766 research outputs found

    Designing chromatic optical retarder stacks for segmented next-generation easySTED phase plates

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    Fluorescence nanoscopy methods based on the RESOLFT principle, such as beam-scanning STED nanoscopy, require the co-alignment of optical beams for molecular state (on/off) switching and fluorescence excitation. The complexity and stability of the beam alignment can be drastically simplified and improved by using a single-mode fibre as the sole light source for all required laser beams. This in turn then requires a chromatic optical element for shaping the off-switching beam into a focal-plane donut while simultaneously leaving the focal intensity distributions at other wavelengths shaped as regular focal spots. Here we describe novel designs of such so-called ‘easySTED phase plates’ and provide a rationale how to find the desired spectral signature for combinations of multiple wavelengths

    The large-scale blast score ratio (LS-BSR) pipeline: a method to rapidly compare genetic content between bacterial genomes

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    Background. As whole genome sequence data from bacterial isolates becomes cheaper to generate, computational methods are needed to correlate sequence data with biological observations. Here we present the large-scale BLAST score ratio (LS-BSR) pipeline, which rapidly compares the genetic content of hundreds to thousands of bacterial genomes, and returns a matrix that describes the relatedness of all coding sequences (CDSs) in all genomes surveyed. This matrix can be easily parsed in order to identify genetic relationships between bacterial genomes. Although pipelines have been published that group peptides by sequence similarity, no other software performs the rapid, large-scale, full-genome comparative analyses carried out by LS-BSR. Results. To demonstrate the utility of the method, the LS-BSR pipeline was tested on 96 Escherichia coli and Shigella genomes; the pipeline ran in 163 min using 16 processors, which is a greater than 7-fold speedup compared to using a single processor. The BSR values for each CDS, which indicate a relative level of relatedness, were then mapped to each genome on an independent core genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) based phylogeny. Comparisons were then used to identify clade specific CDS markers and validate the LS-BSR pipeline based on molecular markers that delineate between classical E. coli pathogenic variant (pathovar) designations. Scalability tests demonstrated that the LS-BSR pipeline can process 1,000 E. coli genomes in 27-57 h, depending upon the alignment method, using 16 processors. Conclusions. LS-BSR is an open-source, parallel implementation of the BSR algorithm, enabling rapid comparison of the genetic content of large numbers of genomes. The results of the pipeline can be used to identify specific markers between user-defined phylogenetic groups, and to identify the loss and/or acquisition of genetic information between bacterial isolates. Taxa-specific genetic markers can then be translated into clinical diagnostics, or can be used to identify broadly conserved putative therapeutic candidates

    Influence of Amino Acid Substitutions in the Nisin Leader Peptide on Biosynthesis and Secretion of Nisin by Lactococcus lactis

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    Structural genes for small lanthionine-containing antimicrobial peptides, known as lantibiotics, encode N-terminal leader sequences which are not present in the mature peptide, but are cleaved off at some stage in the maturation process. Leader sequences of the different lantibiotics share a number of identical amino acid residues, but they are clearly different from sec-dependent protein export signal sequences. We studied the role of the leader sequence of the lantibiotic nisin, which is produced and secreted by Lactococcus lactis, by creating site-directed mutations at various positions in the leader peptide sequence. Mutations at Arg-1 and Ala-4, but not at the conserved Pro-2, strongly affected the processing of the leader sequence and resulted in the extracellular accumulation of a biologically inactive precursor peptide. Amino acid analysis and 1H NMR studies indicated that the precursor peptide with an Ala-4 → Asp mutation contained a modified nisin structural part with the (mutated) unmodified leader sequence still attached to it. The Ala-4 → Asp precursor peptide could be activated in vitro by enzymatic cleavage with trypsin, liberating nisin. These results confirmed that cleavage of the leader peptide is the last step in nisin maturation and is necessary to generate a biologically active peptide. Several mutations, i.e. Pro-2 → Gly, Pro-2 → Val, Asp-7 → Ala, Lys-9 → Leu, Ser-10 → Ala/Ser-12 → Ala and Val-11 → Asp/Val-13 → Glu in the leader peptide did not have any detectable effect on nisin production and secretion, although some of them affected highly conserved residues. When mutations were created in the -18 to -15 region of the nisin leader peptide (i.e. Phe-18 → Leu, Leu-16 → Lys, Asp-15 → Ala), no secretion or intracellular accumulation could be detected of nisin or its precursors. This suggested that these conserved residues are involved in the maturation process and may interact with lantibiotic-specific modifying enzymes.

