27 research outputs found

    Agglomeration, Inequality and Economic Growth (WP)

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    The impact of income inequality on economic growth is dependent on several factors, including the time horizon considered, the initial level of income and its initial distribution. Yet, as growth and inequality are also uneven across space, it is also pertinent to consider the effects of the geographical agglomeration of economic activity. Moreover, it would also seem pertinent to consider not just the levels of inequality and agglomeration, but also the changes they undergo -i.e., their within-country evolution- and how these two processes interact with each other. By applying different econometric specifications and by introducing different measures of agglomeration at country level -specifically, urbanization and urban concentration rates-, this study analyzes how inequality and agglomeration -both their levels and their evolution- influence economic growth in function of the country’s level of development and its initial income distribution. Our results suggest, in line with previous studies, that while high inequality levels are a limiting factor for long-run growth, increasing inequality and increasing agglomeration have the potential to enhance growth in low-income countries where income distribution remains relatively equal, but can result in congestion diseconomies in high-income countries, especially if income distribution becomes particularly unequal

    Tracking positive and negative effects of inequality on long-run growth

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    Despite extensive research controversy remains on the effects of income inequality on economic growth. The literature proposes several transmission channels through which these effects may occur and even the existence of two different forms of inequality. However, empirical studies have not generally distinguished between these channels, nor have they considered the two forms of inequality and their separate effects on growth. In this paper we review the theory and the evidence of the transmission channels through which inequality influences growth. We contribute to the literature by using a system of recursive equations, following a control function approach, to empirically assess the relevance of these channels and to differentiate between two forms of inequality. In a single model, we capture both a negative and a positive effect of inequality on long-run economic growt

    Vote buying or (political) business (cycles) as usual?

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    We study the short-run effect of elections on monetary aggregates in a sample of 85 low and middle income democracies (1975-2009). We find an increase in the growth rate of M1 during election months of about one tenth of a standard deviation. A similar effect can neither be detected in established OECD democracies nor in other months. The effect is larger in democracies with many poor and uneducated voters, and in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and in East-Asia and the Pacific. We argue that the election month monetary expansion is related to systemic vote buying which requires significant amounts of cash to be disbursed right before elections. The finely timed increase in M1 is consistent with this; is inconsistent with a monetary cycle aimed at creating an election time boom; and it cannot be, fully, accounted for by alternative explanations

    7th Drug hypersensitivity meeting: part two

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    Fine-mapping analysis including over 254,000 East Asian and European descendants identifies 136 putative colorectal cancer susceptibility genes

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified more than 200 common genetic variants independently associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, but the causal variants and target genes are mostly unknown. We sought to fine-map all known CRC risk loci using GWAS data from 100,204 cases and 154,587 controls of East Asian and European ancestry. Our stepwise conditional analyses revealed 238 independent association signals of CRC risk, each with a set of credible causal variants (CCVs), of which 28 signals had a single CCV. Our cis-eQTL/mQTL and colocalization analyses using colorectal tissue-specific transcriptome and methylome data separately from 1299 and 321 individuals, along with functional genomic investigation, uncovered 136 putative CRC susceptibility genes, including 56 genes not previously reported. Analyses of single-cell RNA-seq data from colorectal tissues revealed 17 putative CRC susceptibility genes with distinct expression patterns in specific cell types. Analyses of whole exome sequencing data provided additional support for several target genes identified in this study as CRC susceptibility genes. Enrichment analyses of the 136 genes uncover pathways not previously linked to CRC risk. Our study substantially expanded association signals for CRC and provided additional insight into the biological mechanisms underlying CRC development

    Välttelevän kiintymyssuhteen merkitys lapsen hyvinvoinnille

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    Tarkoituksena tässä opinnäytetyössä on koota tutkimustietoa välttelevästä kiintymyssuhteesta ja sen merkityksestä lapsen hyvinvoinnille. Tavoitteena oli kehittää ammatillista osaamista teoriapohjan osalta ja käsitellä tutkittavaa aihetta psykiatrisen hoitotyön näkökulmasta, mikä on suuntautumiseni. Tutkimuskysymys on jaettu kahteen osaan: vanhempien ja lapsen välinen kiintymyssuhde ja lapsen kehitys ja hyvinvointi. Näiden osien ulottuvilta on haettu tutkimusartikkeleita, tutkimusraportteja ja asiantuntijakirjoituksia, joista on koottu tiivistelmiä kirjallisuuskatsauksen tapaan. Pohdinnassa on eritelty aineistoa tarkemmin tutkimuskysymyksen osalta. Kiintymyssuhde kehittyy lapsella varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen kautta 0–2-vuotiaana. Jos vanhemmat laiminlyövät kommunikoinnin lapsen kanssa, emotionaalinen kehitys jää vajaaksi eikä lapsi opi ilmaisemaan omia tarpeitaan ja tunteitaan. Välttelevän kiintymyssuhteen seuraukset voivat olla laajat epäsosiaalisuudesta kognitiivisiin häiriöihin. Epäsosiaalisuuteen kytkeytyviin häiriöihin kuuluu puhumattomuus, eristäytyminen ja laajemmin kroonistunut masennus, mihin taas liittyy vahva itsetuhoisuuden riski