25 research outputs found

    Aspectos de la historia del Imperio Romano : Textos de Morstein-Marx, Rosenstein, Mattingly, Ziolkowski, Grey y Drinkwater

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    Este libro reúne trabajos sobre distintos aspectos de la historia del Imperio Romano desde el surgimiento hasta su crisis terminal en Occidente. La sociedad romana es abordada desde puntos de vista políticos, económicos y sociales, en la medida en que estos pueden ser separados. Se han traducido textos de reconocidos investigadores: Morstein-Marx, Rosenstein, Mattingly, Ziolkowski, Grey y Drinkwater, cuya publicación busca acercar al mundo hispanoparlante estudios actualizados acerca de este período histórico para ser utilizados en la enseñanza de grado de la educación superior y universitaria. Esperamos que impulse la curiosidad de los alumnos sobre esta época, al mostrar su complejidad y lo que podemos aprender de ella para la comprensión de la sociedad en la que vivimos.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    De-centring the securitization of asylum and migration in the European Union: Securitization, vulnerability and the role of Turkey

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    This article contributes to the debates on de-centring the analysis of migration governance in Europe by focusing on the potential role of external actors in the securitisation of asylum and migration in the European Union (EU). Although there has been a growing amount of literature on the securitisation of asylum and migration in the EU, the role possibly played by external actors in this securitisation process has not been considered to date. This article addresses this gap using the case of Turkey. Theoretically, it contributes to the development of the securitisation framework by de-centring the study of securitisation processes. It argues that, from the vantage point of an external actor, a securitisation process highlights the existence of a vulnerability to a specific phenomenon that is perceived to be threatening. An external actor can then decide to exploit this vulnerability for its own gain, notably by making threats that play on the fears of the other political actor. Empirically, the article demonstrates how the Turkish government has been able to exploit the vulnerability of European countries to migration flows, which had been highlighted by the social construction of asylum and migration as security issues. By repeatedly threatening to send more asylum-seekers and migrants Europe’s way, the Turkish authorities have managed to secure some significant financial and political benefits for themselves in the last few years

    Case Report: Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Invading the Pulmonary Vein and Left Atrium: An Extremely Rare Occurrence Treated With Temsirolimus.

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    Metastatic renal cell carcinoma involving the left atrium and pulmonary vein is a very rare entity and has only been reported 4 times in the literature to our knowledge. This has traditionally been managed surgically but we re- port our experience with mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor therapy—temsirolimus. The treatment resulted in significant regression of the tumor but more importantly, dramatically improved patient’s symptoms. - See more at: http://www.gotoper.com/publications/ajho/2017/2017nov/case-report-metastatic-renal-cell-carcinoma-invading-the-pulmonary-vein-and-left-atrium-an-extremely-rare-occurrence-treated-with-temsirolimus#sthash.oNDOU6Ie.dpu

    Phytosiderophore release in Aegilops tauschii and Triticum species under zinc and iron deficiencies

