2,419 research outputs found

    On the relation between the IR continuum and the active galactic nucleus in Seyfert galaxies

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    A sample of the brightest known Seyfert galaxies from the CfA sample is analyzed on the basis of ISO photometric and spectroscopic data. Regardless of the Seyfert type, the mid-IR continuum emission from these galaxies is found to be correlated with the coronal line emission arising in the nuclear active region. Conversely, the correlation degrades progressively when moving from the mid- to the far-IR emission, where it ends to vanish. It is concluded that the mid-IR emission is largely dominated by dust heated by processes associated with the active nucleus whereas the far-IR is a different component most probably unrelated with the active region. We suggest that the far-IR component is due to dust heated by the stellar population in the disks of these galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Flux-cutting and flux-transport effects in type-II superconductor slabs in a parallel rotating magnetic field

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    The magnetic response of irreversible type-II superconductor slabs subjected to in-plane rotating magnetic field is investigated by applying the circular, elliptic, extended-elliptic, and rectangular flux-line-cutting critical-state models. Specifically, the models have been applied to explain experiments on a PbBi rotating disk in a fixed magnetic field Ha{\bm H}_a, parallel to the flat surfaces. Here, we have exploited the equivalency of the experimental situation with that of a fixed disk under the action of a parallel magnetic field, rotating in the opposite sense. The effect of both the magnitude HaH_a of the applied magnetic field and its angle of rotation αs\alpha_s upon the magnetization of the superconductor sample is analyzed. When HaH_a is smaller than the penetration field HPH_P, the magnetization components, parallel and perpendicular to Ha{\bm H_a}, oscillate with increasing the rotation angle. On the other hand, if the magnitude of the applied field, HaH_a, is larger than HPH_P, both magnetization components become constant functions of αs\alpha_s at large rotation angles. The evolution of the magnetic induction profiles inside the superconductor is also studied.Comment: 12 pages, 29 figure

    Role of taxanes in advanced prostate cancer

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    [Abstract] Advanced prostate cancer is an androgen-dependent disease for which the initial treatment is an androgen deprivation maneuver. However, some primary resistances to hormonal treatment occur with increasing incidence throughout the evolution of the disease. The taxanes, docetaxel and cabazitaxel, exert their action at multiple levels at the tumor cell: besides inhibiting the mitosis and inducing the cell death, they induce the nuclear accumulation of FOXO1, a potent nuclear factor that acts against the activation of androgen receptor inhibiting the transcription of AR-V7 variant associated with the development of resistances to abiraterone and enzalutamide. Docetaxel, as first-line therapy, and cabazitaxel, as second-line therapy, have demonstrated to increase the survival in castration-resistant prostate cancer. The results from last studies either on high-risk localized disease or on androgen-sensitive tumors demonstrate the increasing role of taxanes at earlier states of prostate cancer

    Neuroprotection: A New Therapeutic Approach of Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

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    Neurodegenerative changes occurring early from primary acute immune-mediated inflammation support the hypothesis that multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease. Axonal loss progresses with the disease course and represents the principal driver of disability. In this context, the pursuit of neuroprotective therapies in multiple sclerosis provides new valid alternatives that could significantly impact on disease progression and neurodegenerative changes, including the promotion of restoration of myelin sheaths through the remyelination process. This chapter reviews promising drugs with proposed neuroprotective or neuroregenerative effects that are currently approved or in clinical trials for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Although the chapter highlights the diazoxide action on neuroinflammation and the results of a clinical trial with this drug, the review also includes other molecules with oral or parenteral administration

    Mechanical disassembly of human picobirnavirus like particles indicates that cargo retention is tuned by the RNA-coat protein interaction

