near a photonic crystal seeds a localized, tunable cavity mode around the atomic position. We find that this effective cavity facilitates interactions with other atoms within the cavity length, in a way that can be made robust against realistic imperfections. Finally, we show that such phenomena should be accessible using one-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides in which coupling to atoms has already been experimentally demonstrated

    Superradiance for atoms trapped along a photonic crystal waveguide

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    We report observations of superradiance for atoms trapped in the near field of a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW). By fabricating the PCW with a band edge near the D1_1 transition of atomic cesium, strong interaction is achieved between trapped atoms and guided-mode photons. Following short-pulse excitation, we record the decay of guided-mode emission and find a superradiant emission rate scaling as ΓˉSRNˉΓ1D\bar{\Gamma}_{\rm SR}\propto\bar{N}\cdot\Gamma_{\rm 1D} for average atom number 0.19Nˉ2.60.19 \lesssim \bar{N} \lesssim 2.6 atoms, where Γ1D/Γ0=1.1±0.1\Gamma_{\rm 1D}/\Gamma_0 =1.1\pm0.1 is the peak single-atom radiative decay rate into the PCW guided mode and Γ0\Gamma_{0} is the Einstein-AA coefficient for free space. These advances provide new tools for investigations of photon-mediated atom-atom interactions in the many-body regime.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Sloshing dynamics modulated fluid angular momentum and moment fluctuations driven by orbital gravity gradient and jitter accelerations in microgravity

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    The dynamical behavior of spacecraft propellant affected by the asymmetric combined gravity gradient and jitter accelerations, in particular the effect of surface tension on partially-filled rotating fluids applicable to a full-scale Gravity Probe-B Spacecraft dewar tank has been investigated. Three different cases of orbital accelerations: (1) gravity gradient-dominated, (2) equally weighted between gravity gradient and jitter, and (3) gravity jitter-dominated accelerations are studied. The results of slosh wave excitation along the liquid-vapor interface induced by gravity gradient-dominated accelerations provide a torsional moment with tidal motion of bubble oscillations in the rotating dewar. The results are clearly seen from the twisting shape of the bubble oscillations driven by gravity gradient-dominated acceleration. The results of slosh wave excitation along the liquid-vapor interface induced by gravity jitter-dominated acceleration indicate the results of bubble motion in a manner of down-and-up and leftward-and-rightward movement of oscillation when the bubble is rotating with respect to rotating dewar axis. Fluctuations of angular momentum, fluid moment and bubble mass center caused by slosh wave excitations driven by gravity gradient acceleration or gravity jitter acceleration are also investigated

    Interaction induced ferro-electricity in the rotational states of polar molecules

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    We show that a ferro-electric quantum phase transition can be driven by the dipolar interaction of polar molecules in the presence a micro-wave field. The obtained ferro-electricity crucially depends on the harmonic confinement potential, and the resulting dipole moment persists even when the external field is turned off adiabatically. The transition is shown to be second order for fermions and for bosons of a smaller permanent dipole moment, but is first order for bosons of a larger moment. Our results suggest the possibility of manipulating the microscopic rotational state of polar molecules by tuning the trap's aspect ratio (and other mesoscopic parameters), even though the later's energy scale is smaller than the former's by six orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    Simulation of sloshing dynamics induced forces and torques actuated on dewar container driven by gravity gradient and jitter accelerations in microgravity

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    Some experimental spacecraft use superconducting sensors for gyro read-out and so must be maintained at a very low temperature. The boil-off from the cryogenic liquid used to cool the sensors can also be used, as the Gravity Probe B (GP-B) spacecraft does, as propellant to maintain attitude control and drag-free operation of the spacecraft. The cryogenic liquid for such spacecraft is, however, susceptible to both slosh-like motion and non-axisymmetric configurations under the influence of various kinds of gravity jitter and gravity gradient accelerations. Hence, it is important to quantify the magnitude of the liquid-induced perturbations on the spacecraft. We use the example of the GP-B to investigate such perturbations by numerical simulations. For this spacecraft disturbances can be imposed on the liquid by atmospheric drag, spacecraft attitude control maneuvers, and the earth's gravity gradient. More generally, onboard machinery vibrations and crew motion can also create disturbances. Recent studies suggest that high frequency disturbances are relatively unimportant in causing liquid motions in comparison to low frequency ones. The results presented here confirm this conclusion. After an initial calibration period, the GP-B spacecraft rotates in orbit at 0.1 rpm about the tank symmetry axis. For this rotation rate, the equilibrium liquid free surface shape is a 'doughnut' configuration for all residual gravity levels of 10(exp -6) g(sub 0) or less, as shown by experiments and by numerical simulations; furthermore, the superfluid behavior of the 1.8 K liquid helium used in GP-B eliminates temperature gradients and therefore such effects as Marangoni convection do not have to be considered. Classical fluid dynamics theory is used as the basis of the numerical simulations here, since Mason's experiments show that the theory is applicable for cryogenic liquid helium in large containers. To study liquid responses to various disturbances, we investigate and simulate three levels of gravity jitter (10(exp -6), 10(exp -7), and 10(exp -8) g(sub 0)) each at three predominant frequencies (0.1, 1.0, and 10 Hz), combined with a gravity gradient appropriate for the GP-B orbit. Dynamical evolution of sloshing dynamics excited fluid forces and torque fluctuations exerted on the dewar container driven by the combined gravity gradient and jitter accelerations are also investigated and simulated