715 research outputs found

    Diffraction of inelastically scattered electrons in tungsten at low energies

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    Diffraction of inelastically scattered electrons in tungsten at low energie

    A model for estimating mental health service needs in South Africa

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    Objective. To develop a model for estimating the services and human resources needed. to care for people with severe psychiatric conditions in a hypothetical population of 100 000 people in South Africa.Method. Annual mental health service needs were estimated. in terms of numbers of daily patient visits (DPV) in ambulatory care, the number of beds required, and staffing_ Developed within a spreadsheet format, the model allows for the adjustment of key service variables according.to estimated or existing service data.Results. At 100% coverage, 87 DPV, 28 acute beds, and 10 medium-long stay beds are necessary for a population of 100 000 people. This would require 352 full-time equivalent mental health staff: 21.3 for inpatient care, 12.0 for ambulatory care, and 1.9 for management.Conclusion. Because the model can produce a range of service recommendations, the assumptions that inform it should be clearly stated. and justified.. This method makes the assumptions on which services are planned. explicit and allows for a rational approach to decision making

    New insights into organ-specific oxidative stress mechanisms using a novel biosensor zebrafish

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record. Background: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) arise as a result from, and are essential in, numerous cellular processes. ROS, however, are highly reactive and if left unneutralised by endogenous antioxidant systems, can result in extensive cellular damage and/or pathogenesis. In addition, exposure to a wide range of environmental stressors can also result in surplus ROS production leading to oxidative stress (OS) and downstream tissue toxicity. Objectives: Our aim was to produce a stable transgenic zebrafish line, unrestricted by tissue-specific gene regulation, which was capable of providing a whole organismal, real-time read-out of tissue-specific OS following exposure to a wide range of OS-inducing environmental contaminants and conditions. This model could, therefore, serve as a sensitive and specific mechanistic in vivo biomarker for all environmental conditions that result in OS. Methods: To achieve this aim, we exploited the pivotal role of the electrophile response element (EpRE) as a globally-acting master regulator of the cellular response to OS. To test tissue specificity and quantitative capacity, we selected a range of chemical contaminants known to induce OS in specific organs or tissues, and assessed dose-responsiveness in each using microscopic measures of mCherry fluorescence intensity. Results: We produced the first stable transgenic zebrafish line Tg (3EpRE:hsp70:mCherry) with high sensitivity for the detection of cellular RedOx imbalances, in vivo in near-real time. We applied this new model to quantify OS after exposure to a range of environmental conditions with high resolution and provided quantification both of compound- and tissue-specific ROS-induced toxicity. Discussion: Our model has an extremely diverse range of potential applications not only for biomonitoring of toxicants in aqueous environments, but also in biomedicine for identifying ROS-mediated mechanisms involved in the progression of a number of important human diseases, including cancer.Natural Environmental Research CouncilEuropean Unio

    Self-complementary AAV mediates gene targeting and enhances endonuclease delivery for double-strand break repair

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    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) mediates gene targeting in humans by providing exogenous DNA for allelic replacement through homologous recombination. In comparison to other methods of DNA delivery or alternative DNA substrates, AAV gene targeting is reported to be very efficient, perhaps due to its single-stranded DNA genome, the inverted terminal repeats (ITRs), and/or the consequence of induced cellular signals on infection or uncoating. These viral attributes were investigated in the presence and absence of an I-Sce endonuclease-induced double-strand break (DSB) within a chromosomal defective reporter in human embryonic kidney cells. Gene correction was evaluated using self-complementary (sc) AAV, which forms a duplexed DNA molecule and results in earlier and robust transgene expression compared with conventional single-strand (ss) AAV genomes. An scAAV repair substrate was modestly enhanced for reporter correction showing no dependency on ssAAV genomes for this process. The AAV ITR sequences were also investigated in a plasmid repair context. No correction was noted in the absence of a DSB, however, a modest inhibitory effect correlated with the increasing presence of ITR sequences. Similarly, signaling cascades stimulated upon recombinant AAV transduction had no effect on plasmid-mediated DSB repair. Noteworthy, was the 20-fold additional enhancement in reporter correction using scAAV vectors, over ss versions, to deliver both the repair substrate and the endonuclease. In this case, homologous recombination repaired the defective reporter in 4% of cells without any selection. This report provides novel insights regarding the recombination substrates used by AAV vectors in promoting homologous recombination and points to the initial steps in vector optimization that could facilitate their use in gene correction of genetic disorders

    Epitope tagging of endogenous genes in diverse human cell lines

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    Epitope tagging is a powerful and commonly used approach for studying the physical properties of proteins and their functions and localization in eukaryotic cells. In the case of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it has been possible to exploit the high efficiency of homologous recombination to tag proteins by modifying their endogenous genes, making it possible to tag virtually every endogenous gene and perform genome-wide proteomics experiments. However, due to the relative inefficiency of homologous recombination in cultured human cells, epitope-tagging approaches have been limited to ectopically expressed transgenes, with the attendant limitations of their nonphysiological transcriptional regulation and levels of expression. To overcome this limitation, a modification and extension of adeno-associated virus-mediated human somatic cell gene targeting technology is described that makes it possible to simply and easily create an endogenous epitope tag in the same way that it is possible to knock out a gene. Using this approach, we have created and validated human cell lines with epitope-tagged alleles of two cancer-related genes in a variety of untransformed and transformed human cell lines. This straightforward approach makes it possible to study the physical and biological properties of endogenous proteins in human cells without the need for specialized antibodies for individual proteins of interest

