69 research outputs found

    Form factors for power spectra of vowel nuclei

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    The spectrum of the vowel nucleus is, within the present framework, regarded in terms of 'Form Factor Elements'. One such element is reflected in the structure of formant clusters and may be expressed in terms of bandwidth. It is shown that in two-formant synthesis a vowel can change its identity from /i/ to /e/ (or /y/ to/ø/ with a decreased pole span) simply by an increase of the higher pole bandwidth. Prior to this discovery, and indicating its potential, a fourformant synthesis experiment was conducted. In this part of the investigation the possibility of constructing /e/ vowel spectrum envelopes containing either higher, equal or lower spectral centres of gravity, as compared to envelopes generating the auditory impression of /i/, is demonstrated. N.B. in the process of generating the power spectra for /i/ and /e/, the frequency parameters F4 , F1 and F0 were held constant. The spectrum balance was achieved either by means of only frequency adjustments of F2 and F3 or, with these frequencies "frozen", by amplitude modifications of F2, F3 and F4. The two experiments emanate from an empirically found paradoxical relationship for one female voice between such parameters as Tongue Height plus Fronting versus Second Formant Prime, (F'2) versus Centre of Gravity for the Spectral Components above F1 , (denoted here as G'2). The psychoacoustic evidence obtained focuses the attention towards the development of an "excitation area" theory of perception based on form factors

    Biorthogonal Renormalization

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    The biorthogonal formalism extends conventional quantum mechanics to the non-Hermitian realm. It has, however, been pointed out that the biorthogonal inner product changes with the scaling of the eigenvectors, an ambiguity whose physical significance is still being debated. Here, we revisit this issue and argue when this choice of normalization is of physical importance. We illustrate in which settings quantities such as expectation values and transition probabilities depend on the scaling of eigenvectors, and in which settings the biorthogonal formalism remains unambiguous. To resolve the apparent scaling ambiguity, we introduce an inner product independent of the gauge choice of basis and show that its corresponding mathematical structure is consistent with quantum mechanics. Using this formalism, we identify a deeper problem relating to the physicality of Hilbert space representations, which we illustrate using the position basis. Apart from increasing the understanding of the mathematical foundations upon which many physical results rely, our findings also pave the way towards consistent comparisons between systems described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    PT symmetry-protected exceptional cones and analogue Hawking radiation

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    We show that the exceptional surfaces of linear three-dimensional non-Hermitian parity-time-symmetric two-band models attain the form of topologically stable tilted exceptional cones. By relating the exceptional cones to energy cones of two-dimensional Hermitian parity-time-symmetric two-band models, we find a connection between the exceptional cone and the light cone of an observer in the vicinity of a Schwarzschild black hole. When the cone overtilts, light-like particle-antiparticle pairs are created resembling Hawking radiation. We also investigate dissipative features of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian related to the latter and comment on potential realizations in laboratory setups

    Homotopy, Symmetry, and Non-Hermitian Band Topology

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    Non-Hermitian matrices are ubiquitous in the description of nature ranging from classical dissipative systems, including optical, electrical, and mechanical metamaterials, to scattering of waves and open quantum many-body systems. Seminal K-theory classifications of non-Hermitian systems based on line and point gaps in the presence of symmetry have deepened the understanding of a wide range of physical phenomena. However, ample systems remain beyond this description; reference points and lines are in general unable to distinguish whether multiple non-Hermitian bands exhibit band crossings and braids. To remedy this we consider the complementary notions of non-Hermitian band gaps and separation gaps that crucially include a broad class of multi-band scenarios, enabling the description of generic band structures with symmetries. With these concepts, we provide a unified and systematic classification of both gapped and nodal non-Hermitian systems in the presence of physically relevant parity-time (PT\mathcal{PT}) and pseudo-Hermitian symmetries using homotopy theory. This uncovers new fragile phases and, remarkably, also implies new stable phenomena stemming from the topology of both eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In particular, we reveal different Abelian and non-Abelian phases in PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric systems, described by frame and braid topology. The corresponding invariants are robust to symmetry-preserving perturbations that do not close band gaps, and they also predict the deformation rules of nodal phases. We further demonstrate that spontaneous symmetry breaking in PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric systems is captured by a Chern-Euler description. These results open the door for theoretical and experimental exploration of a rich variety of novel topological phenomena in a wide range of physical platforms.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figure

    Atlantic salmon in regulated rivers: Understanding river management through the ecosystem services lens

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    Known as the "king of fishes," the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) is an iconic freshwater species whose contribution to human well-being has long been recognized, as have widespread declines in its abundance, partly due to river regulation. To understand how salmon conservation has been addressed within the ecosystem services (ES) framework, we synthesized the peer-reviewed literature on ES provided by salmon in regulated rivers. We developed a search string to capture allusions to provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural ES and assessed the results to identify knowledge gaps. The effects of hydropower on fisheries catches and on modelled populations were shown in several publications. Overall, few studies focused explicitly on ES from salmon and hydropower; this is surprising given the considerable body of literature on salmon in regulated rivers. Wild salmon as a food source and other provisioning services are less important today than historically. Because predators such as salmon are important for facilitating biodiversity by cycling nutrients and controlling food webs, there is a scope of work for future assessments of these regulating and supporting services. Few papers explicitly addressed cultural ES, despite the salmon's longstanding iconic status; this is a knowledge gap for future ES assessments in relation to hydropower. The influence of ES assessments for policy makers is growing through the Intergovernmental Panel for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the post-2020 biodiversity strategy. Explicitly addressing ES poses an opportunity for river managers to raise awareness of aquatic conservation efforts and well-informed decision-making for sustaining ES

