974 research outputs found

    The properties of the gamma-ray blazars in the CJ-F VLBI sample

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    We present first results from the analysis of multi-epoch VLBI observations of the EGRET detected sources [9] in the CJ-F sample (Caltech Jodrell-Flat-spectrum, [10]). These objects form a subsample of 14 sources within the 293 AGN of the full CJ-F sample. 5 GHz VLBI snapshot observations of the CJ-F sources are continuously being performed in order to create a valid database for thorough statistical tests of pc-scale jet motion in AGN. All gamma-bright CJ-F AGN have been observed at least twice with the VLBA, which enables us to investigate jet component motions and paths. In particular, we concentrate on the analysis of those properties supposed to be essential for gamma-ray production, i.e., superluminal motion and bending. A paper discussing the possible relation between morphological changes and gamma-ray flaring/production is in preparation

    A multi-epoch VLBI survey of the kinematics of CFJ sources

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    Context. This is the second in a series of papers presenting VLBI observations of the 293 Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-spectrum (hereafter CJF) sources and their analysis. Aims. We obtain a consistent motion dataset large enough to allow the systematic properties of the population to be studied. Methods. We present detailed kinematic analysis of the complete flux-density limited CJF survey. We computed 2D kinematic models based on the optimal model-fitting parameters of multi-epoch VLBA observations. This allows us to calculate not only radial, but also orthogonal motions, and thus to study curvature and acceleration. Statistical tests of the motions measured and their reliability were performed. A correlation analysis between the derived apparent motions, luminosities, spectral indices, and core dominance and the resulting consequences is described. Results. With at least one velocity in each of the 237 sources, this sample is much larger than any available before, so it allows a meaningful statistical investigation of apparent motions and any possible correlations with other parameters in AGN jets. The main results to emerge are as follows: - In general motions are not consistent with a single uniform velocity applicable to all components along a jet. - We find a slight trend towards a positive outward acceleration and also adduce some evidence for greater acceleration in the innermost regions. - We find a lack of fast components at physical distances less than a few pc from the reference feature. - Only ~4% of the components from galaxies and <2% of those from quasars undergo large bends i.e. within 15° of ± 90°. - The distribution of radial velocities shows a broad distribution of velocities (apparent velocities up to 30 c). Fifteen percent of the best-sampled jet components exhibit low velocities that may need to be explained in a different manner to the fast motions. - Some negative superluminal motions are seen, and in 15 cases (6%) these are definitely significant. - We find a strong correlation between the 5 GHz luminosity and the apparent velocity. - The CJF galaxies, on average, show slower apparent jet-component velocities than the quasars. - The mean velocity in the VLBA 2 cm survey (Kellermann et al. 2004, ApJ, 609, 539) is substantially higher than in the CJF survey, the ratio could be roughly a factor of 1.5-2. This supports the observed trend toward increasing apparent velocity with increasing observing frequency. Conclusions. This AGN survey provides the basis for any statistical analysis of jet and jet-component properties

    A Multi-Epoch VLBI Survey of the Kinematics of CJF Sources; Part I: Model-Fit Parameters and Maps

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    Context: This is the first of a series of papers presenting VLBI observations of the 293 Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-Spectrum (hereafter CJF) sources and their analysis. Aims: One of the major goals of the CJF is to make a statistical study of the apparent velocities of the sources. Methods: We have conducted global VLBI and VLBA observations at 5 GHz since 1990, accumulating thirteen separate observing campaigns. Results: We present here an overview of the observations, give details of the data reduction and present the source parameters resulting from a model-fitting procedure. For every source at every observing epoch, an image is shown, built up by restoring the model-fitted components, convolved with the clean beam, into the residual image, which was made by Fourier transforming the visibility data after first subtracting the model-fitted components in the uv-plane. Overplotted we show symbols to represent the model components. Conclusions: We have produced VLBI images of all but 5 of the 293 sources in the complete CJF sample at several epochs and investigated the kinematics of 266 AGN.Comment: Figure 1 and Table 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDS and soon at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/sbritzen/cjf.htm

    Sexual exploitation in children: Nature, prevalence and distinguishing characteristics reported in young adulthood

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    The aim of this study was to explore the nature and extent of sexual exploitation in a university student sample, whilst being clear that sexual exploitation is sexual abuse. Overall, 47% of participants (96 out of 204) reported having been approached by an adult in a sexual manner when they were under the age of 16. The study predicted that a number of individual characteristics would increase a young person’s vulnerability for sexual exploitation. These included low self-esteem, external locus of control, social loneliness and insecure attachment. Results indicated lower levels of self-esteem among those who had been approached sexually, although it is not clear in terms of causality. There were no differences in scores for locus of control or loneliness. Relationship anxiety was significantly linked with children having engaged in sexual behaviours with an adult. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of emerging individual characteristics relating to a risk of sexual exploitation

    The effectiveness of non-native fish removal techniques in freshwater ecosystems: a systematic review