    Viral Single-Strand DNA Induces p53-Dependent Apoptosis in Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are primed for rapid apoptosis following mild forms of genotoxic stress. A natural form of such cellular stress occurs in response to recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) single-strand DNA genomes, which exploit the host DNA damage response for replication and genome persistence. Herein, we discovered a unique DNA damage response induced by rAAV transduction specific to pluripotent hESCs. Within hours following rAAV transduction, host DNA damage signaling was elicited as measured by increased gamma-H2AX, ser15-p53 phosphorylation, and subsequent p53-dependent transcriptional activation. Nucleotide incorporation assays demonstrated that rAAV transduced cells accumulated in early S-phase followed by the induction of apoptosis. This lethal signaling sequalae required p53 in a manner independent of transcriptional induction of Puma, Bax and Bcl-2 and was not evident in cells differentiated towards a neural lineage. Consistent with a lethal DNA damage response induced upon rAAV transduction of hESCs, empty AAV protein capsids demonstrated no toxicity. In contrast, DNA microinjections demonstrated that the minimal AAV origin of replication and, in particular, a 40 nucleotide G-rich tetrad repeat sequence, was sufficient for hESC apoptosis. Our data support a model in which rAAV transduction of hESCs induces a p53-dependent lethal response that is elicited by a telomeric sequence within the AAV origin of replication

    Theoretical analysis of the electronic structure of the stable and metastable c(2x2) phases of Na on Al(001): Comparison with angle-resolved ultra-violet photoemission spectra

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    Using Kohn-Sham wave functions and their energy levels obtained by density-functional-theory total-energy calculations, the electronic structure of the two c(2x2) phases of Na on Al(001) are analysed; namely, the metastable hollow-site structure formed when adsorption takes place at low temperature, and the stable substitutional structure appearing when the substrate is heated thereafter above ca. 180K or when adsorption takes place at room temperature from the beginning. The experimentally obtained two-dimensional band structures of the surface states or resonances are well reproduced by the calculations. With the help of charge density maps it is found that in both phases, two pronounced bands appear as the result of a characteristic coupling between the valence-state band of a free c(2x2)-Na monolayer and the surface-state/resonance band of the Al surfaces; that is, the clean (001) surface for the metastable phase and the unstable, reconstructed "vacancy" structure for the stable phase. The higher-lying band, being Na-derived, remains metallic for the unstable phase, whereas it lies completely above the Fermi level for the stable phase, leading to the formation of a surface-state/resonance band-structure resembling the bulk band-structure of an ionic crystal.Comment: 11 pages, 11 postscript figures, published in Phys. Rev. B 57, 15251 (1998). Other related publications can be found at http://www.rz-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    A hierarchical model for the cash transfer system design problem

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    This paper presents a hierarchical model that incorporates strategic, tactical, and operational decisions of cash transfer management system of a bank. The aim of the model is to decide on the location of cash management centers, the number and routes of vehicles, and the cash inventory management policies to minimize the cost of owning and operating a cash transfer system while maintaining a pre-defined service level. Owing to the difficulty of finding optimal decisions in such integrated models, an iterative solution approach is proposed in which strategic, tactical, and operational problems are solved separately via a feedback mechanism. Numerical results show that such an approach is quite effective in reaching at greatly improved solutions with just a few iterations, making it a very promising approach for similar models

    Sourcing Flexibility, Spot Trading, and Procurement Contract Structure

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    We analyze the structure and pricing of option contracts for an industrial good in the presence of spot trading. We combine the analysis of spot trading and buyers' disparate private valuations for different suppliers' products, and we jointly endogenize the determination of three major dimensions in contract design: (i) sales contracts versus options contracts, (ii) flat-price versus volume-dependent contracts, and (iii) volume discounts versus volume premia. We build a model in which a supplier of an industrial good transacts with a manufacturer who uses the supplier's product to produce an end good with an uncertain demand. We show that, consistent with industry observations, volume-dependent optimal sales contracts always demonstrate volume discounts (i.e., involve concave pricing). However, options are more complex agreements, and optimal option contracts can involve both volume discounts and volume premia. Three major contract structures commonly emerge in optimality. First, if the seller has a high discount rate relative to the buyer and the seller's production costs or the production capacity is low, the optimal contracts tend to be flat-price sales contracts. Second, when the seller has a relatively high discount rate compared to the buyer but production costs or production capacity are high, the optimal contracts are sales contracts with volume discounts. Third, if the buyer's discount rate is high relative to the seller's, then the optimal contracts tend to be volume-dependent options contracts and can involve both volume discounts and volume premia. However, when the seller's production capacity is sufficiently low, it is possible to observe flat-price option contracts. Furthermore, we provide links between production and spot market characteristics, contract design, and efficiency.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (contract CMMI-0758069)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (contract DMI-0245352

    Cluster Performance reconsidered: Structure, Linkages and Paths in the German Biotechnology Industry, 1996-2003

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    This paper addresses the evolution of biotechnology clusters in Germany between 1996 and 2003, paying particular attention to their respective composition in terms of venture capital, basic science institutions and biotechnology firms. Drawing upon the significance of co-location of "money and ideas", the literature stressing the importance of a cluster's openness and external linkages, and the path dependency debate, the paper aims to analyse how certain cluster characteristics correspond with its overall performance. After identifying different cluster types, we investigate their internal and external interconnectivity in comparative manner and draw on changes in cluster composition. Our results indicate that the structure, i.e. to which group the cluster belongs, and the openness towards external knowledge flows deliver merely unsystematic indications with regard to a cluster's overall success. Its ability to change composition towards a more balanced ratio of science and capital over time, on the other hand, turns out as a key explanatory factor. Hence, the dynamic perspective proves effective illuminating cluster growth and performance, where our explorative findings provide a promising avenue for further evolutionary research
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