314 research outputs found

    Lithographic engineering of anisotropies in (Ga,Mn)As

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    The focus of studies on ferromagnetic semiconductors is moving from material issues to device functionalities based on novel phenomena often associated with the anisotropy properties of these materials. This is driving a need for a method to locally control the anisotropy in order to allow the elaboration of devices. Here we present a method which provides patterning induced anisotropy which not only can be applied locally, but also dominates over the intrinsic material anisotropy at all temperatures

    In vacuo XPS investigation of Cu In,Ga Se2 surface after RbF post deposition treatment

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    Latest record efficiencies of Cu In,Ga Se2 CIGSe solar cells were achieved by means of a rubidium fluoride RbF post deposition treatment PDT . To understand the effect of the RbF PDT on the surface chemistry of CIGSe and its interaction with sodium that is generally present in the CIGSe absorber, we performed an X ray photoelectron spectroscopy XPS study on CIGSe thin films as deposited by a three stage co evaporation process and after the consecutive RbF PDT. The sample transfer from the deposition to the XPS analysis chamber was performed via an ultra high vacuum transfer system. This allows to minimize air exposure, avoiding oxide formation on the CIGSe surface, especially for alkali treated absorbers. Beside an expected reduction of Cu and Ga content at the surface of RbF treated CIGSe films, we find that Rb penetrates the CIGSe and, contrary to fluorine, it is not completely removed by subsequent ammonia etching. The remaining Rb contribution at 110.0 amp; 8239;eV binding energy, which appears after the RbF PDT is similar to the one detected on a co evaporated RbInSe2 reference sample and together with a new Se 3d contribution may hence belong to an Rb In Se secondary phase on the CIGSe surface. In addition, Na is driven towards the surface of the CIGSe absorber as a direct result of the RbF PDT. This proves the ion exchange mechanism in the absence of moisture and air oxygen between heavy Rb atoms incorporated via PDT and lighter Na atoms supplied by the glass substrate. A remaining XPS signal of Na 1 amp; 8239;s is observed after etching the vacuum transferred RbF CIGSe sample, indicating that Rb and or F are not as much a driving force for Na as oxygen usually i


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    Worldwide population aging and associated with it epidemics of osteoporosis, widespread of bone and joint reconstructive surgery and first of all joint replacement lead to explosive growth of interest in bone grafting.Although autografts are still the golden standard in bone regeneration, allogeneic bone substitutes have reached a state that allows for their application with satisfying clinical results. However, it has repeatedly been supposed that the different allogeneic materials underwent different purification processes, which modifies bone regeneration properties of these materials and also for different safety conditions. In the present publication, the treatment of the precursor tissue, the safety conditions, and the regenerative possibilities of C+TBA bone blocks based in preclinical and clinical data are described. Thus, it is described how the risks of infections and also immunological reactions becomes completely eliminated, while the special purification process allows for preservation of the native structure of the bone block. Both the in vitro studies and the clinical trials including histological follow-ups showed the optimal regeneration properties of these bone blocks. It has been shown that the allogeneic bone grafts have been integrated without causing inflammatory anomalies at the implantation site. Altogether, the allogeneic bone substitute material serves as an excellent basis for the formation of new bone. Finally, the combination of the allogeneic C+TBA bone blocks with different antibiotics is described. Interestingly, it is possible to combine the allogeneic bone substitute ether with antibiotics in the sense of prophylaxis and/or with bone marrow aspirate in order to accelerate bone remodeling.Старение населения планеты и ассоциированная с ним эпидемия остеопороза, а также широкое распространение реконструктивных операций на костях и суставах, в первую очередь эндопротезирования, привели к взрывному росту интереса к костной пластике.Несмотря на то, что аутотрансплантаты по-прежнему остаются «золотым стандартом» при замещении костных дефектов, аллогенные костнозамещающие материалы достигли такого уровня качества, который позволяет с успехом применять их в клинической практике. Неоднократно высказывались предположения, что разные способы обработки различных типов аллогенных материалов по-разному меняют их регенеративные свойства и характеристики безопасности. В статье описана технология обработки исходного материала, перечислены требования к безопасности аллокости, регенеративные возможности костных блоков C+TBA. Приводятся подтверждающие данные доклинических и клинических исследований. Технология C+TBA позволяет практически полностью исключить риск развития иммунологических реакций и передачи инфекции, а специальные этапы обработки позволяют сохранить естественную структуру костного блока. Клинические и in vitro исследования с гистологическим контролем на разных этапах показали оптимальные регенеративные характеристики таких костных блоков. Аллогенная кость интегрировалась, не вызывая локальных воспалительных реакций в месте трансплантации. В целом аллогенные костнозамещающие материалы являются отличной основой для формирования новой кости. В статье описаны комбинации аллогенных костных блоков C+TBA с различными антибиотиками с целью профилактики инфекции и/или с пунктатом костного мозга для стимуляции перестройки кости