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    In aquatic systems, biological invasions can result in adverse ecological effects. Man-agement techniques available for non-native fish removal programs (including eradica-tion and population size control) vary widely, but include chemicals, harvest regimes, physical removal, or biological control. For management agencies, deciding on what non-native fish removal program to use has been challenging because there is little reliable information about the relative effectiveness of these measures in controlling or eradicat-ing non-native fish. We conducted a systematic review, including a critical appraisal of study validity, to assess the effectiveness of different non-native fish removal methods, and to identify the factors that influence the overall success rate of each type of method. We found 95 relevant studies, generating 158 data sets. The evidence base was dominated by poorly documented studies with inadequate experimental designs (76% of removal projects). When the management goal was non-native fish eradication, chemical treat-ments were relatively successful (antimycin 89%; rotenone 75%) compared to other in-terventions. Electrofishing and passive removal measure studies indicated successful eradication was possible (58% each respectively) but required intensive effort and multi-ple treatments over a number of years. Of these studies with sufficient information, elec-trofishing had the highest success for population size control (56% of data sets). Overall, inadequate data quality and completeness severely limited our ability to make strong con-clusions about the relationships between non-native fish abundance and different methods of eradication and population control, and the factors influencing the overall success rate of each method. Our review highlights that there is considerable scope for improving our evaluations of non-native fish removal methods. It is recommended that programs should have explicitly stated objectives, better data reporting, and study designs that (when pos-sible and appropriate) incorporate replicated and controlled investigations with rigorous, long-term quantitative monitoring. Future research on the effectiveness of non-native fish removal methods should focus on: (1) the efficacy of existing or potentially new removal measures in larger, more complex environments; (2) a broader range of removal measures in general, and (3) phenotypic characteristics of individual fish within a population that fail to be eradicated or controlled

    Coalition theories: empirical evidence for dutch municipalities

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    The paper analyzes coalition formation in Dutch municipalities. After discussing the main features of the institutional setting, several theories are discussed, which are classified as size oriented, policy oriented and actor oriented models. A test statistic is proposed to determine the predictive power of these models. The empirical analysis shows that strategic positions as well as some of the distinguished preferences are important in the setting of Dutch municipalities. Especially, the dominant minimum number principle yields highly significant results for coalition formations in the period 1978–1986

    The HST Survey of BL Lacertae Objects. II. Host Galaxies

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    We have used the HST WFPC2 camera to survey 132 BL Lac objects comprising seven complete radio-, X-ray-, and optically-selected samples. We obtained useful images for 110 targets spanning the redshift range 0 < z < 1.3. In two thirds of the BL Lac images, host galaxies are detected, including nearly all for z < 0.5 (58 of 63). The highest redshift host galaxy detected is in a BL Lac object at z=0.664. In 58 of the 72 resolved host galaxies, a de Vaucouleurs profile is significantly preferred, at >99% confidence, over a pure exponential disk; the two fits are comparable in the remaining 14 cases. These results limit the number of disk systems to at most 8% of BL Lacs (at 99% confidence), and are consistent with all BL~Lac host galaxies being ellipticals. The detected host galaxies are luminous ellipticals with a median absolute K-corrected magnitude of M_R= -23.7 +- 0.6 mag, at least one magnitude brighter than M* and comparable to brightest cluster galaxies. The galaxy morphologies are generally smooth and undisturbed, with small or negligible ellipticities (<0.2). There is no correlation between host galaxy and observed nuclear magnitude or estimated jet power corrected for beaming. If black hole mass is correlated linearly with bulge mass in general, this implies a large range in Eddington ratio. Present data strongly support the unification picture with FR I galaxies constituting the bulk of the parent population of BL Lac objects.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ. 38 pages, 8 figure

    Probing radio source environments via HI and OH absorption

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    We present the results of HI and OH absorption measurements towards a sample of radio sources using the Arecibo 305-m telescope and the GMRT. In total, 27 radio sources were searched for associated 21-cm HI absorption. One totally new HI absorption system was detected against the radio galaxy 3C258, while five previously known HI absorption systems, and one galaxy detected in emission, were studied with improved frequency resolution and/or sensitivity. Our sample included 17 GPS and CSS objects, 4 of which exhibit HI absorption. This detection rate of ~25% compares with a value of ~40% by Vermeulen et al. for similar sources. We detected neither OH emission nor absorption towards any of the sources that were observed at Arecibo, and estimate a limit on the abundance ratio of N(HI)/N(OH)>4x10^6 for 3C258. We have combined our results with those from other available HI searches to compile a heterogeneous sample of 96 radio sources consisting of 27 GPS, 35 CSS, 13 flat spectrum and 21 large sources. The HI absorption detection rate is highest (~45%) for the GPS sources and least for the large sources. We find HI column density to be anticorrelated with source size, as reported earlier by Pihlstr\"om et al. The HI column density shows no significant dependence on either redshift or luminosity, which are themselves strongly correlated. These results suggest that the environments of radio sources on GPS/CSS scales are similar at different redshifts. Further, in accordance with the unification scheme, the GPS/CSS galaxies have an HI detection rate of ~40% which is significantly higher than the detection rate (~20%) towards the GPS/CSS quasars. Also, the principal (strongest) absorption component detected towards GPS sources appears blue-shifted in ~65% of the cases, in agreement with the growing evidence for jet-cloud interactions.Comment: Abridged abstract, 22 pages, 21 figures, moderately revised, accepted for publication in MNRA
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