1,389 research outputs found
Appropriate Gene Symbols in Teaching Genetics
Choice of appropriate gene symbols in teaching general genetics avoids misinterpretation and misleading conclusions that are otherwise frequent. Lack of consistency in textbooks, especially with the wild-type standard concept, misdirects the student into confusing dominance with epistasis, as well as allelism with independence. The similar fallacy of ”dominant white in White Leghorns is clarified as an interaction white by appropriate choice of symbols. Use of the wild-type standard method, basic in choosing symbols, allows a drastic reduction in the number of crosses necessary in comparing different stocks for genetic differences. Two related sets of rules are suggested for choosing appropriate gene symbols
Visible witness: A testimony for radical peace action
Pedigree Style in Teaching Genetics
A single pedigree style, the arrow or network method, is presented that is generally superior to, or as useful as, the other commonly used methods in teaching genetics. It is adaptable to all uses of pedigrees and necessary in some. Clarity of inbred relationships, generation overlap, and lack of the need for right angle turns are the major advantages
An alternative method in distinguishing cattle transferrin phenotypes
A modification of the method described by Kristjansson (1963) allows easier distinction of the components and position of every major cattle transferrin phenotype. The modification is based on increasing the percentage of starch (15%) and reducing the pH of the gel buffer to 6.8. In all the experiments, when a voltage of 350 was applied, a tray of ice was placed over the starch gel for the remainder of the electrophoresis. Different cattle transferrin phenotypes from our modified electrophoresis method are composed as follows: Type A, 4 bands; D1, 4 bands; D1D2, 4 bands; D2, 4 bands; E, 4 bands; AD1, 6 bands; AD2, 6 bands; AE, 8 bands and sometimes 9 bands; D1E, 6 bands and sometimes 7 bands; and D2E, 6 bands. The position of the fourth D band is distinctly different in D1 vs. D2 types.Universidad Nacional de La Plat
Nanopore-based complete genome sequence of a Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (Geminivirus) strain from Thailand
Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus is an emerging pathogen in Southeast Asia. Here, we report the complete genome of a Thai isolate obtained using Nanopore technology. The isolate was collected in 2019 from the northeastern province of Surin, soon after disease eradication was reported in the country
Signatures of four-particle correlations associated with exciton-carrier interactions in coherent spectroscopy on bulk GaAs
Transient four-wave mixing studies of bulk GaAs under conditions of broad
bandwidth excitation of primarily interband transitions have enabled
four-particle correlations tied to degenerate (exciton-exciton) and
nondegenerate (exciton-carrier) interactions to be studied. Real
two-dimensional Fourier-transform spectroscopy (2DFTS) spectra reveal a complex
response at the heavy-hole exciton emission energy that varies with the
absorption energy, ranging from dispersive on the diagonal, through absorptive
for low-energy interband transitions to dispersive with the opposite sign for
interband transitions high above band gap. Simulations using a multilevel model
augmented by many-body effects provide excellent agreement with the 2DFTS
experiments and indicate that excitation-induced dephasing (EID) and
excitation-induced shift (EIS) affect degenerate and nondegenerate interactions
equivalently, with stronger exciton-carrier coupling relative to
exciton-exciton coupling by approximately an order of magnitude. These
simulations also indicate that EID effects are three times stronger than EIS in
contributing to the coherent response of the semiconductor
Caracterizacion molecular de aislamientos de sweepovirus que infectan Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. y estudio de sinergismo con el sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV).
Los sweepovirus forman un grupo dentro del genero Begomovirus que se caracterizan por infectar solo a camote, los cuales comunmente causan infeccion asintomatica, pasando inadvertidos, por lo que su prevalencia y distribucion es desconocida en algunas regiones del mundo. Las infecciones multiples son sinergicamente con otros virus. En el presente estudio, se obtuvieron 48 secuencias a partir de fragmentos de PCR usando cebadores universales para sweepovirus de un total de 239 muestras de camote mantenidas en el banco de germoplasma del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). Se seleccionaron y caracterizaron los genomas completos de seis aislamientos de sweepovirus: Peru-6, Mexico-31, Cuba-5, San Vicente, Peru-10 y Jamaica-12, utilizando PCR en sentido inverso para los cuatro primeros aislados y por la polimerasa Phi29 para los ultimos dos. La comparacion completa de los genomas confirmo que los seis virus eran bastante diferentes entre si con un 89 % de identidad a excepcion de Jamaica-12 y Cuba-5 (91 %), y San Vicente y Peru-10 (93 %). Se realizo una evaluacion del sinergismo de cada uno de ellos con el aislamiento M2-47 del SPCSV durante un periodo de 10 semanas. Esta se realizo mediante la expresion de sintomas en plantas de camote variedad "Huachano" con infecciones simples (sweepovirus) y dobles (sweepovirus + SPCSV). La deteccion de los sweepovirus se realizo mediante la prueba de hibridacion de acidos nucleicos y por RT-PCR en tiempo real el SPCSV. Se encontro que existe un sinergismo con una magnitud considerablemente variable entre los titulos de los diferente aislados de sweepovirus y que en la mayoria de los casos no se asocio con sintomas claros. La informacion obtenida en este estudio puede contribuir al diagnostico e identificacion de sweepovirus y el aumento de sus titulos presente en algunas interacciones sinergicas sugiere que pueden tener un impacto en el rendimiento y esto debe ser una prioridad para estudio futuros
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