287 research outputs found

    Desempenho agronômico de mandioca de mesa manejada com irrigação e uso de cobertura plástica do solo.

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    Resumo Apesar da mandioca ser reconhecida pela sua elevada tolerância à seca, a irrigação vem apresentando resultados satisfatórios. Entretanto, poucos estudos vêm sendo desenvolvidos visando a determinação dos efeitos da cobertura do solo, da irrigação e da combinação de ambos no desenvolvimento da cultura. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a influência da irrigação e da cobertura plástica do solo, no desempenho agronômico de mandioca de mesa. O plantio foi feito em canteiros, no sistema de fileira dupla com as manivas-sementes implantadas na vertical em espaçamento de 0,60 m entre linhas e 0,80 m entre plantas. Foram aplicados os tratamentos canteiro desnudo sem irrigação, canteiro coberto com plástico de polietileno preto sem irrigação, canteiro desnudo com irrigação e canteiro coberto com plástico de polietileno preto com irrigação. As irrigações foram por aspersão convencional, com base no balanço diário de água do solo na profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular da mandioca nos diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento da cultura. Os caracteres avaliados em duas safras foram: produtividade de parte aérea, produtividade de raízes, porcentagem de amido nas raízes e tempo para a cocção. A expressão dos caracteres produtividade de raízes, peso da parte aérea e teor de amido nas raízes, foi influenciada pelo manejo da irrigação e pela cobertura do solo. A utilização individual das tecnologias de irrigação e de cobertura plástica do solo, proporcionaram aumentos de produtividade de raízes de 55% e 13%, respectivamente, e quando foram utilizadas em conjunto a produtividade de raízes aumentou 89%

    Outcome of Endometrial Cancer Stage IIIA with Adnexa or Serosal Involvement Only

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    Objective. The aim of this study is to look at possible differences in outcome between serosa and adnexal involvement stage IIIA endometrial carcinoma. Methods. 67 patients with stage IIIA endometrial carcinoma were included, 46 with adnexal involvement and 21 with serosa. A central histopathological review was performed. Results. The 7-year locoregional failure rate was (LRFR) 2.2% for adnexal involvement and 16.0% for involvement of the serosa (P = .0522). The 7-year distant metastasis-free survival was 72.7% for adnexal involvement and 58.7% for serosa (P = .3994). The 7-year disease-specific survival (DSS) was 71.8% for patients with adnexal involvement and 75.4% for patients with serosa. Conclusion. Endometrial carcinoma stage IIIA with involvement of the adnexa or serosa showed to have a comparable disease-specific survival. Locoregional control was worse for serosa involvement compared to adnexa

    A New Compendium of Unsteady Aerodynamic Test Cases for CFD: Summary of AVT WG-003 Activities

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    With the continuous progress in hardware and numerical schemes, Computational Unsteady Aerodynamics (CUA), that is, the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to unsteady flowfields, is slowly finding its way as a useful and reliable tool (turbulence and transition modeling permitting) in the aircraft, helicopter, engine and missile design and development process. Before a specific code may be used with confidence it is essential to validate its capability to describe the physics of the flow correctly, or at least to the level of approximation required, for which purpose a comparison with accurate experimental data is needed. Unsteady wind tunnel testing is difficult and expensive; two factors which dramatically limit the number of organizations with the capability and/or resources to perform it. Thus, unsteady experimental data is scarce, often classified and scattered in diverse documents. Additionally, access to the reports does not necessarily assure access to the data itself. The collaborative effort described in this paper was conceived with the aim of collecting into a single easily accessible document as much quality data as possible. The idea is not new. In the early 80's NATO's AGARD (Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development) Structures and Material Panel (SMP) produced AGARD Report No. 702 "Compendium of Unsteady Aerodynamic Measurements", which has found and continues to find extensive use within the CUA Community. In 1995 AGARD's Fluid Dynamics Panel (FDP) decided to update and expand the former database with new geometries and physical phenomena, and launched Working Group WG-22 on "Validation Data for Computational Unsteady Aerodynamic Codes". Shortly afterwards AGARD was reorganized as the RTO (Research and Technology Organization) and the WG was renamed as AVT (Applied Vehicle Technolology) WG-003. Contributions were received from AEDC, BAe, DLR, DERA, Glasgow University, IAR, NAL, NASA, NLR, and ONERA. The final publication with the results of the exercise is expected in the second part of 1999. The aim of the present paper is to announce and present the new database to the Aeroelasticity community. It is also intended to identify, together with one of the groups of end users it targets, deficiencies in the compendium that should be addressed by means of new wind tunnel tests or by obtaining access to additionally existing data

