2,647 research outputs found

    El Cuaternario al E. de Huesca

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    Se describen los depósitos cuaternanos existentes al Este de Huesca, su distribución espacial y los procesos que los han afectado a lo largo de su historia geológica reciente. También se analiza el fenómeno de captura por derrame del río  Guatizalema en favor del rio Flumen

    Caracteres sedimentológicos y geomorfológicos del Alto Nivel Aluvial cuaternario en el litoral de Huelva

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    El Alto nivel aluvial, en este sector del litoral de Huelva, es el primer indicador de la instauración de la red fluvial cuaternaria; con ríos de cursos entrelazados, mayoritariamente, y variaciones locales de tipo meandriforme condicionadas por el paleorrelieve previo

    Density-Dependent Prevalence of Francisella tularensis in Fluctuating Vole Populations, Northwestern Spain

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    Self Archiving; https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/page/copyright-and-disclaimers J.J.L.L., F.M., and R.R.P. held official licenses for trapping wildlife in Spain. Capture permits were provided by the Dirección General del Medio Natural, Junta de Castilla y León. This study was supported by projects ECOVOLE (grant CGL2012-35348), ECOTULA (grant CGL2015-66962-C2-1-R), and RESERTULA (grant CLG2015-66962-C2-2-R), which were funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO/FEDER, Spain. R.R.P. was supported by a PhD studentship from the University of Valladolid (co-funded by Banco Santander).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Geomorphic evolution of the Peninsular Hesperian massif: study of a sector situated between Lugo and Ourense provinces (Galicia, NW Spain)

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    [Abstract] This paper deals with the relief generation in Ourense, an interior territory of the Galicia Country, at NW Spain, after the breakdown of Pangea 200 million years ago. The rupture of supercontinent causes the main effects in the outer part of Galicia, the present coast line and the shelf, but also the inner parts of Galicia where the landscape changes dramatically mainly ruled by fluvial incision connected with uprising, (orogenic, epirogenic, or isostatic origin), or even with eustatic oscillations, that shaped the previous old mesozoic landscape. Various things complicate the correct understanding of Galician geomorphology:1) the prevalent hercynian structure, (presumably reactivated during the Alpine Orogeny), causes that the epigenic processes, (fluvial, glaciar, marine and etching), acting on Galicia from Mesozoic to present times, produce end forms identified erroneously at the previous literature as tectonic and not as etch forms profiting from lithological or structural contrasts. 2) the common morphotectonic model accepted by all previous researchers establishes for the whole of Galicia a blocky pattern, (horst and graben like), due to extensional tectonic regime. This model is proved as no longer valid because the Galician tertiary basins, even were described at the past as graben depressions never have this origin. 3) big differences exist between the north and western sides of Galicia that show contrasted tectonic regime: compressional (with forms as the so called raised platforms), at the northern coast border, and extensional (with forms so typical as the Rias), at the western side. The study area is located at the confluence of two tectonic domains where the above mentioned effects are coincidents and specially well showed through different effects: prominent assimetry of fluvial captures (west facing), pronounced river incision and different kinds of tertiary basins: either strike slipe faults (Maceda, Xinzo de Limia, etc), or overslipped by inverse faults, Quiroga, A Rúa, etc.), or even corresponding with depressions never, (or anywise passively), affected by tectonic movements, (Monforte). The paper include a detailed inventory of surfaces and terrace levels and their incision sequence which allow stablish a relative chronology of geomorphic evolution at this area of NW Spain during meso-cainozoic times

    Effect of metal micro-structuring on the mechanical behavior of polymer–metal laser T-joints

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    AbstractThe metal was locally structured by pulsed laser radiation producing microscopic patterns on its surface. In a second step the opposite side of the micro-structured metal was irradiated by a continuous wave (CW) fiber laser to achieve the mechanical interlock between the two materials. A tight relationship between the microstructure parameters and pull-out test performance was observed. The greatest strength was achieved when the distance between subsequent grooves was minimized. The T-joint mechanical performance did not reveal any significant dependence on the considered range of joining areas. The morphological and topographical features of the detached surfaces showed that the micro-structured grooves were completely filled during the laser conductive joining process. Different alignment angles of patterns produced different failure modes although there was no evidence of an additional mechanical interlock

    Desenvolupament d'una eina multimèdia interactiva per a l'ensenyament de la química en els estudis d'enginyeria

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    En aquest treball es descriu l'experiència en la utilització de la tecnologia multimèdia per al desenvolupament d'una unitat docent de la matèria de química que té relació amb les assignatures presencials: Fonaments Químics de l'Enginyeria del primer curs de la carrera d'Enginyeria Industrial i Química del primer curs de la carrera d’Enginyeria Aeronàutica impartides ambdues a l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Indústria de Terrassa. Es plantegen les motivacions prèvies que han portat a la realització d'aquest treball i s'emmarca l'àmbit del projecte: una vegada especificades les característiques de les assignatures i del seu entorn i analitzades les característiques dels alumnes als quals va dirigit el treball, s'analitzen els objectius que es pretenen aconseguir, i es tria l’entorn tecnològic més adequat per a la consecució del mateix. Es descriu la utilització del material a l'aula i es realitza una valoració dels resultats obtinguts, de la seva utilització per part dels estudiants, tenint en compte tant els aspectes docents: referència al tipus de continguts i facilitat de comprensió dels mateixos, així com els aspectes tecnològics de funcionament i utilització del material multimèdia, com són la facilitat d'accés i la interactivitat

    Computational study of the interplay between intermolecular interactions and CO2 orientations in type I hydrates

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules show a rich orientation landscape when they are enclathrated in type I hydrates. Previous studies have described experimentally their preferential orientations, and some theoretical works have explained, but only partially, these experimental results. In the present paper, we use classical molecular dynamics and electronic density functional theory to advance in the theoretical description of CO2 orientations within type I hydrates. Our results are fully compatible with those previously reported, both theoretical and experimental, the geometric shape of the cavities in hydrate being, and therefore, the steric constraints, responsible for some (but not all) preferential angles. In addition, our calculations also show that guest–guest interactions in neighbouring cages are a key factor to explain the remaining experimental angles. Besides the implication concerning equation of state hydrate modeling approximations, the conclusion is that these guest–guest interactions should not be neglected, contrary to the usual practice

    Neotectonics and shoreline history of the Rock of Gibraltar, southern Iberia

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    Several sets of staircased Quaternary marine deposits can be observed along the Gibraltar coast ranging from 1 to 210 m above the present mean sea level. Geomorphological mapping establishes, from the relationship between shore, scree and dune sedimentary formations, five main morphotectonic steps on the Rock: marine terraces between 1 and 25 m, 30–60 m, 80–130 m, 180– 210 m, and above. Each terrace level and its slope-aeolian linked sediments is backed by a steep relict sea cliff margin, so forming a composite cliff. The most recent coastal landforms and sediments are associated with the last 250 ka linked to Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 1, 3, 5 and 7. These landforms determine a morphosedimentary highstand-lowstand sequence, with several staircased and offlapped episodes, comprising a major morphotectonic step. A well-developed palaeocliff usually separates the highstand marine terraces of OIS 9 from those of OIS 7. The Gibraltar mean tectonic uplift value of 0.0570.01 mm/yr is maintained from 200 ka to the present. Before this, at least to 250 ka, the mean uplift rate was higher (0.3370.05 mm/yr), possibly compatible with major tectonic events in response to a NNW–SSE compressive stress field between Africa and Iberia.European Union (UE) EU MEDOC Programme: 2002-02-4.1-U-04