25 research outputs found

    Mixed-frequency extreme value regression: Estimating the effect of mesoscale convective systems on extreme rainfall intensity

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    Understanding and modeling the determinants of extreme hourly rainfall intensity is of utmost importance for the management of flash-flood risk. Increasing evidence shows that mesoscale convective systems (MCS) are the principal driver of extreme rainfall intensity in the United States. We use extreme value statistics to investigate the relationship between MCS activity and extreme hourly rainfall intensity in Greater St. Louis, an area particularly vulnerable to flash floods. Using a block maxima approach with monthly blocks, we find that the impact of MCS activity on monthly maxima is not homogeneous within the month/block. To appropriately capture this relationship, we develop a mixed-frequency extreme value regression framework accommodating a covariate sampled at a frequency higher than that of the extreme observation

    Realized Peaks over Threshold: A Time-Varying Extreme Value Approach with High-Frequency-Based Measures

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    Recent contributions to the financial econometrics literature exploit high-frequency (HF) data to improve models for daily asset returns. This paper proposes a new class of dynamic extreme value models that profit from HF data when estimating the tails of daily asset returns. Our realized peaks-over-threshold approach provides estimates for the tails of the time-varying conditional return distribution. An in-sample fit to the S&P 500 index returns suggests that HF data convey information on daily extreme returns beyond that included in low frequency (LF) data. Finally, out-of-sample forecasts of conditional risk measures obtained with HF measures outperform those obtained with LF measures

    Local measures of dynamical quantum phase transitions

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    In recent years, dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs) have emerged as a useful theoretical concept to characterize nonequilibrium states of quantum matter. DQPTs are marked by singular behavior in an effective free energy lambda(t), which, however, is a global measure, making its experimental or theoretical detection challenging in general. We introduce two local measures for the detection of DQPTs with the advantage of requiring fewer resources than the full effective free energy. The first, called the real-local effective free energy lambda(M)(t), is defined in real space and is therefore suitable for systems where locally resolved measurements are directly accessible such as in quantum-simulator experiments involving Rydberg atoms or trapped ions. We test lambda(M)(t) in Ising chains with nearest-neighbor and power-law interactions, and find that this measure allows extraction of the universal critical behavior of DQPTs. The second measure we introduce is the momentum-local effective free energy lambda(k)(t), which is targeted at systems where momentum-resolved quantities are more naturally accessible, such as through time-of-flight measurements in ultracold atoms. We benchmark lambda(k)(t) for the Kitaev chain, a paradigmatic system for topological quantum matter, in the presence of weak interactions. Our introduced local measures for effective free energies can further facilitate the detection of DQPTs in modern quantum-simulator experiments

    Non-Standard Errors

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    In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data-generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncertainty in estimates of population parameters. In science, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence-generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty: Non-standard errors (NSEs). We study NSEs by letting 164 teams test the same hypotheses on the same data. NSEs turn out to be sizable, but smaller for better reproducible or higher rated research. Adding peer-review stages reduces NSEs. We further find that this type of uncertainty is underestimated by participants

    Ground-level ozone: Evidence of increasing serial dependence in the extremes

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    As exposure to successive episodes of high ground-level ozone concentrations can result in larger changes in respiratory function than occasional exposure buffered by lengthy recovery periods, the analysis of extreme values in a series of ozone concentrations requires careful consideration of not only the levels of the extremes but also of any dependence appearing in the extremes of the series. Increased dependence represents increased health risks and it is thus important to detect any changes in the temporal dependence of extreme values. In this paper we establish the first test for a change point in the extremal dependence of a stationary time series. The test is flexible, easy to use and can be extended along several lines. The asymptotic distributions of our estimators and our test are established. A large simulation study verifies the good finite sample properties. The test allows us to show that there has been a significant increase in the serial dependence of the extreme levels of ground-level ozone concentrations in Bloomsbury (UK) in recent years

    Structural change to the persistence of the urban heat island

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    The term urban heat island (UHI) is used to describe the effect of urban temperatures rising several degrees above concurrent temperatures in surrounding suburban or rural areas. This is typically assessed through records of daily extreme temperatures. However, on a hot day the temperature can exceed an extreme threshold for several consecutive hours, forming a cluster of extremes. We use the statistical theory of extreme values combined with a model that allows structural breaks to show that there has been a significant upward shift in the length of clusters in New York City. No such shift is found at a Connecticut location where the usual UHI assessment indicates that the two sites are comparable. Our study is the first to highlight this danger of the UHI. Prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures has deleterious effects on both health and the environment

    Estimating large losses in insurance analytics and operational risk using the g-and-h distribution

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    In this paper, we study the estimation of parameters for g-and-h distributions. These distributions find applications in modeling highly skewed and fat-tailed data, like extreme losses in the banking and insurance sector. We first introduce two estimation methods: a numerical maximum likelihood technique, and an indirect inference approach with a bootstrap weighting scheme. In a realistic simulation study, we show that indirect inference is computationally more efficient and provides better estimates than the maximum likelihood method in the case of extreme features in the data. Empirical illustrations on insurance and operational losses illustrate these findings

    Realizing the extremes: Estimation of tail-risk measures from a high-frequency perspective

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    This article applies realized volatility forecasting to Extreme Value Theory (EVT). We propose a two-step approach where returns are first pre-whitened with a high-frequency based volatility model, and then an EVT based model is fitted to the tails of the standardized residuals. This realized EVT approach is compared to the conditional EVT of McNeil & Frey (2000). We assess both approaches' ability to filter the dependence in the extremes and to produce stable out-of-sample VaR and ES estimates for one-day and ten-day time horizons. The main finding is that GARCH-type models perform well in filtering the dependence, while the realized EVT approach seems preferable in forecasting, especially at longer time horizons

    Estimating Value-at-Risk for the g-and-h distribution: an indirect inference approach

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    The g-and-h distribution is able to handle well the complex behavior of loss data and applied to operational losses suggests that indirect inference estimators of VaR outperform quantile-based estimators