    Polypyrrole-Fe2O3 nanohybrid materials for electrochemical storage

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    We report on the synthesis and electrochemical characterization of nanohybrid polypyrrole (PPy) (PPy/Fe2O3) materials for electrochemical storage applications. We have shown that the incorporation of nanoparticles inside the PPy notably increases the charge storage capability in comparison to the “pure” conducting polymer. Incorporation of large anions, i.e., paratoluenesulfonate, allows a further improvement in the capacity. These charge storage modifications have been attributed to the morphology of the composite in which the particle sizes and the specific surface area are modified with the incorporation of nanoparticles. High capacity and stability have been obtained in PC/NEt4BF4 (at 20 mV/s), i.e., 47 mAh/g, with only a 3% charge loss after one thousand cyles. The kinetics of charge–discharge is also improved by the hybrid nanocomposite morphology modifications, which increase the rate of insertion–expulsion of counter anions in the bulk of the film. A room temperature ionic liquid such as imidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonimide seems to be a promising electrolyte because it further increases the capacity up to 53 mAh/g with a high stability during charge–discharge processes

    Producing Values Impact Hub Birmingham as Co-working and Social Innovation Space

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    This chapter explores the character and specificity of Impact Hub Birmingham (IHB) through the lens of its online presentation, assessing its objectives, organisation and activities. Analysis frames IHB in terms of its status as social enterprise, detailing how this manifestation of ‘the hub’ idea engages individuals in debate and supports a particular idea of entrepreneurship that connects to wider of issues and urban disjuncture. The chapter explores the specificity of Birmingham as a setting for IHB and its commitment to place in relation to a discussion of the hub and co-working idea. A penultimate section locates projects cultivated within IHB in the context of critical perspectives on social enterprise initiatives. Conclusions reflect on the ambition of this iteration of the Impact Hub network, as well as the commitment and verve of its participants that offers a progressive space for social innovation whatever its limits in addressing the city’s considerable social and economic problems

    Acetylsalicylic acid as an adjuvant therapy for schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: Findings from both epidemiological and basic research point to the possibility that NSAIDS impede the deterioration in schizophrenia. METHODS: To study the efficacy of acetylsalicylic acid we will perform a randomized placebo controlled double-blind add-on trial of 80 inpatients and outpatients with schizophrenia, schizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder. Patients will be 1:1 randomized to either 3 months 1000 mg acetylsalicylic acid per day or 3 months placebo, in addition to their regular antipsychotic treatment. All patients will receive pantoprazole treatment for gastroprotection. The outcomes of this study are 3-month change in psychotic and negative symptom severity, cognitive function, and several immunological parameters. This trial may (1) yield a new (adjuvant) therapy for schizophrenia and (2) add to the knowledge on the pathogenesis of this major psychiatric disorder

    Human Cysteine Cathepsins Are Not Reliable Markers of Infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Cysteine cathepsins have emerged as new players in inflammatory lung disorders. Their activities are dramatically increased in the sputum of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, suggesting that they are involved in the pathophysiology of CF. We have characterized the cathepsins in CF expectorations and evaluated their use as markers of colonization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The concentrations of active cathepsins B, H, K, L and S were the same in P. aeruginosa-positive (19 Ps+) and P. aeruginosa-negative (6 Ps−) samples, unlike those of human neutrophil elastase. Also the cathepsin inhibitory potential and the cathepsins/cathepsin inhibitors imbalance remained unchanged and similar (∼2-fold) in the Ps+ and Ps− groups (p<0.001), which correlated with the breakdown of their circulating cystatin-like inhibitors (kininogens). Procathepsins, which may be activated autocatalytically, are a potential proteolytic reservoir. Immunoblotting and active-site labeling identified the double-chain cathepsin B, the major cathepsin in CF sputum, as the main molecular form in both Ps+ and Ps− samples, despite the possible release of the ∼31 kDa single-chain form from procathepsin B by sputum elastase. Thus, the hydrolytic activity of cysteine cathepsins was not correlated with bacterial colonization, indicating that cathepsins, unlike human neutrophil elastase, are not suitable markers of P. aeruginosa infection

    Mediating effect of soluble B-cell activation immune markers on the association between anthropometric and lifestyle factors and lymphoma development

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    Sustained B-cell activation is an important mechanism contributing to B-cell lymphoma (BCL). We aimed to validate four previously reported B-cell activation markers predictive of BCL risk (sCD23, sCD27, sCD30, and CXCL13) and to examine their possible mediating effects on the association between anthropometric and lifestyle factors and major BCL subtypes. Pre-diagnostic serum levels were measured for 517 BCL cases and 525 controls in a nested case-control study. The odds ratios of BCL were 6.2 in the highest versus lowest quartile for sCD23, 2.6 for sCD30, 4.2 for sCD27, and 2.6 for CXCL13. Higher levels of all markers were associated with increased risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), follicular lymphoma (FL), and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Following mutual adjustment for the other immune markers, sCD23 remained associated with all subtypes and CXCL13 with FL and DLBCL. The associations of sCD23 with CLL and DLBCL and CXCL13 with DLBCL persisted among cases sampled > 9 years before diagnosis. sCD23 showed a good predictive ability (area under the curve = 0.80) for CLL, in particular among older, male participants. sCD23 and CXCL13 showed a mediating effect between body mass index (positive) and DLBCL risk, while CXCL13 contributed to the association between physical activity (inverse) and DLBCL. Our data suggest a role of B-cell activation in BCL development and a mediating role of the immune system for lifestyle factors