229 research outputs found

    La difusión de discursos pseudocientíficos en la radio pública española. El programa Complementarios de RNE-Radio 5

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    Introducción. En esta investigación vamos a analizar los contenidos del programa radiofónico Complementarios de la cadena pública Radio 5 como muestra de la preocupante pandemia de discursos pseudocientíficos que se distribuyen desde los medios de comunicación. Metodología. Utilizamos el análisis de contenido desde la perspectiva de la Frame Theory con el fin de determinar el dispositivo discursivo con que promueven los contenidos pseudocientíficos en este programa radiofónico. Resultados. La cadena pública de radio pretende promover un espacio divulgativo y de utilidad social, pero contribuye en la difusión de contenidos sin ninguna validez científica y se pone al servicio del discurso pseudocientífico. Discusión. Las denominadas terapias complementarias y los discursos pseudocientíficos ocupan el espacio público aparentando ser útiles y científicamente válidos. Conclusiones. Estos contenidos mediáticos pueden resultar muy nocivos y derivar en un serio problema de salud pública y habría que tratarlos desde una perspectiva mucho más crítica y científicamente responsable.In this research we analyze contents of the radio program Complementarios of the public chain Radio 5 as a sample of the concerning pandemic of pseudoscientific discourses broadcast by media. Methodology. We used content analysis from the Frame Theory perspective to determine the discourse device with which pseudoscientific contents are promoted in this radio program. Results. The public radio chain aims to promote an informational space and of social utility but contributes instead to the diffusion of contents without any scientific validity and puts itself at the disposal of the pseudoscientific discourse. Discussion. The so called complementary therapies and pseudoscientific discourses occupy the public space pretending to be useful and scientifically valid. Conclusions. These mediatic contents can be quite harmful and derive into serious public health problems, and should be treated from a much more critical and scientifically responsible perspective

    Unraveling the nature of active sites onto copper/ceria-zirconia catalysts for low temperature CO oxidation

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    The aim of this research is an attempt to shed some light on the understanding of the nature of the active sites and the generated synergies in the copper/ceria-zirconia formulations for low temperature CO oxidation by means of the creation of copper entities with different physico-chemical nature. For this reason, several CuOx/ceria-zirconia catalysts, with different Cu contents and different methods to incorporate copper species, were synthesized. Focus was specially put in this case trying to link the results of CO oxidation catalytic tests with the CO-temperature programmed reduction profiles/approximate estimations and selected characterization parameters in order to find out correlations among catalysts' properties/reducibility and catalytic behaviors, especially those corresponding to the nature and roles of the different CuOx species in contact with ceria-based support on catalytic activity. Results reveal a significant improvement in CO conversion compared to the ceria-zirconia support by adding a small amount of copper loading (as low as 0.5 %), emphasizing the paramount role of copper incorporated by the method of IWI. From 0.5 up to 2% of copper loading, an interesting increase gradual trend in activity and reducibility can be noted. It should be mentioned that all the catalysts obtained by this procedure are more catalytically active towards CO oxidation than 1%Pt/Al2O3 at low temperatures (T < 130 degrees C). CO-TPR results show that the reducibility of these catalysts is in line with their CO oxidation activity. The method of preparation has been revealed as a critical variable in the catalytic performance, and quite similar catalytic activities can be reached from different synthesis methods and different copper contents, due to the similar nature and type of CuOx species generated over the catalysts' surface, identified by the CO-TPR profiles and the rest of characterization data. Finally, IWI method seems to be the best one among those tested, thus combining superior areas of both alpha and beta contributions assigned on CO-TPR profiles, which seem to be critical in the interpretation of the catalytic behaviors

    Intra-abdominal pulmonary secuestration as an exceptional cause of abdominal mass in the adult

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    AbstractINTRODUCTIONPulmonary sequestration (PS) is an extremely rare malformation defined as a portion of lung tissue isolated from the pulmonary system. PSs are classified into intralobar type and intra-abdominal PS that represents only 2.5% of cases. There are 20 cases of PS reported in adults and only two were managed by laparoscopic approach. We report a case of intra-abdominal PS mimicking a gastroesophageal duplication cyst in an adult. Besides its rarity, this is the first intra-abdominal PS in an adult managed by an anterior laparoscopic approach.PRESENTATION OF CASEA 60-year-old female patient had had epigastric and left upper quadrant pain for several days. Physical examination was normal. Image test were consistent with a gastroesophageal duplication. The patient was taken to the operating room for laparoscopic exploration and resection. The pathological diagnosis was extralobar pulmonary sequestration.DISCUSSIONLess than 20 cases of PS have been reported in adults and only two cases were managed by a lateral laparoscopic approach. In contrast to these reports, we used an anterior approach due to the GEJ suspected origin of the mass.CONCLUSIONExtralobar intra-abdominal PS is an extremely rare condition during adulthood but this diagnosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of a left-sided suprarenal mass. Due to the difficulty in achieving a definitive preoperative diagnosis, surgery is recommended. Laparoscopic resection is safe and effective but careful preoperative imaging studies are recommended in order to plan the most suitable approach

