10 research outputs found

    Bibliografija radova o Tinu Ujeviću (1967 - 1980)

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    The use of physico-chemical processes in order to achieve the required parameters of industrial wastewater before connecting to the municipal system

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    The development of industrial facilities is causing increased discharge of industrial wastewater in municipal system. This represents a severe burden on the environment. Sustainable water management is so inevitable, that it is necessary to process polluted wastewater in a suitable treatment plant. The graduation thesis discusses an area of the physico-chemical treatment of industrial wastewater. Mentioned processes are used to ensure appropriate limit values for a connection to municipal systems that can end up with a municipal sewage treatment plant or direct effluent into watercourse. Limit values are regulated by EU laws with its directives and by Slovenian legislation with its legal acts. In the following thesis are explained the main physico–chemical wastewater treatment technology. This includes coagulation and flocculation, adsorption, ion exchange, membrane filtration, chemical precipitation, chemical oxidation and advanced oxidation processes. Author presents an overview of the largest emitters in the industry and industrial sectors, where are emissions and the amount of industrial wastewater the highest. Author also calculated the amount of discharged wastewater and the cost resulting from the payment of environmental charges for individual industry. At the end it is shown how limit values of emissions are ensured in the BREF reference documents for specific industries

    Structure and properties of weldment of rotor steels

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    Předmětem této diplomové práce je hodnocení strukturní stability heterogenního svarového spoje, který se skládá ze dvou různých základních materiálů (ocel 16 537 a ocel 16 236) a dále ze svarového kovu NiCrMo2,5-IG a návaru P24-IG. Všechny uvedené materiály patří do skupiny nízkolegovaných žáropevných ocelí, které své uplatnění našly především v energetickém průmyslu. Svarový spoj byl zhotoven pomocí svařovací metody TIG hot wire. Strukturní stabilita uvedeného svarového spoje byla hodnocena redistribucí uhlíku a změnami v mikrostruktuře po žíhání při teplotě 300 °C a 400 °C po dobu 500 hodin. Pro modelování fázového složení jednotlivých ocelí bylo využito softwaru ThermoCalc. Všechny získané výsledky by měli posloužit k posouzení, zda je heterogenní svarový spoj rotoru parní turbíny vhodný k dlouhodobému provozu v náročných pracovních podmínkách.The object of this thesis is to assess the structural stability of heterogeneous weld joint, which consists of two different base materials (16,537 steel and 16,236 steel) and weld metal NiCrMo2.5-IG with buttering layer P24-IG. All these materials belong to the group of low-alloyed creep-resistant steels that are to be used mainly in the power industry. The weld joint was made by application of the TIG hot wire welding method. Structural stability of this joint was evaluated by carbon redistribution and microstructural changes after annealing in temperature 300 °C and 400 °C during 500 hours. For modelling the phase composition of particular steels was used the ThermoCalc software. All gained results should be employed to appraise whether the heterogeneous weld joint of the steam turbine´s rotor is eligible for long-term operation in hard working conditions.

    Ivo Andrić 1892-1992

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    In 1961, exactly 50 years after his literary debut in the Bosanska vila, Ivo Andrić received the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was included in the literary pantheon. Some still call him "South Slav Tolstoy"

    Јужнословенски филолог 48

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    Balkan Minds: Transnational Nationalism and the Transformation of South Slavic Immigrant Identity in Chicago, 1890-1941

