48 research outputs found

    Interpersonal Intellectual Virtues: A heuristic Conceptualization from an Empirical Study

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    Due to the hyperspecialization so prevalent nowadays, interdisciplinary research is a demanding kind of epistemic activity. The concept of intellectual virtue as presented by responsibilist approaches of virtue epistemology could offer an effective counterweight to this challenge but raises the question of what epistemic virtues are necessary for interdisciplinarity. Based on a qualitative study, we identify and heuristically conceptualize a relevant subset of epistemic virtues required by interdisciplinarity that we call interpersonal intellectual virtues. These virtues are personal character traits that facilitate the reciprocal acquisition and distribution of knowledge with and through other people. By their very nature, they are only exercised in an interpersonal relationship that seeks an epistemic good, so in some sense, they are at the intersection of social virtues and intellectual virtues. We use Jason Baehr’s four-dimensional proposal for the essential components of intellectual virtues (motivational, affective, skill, and judgment) to show that these interpersonal traits are indeed epistemic virtues. Some examples of interpersonal intellectual virtues are intellectual empathy, intellectual respect, and intellectual trust, among others. Intellectual empathy is a paradigmatic case that we analyze in more detail. Finally, we suggest that interpersonal intellectual virtues are the key character traits of people involved in any successful collective epistemic endeavor, interdisciplinary research being a privileged context in which we can clearly see their manifestation

    The Intellectual Character of Interdisciplinary Researchers

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    The study and understanding of fundamental questions cannot be addressed by a single discipline. A plurality of insights needs to be integrated or coordinated to allow for mutual enrichment in interdisciplinary research. The intellectual character describes the set of dispositions that both configure and motivate intellectual behavior. In this paper, we explore the intellectual virtues that constitute the ideal character of an interdisciplinary researcher. We look at dimensions of several intellectual virtues – intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness, intellectual humility, and intellectual honest – relevant to interdisciplinarity, we discuss the significance of other character traits – intellectual creativity and intellectual trust – for integrating a plurality of insights, and we argue for the need of a social cognition approach, emphasizing the relevance of interpersonal intellectual virtues in interdisciplinary inquiry. All these virtues are key constituents of the intellectual character of interdisciplinary researchers

    Séance spécialisée : géodynamique des bassins océaniques et des marges continentales

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    Une morphologie de fonds sous-marins bathyaux comportant des indurations liées à des dépôts ferro-manganésifères inclus dans des sédiments hémipélagiques peu ou pas cimentés a été découverte sur une ride volcanique tertiaire au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (SW Pacifique). Elle semble être en relation avec des circulations hydrothermales au travers de la couverture sédimentaire pendant l'activité volcanique miocène de la ride des Loyauté. (Résumé d'auteur

    Interplay of tectonics and magmatism during post-rift inversion on the central West Iberian Margin (Estremadura Spur)

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    ABSTRACT: The combined effects of post-rift magma emplacement and tectonic inversion on the hyper-extended West Iberian Margin are unravelled in detail using multichan nel 2D/3D seismic data. The Estremadura Spur, acting as an uplifted crustal block bounded by two first-order transfer zones, shows evidence of four post-rift tectonic events each with a distinctive seismic-stratigraphic response that can be used to dem onstrate the tectono-magmatic interplay, namely: (a) the Campanian onset of mag matism (including the Fontanelas Volcano, the widespread evidence of multiple sill complexes and the detailed description of a >20 km long laccolith, the Estremadura Spur Intrusion; (b) the Campanian-Maastrichtian NE-SW event pervasively affecting the area, resulting in regional uplift, reverse faulting and folding; (c) the Paleocene mid Eocene inversion that resulted in widespread erosion and; (d) the Oligocene-mid Miocene evidence of rejuvenated NW-SE inversion marked by crestal faulting and forced-fault folding establishing the final geometry of the area. The distinct deforma tion styles within each tectonic phase document a case of decoupled deformation be tween Late Cretaceous and Tertiary units, in response to the predominant stress field evolution, revealing that the magnitude of Late Cretaceous inversion is far more sig nificant than the one affecting the latter units. A detailed analysis of the laccolith and its overburden demonstrate the distinct deformation patterns associated both with magma ascent (including extensional faulting, forced-folding and concentric reverse faulting) and its interference as a rigid intrusive body during subsequent transpres sive inversion. This reinforces the role that the combined tectono-magmatic events played on the margin. Also analysed is the wider impact of post-rift magmatism and the associate emplacement of sub-lithospheric magma on the rheology of a thinned continental crust. This takes into account the simultaneous tectonic inversion of the margin, the implied alternative views on characteristic heat flow, and on how these can be incorporated in source rock organic maturity modelling.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Review of the late Quaternary stratigraphy of the northern Gulf of Cadiz continental margin:New insights into controlling factors and global implications

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    Over the past decades, the northern Gulf of Cadiz has been the focus of a wide range of late Quaternary seismic and sequence stratigraphic studies, either addressing the slope contourite depositional system (CDS), or the development of the continental shelf. Yet, high-resolution seismic data bridging between these domains and age information have remained sparse. This study, based on new high-resolution reflection seismic profiles calibrated to IODP Expedition 339 sites U1386/U1387, now presents an updated stratigraphic framework, that integrates (for the first time) the late Quaternary records of the northern Gulf of Cadiz middle slope to shelf off the Guadiana River. Seismic stratigraphic analysis of the stacking, depocenter distribution, stratal architecture and facies of the seismic (sub-)units reveals the influence of similar to 100 kyr sea-level variations paced by Milankovitch (eccentricity) cycles, tectonics (manifesting as two pulses of uplift and margin progradation), sediment supply and bottom current activity. This work furthermore contributes to the application and understanding of high-resolution, late Quaternary sequence stratigraphy. Firstly, the proposed sequence stratigraphic interpretation shows that adaptations to the basic models are required to integrate the shelf and slope record, and to account for the presence of a significant alongslope (bottom current-controlled) component. Secondly, the results confirm that the sequences are dominantly composed of regressive deposits, whereas the preservation of transgressive to highstand deposits is more irregular. Significantly, the common assumption that successive major glacial lowstands are consistently recorded as well-marked, shelf-wide erosional unconformities, is demonstrated to be occasionally invalid, as tectonics can obliterate this one-to-one relationship

    Wilkes Land Continental Margin Physiography, East Antarctica

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