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    Using three diploid (Triticum monococcum, AA), three tetraploid (Triticum turgidum, BBAA), two hexaploid (Triticum aestivum and Triticum compactum, BBAADD) wheats and two Aegilops tauschii (DD) genotypes, experiments were carried out under controlled environmental conditions in nutrient solution (i) to study the relationships between the rates of phytosiderophore (PS) release from the roots and the tolerance of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheats and Ae. tauschii to zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) deficiencies, and (ii) to assess the role of different genomes in PS release from roots under different regimes of Zn and Fe supply. Phytosiderophores released from roots were determined both by measurement of Cu mobilized from a Cu-loaded resin and identification by using HPLC analysis. Compared to tetraploid wheats, diploid and hexaploid wheats were less affected by Zn deficiency as judged from the severity of leaf symptoms. Aegilops tauschii showed very slight Zn deficiency symptoms possibly due to its slower growth rate. Under Fe-deficient conditions, all wheat genotypes used were similarly chlorotic; however, development of chlorosis was first observed in tetraploid wheats. Correlation between PS release rate determined by Cu-mobilization test and HPLC analysis was highly significant. According to HPLC analysis, all genotypes of Triticum and Ae. tauschii species released only one PS, 2 ' -deoxymugineic acid, both under Fe and Zn deficiency. Under Zn deficiency, rates of PS release in tetraploid wheats averaged 1 mu mol (30 plants)(-1) (3 h)(-1), while in hexaploid wheats rate of PS release was around 14 mu mol (30 plants)(-1) (3 h)(-1). Diploid wheats and Ae. tauschii accessions behaved similarly in their capacity to release PS and intermediate between tetraploid and hexaploid wheats regarding the PS release capacity. All Triticum and Aegilops species released more PS under Fe than Zn deficiency, particularly when the rate of PS release was expressed per unit dry weight of roots. On average, the rates of PS release under Fe deficiency were 3.0, 5.7, 8.4, and 16 mu mol (30 plants)(-1) (3 h)(-1) for Ae. tauschii, diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheats, respectively, The results of the present study show that the PS release mechanism in wheat is expressed effectively when three genomes, A, B and D, come together, indicating complementary action of the corresponding genes from A, B and D genomes to activate biosynthesis and release of PS

    The transformation of the primary health care system for Syrian refugees in Turkey

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    This article analyzes Turkey's policy response to the health needs of Syrian refugees since 2011. The innovations in immigration health policy cannot be explained solely on the basis of factors exogenous to the health sector, such as the massive arrival of Syrian refugees, the gradual Europeanization of Turkish immigration policy or new funding from the European Union. They also display several stages of endogenous learning driven by a reassessment of problems and reevaluation of preferences by Turkish authorities. The paper aims to explain three successive stages of Turkey's organization of migrant health care services: a pre-institutionalization stage in which existing facilities were repurposed, the establishment of the first dedicated migrant health centers and promotion of partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and finally the employment of Syrian medical professionals and the decreasing role of NGOs in migrant health centers following the impact of the 2016 European Facility for Refugees in Turkey

    K<sup>+</sup> Efflux and Retention in Response to NaCl Stress Do Not Predict Salt Tolerance in Contrasting Genotypes of Rice (<em>Oryza sativa</em> L.)

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    <div><p>Sudden elevations in external sodium chloride (NaCl) accelerate potassium (K<sup>+</sup>) efflux across the plasma membrane of plant root cells. It has been proposed that the extent of this acceleration can predict salt tolerance among contrasting cultivars. However, this proposal has not been considered in the context of plant nutritional history, nor has it been explored in rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.), which stands among the world’s most important and salt-sensitive crop species. Using efflux analysis with <sup>42</sup>K, coupled with growth and tissue K<sup>+</sup> analyses, we examined the short- and long-term effects of NaCl exposure to plant performance within a nutritional matrix that significantly altered tissue-K<sup>+</sup> set points in three rice cultivars that differ in salt tolerance: IR29 (sensitive), IR72 (moderate), and Pokkali (tolerant). We show that total short-term K<sup>+</sup> release from roots in response to NaCl stress is small (no more than 26% over 45 min) in rice. Despite strong varietal differences, the extent of efflux is shown to be a poor predictor of plant performance on long-term NaCl stress. In fact, no measure of K<sup>+</sup> status was found to correlate with plant performance among cultivars either in the presence or absence of NaCl stress. By contrast, shoot Na<sup>+</sup> accumulation showed the strongest correlation (a negative one) with biomass, under long-term salinity. Pharmacological evidence suggests that NaCl-induced K<sup>+</sup> efflux is a result of membrane disintegrity, possibly as result of osmotic shock, and not due to ion-channel mediation. Taken together, we conclude that, in rice, K<sup>+</sup> status (including efflux) is a poor predictor of salt tolerance and overall plant performance and, instead, shoot Na<sup>+</sup> accumulation is the key factor in performance decline on NaCl stress.</p> </div

    Inhibitor effects of NaCl-stimulated K<sup>+</sup> efflux.