    Autonomous bioluminescence imaging of single mammalian cells with the bacterial bioluminescence system.

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    Bioluminescence-based imaging of living cells has become an important tool in biological and medical research. However, many bioluminescence imaging applications are limited by the requirement of an externally provided luciferin substrate and the low bioluminescence signal which restricts the sensitivity and spatiotemporal resolution. The bacterial bioluminescence system is fully genetically encodable and hence produces autonomous bioluminescence without an external luciferin, but its brightness in cell types other than bacteria has, so far, not been sufficient for imaging single cells. We coexpressed codon-optimized forms of the bacterial luxCDABE and frp genes from multiple plasmids in different mammalian cell lines. Our approach produces high luminescence levels that are comparable to firefly luciferase, thus enabling autonomous bioluminescence microscopy of mammalian cells

    Enhanced incorporation of subnanometer tags into cellular proteins for fluorescence nanoscopy via optimized genetic code expansion

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    With few-nanometer resolution recently achieved by a new generation of fluorescence nanoscopes (MINFLUX and MINSTED), the size of the tags used to label proteins will increasingly limit the ability to dissect nanoscopic biological structures. Bioorthogonal (click) chemical groups are powerful tools for the specific detection of biomolecules. Through the introduction of an engineered aminoacyl–tRNA synthetase/tRNA pair (tRNA: transfer ribonucleic acid), genetic code expansion allows for the site-specific introduction of amino acids with “clickable” side chains into proteins of interest. Welldefined label positions and the subnanometer scale of the protein modification provide unique advantages over other labeling approaches for imaging at molecular-scale resolution. We report that, by pairing a new N-terminally optimized pyrrolysyl–tRNA synthetase (chPylRS2020) with a previously engineered orthogonal tRNA, clickable amino acids are incorporated with improved efficiency into bacteria and into mammalian cells. The resulting enhanced genetic code expansion machinery was used to label ÎČ-actin in U2OS cell filopodia for MINFLUX imaging with minimal separation of fluorophores from the protein backbone. Selected data were found to be consistent with previously reported high-resolution information from cryoelectron tomography about the cross-sectional filament bundling architecture. Our study underscores the need for further improvements to the degree of labeling with minimal-offset methods in order to fully exploit molecularscale optical three-dimensional resolution

    DNA-PAINT MINFLUX nanoscopy

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    MINimal fluorescence photon FLUXes (MINFLUX) nanoscopy, providing photon-efficient fluorophore localizations, has brought about three-dimensional resolution at nanometer scales. However, by using an intrinsic on–off switching process for single fluorophore separation, initial MINFLUX implementations have been limited to two color channels. Here we show that MINFLUX can be effectively combined with sequentially multiplexed DNA-based labeling (DNA-PAINT), expanding MINFLUX nanoscopy to multiple molecular targets. Our method is exemplified with three-color recordings of mitochondria in human cells

    Exploiting macrophage autophagy-lysosomal biogenesis as a therapy for atherosclerosis

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    Macrophages specialize in removing lipids and debris present in the atherosclerotic plaque. However, plaque progression renders macrophages unable to degrade exogenous atherogenic material and endogenous cargo including dysfunctional proteins and organelles. Here we show that a decline in the autophagy-lysosome system contributes to this as evidenced by a derangement in key autophagy markers in both mouse and human atherosclerotic plaques. By augmenting macrophage TFEB, the master transcriptional regulator of autophagy-lysosomal biogenesis, we can reverse the autophagy dysfunction of plaques, enhance aggrephagy of p62-enriched protein aggregates and blunt macrophage apoptosis and pro-inflammatory IL-1ÎČ levels, leading to reduced atherosclerosis. In order to harness this degradative response therapeutically, we also describe a natural sugar called trehalose as an inducer of macrophage autophagy-lysosomal biogenesis and show trehalose's ability to recapitulate the atheroprotective properties of macrophage TFEB overexpression. Our data support this practical method of enhancing the degradative capacity of macrophages as a therapy for atherosclerotic vascular disease

    Genome sequence of Burkholderia pseudomallei NCTC 13392

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    Here, we describe the draft genome sequence of Burkholderia pseudomallei NCTC 13392. This isolate has been distributed as K96243, but distinct genomic differences have been identified. The genomic sequence of this isolate will provide the genomic context for previously conducted functional studies
