749 research outputs found

    Open data on Covid-19 in the Spanish autonomous communities: reutilization in spatial epidemiology studies

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for governments and health administrations at all levels to have an open data registry that facilitates decision-making in the planning and management of health resources and provides information to citizens on the evolution of the epidemic. The concept of “open data” includes the possibility of reutilization by third parties. Space and time are basic dimensions used to structure and interpret the data of the variables that refer to the health status of the people themselves. Hence, the main objective of this study is to evaluate whether the autonomous communities’ data files regarding Covid-19 are reusable to analyze the evolution of the disease in basic spatial and temporal analysis units at the regional and national levels. To this end, open data files containing the number of diagnosed cases of Covid-19 distributed in basic health or administrative spatial units and temporal units were selected from the portals of the Spanish autonomous communities. The presence of infection-related, demographic, and temporal variables, as well as the download format and metadata, were mainly evaluated. Whether the structure of the files was homogeneous and adequate for the application of spatial analysis techniques was also analyzed. The results reveal a lack of standardization in the collection of data in both spatial and temporal units and an absence of, or ambiguity in, the meaning of the variables owing to a lack of metadata. An inadequate structure was also found in the files of seven autonomous communities, which would require subsequent processing of the data to enable their reuse and the application of analysis and spatial modeling techniques, both when carrying out global analyses and when comparing patterns of evolution between different regions

    Quantification and Classification of <i>E. coli </i>Proteome Utilization and Unused Protein Costs across Environments

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    The costs and benefits of protein expression are balanced through evolution. Expression of un-utilized protein (that have no benefits in the current environment) incurs a quantifiable fitness costs on cellular growth rates; however, the magnitude and variability of un-utilized protein expression in natural settings is unknown, largely due to the challenge in determining environment-specific proteome utilization. We address this challenge using absolute and global proteomics data combined with a recently developed genome-scale model of Escherichia coli that computes the environment-specific cost and utility of the proteome on a per gene basis. We show that nearly half of the proteome mass is unused in certain environments and accounting for the cost of this unused protein expression explains >95% of the variance in growth rates of Escherichia coli across 16 distinct environments. Furthermore, reduction in unused protein expression is shown to be a common mechanism to increase cellular growth rates in adaptive evolution experiments. Classification of the unused protein reveals that the unused protein encodes several nutrient- and stress- preparedness functions, which may convey fitness benefits in varying environments. Thus, unused protein expression is the source of large and pervasive fitness costs that may provide the benefit of hedging against environmental change

    Revisiting constraints on WIMPs around primordial black holes

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    While Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) with masses MPBH1011MM_{\rm PBH} \gtrsim 10^{-11} \, M_\odot cannot comprise the entirety of dark matter, the existence of even a small population of these objects can have profound astrophysical consequences. A sub-dominant population of PBHs will efficiently accrete dark matter particles before matter-radiation equality, giving rise to high-density dark matter spikes. We consider here the scenario in which dark matter is comprised primarily of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) with a small sub-dominant contribution coming from PBHs, and revisit the constraints on the annihilation of WIMPs in these spikes using observations of the isotropic gamma-ray background (IGRB) and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), for a range of WIMP masses, annihilation channels, cross sections, and PBH mass functions. We find that the constraints derived using the IGRB have been significantly overestimated (in some cases by many orders of magnitude), and that limits obtained using observations of the CMB are typically stronger than, or comparable to, those coming from the IGRB. Importantly, we show that O(M)\sim \mathcal{O}(M_\odot) PBHs can still contribute significantly to the dark matter density for sufficiently low WIMP masses and p-wave annihilation cross sections.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    La calidad de vida en el síndrome del túnel del carpo: estudio prospectivo tras cirugía abierta