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    Here we investigate the cargo retention of individual human picobirnavirus (hPBV) virus-like particles (VLPs) which differ in the N-terminal of their capsid protein (CP): (i) hPBV CP contains the full-length CP sequence; (ii) hPBV Δ45-CP lacks the first 45 N-terminal residues; and (iii) hPBV Ht-CP is the full-length CP with a N-terminal 36-residue tag that includes a 6-His segment. Consequently, each VLP variant holds a different interaction with the ssRNA cargo. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to induce and monitor the mechanical disassembly of individual hPBV particles. First, while Δ45-CP particles that lack ssRNA allowed a fast tip indentation after breakage, CP and Ht-CP particles that pack heterologous ssRNA showed a slower tip penetration after being fractured. Second, mechanical fatigue experiments revealed that the increased length in 8% of the N-terminal (Ht-CP) makes the virus particles to crumble ∼10 times slower than the wild type N-terminal CP, indicating enhanced RNA cargo retention. Our results show that the three differentiated N-terminal topologies of the capsid result in distinct cargo release dynamics during mechanical disassembly experiments because of the different interaction with RNAFIS2017-89549-R, FIS2017-90701-REDT, PID2021-126608OB-I00, PID2020-113287RB-I0

    Integration of geospatial tools and multi-source geospatial data to evaluate the tropical forest cover change in Central America and its methodological replicability in Brazil and the DRC

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    Satellite monitoring of forests plays a relevant role in the agendas of tropical countries, mainly in the framework of international negotiations to implement a mechanism that ensures a reduction in global CO2 emissions from deforestation. An efficient way to approach this monitoring is to avoid duplication of efforts, generating products in a regional context that are subsequently adopted at the national level. In this effort, you should take advantage of the different data sources available by integrating geospatial tools and satellite image classification algorithms. In this research, a methodological framework was developed to generate cost-efficient national maps of forest cover and its dynamics for the countries of Central America, and its scalability and replicability was explored in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the State of Pará in Brazil. The maps were generated from Landsat images from the years 2000, 2012, and 2017. New geoprocessing elements have been incorporated into the digital classification procedures for satellite images, such as the automated extraction of training samples from secondary sources, the use of official national reference maps that respond to nationally adopted forest definitions, and automation of post-classification adjustments incorporating expert criteria. The applied regional approach offers advantages in terms of reducing costs and time, as well as improving the consistency and coherence of reports at different territorial levels (regional and national), reducing duplication of efforts and optimizing technical and financial resources. In Central America, the percentage of forest area decreased from 44% in 2000 to 38% in 2017. Average deforestation in the 2000&-2012 period was 197,443 ha/year and that of 2012&-2017 was 332,243 ha/year. Average deforestation for the complete period 2000&-2017 was 264,843 ha/year. The tropical forests in both the State of Pará, Brazil, and the DRC have decreased over time

    Near-IR narrow-band imaging with CIRCE at the Gran Telescopio Canarias: Searching for Lyα-emitters at z ∼ 9.3

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    Context. Identifying very high-redshift galaxies is crucial for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. However, many questions still remain, and the uncertainty on the epoch of reionization is large. In this approach, some models allow a double-reionization scenario, although the number of confirmed detections at very high z is still too low to serve as observational proof. Aims: The main goal of this project is studying whether we can search for Lyman-α emitters (LAEs) at z ∼ 9 using a narrow-band (NB) filter that was specifically designed by our team and was built for this experiment. Methods: We used the NB technique to select candidates by measuring the flux excess due to the Lyα emission. The observations were taken with an NB filter (full width at half minimum of 11 nm and central wavelength λc = 1.257 μm) and the CIRCE near-infrared camera for the Gran Telescopio Canarias. We describe a data reduction procedure that was especially optimized to minimize instrumental effects. With a total exposure time of 18.3 h, the final NB image covers an area of ∼6.7 arcmin2, which corresponds to a comoving volume of 1.1 × 103 Mpc3 at z = 9.3. Results: We pushed the source detection to its limit, which allows us to analyze an initial sample of 97 objects. We detail the different criteria we applied to select the candidates. The criteria included visual verifications in different photometric bands. None of the objects resembled a reliable LAE, however, and we found no robust candidate down to an emission-line flux of 2.9 × 10−16 erg s−1 cm−2, which corresponds to a Lyα luminosity limit of 3 × 1044 erg s−1. We derive an upper limit on the Lyα luminosity function at z ∼ 9 that agrees well with previous constraints. We conclude that deeper and wider surveys are needed to study the LAE population at the cosmic dawn