4 research outputs found


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    Abstract ČERMÁK, P., BERANOVÁ, P., ORÁLKOVÁ, J., HORSÁK, P., PLŠEK, J.: Relationships between browsing damage and the species dominance by the highly food-attractive and less food-attractive trees. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2011, LIX, No. 1, pp. 29-36 The paper analyses data on the browsing damage to Acer pseudoplatanus, Carpinus betulus, Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus spp., Tilia cordata and Fagus sylvatica. Field research was carried out in the period 2007-2010 and analysed data came from 33 transects at 10 localities with the various abundance of game in the CR (everywhere Capreolus capreolus, on several plots also Cervus elaphus, Ovis musimon or Dama dama). Trees were monitored up to a height of 150 cm in natural regeneration under stands and in plantations and the occurrence was noted of new browsing damage. Diff erences between the percentage of damaged individuals of the given species of a food-attractive species (A. p., C. b., F. e.) and the percentage of damaged individuals of all tree species on a transect as well as the proportion of these parameters correlate negatively with the given species dominance and thus, they appear to be suitable parameters for the analysis of relationships between the damage intensity and dominance. The higher the percentage proportions of highly food-attractive species and the lower the percentage of less-attractive species, the lower the relative intensity of damage to highly food-attractive species. At the same time, the higher the percentage proportion of highly food-attractive species and the lower the percentage of less-attractive species then the lower a diff erence between damage to less food-attractive species and all species. browsing, dominance, highly food-attractive species, less food-attractive species, correlation The attractiveness of tree species for ruminant consumers is highly species-specifi c, however, dama ge to particular tree species markedly diff ers at various localities, namely in absolute values and in relation to other species. Generally, the species structure of advance regeneration and the species rareness are the most mentioned factors aff ecting the preference of a species by browsing animals. That is, tree species are usually more intensively searched if they are in combination with less attractive species and relative damage is o en in relation to the species relative abundance or its dominance. In some cases, the damage increases with the relative proportion of a species, in other cases increases with the decreasing proportion of these species in advance growth both polarities of relationships being interpretabl

    A Component Framework for Java-based Real-time Embedded Systems

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    Rank (CORE): A.International audienceThe Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is becoming a popular choice in the world of real-time and embedded programming. However, RTSJ introduces many non-intuitive rules and restrictions which prevent its wide adoption. Moreover, current state-of-the-art frameworks usually fail to alleviate the development process into higher layers of the software development life-cycle. In this paper we extend our philosophy that RTSJ concepts need to be considered at early stages of software development, postulated in our prior work, in a framework that provides continuum between the design and implementation process. A component model designed specially for RTSJ serves here as a cornerstone. As the first contribution of this work, we propose a development process where RTSJ concepts are manipulated independently from functional aspects. Second, we mitigate complexities of RTSJ-development by automatically generating execution infrastructure where real-time concerns are transparently managed. We thus allow developers to create systems for variously constrained real-time and embedded environments. Performed benchmarks show that the overhead of the framework is minimal in comparison to manually written object-oriented approach, while providing more extensive functionality. Finally, the framework is designed with the stress on dynamic adaptability of target systems, a property we envisage as a fundamental in an upcoming era of massively developed real-time systems