24 research outputs found

    Subtypes of Acute Ischemic Stroke

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    Background: To determine the frequency ofvarious subtypes of acute ischemic stroke amongpatients using the TOAST criteria.Methods: In this prospective, cross sectional study156 consecutive stroke patients fulfilling theinclusion criteria were recruited. Information on riskfactors like age, gender, diabetes and hypertensionwas collected. Physical and neurologicalexamination was done and relevant investigationswere reviewed, to classify the subtype of strokeaccording to TOAST criteria. . Risk factors like age,gender, diabetes and hypertension were comparedwith stroke subtypes after stratification using thechi-square test with significance at p < 0.05.Results: Out of the 156 patients with acute ischemicstroke, mean age at presentation was 63.51 years.Among them 75% had hypertension and 48.1% werediabetics. The various subtypes of acute ischemicstroke were Large artery atherosclerosis(35.3%)whichwas the commonest cause. Large arteryatherosclerosis was found to be more common infemales (47.1% vs 25.6%) whereas cardioembolicstrokes were more common in males (29.1% vs17.1%) (p value 0.02). When hypertension anddiabetes was compared with stroke subtypes theresults were statistically insignificant (p value.>0.05).Conclusion: Higher incidence of large artery andcardioembolic disease was found. Preventive effortsagainst the burden of ischemic stroke should focuson risk factor intervention for each patient accordingto subtype rather than ischemic stroke as a whole

    Review. A brief overview of forest management decision support systems (FMDSS) listed in the FORSYS wiki

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    Review. A brief overview of forest management decision support systems (FMDSS) listed in the FORSYS wiki

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    <p><em>Aim of study. </em>The aim of the study was to overview forest management decision support systems (FMDSS) listed in the FORSYS wiki in terms of software design and architecture.<em></em></p><p><em>Area of study.</em> A total of 62 FMDSS from 23 countries were included into the study.<em></em></p><p><em>Material and methods.</em> First, all FMDSS listed in the FORSYS wiki were described in terms of functionalities, typologies and elements of architecture.  Thereafter, the findings were compared with the desired architectural features of FMDSS to identify success or potential gaps. Finally, some measures were suggested to improve knowledge transfer and smooth integration of system components.</p><p><em>Main results. </em>Most of the systems listed in the FORSYS wiki originate from research projects and are either knowledge- or model-driven. There are only few compound systems or tools that can be used as sub-components in integrated systems.</p><p><em>Research highlights. </em>There is a lack of generic platforms or DSS generators that would facilitate construction of integrated systems. Further efforts are needed to study the potential of cloud services. <em></em></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>forest management; decision support systems; software architecture; typologies.</p

    Routing and schedule simulation of a biomass energy supply chain through SimPy simulation package

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    The optimisation of forest fuels supply chain involves several entities actors, and particularities. To successfully manage these supply chains, efficient tools must be devised with the ability to deal with stakeholders dynamic interactions and to optimize the supply chain performance as a whole while being stable and robust, even in the presence of uncertainties. This work proposes a framework to coordinate different planning levels and event-based models to manage the forest-based supply chain. In particular, with the new methodology, the resilience and flexibility of the biomass supply chain is increased through a closed-loop system based on the system forecasts provided by a discrete-event model. The developed event-based predictive model will be described in detail, explaining its link with the remaining elements. The implemented models and their links within the proposed framework are presented in a case study in Finland and results are shown to illustrate the advantage of the proposed architecture.This work was supported by the FCT - Fundaç~ao para a Ci^encia e Tecnologia through the PhD Studentship SFRH/BD/98032/2013, program POPH - Programa Operacional Potencial Humano and FSE - Fundo Social Europeu. This research has also received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n. [604286]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio