1,588 research outputs found

    Role Consensus and Supervisor Involvement in Small Welfare Agencies

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    In this study it is hypothesized that the greatest role consensus between supervisors and subordinates will be found in offices where the role specializations of the supervisor's position is low and where his involvement with the subordinates is high. In addition, it is hypothesized that in offices where the supervisor's span-of-control is small, the supervisor involvement will be high, and where the supervisor's involvement is high the group cohesion of the caseworkers will also be high.http://web.ku.edu/~starjrn

    Populist thought in North and South Dakota, 1890-1900

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    Despite the number of general and specific studies of Populism, there is no unanimity of opinion on the progressive or retrogressive nature of Populist thought, nor on its specific characteristics. By examining the specific attributes of Populism through newspapers, manuscripts, and public documents, this case study focuses on the progressive or retrogressive nature of North and South Dakota Populist thought. On the whole, North Dakota Populism fails to reveal a progressive nature. First, the North Dakota Populists lacked a viable movement. Secondly, their thought and political endeavors suggest opportunism rather than progressivism. Thirdly, the common ground of their thought discloses a provincial, dualistic point of view emphasizing the primacy of agriculture, a conspiracy of the money power, and a simplistic faith in the panacea of free silver. Examples of nativistic, anti-Semitic, anti-Indian, and anti-Negro thought existed; yet, with the exception of nativism, these instances indicate no broad based sentiment. The North Dakota Populists, however, did protest the United States involvement in the Philippines. In contrast, South Dakota Populism represents a progressive movement centering on the idea of humanizing American industrialism. The Populists\u27s moral concern for a humanitarian society, however, included a qualified nativism, a period of anti-Semitism, a feeling of white superiority, conspiratorial thinking, and political naivete. Although none of the specific charges were central or pervasive in Populist thought, they formed a part of the Populists\u27s attempt to alter the course of industrial America. The South Dakota Populists also rejected United States involvement in the Philippines

    The Framing of Political Advocacy and Service Responses in the Crime Victim Rights Movement

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    This paper analyses two major aspects of the mobilizing frames found among local organizations in the crime victim rights movement. A national survey of 301 organizations demonstrated that organizations shape their service/action responses in terms of three conceptualizations of the victim problem. These conceptualizations clearly influence the pattern of service programs found in different types of organizations. In addition it is shown that some types of organizations are more oriented to political advocacy than others; yet all types of organizations are more apt to be involved in political action if their staff members are oriented to victim rights framed as changing the status of victims in the criminal justice system

    The sentient, skilled and situated of sustaining a physical activity career: Pleasurable interpretations of corporeal ambiguity

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    In comparison to the natural sciences, there is a lack of empirically grounded social scientific research which addresses how people arrive at forming pleasurable interpretations of physical activity participation. Both social and natural conceptualisations of the bodily sensations evoked via physical activity involvement have also been restricted to pain and pleasure and pleasure-displeasure dualisms. Nevertheless, there is general agreement across these disciplines that pleasurable interpretations of physical activity participation encourage regular and sustained future involvement. We draw on carnal sociology to explain life history interview data from 30 varied physical activity careers to argue that corporeal experiences of being physically active are more ambiguous than existing pleasure-pain dualisms suggest. Furthermore, interpreting these ambiguous corporeal senses as pleasurable was of central importance to sustaining a prolonged physical activity career, which we argue is a carnal skill that can be learned. This skill, possessed by those interviewees with the most prolonged physical activity careers, had been acquired through becoming accustomed to the unique situated sensual ambiguities of particular physical activities, as a type of existential connoisseurship. Future research might pay more attention to the ambiguity of physical activity involvement, the carnal interpretation of which carries important consequences for the likelihood of long-term participation

    Order for Col. Bowen to Report to Atchison, Kansas

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    An order for Col. Thomas Bowen to assume command of his regiment.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/tj_bowen/1007/thumbnail.jp

    The hydrology of prehistoric farming systems in a central Arizona ecotone

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    The prehistoric land use and water management in the semi-arid Southwest was examined. Remote sensing data, geology, hydrology and biology are discussed along with an evaluation of remote sensing contributions, recommendations for applications, and proposed future remote sensing studies

    Archaeological Testing and Collecting at Choke Canyon Reservoir, Nueces River Project, Texas

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    This monograph reports the findings made during the summer of 1977 of test excavations and/or surface collections at 17 prehistoric archaeological sites in the Choke Canyon Reservoir area. The work was carried out by Texas A&M University for the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio. The field work was conducted to assess the archaeological potential of each site in order to advance recommendations for further investigations. The artifact samples, although meager, are described and these data are incorporated with other information from each site towards an overall site evaluation. Recommendations for further work are also included at the end of the report

    The Vanishing Sociology-Social Work Alliance: A Study in the Politics of Professionalism

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    The undergraduate sociology-social work alliance in sociology departments has a long tradition in American colleges despite ideological differences between the two disciplines. Recently this old alliance shows signs of disintegration. This paper argues that the recent emphasis on professionalization of undergraduate social work through the use of accrediting standards coupled with the control of Federal social work training grants have placed new pressures on the old alliance. Evidence is presented which indicates that the conflict is being resolved in the direction of greater administrative specialization and autonomy for social work
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