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    Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo del grado de afectación funcional en 90 pacientes con síndrome del túnel del carpo intervenidos mediante abordaje corto palmar. Todos los pacientes eran mujeres, con edad entre 20 y 50 años, y fueron revisados con un período de seguimiento mínimo de 12 meses y completaron un cuestionario pre y postoperatoriamente sobre 12 habilidades manuales que comprendían desde el aseo personal, la lectura y escritura y las tareas domésticas. También se registró el grado de satisfacción con la cirugía y la reincorporación laboral. Preoperatoriamente, las actividades más afectadas eran aquellas que precisan fuerza o utilización de la pinza digital. Un 53.3% de los pacientes referían limitación de al menos4 actividades preoperatoriamente; sin embargo, a los 12 mese de la cirugía sólo un 4,4% referían limitación en alguna actividad. El cuestionario utilizado presentó una correlación significativa con la fuerza de la mano afecta (p=0,02) y con el signo de Tinel (p=0,04). El grado de satisfacción subjetiva fue de 9,5 puntos. La actividad laboral previa a la cirugía estaba limitada en un 86,6%. El 95,5% se reincorporó a su actividad laboral en un tiempo medio de 6,1 semanas. En Conclusión, el tratamiento quirúrgico del síndrome del túnel carpiano por cirugía abierta mediante abordaje corto palmar permite al paciente realizar las tareas cotidianas de manera casi completa, mejorando la calidad de vida percibida.A prospective study was made of 90 patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome before and after open release using a short palmar incision. All women, age between 20 and 50 years, with a postoperative follow-up of one year. They completed a questionnaire regarding preoperative and postoperative 12 activities of daily living from self-care, hygiene tasks, reading, writing and housework. They also refereed the procedure satisfaction and return to work. Preoperative, the most difficult tasks involved some type of labour. A 53.3% of the patients rated limitation in 4 activities at least.; however, 12 months after surgery only 4.4% rated limitation in one activity. The questionnaire showed a significant correlation with the grip strength p=(0.02) and Tinel sign (p=0.04). The average satisfaction with the surgery was 9.5 of 10. Preoperative 86.6% of the patients rated limitation to do their job. Average return to work was 6.1 weeks in 95.5% of the patients. In conclusion, open carpal tunnel release using a short palmar incision allow patients to manage activities of daily living almost completely and to perceive quality of life

    Sinovitis Transitoria de Cadera: estudio Prospectivo de su Epidemiología y Valoración Diagnóstica

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    Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo durante seis años del tratamiento de 62 casos de Sinovitis Transitoria de Cadera sobre un total de 59 pacientes. La incidencia anual media fué de 3,57 casos por 10.000 habitantes menores de 10 años de edad. El riesgo de sufrir algún episodio de recurrencia era 300 veces mayor que el riesgo de sufrir un primer episodio. Se observó una mayor frecuencia en los meses de primavera y otoño. Los valores de las pruebas de laboratorio y las radiografías standard fueron normales en la mayoría de los casos; nosotros no hemos observado los signos indirectos clásicos de derrame articular. La enfermedad de Perthes se diagnosticó en dos casos, pero al revisar retrospectivamente las radiografías iniciales se observó que uno de los casos presentaba signos de necrosis avascular, mientras en el otro caso eran normales. Para el diagnostico diferencial y la evolución, la gammagrafía ósea nos proporcionó un relevante valor.The authors carried out a prospective study on 62 cases of Acute Transient Synovitis of the Hip in 59 patients. The follow up was six years. The average annual incidence was 3,57 per 10.000 population younge r than 10 years, and the risk of recurrence was 300 greater than the risk of having a single episode. The greatest frequency was observed in Spring and Autum. In most cases, the values of laboratory test and standard Rx was normal, we observed no classic indirect signs from articular effusion. Perthes'disease was diagnosed in two cases, but in retrospective review of the initial radiographs revealed sings of avascular necrosis in one of them, and the another case has had completely normal radiograph. For the differential diagnosis and follow-up, the bone scintigraphy has a relevant importance

    Academic literacy and student diversity: evaluating a curriculum-integrated inclusive practice intervention in the United Kingdom