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    At the start of the twentieth century, America was inundated with unskilled workers eager to fuel the engines of the new economy. The South Slavs of the Balkans joined countless others from the furthest corners of the European continent during the final years of the nineteenth century and first two decades of the twentieth. Millions of foreign and unfamiliar faces, outlandishly clad, replaced the previous fair-haired and fair-skinned Western Europeans that originally populated the nation. These innumerably diverse peoples of eastern and southern European origin redefined the character of twentieth-century America. The vast majority of South Slavic immigrants arrived in the United States between 1890 and 1924. Emigration was a practical response to the profound economic, social and political changes occurring in the Balkans. The experience as émigrés and exiles allowed the South Slavs to discover, develop, and articulate novel modes of individual and collective identify. The experience of life in Chicago allowed Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes to imagine a new Jugoslav identity where none had previously existed. The experience of immigration ultimately defined South Slavic life in Chicago during the early twentieth century, as increased national awareness and the growing support for Jugoslavism--the unification of all South Slavs--profoundly affected events back in the Balkans. Immigration and exile increased awareness and articulation of national and supra-national identity among the South Slavs of Chicago. This process was advanced by modernization and industrialization alongside traditional institutions and structures that were transplanted from the Balkans to America. The shared working-class experience of life in the United States combined with educational efforts within the community and the spread of print media in the form of the South Slavic foreign-language press in Chicago supported the development of both competing nationalisms and the articulation of Jugoslavism. The experience of immigration to the United States ultimately contributed to the development of a pluralistic worldview where South Slavs embraced their newly ascribed hyphenated-American and increasingly working-class identities alongside their newly emerging Croat, Serb, Slovene, and Jugoslav identities. Nationalism in Europe during the nineteenth century laid the ideological foundations for South Slavic cultural and political institutions transplanted to America. After their arrival, Croat, Serb, and Slovene immigrants adapted these traditional structures to their new environment, which then allowed emergent national identities to take hold throughout the émigré community of Chicago. South Slavic fraternal groups, benevolent associations, and the foreign-language press were modeled after nineteenth-century citaonicas (reading rooms), maticas (literary societies), and literary journals that dominated nationalist discourse throughout the Balkans. Croat, Serb, and Slovene émigrés were not integrated into their respective national identities but rather remained fixed within their own separate local, regional, and religious worlds. The urban, immigrant experience of the predominately rural South Slavs in Chicago contributed to their growing identification, first with their fellow Croat, Serb, and Slovene nations, and then collectively as Jugoslavs, in a similar fashion that gradual urbanization and the spread of print media from urban to rural France transformed peasants into Frenchmen. The nationalist awakening of the South Slavs was ultimately achieved through the immigrant experience in Chicago. Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes had limited awareness of themselves let alone one another prior to their collective experience in America. The process of South Slavic unification began with the recognition of common local, regional, and religious affiliations present in the Balkans existed between Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes within the city. These attachments combined with their shared working-class experience allowed South Slavic cooperation through fraternal and benevolent organizations, churches, families, socialist groups, and the foreign-language press. Modernization, industrialization, and the spread of print media were crucial to the task of national integration, although for the South Slavs the process occurred outside their homeland. Their experience in America gave rise to a shared working-class identity that was congruent with traditional nationalist identities as well as an emergent Jugoslav identity promoted by certain organizations in Chicago. The development of working-class consciousness was fundamental to the mobilization of South Slavic national identity. Their experience as laborers and the ongoing struggle between various organizations and institutions within the community spurred increased national awareness. However, working-class consciousness did not replace ethnonational identity but reinforced it and introduced it to those who were unaware of their shared collective identities as Croats, Serbs and Slovenes. Oppositional structures in the form of the traditional families, fraternal groups, benevolent associations, the church, and socialist organizations worked in concert allowing Chicago\u27s South Slavs to embrace Jugoslav national identity. This transformation was abetted by the industrial environment and working-class experience in Chicago, and driven by political events back home that served as a transnational catalyst in the development of South Slavic immigrant identity. The nationalizing programs that began in the Balkans did not stop in Chicago. Although they employed much of the same tools--literature, intellectual elites, and political organizations--nationalist mobilization within the United States was unique in that it was profoundly influenced by the conditions the encountered in America. For the South Slavs of Chicago, their nationalist awakening was ultimately achieved through the immigrant experience. In the most profound way, exile proved to be the nursery for South Slavic nationalisms

    Јужнословенски филолог 46

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    Јужнословенски филолог 47

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    The residual service life of the riveted railway bridge

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    Opisano je določevanje preostale uporabnosti kovičenega jeklenega železniškega mostu čez Dravo na Ptuju. Izračun temelji na metodah mehanike loma, na integraciji Parisove funkcije. Za začetno velikost napake vzamemo hipotetično razpoko, ki je skrita pod glavo kovice, kritično velikost razpoke pa določimo z merjenjem kritične vrednosti J-integrala ter z uporabo znane Sedlackekove odvisnosti J proti a, pri čemer je a velikost razpoke.The residual service life of the riveted railway bridge across the Drava river near Ptuj is described. The calculation is based on fracture mechanics concepts, on the integration of Paris function. The hypothetical crack hidden under the heat of the rivet was considered as initial flaw, whereas the critical crack size was determined by measuring the critical value of J-integral and J vs. a relationship proposed by Sedlacek, where a is the crack size. Specimens were made from a steel lamella from a diagonal brace and the crack propagation rate and the fracture toughness of the steel were measured. All the measurements were performed at room temperature and at -20°C. the Paris function with threshold stress intensity range ▫KthK_{th}▫ was measured whereas the ▫JlcJ_{lc}▫ integral was estimated on the basis of the known ▫KlcK_{lc}▫ values. Some of the ▫JlcJ_{lc}▫ were measured directly too. The results are given as a number of cycles which can provoke a critical cracklengthening and are a reliable base for determining the frequency of detectoscopic inspections of vital elements of the bridge