    Projected changes in the Iberian Peninsula drought characteristics

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    High spatial resolution drought projections for the Iberian Peninsula (IP) have been examined in terms of duration, frequency, and severity of drought events. For this end, a set of regional climate simulations was completed using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model driven by two global climate models (GCMs), the CCSM4 and the MPI-ESM-LR, for a near (2021-2050) and a far (2071-2100) future, and under two representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). Projected changes for these simulations were analyzed using two drought indices, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), considering different timescales (3- and 12-months). The results showed that the IP is very likely to undergo longer and more severe drought events. Substantial changes in drought parameters (i.e., frequency, duration, and severity) were projected by both indices and at both time scales in most of the IP. These changes are particularly strong by the end of the century under RCP8.5. Meanwhile, the intensification of drought conditions is expected to be more moderate for the near future. However, the results also indicated key differences between indices. Projected drought conditions by using the SPEI showed more severe increases in drought events than those from SPI by the end of the century and, especially, for the high-emission scenario. The most extreme conditions were projected in terms of the duration of the events. Specifically, results from the 12-month SPEI analysis suggested a significant risk of megadrought events (drought events longer than 15 years) in many areas of IP by the end of the century under RCP8.5

    Metástasis torácicas de carcinoma mamario. Estado actual

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    Breast cancer is a common pathology. It is clinically considered as a localized or regionally developing illness at the time of diagnosis, but the appearance of metastases is a frequent complication. Patients are commonly referred with local or regional recurrence of the disease. Invasive metastatic disease found in the chest can be differentiated according to area as follows: pulmonary parenchyma (nodes and/or carcinomatosis lymphangitis), pleural cavity (pleural effusion and/or tumor), pericardial effusion and the thoracic wall. The appearance of pulmonary parenchymal metastases secondary to breast cancer can be further categorized into three types, neoplastic lymphangitis, multiple and single pulmonary nodes. Pleural effusion is the commonest thoracic affection in patients with this pathology. It is accepted that 46% of patients with disseminating breast cancers will develop pleural metastases where the presentation is pericardial effusion, and possible cardiac tamponade. Finally, metastatic disease may be found localized to within the thoracic wall. Breast cancer can produce diverse problems in the thoracic wall, and local recurrence is most frequent at the mastectomy site

    Guía clínica de atención a menores transexuales, transgéneros y de género diverso

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    Transgénero; Terapia hormonal cruzada; Identidad de géneroTransgender; Hormone cross therapy; Gender identityTransgènere; Teràpia hormonal creuada; Identitat de gènereSome people, including minors, have a gender identity that does not correspond to the sex assigned at birth. They are known as trans* people, which is an umbrella term that encompasses transgender, transsexual, and other identities not conforming to the assigned gender. Healthcare units for trans* minors require multidisciplinary working, undertaken by personnel expert in gender identity, enabling, when requested, interventions for the minor and their social–familial environment, in an individualized and flexible way during the gender affirmation path. This service model also includes hormonal treatments tailored as much as possible to the individual's needs, beyond the dichotomic goals of a traditional binary model. This guide addresses the general aspects of professional care of trans* minors and presents the current evidence-based protocol of hormonal treatments for trans* and non-binary adolescents. In addition, it details key aspects related to expected body changes and their possible side effects, as well as prior counselling about fertility preservation.Algunas personas, también las menores de edad, tienen una identidad de género que no se corresponde con el sexo asignado al nacer. Se les conoce como personas trans*, que es el término paraguas que engloba transgénero, transexual y otras identidades no conformes con el género asignado. Las unidades de asistencia sanitaria a menores trans* requieren un trabajo multidisciplinario, realizado por personal experto en identidad de género, que permita, cuando así lo soliciten, intervenciones para el menor y su entorno sociofamiliar, de forma individualizada y flexible durante el camino de afirmación de género. Este modelo de servicio también incluye tratamientos hormonales adaptados en la medida de lo posible a las necesidades del individuo, más allá de los objetivos dicotómicos de un modelo binario tradicional. Esta guía aborda los aspectos generales de la atención profesional de menores trans* y presenta el protocolo actual basado en evidencia de tratamientos hormonales para adolescentes trans* y no binarios. Además, detalla aspectos clave relacionados con los cambios corporales esperados y sus posibles efectos secundarios, así como el asesoramiento previo sobre preservación de la fertilidad


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    Honeycomb monolithic design to enhance the performance of Ni-based catalysts for dry reforming of methane

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    Supported Ni catalysts (4,5% wt%) using a Ce-Zr oxide (18/82 molar ratio and a ceria rich surface) depicting advanced redox properties, were deposited by washcoating over cordierite honeycombs (230 and 400 cpsi). FIB-STEM unveiled nanostructure details otherwise undistinguishable by conventional techniques. The catalytic performance was evaluated in the dry reforming of methane al 700-900 degree C, using a CH4:CO2 1:1 feddstock, and exploring high Weight Hourly Space Velocity (115-346 L.g-1.h-1). The structured catalyts exhibited better performance than the corresponding powers, reaching values close to rhermodynamics limits for booth reactants conversion and H2/CO ratio, from 750 dgree C, and no deactivation was observed in prolongued experiments (24-48 h). This was related to both the high catalytic efficiency after being deposited with low loading on the cordierite and the intrinsic advantages of the monolithic reactor, like preventing from the kinetic control that operates in powdered samples under high WHSV or limiting the deactivation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, 61 reference