218 research outputs found

    Impact of firing on surface passivation of p-Si by SiO2/Al and SiO2/SiNx/Al stacks

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    Firing impacts on surface passivation provided by a SiO2 and SiO2/SiNx stack with evaporated Al films are studied by capacitance-based techniques on MIS capacitors. For devices with insulator layers consisting solely of as-deposited SiO2, the densities of either interface states (Dit) or fixed charges (Qfc) are hardly influenced by firing. Capping the SiO2 layer with a SiNx layer results in a shift of the peak activation energy of Dit toward the valence band (Ev) of Si. Firing this SiO2/SiNx stack leads to an increase of Qfc, a reduction of Dit, and a moderate shift of peak activation energy of Dit toward Ev. Co-firing with the Al film on top significantly reduces the Qfc, Dit, and Dit peak activation energy, which is resulting from the atomic hydrogen passivation. These results are of particular interest for the development of solar cells with rear surface passivation and local contacts

    Validation of 525 nm and 1020 nm aerosol extinction profiles derived from ACE imager data: comparisons with GOMOS, SAGE II, SAGE III, POAM III, and OSIRIS

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    International audienceThe Canadian ACE (Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment) mission is dedicated to the retrieval of a large number of atmospheric trace gas species using the solar occultation technique in the infrared and UV/visible spectral domain. However, two additional solar disk imagers (at 525 nm and 1020 nm) were added for a number of reasons, including the retrieval of aerosol and cloud products. In this paper, we present the first validation results for these imager aerosol/cloud optical extinction coefficient profiles, by intercomparison with profiles derived from measurements performed by 3 solar occultation instruments (SAGE II, SAGE III, POAM III), one stellar occultation instrument (GOMOS) and one limb sounder (OSIRIS). The results indicate that the ACE imager profiles are of good quality in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere, although the aerosol extinction for the visible channel at 525 nm contains a significant negative bias at higher altitudes, while the profiles are systematically too high at 1020 nm. Both problems are probably related to ACE imager instrumental issues

    Estudio comparativo de la variaciĂłn de las propiedades hĂ­dricas y el aspecto de la piedra natural y el ladrillo tras la aplicaciĂłn de 4 tipos de anti-grafiti

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    En este artículo se presenta un estudio comparativo del comportamiento de diferentes tipos de anti-graffiti comerciales sobre piedra natural y ladrillo. Para ello se seleccionaron 8 tipos de sustratos porosos de diferentes países europeos, sobre los que se aplicaron 4 anti-graffiti de distinta naturaleza química. Posteriormente se estudiaron las variaciones en sus propiedades hídricas y de aspecto (color y brillo) con respecto a los sustratos no tratados, en el laboratorio. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido evaluar la idoneidad de 4 de los principales tipos de formulaciones químicas más frecuentemente utilizadas como anti-graffiti sobre sustratos porosos. El estudio concluye que el antigraffiti de sacrificio de composición parafínica es el producto que reduce en menor medida las propiedades hídricas de los sustratos porosos estudiados, y que menores cambios de color produce en los mismos

    A global climatology of the mesospheric sodium layerfrom GOMOS data during the 2002-2008 period

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    This paper presents a climatology of the mesospheric sodium layer built from the processing of 7 years of GOMOS data. With respect to preliminary results already published for the year 2003, a more careful analysis was applied to the averaging of occultations inside the climatological bins (10° in latitude-1 month). Also, the slant path absorption lines of the Na doublet around 589 nm shows evidence of partial saturation that was responsible for an underestimation of the Na concentration in our previous results. The sodium climatology has been validated with respect to the Fort Collins lidar measurements and, to a lesser extent, to the OSIRIS 2003–2004 data. Despite the important natural sodium variability, we have shown that the Na vertical column has a marked semi-annual oscillation at low latitudes that merges into an annual oscillation in the polar regions, a spatial distribution pattern that was unreported so far. The sodium layer seems to be clearly influenced by the mesospheric global circulation and the altitude of the layer shows clear signs of subsidence during polar winter. The climatology has been parameterized by time-latitude robust fits to allow for easy use. Taking into account the non-linearity of the transmittance due to partial saturation, an experimental approach is proposed to derive mesospheric temperatures from limb remote sounding measurements
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