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    The sustainability of universities is based, among other aspects, on their ability to adapt to changes and the needs of students, an increasingly diverse population. In this sense, Academic literacy provision at universities tends to be centralized and to offer language support for general academic literacy purposes rather than language development that responds in a more nuanced way to the particular literacy needs of students’ disciplines. Yet, in recent years, several studies have supported the integration of academic literacy into subject teaching outlining the principles of an inclusive model of academic literacy instruction. This paper draws on a theoretical framework developed by Wingate to evaluate a curriculum-integrated inclusive practice intervention in the United Kingdom with students from a first-year credit-bearing module at Middlesex University Business School. The study used a mixed methods approach that includes a literature review, secondary data, feedback questionnaire and a focus group to evaluate our teaching method and reflect on the collaboration of the team members to develop this inclusive pedagogical approach. The findings suggest that, on the whole, this intervention was perceived by both the module teaching team and students as positive, welcoming and often crucial for supporting undergraduate students into the disciplinary discourse of their subject of study. Yet, recommendations were made with respect to developing better guidelines for subject lecturers on how to deliver the integrated academic literacy as well as the importance of the participation of students, student learning assistants and graduate teaching assistants in the design of the intervention. This study contributes to the literature on inclusive practice intervention and pedagogical approaches to integrating academic literacy into subject teaching for a diverse student population, contributing to the social sustainability of the universities

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas de meseta tibial: Estudio de 53 casos

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    Se han revisado 53 fracturas de meseta tibial tratadas quirúrgicamente con reducción abierta y síntesis según el método AO. El seguimiento medio de los pacientes fue de 14 meses (mínimo, 12 meses). Según la clasificación de Schatzker y colaboradores las fracturas se distribuyeron en cinco casos tipo I, tres tipo II, veinticuatro tipo III, seis tipo IV, ocho tipo V y siete tipo VI. En función de la valoración clínica se obtuvo un 76% de resultados satisfactorios. No se encontró relación entre resultado y tipo de fractura, tipo de osteosíntesis o periodo de inmovilización; pero sí con el grado de reducción conseguido. Los peores resultados se obtuvieron en pacientes con fractura de platillo tibial externo o de ambos platillos con inclinación tardía mayor de 4 mm.A review of 53 fractures of the tibial plateau treated with open reduction and internal fixation is presented. The average follow-up was 14 months. Attending to Schatzker's classification, we found 5 fractures type I, 3 type II, 24 type III, 6 type IV, 8 type V and 7 type VI. The results were excellent or good in 76%. In our study, results do not correlate with type of fracture, type of internal fixation or period of immobilization, but do with the articular step-off. The results deteriorated when the step-off was more than 3 mm

    Identification of an inducible nitric oxide synthase in diaphragm mitochondria from septic miceIts relation with mitochondrial dysfunction and prevention by melatonin

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    Producción CientíficaSepsis provokes an induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and melatonin down-regulates its expression and activity. Looking for an inducible mtNOS isoform, we induced sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture in both normal and iNOS knockout mice and studied the changes in mtNOS activity. We also studied the effects of mtNOS induction in mitochondrial function, and the role of melatonin against induced mtNOS and mitochondrial dysfunction. The activity of mtNOS and nitrite levels significantly increased after sepsis in iNOS+/+ mice. These animals showed a significant inhibition of the respiratory chain activity and an increase in mitochondrial oxidative stress, reflected in the disulfide/glutathione ratio, glutathione redox cycling enzymes activity and lipid peroxidation levels. Interestingly, mtNOS activity remained unchanged in iNOS-/- septic mice, and mitochondria of these animals were unaffected by sepsis. Melatonin administration to iNOS+/+ mice counteracted mtNOS induction and respiratory chain failure, restoring the redox status. The results support the existence of an inducible mtNOS that is likely coded by the same gene as iNOS. The results also suggest that sepsis-induced mtNOS is responsible for the increase of mitochondrial impairment due to oxidative stress in sepsis, perhaps due to the high production of NO. Melatonin treatment prevents mitochondrial failure at the same extend as the lack of iNOS gene