485 research outputs found

    One Last Chance: The Economic Case for a New Approach to Fisheries Management in New England

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    Documents the decline of the New England fishing industry as a result of mismanagement, presents examples of successful and sustainable fisheries, and examines the viability of proposed community-based, fishermen-run cooperatives as a solution

    Improving content authoring user experience in the lovelace learning environment

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    Abstract. This thesis provides the analysis, planning, execution and evaluation of a new back- and frontend prototype of the online learning environment Lovelace created by the project group. The pre-requisite for the prototype was to utilize the same technologies as the current live version, and the project groups first major task was to investigate, comprehend and execute them. In addition, the project group was advised not to review the code of the live version to ensure fresh perspective into execution of the new version. The design takes influence from other sources such as Moodle. This thesis covers the process of the design from first sketches and analysis of the set-out requirements. These requirements include extracting the current editing functionality from separate administrator page to the easily accessible lecture pages editing widget, the static website contents caching, support for the existing Lovelace markup text and many others. The implementation phase starts by following the plan created in the design part which made the process more streamlined. Technical aspects of the development are handled in the implementation part of the thesis. Polymorphism, the way the content is rendered to the viewer, explanation and representation of how content forms and caching works are explored here. The evaluation of the finished prototype was executed in form of measurement of websites load times with addition of an expert evaluation meeting with experienced user of the live version of Lovelace. The meeting consisted of different test cases which the attendee had to complete on both old and new versions. These tasks were all timed and the results were vastly better with the project groups prototype. All of the tasks completed with less time with the prototype, and in some cases even twice as fast. Comparing the end result with the pre-requisites, the requirements were met well, and the improvements were proven to be a success.Tiivistelmä. Tämä tutkielma sisältää verkko-opintoympäristö Lovelacen uuden prototyypin suunnittelun, toteutuksen, analyysin sekä evaluaation vaiheet. Prototyyppi on projektiryhmän tuottama uusi front- ja backend toteutus, jonka esivaatimuksena oli hyödyntää samoja teknologioita kuin alkuperäinen versio. Tämän johdosta projektin keskeisin tehtävä alun kannalta oli tutkia ja opiskella näitä teknologioita perusteellisesti. Lisäksi projektiryhmää ohjeistettiin olemaan katsomatta alkuperäisen version koodia ja toteutusta, jotta projektia lähestyttäisiin täysin uudesta perspektiivistä. Suunnitteluvaiheessa projekti ottaa vaikutteita muista oppimisympäristöistä kuten Moodle:sta. Tämä tutkielma käsittelee suunnitteluprosessin vaiheet mukaanlukien käyttöliittymän luonnokset ja esivaatimusten analyysin. Vaatimuksia ovat editointitoiminnallisuuden siirtäminen erilliseltä ylläpitosivustolta luentosivulta helposti käsiteltävään editointipienoisohjelmaan, välimuistin implementointi latausnopeuksien nopeuttamiseksi, tuki Lovelacen ”markup” -tekstille sekä monia muita. Projektin tekninen puoli, kuten polymorfismi, sisällön renderointi sekä tarkempi välimuistin ja sisältölomakkeiden toiminta käsitellään implementointiosiossa. Valmiin prototyypin evaluointi suoritettiin latausnopeuksien mittauksilla sekä asiantuntijan arvioinnilla. Kyseinen asiantuntija oli kokenut Lovelacen käyttäjä ja hänelle annettiin kolme erilaista tehtävää, jotka hänen kuului suorittaa sekä alkuperäisellä että projektiryhmän versioilla. Nämä suoritukset ajoitettiin sekuntikellolla myöhempää data-analyysia varten. Tulokset prototyyppiversiolla olivat menestyksekkäitä. Tehtäviin kulutettu aika oli jokaisella kerralla lyhyempi prototyyppiä käyttäessä ja joissain tapauksissa jopa kaksi kertaa lyhyempi. Kun kokonaiskuvaa lopputuloksesta verrataan alkuvaatimuksiin, niin huomataan, että vaatimukset tavoitettiin ja uudet toiminnallisuudet paransivat todistetusti käyttäjäkokemusta

    An example of a method to wirelessly transfer measurement data from cows in a free stall barn

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    Here we describe a wireless data measurement and transfer system that operates within a free stall barn. We report also the reliability of the system. This system was designed and built in Very Intelligent Cow Barn project in 2006-2007

    Marked deterioration in the quality of life of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis during the last two years of life

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    BackgroundIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic disease with a high symptom burden and poor survival that influences patients' health-related quality of life (HRQOL). We aimed to evaluate IPF patients' symptoms and HRQOL in a well-documented clinical cohort during their last two years of life.MethodsIn April 2015, we sent the Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale (MMRC), the modified Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) and a self-rating HRQOL questionnaire (RAND-36) to 300 IPF patients, of which 247 (82%) responded. Thereafter, follow-up questionnaires were sent every six months for two years.ResultsNinety-two patients died by August 2017. Among these patients, HRQOL was found to be considerably low already two years before death. The most prominent declines in HRQOL occurred in physical function, vitality, emotional role and social functioning (pPeer reviewe

    Impacts of winter feeding of reindeer on vegetation and soil in the sub-Arctic: insights from a feeding experiment