    Human CEACAM1 is targeted by a Streptococcus pyogenes adhesin implicated in puerperal sepsis pathogenesis

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    Life-threatening bacterial infections in women after childbirth, known as puerperal sepsis, resulted in classical epidemics and remain a global health problem. While outbreaks of puerperal sepsis have been ascribed to Streptococcus pyogenes, little is known about disease mechanisms. Here, we show that the bacterial R28 protein, which is epidemiologically associated with outbreaks of puerperal sepsis, specifically targets the human receptor CEACAM1. This interaction triggers events that would favor development of puerperal sepsis, including adhesion to cervical cells, suppression of epithelial wound repair and subversion of innate immune responses. High-resolution structural analysis showed that an R28 domain with IgI3-like fold binds to the N-terminal domain of CEACAM1. Together, these findings demonstrate that a single adhesin-receptor interaction can drive the pathogenesis of bacterial sepsis and provide molecular insights into the pathogenesis of one of the most important infectious diseases in medical history

    Health-care costs of losartan and candesartan in the primary treatment of hypertension

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    A recent study of two widely used angiotensin receptor blockers reported a reduced risk of cardiovascular events (−14.4%) when using candesartan compared with losartan in the primary treatment of hypertension. In addition to clinical benefits, costs associated with treatment strategies must be considered when allocating scarce health-care resources. The aim of this study was to assess resource use and costs of losartan and candesartan in hypertensive patients. Resource use (drugs, outpatient contacts, hospitalizations and laboratory tests) associated with losartan and candesartan treatment was estimated in 14 100 patients in a real-life clinical setting. We electronically extracted patient data from primary care records and mandatory Swedish national registers for death and hospitalization. Patients treated with losartan had more outpatient contacts (+15.6%), laboratory tests (+13.8%) and hospitalizations (+13.8%) compared with the candesartan group. During a maximum observation time of 9 years, the mean total costs per patient were 10 369 Swedish kronor (95% confidence interval: 3109–17 629) higher in the losartan group. In conclusion, prescribing candesartan for the primary treatment of hypertension results in lower long-term health-care costs compared with losartan

    Functional Dissection of Streptococcus pyogenes M5 Protein: the Hypervariable Region is Essential for Virulence

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    The surface-localized M protein of Streptococcus pyogenes is a major virulence factor that inhibits phagocytosis, as determined ex vivo. Because little is known about the role of M protein in vivo we analyzed the contribution of different M protein regions to virulence, using the fibrinogen (Fg)-binding M5 protein and a mouse model of acute invasive infection. This model was suitable, because M5 is required for mouse virulence and binds mouse and human Fg equally well, as shown here. Mixed infection experiments with wild type bacteria demonstrated that mutants lacking the N-terminal hypervariable region (HVR) or the Fg-binding B-repeat region were strongly attenuated, while a mutant lacking the conserved C-repeats was only slightly attenuated. Because the HVR of M5 is not required for phagocytosis resistance, our data imply that this HVR plays a major but unknown role during acute infection. The B-repeat region is required for phagocytosis resistance and specifically binds Fg, suggesting that it promotes virulence by binding Fg. However, B-repeat mutants were attenuated even in Fg-deficient mice, implying that the B-repeats may have a second function, in addition to Fg-binding. These data demonstrate that two distinct M5 regions, including the HVR, are essential to virulence during the early stages of an infection. In particular, our data provide the first in vivo evidence that the HVR of an M protein plays a major role in virulence, focusing interest on the molecular role of this region

    The equivalence of numbers: The social value of avoiding health decline: An experimental web-based study

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    BACKGROUND: Health economic analysis aimed at informing policy makers and supporting resource allocation decisions has to evaluate not only improvements in health but also avoided decline. Little is known however, whether the "direction" in which changes in health are experienced is important for the public in prioritizing among patients. This experimental study investigates the social value people place on avoiding (further) health decline when directly compared to curative treatments in resource allocation decisions. METHODS: 127 individuals completed an interactive survey that was published in the World Wide Web. They were confronted with a standard gamble (SG) and three person trade-off tasks, either comparing improvements in health (PTO-Up), avoided decline (PTO-Down), or both, contrasting health changes of equal magnitude differing in the direction in which they are experienced (PTO-WAD). Finally, a direct priority ranking of various interventions was obtained. RESULTS: Participants strongly prioritized improving patients' health rather than avoiding decline. The mean substitution rate between health improvements and avoided decline (WAD) ranged between 0.47 and 0.64 dependent on the intervention. Weighting PTO values according to the direction in which changes in health are experienced improved their accuracy in predicting a direct prioritization ranking. Health state utilities obtained by the standard gamble method seem not to reflect social values in resource allocation contexts. CONCLUSION: Results suggest that the utility of being cured of a given health state might not be a good approximation for the societal value of avoiding this health state, especially in cases of competition between preventive and curative interventions
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