5,209 research outputs found

    State of the art of metalclad airships

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    Metalclad airship development of the past history are considered along with the immediate prospects for continuation of the development of these airships. The metalclad airships promise high safety even in highly inclement weather, are capable of high speeds, while lifting high useful loads. Metalclad airships which in first cost would compare favorably with the costs of sea-going ships and in operating costs promise to be lower than airplanes

    La operación del estrabismo y el myocampter

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    Effects of introducing a parametric Cad in a first year course in engineering degree regarding quality of technical drawings

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    Comunicació presentada al ICERI 2019 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Seville, Spain. 11-13 November, 2019).The evolution of teaching in technical drawing during the last years has been addressed towards new paradigms based on 3D modeling. Nevertheless, not only 3D modeling skills are important for an engineer, but the ability to generate quality technical drawings also are part of the learning objectives and should, therefore, be included in the curriculum. For several years, the core subject of technical drawing at Universitat Jaume I has been a common subject during the first course of different Engineering bachelor’s degrees (Mechanical, Industrial Technologies, Electrical, Chemical, and Agrifood/Rural). However, in the last two years, the subject in the case of Agrifood Engineering has been taught independently. This course, aiming for a more intuitive introduction to 3D modeling, the subject has experienced a general methodological change for all the degrees, except for the Agrifood Engineering one. Apart from changing the order of contents with the intention of improving spatial vision, the use of a different commercial CAD software was implemented, this being parametric. In a previous work, the effect of this general methodological change was assessed through the academic performance regarding 3D modeling by comparing the scores before and after implementing the change, as well as through specific questionnaires addressed to students and teachers, obtaining very positive results. Notwithstanding, the effects of the change performed on the obtainment of technical drawings were not analyzed. Taking advantage of having two groups (the one that has experienced the change and the one that did not), they were asked to model and generate the drawing of the same parts in their final exams, with the aim of comparing the scores obtained when assessing their skills of modeling, but also in creating technical drawings (views, sections and dimensioning) and in the quality on technical drawings presentation (title block, line thickness, etc.). Scores were collected and statistical analyses were performed, bringing to light that despite the good results that were obtained in previous studies regarding the 3D modeling, teaching efforts in how to generate technical drawings with quality should be reinforced in future

    Sharing of hand kinematic synergies across subjects in daily living activities

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    The motor system is hypothesised to use kinematic synergies to simplify hand control. Recent studies suggest that there is a large set of synergies, sparse in degrees of freedom, shared across subjects, so that each subject performs each action with a sparse combination of synergies. Identifying how synergies are shared across subjects can help in prostheses design, in clinical decision-making or in rehabilitation. Subject-specific synergies of healthy subjects performing a wide number of representative daily living activities were obtained through principal component analysis. To make synergies comparable between subjects and tasks, the hand kinematics data were scaled using normative range of motion data. To obtain synergies sparse in degrees of freedom a rotation method that maximizes the sum of the variances of the squared loadings was applied. Resulting synergies were clustered and each cluster was characterized by a core synergy and different indexes (prevalence, relevance for function and within-cluster synergy similarity), substantiating the sparsity of synergies. The first two core synergies represent finger flexion and were present in all subjects. The remaining core synergies represent coordination of the thumb joints, thumb-index joints, palmar arching or fingers adduction, and were employed by subjects in different combinations, thus revealing different subject-specific strategies

    The ciliary machinery is repurposed for T cell immune synapse trafficking of LCK

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    Upon engagement of the T cell receptor with an antigen-presenting cell, LCK initiates TCR signaling by phosphorylating its activation motifs. However, the mechanism of LCK activation specifically at the immune synapse is a major question. We show that phosphorylation of the LCK activating Y394, despite modestly increasing its catalytic rate, dramatically focuses LCK localization to the immune synapse. We describe a trafficking mechanism whereby UNC119A extracts membrane-bound LCK by sequestering the hydrophobic myristoyl group, followed by release at the target membrane under the control of the ciliary ARL3/ARL13B. The UNC119A N terminus acts as a “regulatory arm” by binding the LCK kinase domain, an interaction inhibited by LCK Y394 phosphorylation, thus together with the ARL3/ARL13B machinery ensuring immune synapse focusing of active LCK. We propose that the ciliary machinery has been repurposed by T cells to generate and maintain polarized segregation of signals such as activated LCK at the immune synapse