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    The overall impacts of winter feeding, including the effects of both forage and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), were studied in an experiment in the Hammastunturi herding cooperative (68°N), Finland, with 300 reindeer in a sub-xeric heath forest (35 ha) during March/April 2009 and 2010. The feeding practices on the 50 plots were: (1) feeding with grass silage+hay with leftovers cleared in the spring; (2) feeding with grass silage+hay with leftovers not cleared; and (3) feeding with pellets. In addition, (4) unfenced and (5) fenced control plots were included, on which the reindeer were not fed. No invasive plant species introduced through grass silage+hay were observed on the plots. The coverage of Deschampsia flexuosa increased on grass silage+hay plots after the first winter, and both coverage and height of the grass increased after the second winter. The coverage of Dicranum sp. and Pleurozium schreberi was lower on plots where reindeer were fed with grass silage (leftover silage not cleared) vs. controls. Some dwarf shrubs, e.g., Calluna vulgaris, showed a similar response after the second winter. The N content of Empetrum nigrum was higher on grass silage plots (leftover silage not cleared) after the first winter vs. controls. After two winters, the N content of both E. nigrum and Vaccinium myrtillus was increased. Of the soil variables studied, C/N decreased on grass silage+hay plots vs. fenced controls. We conclude that even a moderate level of feeding may cause changes that can lead to a gradual shift from nutrient-poor heath forest towards a more nutrient-rich type

    Prevalence of obesity and disturbances in glucose homeostasis in HIV-infected subjects and general population - missed diagnoses of diabetes?

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    Objectives Comparative data on glucose disorders using fasting blood samples between people living with HIV (PLWH) and the general population are lacking. The objective of this study was to compare the prevalence and risk factors of obesity and disturbances in glucose homeostasis between PLWH treated with modern antiretroviral therapy and the general population. Methods Adjusted prevalence of obesity, features of insulin resistance (triglyceride:high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio and alanine aminotransferase), impaired fasting glucose (IFG), diabetes mellitus (DM) and combined dysglycaemia (presence of IFG or DM) were determined using fasting blood samples among 1041 PLWH and 7047 subjects representing the general population. Results People living with HIV had a lower prevalence of obesity [18.2%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 15.1-21.2 vs. 23.9%, 95% CI: 22.4-25.4], but a higher prevalence of insulin resistance and IFG (20.0%, 95% CI: 16.6-23.4 vs. 9.8%, 95% CI: 8.7-10.8) than the general population. Fasting glucose concentration was higher, but glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was lower, among PLWH. Prevalence of dysglycaemia for a given body mass index (BMI) was higher in PLWH than in the general population. The prevalence of DM did not differ between PLWH (13.2%, 95% CI: 10.2-15.9) and the general population (14.5%, 95% CI: 13.6-15.4). Conclusions The prevalence of obesity was lower, but the risk of dysglycaemia for a given BMI was significantly higher, among PLWH, highlighting the importance of prevention and treatment of obesity among HIV-infected subjects. Regardless of the increased prevalence of insulin resistance and IFG, DM was surprisingly not more common among PLWH, raising concern about the under-diagnosis of DM, possibly due to low sensitivity of HbA1c in this patient population.Peer reviewe

    A framework for research on technology-enhanced special education

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    Based on results from the Technologies for Childrenwith Individual Needs Project and two case projects,we propose a new multidisciplinary framework forresearch between computer science, educationaltechnology, and special education. The frameworkpresents a way to conduct research that aims atdeveloping new methods for technology-enhancedspecial education and for developing adaptablesoftware and hardware tools for individual needs ineducational settings.Peer reviewe

    Gene Expression and Immunohistochemistry in Adipose Tissue of HIV Type 1-Infected Patients with Nucleoside Analogue Reverse-Transcriptase Inhibitor-Associated Lipoatrophy

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    BackgroundLong-term use of both zidovudine (AZT) and stavudine (d4T) is associated with lipoatrophy, but it occurs possibly through different mechanisms MethodsSurgical biopsy specimens of subcutaneous adipose tissue were obtained from 18 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected lipoatrophic patients (the LA+ group) who were treated with either zidovudine (the AZT+LA+ group; n=10) or stavudine (the d4T+LA+ group; n=8) and from 10 nonlipoatrophic HIV-1-infected patients (the LA− group) who received antiretroviral therapy. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy numbers, gene expression, and immunohistochemistry data were analyzed ResultsmtDNA copy numbers were significantly reduced in the LA+ group, compared with the LA− group, and in the d4T+LA+ group, compared with the AZT+LA+ group. The ratio of mtDNA-encoded cytochrome COX3 to nuclear DNA-encoded COX4 expression was significantly lower in the LA+ group than in the LA− group. Compared with the LA− group, the LA+ group had significantly lower expression of genes involved in adipogenesis (SREBP1cand CEBPB) lipid (fatty acid synthase), and glucose (GLUT4) metabolism. Expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC1B) apoptosis (FAS) inflammation (IL1B) oxidative stress (PCNA and SOD1) and lamin B was significantly higher in the LA+ group than in the LA− group. The d4T+LA+ group had significantly lower expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis (POLG1) energy metabolism (the COX3/COX4 ratio), adipogenesis (SREBP1c and CEBPA) perilipin, and hexokinase than did the AZT+LA+ group. There were 7-fold more macrophages in adipose tissue specimens obtained from patients in the LA+ group, compared with the LA− group ConclusionsLipoatrophy is characterized by mtDNA depletion, inflammation, and signs of apoptosis. Changes were more profound in the d4T+LA+ group than in the AZT+LA+ grou