    Lateral magnetic anisotropy superlattice out of a single (Ga,Mn)As layer

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    We use lithographically induced strain relaxation to periodically modulate the magnetic anisotropy in a single (Ga,Mn)As layer. This results in a lateral magnetoresistance device where two non-volatile magnetic states exist at zero external magnetic field with resistances resulting from the orientation of two lithographically defined regions in a single and contiguous layer.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Detailed transport investigation of the magnetic anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As

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    This paper discusses transport methods for the investigation of the (Ga,Mn)As magnetic anisotropy. Typical magnetoresistance behaviour for different anisotropy types is discussed, focusing on an in depth discussion of the anisotropy fingerprint technique and extending it to layers with primarily uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. We find that in all (Ga,Mn)As films studied, three anisotropy components are always present. The primary biaxial along ([100] and [010]) along with both uniaxial components along the [110] and [010] crystal directions which are often reported separately. Various fingerprints of typical (Ga,Mn)As transport samples at 4 K are included to illustrate the variation of the relative strength of these anisotropy terms. We further investigate the temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy and the domain wall nucleation energy with the help of the fingerprint method

    Exploiting Locally Imposed Anisotropies in (Ga,Mn)As: a Non-volatile Memory Device

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    Progress in (Ga,Mn)As lithography has recently allowed us to realize structures where unique magnetic anisotropy properties can be imposed locally in various regions of a given device. We make use of this technology to fabricate a device in which we study transport through a constriction separating two regions whose magnetization direction differs by 90 degrees. We find that the resistance of the constriction depends on the flow of the magnetic field lines in the constriction region and demonstrate that such a structure constitutes a non-volatile memory device

    Clostridium difficile ribotypes in Austria: a multicenter, hospital-based survey

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    A prospective, noninterventional survey was conducted among Clostridium difficile positive patients identified in the time period of July until October 2012 in 18 hospitals distributed across all nine Austrian provinces. Participating hospitals were asked to send stool samples or isolates from ten successive patients with C.difficile infection to the National Clostridium difficile Reference Laboratory at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety for PCR-ribotyping and in vitro susceptibility testing. A total of 171 eligible patients were identified, including 73 patients with toxin-positive stool specimens and 98 patients from which C. difficile isolates were provided. Of the 159 patients with known age, 127 (74.3 %) were 65 years or older, the median age was 76 years (range: 9–97 years), and the male to female ratio 2.2. Among these patients, 73 % had health care-associated and 20 % community-acquired C. difficile infection (indeterminable 7 %). The all-cause, 30-day mortality was 8.8 % (15/171). Stool samples yielded 46 different PCR-ribotypes, of which ribotypes 027 (20 %), 014 (15.8 %), 053 (10.5 %), 078 (5.3 %), and 002 (4.7 %) were the five most prevalent. Ribotype 027 was found only in the provinces Vienna, Burgenland, and Lower Austria. Severe outcome of C. difficile infection was found to be associated with ribotype 053 (prevalence ratio: 3.04; 95 % CI: 1.24, 7.44), not with the so-called hypervirulent ribotypes 027 and 078. All 027 and 053 isolates exhibited in vitro resistance against moxifloxacin. Fluoroquinolone use in the health care setting must be considered as a factor favoring the spread of these fluoroquinolone resistant C. difficile clones

    Nutrition, diet and immunosenescence

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    Ageing is characterized by immunosenescence and the progressive decline in immunity in association with an increased frequency of infections and chronic disease. This complex process affects both the innate and adaptive immune systems with a progressive decline in most immune cell populations and defects in activation resulting in loss of function. Although host genetics and environmental factors, such as stress, exercise and diet can impact on the onset or course of immunosenescence, the mechanisms involved are largely unknown. This review focusses on identifying the most significant aspects of immunosenescence and on the evidence that nutritional intervention might delay this process, and consequently improve the quality of life of the elderly