    Leaf pubescence mediates the abundance of non-prey food and the density of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri

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    Plants with leaves having numerous trichomes or domatia frequently harbor greater numbers of phytoseiid mites than do plant with leaves that lack these structures. We tested the hypothesis that this pattern occurs, in part, with Typhlodromus pyri because trichomes increase the capture of pollen or fungal spores that serve as alternative food. Using a common garden orchard, we found that apple varieties with trichome-rich leaves had 2-3 times more pollen and fungal spores compared to varieties with trichome-sparse leaves. We also studied the effects of leaf trichome density and pollen augmentation on T. pyri abundance to test the hypothesis that leaf trichomes mediate pollen and fungal spore capture and retention and thereby influence phytoseiid numbers. Cattail pollen (Typha sp.) was applied weekly to mature ‘McIntosh' and ‘Red Delicious' trees grown in an orchard and, in a separate experiment, to potted trees of the same varieties. ‘McIntosh' trees have leaves with many trichomes whereas leaves on the ‘Red Delicious' trees have roughly half as many trichomes. With both field-grown and potted trees, adding cattail pollen to ‘Red Delicious' trees increased T. pyri numbers compared to ‘Red Delicious' trees without pollen augmentation. In contrast, cattail pollen augmentation had no effect on T. pyri populations on ‘McIntosh' trees. Augmentation with cattail pollen most likely supplemented a lower supply of naturally available alternative food on ‘Red Delicous' leaves and thereby enhanced predator abundance. These studies indicate that larger populations of T. pyri on pubescent plants are due, in part, to the increased capture and retention of pollen and fungal spores that serve as alternative food

    Isolated anaemia as a manifestation of Rh isoimmunisation

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    Rh isoimmunisation leads to haemolytic anaemia and hyperbilirubinaemia in the first h of life. Isolated early onset neonatal anaemia has rarely been reported. The authors describe the case of a term infant, born to an 'A' negative, second gravida mother. On the second day of life, pallor was noticed. His haemoglobin (Hb) was 6.8 g/dl, he had reticulocytosis and a positive direct antiglobulin test. However, he did not have a high total serum bilirubin (TSB) (87.2 μmol/l). He was transfused with red blood cells and kept under phototherapy for 3 days. Three weeks later, he received another transfusion for severe anaemia (Hb 6 5 g/dl). During this period, he was never jaundiced and the maximum level of TSB was 122 μmol/l. On follow-up, his Hb stabilised and he had no further problems. This report highlights the possibility of early onset anaemia without jaundice as the sole manifestation of Rh isoimmunisation

    Contact-Induced Emigration of Potato Leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) from Alfalfa-Forage Grass Mixtures

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    Studies were conducted to evaluate the mechanisms leading to increased potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), emigration from alfalfa-forage grass mixtures. A laboratory behavioral bioassay was used to measure daily emigration rates of adult leafhoppers from alfalfa, Medicago sativa L.; smooth bromegrass, Bromus inermis Leyss.; orchardgrass, Dactylis glomerata L.; and timothy, Phleum pratense L., alone and in 1:1 mixtures of each grass with alfalfa. Emigration was ≍9-fold greater from pure bromegrass and orchardgrass treatments versus alfalfa alone, and ≍5-fold greater than from mixtures of alfalfa and each grass species. In a 2nd experiment, alfalfa and forage grasses were separated by a barrier permeable to plant volatiles. Only 31% of the potato leafhoppers placed on alfalfa adjacent to either alfalfa or grass emigrated. However, when introduced to the side containing a forage grass, <85% of the leafhoppers emigrated, regardless of adjacent plant. Thus, stimuli obtained from physical contact with the grass versus grass volatiles alone were required to elicit emigration. Observations of potato leafhoppers on single plants of smooth bromegrass, orchardgrass, and alfalfa revealed that individuals fed on all 3 species; however, the frequency and duration of probing differed as did mean residency time (10.7 h alfalfa, 7.5 h bromegrass, 5.9 h orchardgrass). These experiments suggested that physical contact is necessary to elicit emigration from grasses. By increasing emigration, alfalfa-forage grass mixtures may reduce potato leafhopper damage to alfalfa. Additionally, intercropping with forage grasses may lower the number of feeding bouts on alfalfa and reduce subsequent hopperbur