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    <p>The effect of co-application of 10 mM CsCl or CaCl<sub>2</sub> with sudden provision (at <i>t</i>  =  15.5 min, see arrow) of 160 mM NaCl on the response of <sup>42</sup>K<sup>+</sup> efflux from roots of intact rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.) in the cultivar IR72. External N source was supplied as 10 mM NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> and K<sup>+</sup> at either 0.1 (A) or 1.5 mM (B). Error bars indicate ± SEM.</p

    [[alternative]]Russian policy toward Turkey and counter-terorism in the Middle East

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    碩士[[abstract]]過去在冷戰時期,以蘇聯為首的華沙公約組織和美國所領導的北大西洋公約組織互相抗衡。接近蘇聯的土耳其,因其本身為北約之會員國,在意識形態上和 蘇聯是互相對立的。在古巴導彈危機之時,美蘇雙方協定各自撤走駐防於古巴與 土耳其境內的武器系統。 蘇聯解體之後,過去兩大集團的勢力抗衡也只剩北約,華沙公約已然消失。 在這種狀況下,身為北約的會員國-土耳其認清過去互相抗衡的狀態已經消失。 而俄羅斯聯邦以及新建立起的獨立國家國協和過去蘇聯全然不同,若土耳其要鞏 固國家安全,勢必要對自身的地緣位置及戰略目標再次評估,況且以美國為首的 北約屢次在冷戰時期以土耳其當作對蘇的盾牌以及長矛,若是以過去意識形態對 抗的外交策略去面對俄羅斯,恐怕會導致進一步的衝突。 本文從歷史因素、地緣政治、國家安全及國家利益的角度,探究兩國關係。[[abstract]]In the period of cold war, Warsaw Union was against NATO, which were led by USSR and USA.After the Cuba Crsis, American were agreed to remove missile system in the Turkey. After 1990 USSR fall apart, and Warsaw Union also gone.In this condition, Turkey as a member of NATO, rethinking the relation between Russia and Turkey.Besides, in the time of Cold War, Turkey always be a shield and Sword to against USSR.If this condition would keeping, could lead the greater conflict. This artical focus on relation between Russia and Turkey.From historical Gepolitics National Security National Interests aspects to know relation.[[tableofcontents]]第一章 緒論 1 第一節、 研究動機與目的 1 第二節、 研究途徑、理論以及方法 4 第三節、 文獻回顧 15 第四節、 研究範圍、架構以及限制 27 第二章 俄羅斯與土耳其間歷史之來往 29 第一節、 沙皇時期俄羅斯帝國對鄂圖曼土耳其關係 29 第二節、 蘇聯時期對土耳其關係 43 第三節、 小結 47 第三章 葉爾欽時期對土耳其關係(1991-2000年) 48 第一節、 俄羅斯聯邦與土耳其共和國的政治及外交關係 49 第二節、 俄土之間的經貿合作 61 第三節、 能源議題 65 第四章 普丁時期的俄土關係 67 第一節、 政治以及外交上的關係 68 第二節、 經濟合作 76 第三節、 能源關係 81 第五章 中東地區政治局勢與俄土關係 84 第一節、 阿拉伯之春與俄羅斯中東政策 85 第二節、 伊斯蘭國的崛起與土耳其對中東策略 91 第三節、 俄羅斯對敘利亞政策及俄土關係 95 第六章 結論 98 參考文獻 104 表格目錄 表格 1、俄羅斯對外貿易量 62 表格 2、土耳其企業在俄羅斯聯邦的工程建設 63 表格 3、2000年到2008年俄羅斯聯邦對土耳其之進口量 78 表格 4、俄羅斯聯邦國民出國旅遊數量 80 表格 5、藍色溪流管線流量及輸往土耳其之輸送量 82 圖目錄 圖表 1 研究架構圖 28 圖表 2藍流管線分布圖 81[[note]]學號: 602320011, 學年度: 10