162 research outputs found

    Palaeoecological study of a Weichselian wetland site in the Netherlands suggests a link with Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillation

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    Botanical microfossils, macroremains and oribatid mites of a Weichselian interstadial deposit in the central Netherlands point to a temporary, sub-arctic wetland in a treeless landscape. Radiocarbon dates and OSL dates show an age between ca. 54.6 and 46.6 ka cal BP. The vegetation succession, starting as a peat-forming wetland that developed into a lake, might well be linked with a Dansgaard-Oeschger climatic cycle. We suggest that during the rapid warming at the start of a D-O cycle, relatively low areas in the landscape became wetlands where peat was formed. During the more gradual temperature decline that followed, evaporation diminished; the wetlands became inundated and lake sediments were formed. During subsequent sub-arctic conditions the interstadial deposits were covered with wind-blown sand. Apart from changes in effective precipitation also the climate-related presence and absence of permafrost conditions may have played a role in the formation of the observed sedimentological sequence from sand to peat, through lacustrine sediment, with coversand on top. The Wageningen sequence may correspond with D-O event 12, 13 or 14. Some hitherto not recorded microfossils were described and illustrated

    Incoherent tunnelling through two quantum dots with Coulomb interaction

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    The Ohmic conductance and current through two quantum dots in series is investigated for the case of incoherent tunnelling. A generalised master equation is employed to include the discrete nature of the energy levels. Regions of negative differential conductance can occur in the I-V characteristics. Transport is dominated by matching energy levels, even when they do not occur at the charge degeneracy points.Comment: RevTeX + epsf.sty + 13 figure

    Level Statistics of XXZ Spin Chains with Discrete Symmetries: Analysis through Finite-size Effects

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    Level statistics is discussed for XXZ spin chains with discrete symmetries for some values of the next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) coupling parameter. We show how the level statistics of the finite-size systems depends on the NNN coupling and the XXZ anisotropy, which should reflect competition among quantum chaos, integrability and finite-size effects. Here discrete symmetries play a central role in our analysis. Evaluating the level-spacing distribution, the spectral rigidity and the number variance, we confirm the correspondence between non-integrability and Wigner behavior in the spectrum. We also show that non-Wigner behavior appears due to mixed symmetries and finite-size effects in some nonintegrable cases.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    The Clinical Spectrum of Missense Mutations of the First Aspartic Acid of cbEGF-like Domains in Fibrillin-1 Including a Recessive Family

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    Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a dominant disorder with a recognizable phenotype. In most patients with the classical phenotype mutations are found in the fibrillin-1 gene (FBN1) on chromosome 15q21. It is thought that most mutations act in a dominant negative way or through haploinsufficiency. In 9 index cases referred for MFS we detected heterozygous missense mutations in FBN1 predicted to substitute the first aspartic acid of different calcium-binding Epidermal Growth Factor-like (cbEGF) fibrillin-1 domains. A similar mutation was found in homozygous state in 3 cases in a large consanguineous family. Heterozygous carriers of this mutation had no major skeletal, cardiovascular or ophthalmological features of MFS. In the literature 14 other heterozygous missense mutations are described leading to the substitution of the first aspartic acid of a cbEGF domain and resulting in a Marfan phenotype. Our data show that the phenotypic effect of aspartic acid substitutions in the first position of a cbEGF domain can range from asymptomatic to a severe neonatal phenotype. The recessive nature with reduced expression of FBN1 in one of the families suggests a threshold model combined with a mild functional defect of this specific mutation. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Semiclassical theory for many-body Fermionic systems

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    We present a treatment of many-body Fermionic systems that facilitates an expression of the well-known quantities in a series expansion of the Planck's constant. The ensuing semiclassical result contains to a leading order of the response function the classical time correlation function of the observable followed by the Weyl-Wigner series, on top of these terms are the periodic-orbit correction terms. The treatment given here starts from linear response assumption of the many-body theory and in its connection with semiclassical theory, it makes no assumption of the integrability of classical dynamics underlying the one-body quantal system. Applications of the framework are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, Te

    High prevalence of the MYD88 L265P mutation in IgM anti-MAG paraprotein-associated peripheral neuropathy

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    Immunoglobulin M (IgM) anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) paraprotein-associated peripheral neuropathy (anti-MAG PN) is the most frequent type of paraprotein-associated neuropathy. It typically presents as a chronic demyelinating disorder with progressive ataxia, tremor and sensory disturbance.1 By definition, IgM paraproteinaemia and high-titre anti-MAG antibodies are present. Up to 50% of patients develop significant disability. Progressive disease-related disability is considered an indication to start treatment. However, there is no consensus on the optimal treatment approach and a high clinical need for effective therapies

    Testate amoebae in pollen slides

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    Among the non-pollen micro-fossils commonly encountered in Quaternary sediment samples prepared for pollen analysis are many shells of testate amoebae. Testate amoebae are eukaryotic micro-organisms which are increasingly used in ecological and palaeoecological studies, particularly as indicators of hydrological change in Sphagnum-dominated peatlands. In this study we address the extent to which testate amoebae are used in palynological research, the key challenges to more widespread use, and the extent to which ecological information is retained in the testate amoeba assemblages of standard palynological slides. To achieve this we review the literature on the use of testate amoebae in palynology, compare testate amoeba records produced by palynological and water-based preparation methods and carry out simulations using previously-derived datasets. Our results show that testate amoebae are widely encountered in Quaternary palynological studies, primarily in peatlands, but the information which they can provide is undermined by limited taxonomic knowledge. Many taxa are destroyed in pollen preparations, but for taxa that are retained patterns of abundance parallel those determined using water-based preparation methods. Although the loss of sensitive taxa limits the ecological information contained in testate amoeba assemblages the information preserved is likely to be useful in a multiproxy approach to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. To help improve taxonomic awareness and encourage the use of testate amoebae in palynology we present a basic introduction to testate amoeba taxonomy and a guide to the taxonomic literature

    Loss of Ep-CAM (CO17-1A) expression predicts survival in patients with gastric cancer

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    Preoperative staging of gastric cancer is difficult and not optimal. The TNM stage is an important prognostic factor, but it can only be assessed reliably after surgery. Therefore, there is need for additional, reliable prognostic factors that can be determined preoperatively in order to select patients who might benefit from (neo) adjuvant treatment. Expression of immunohistochemical markers was demonstrated to be associated with tumour progression and metastasis. The expression of p53, CD44 (splice variants v5, v6 and v9), E-cadherin, Ep-CAM (CO17-1A antigen) and c-erB2/neu were investigated in tumour tissues of 300 patients from the Dutch Gastric Cancer Trial, investigating the value of extended lymphadenectomy compared to that of limited lymphadenectomy). The expression of tumour markers was analysed with respect to patient survival. Patients without loss of Ep-CAM-expression of tumour cells (19%) had a significantly better 10-year survival (P<0.0001) compared to patients with any loss: 42% (s.e.=7%) vs 22% (s.e.=3%). Patients with CD44v6 (VFF18) expression in more than 25% of the tumour cells (69% of the patients) also had a significantly better survival (P=0.01) compared to patients with expression in less than 25% of the tumour cells: 10 year survival rate of 29% (s.e.=3%) vs 19% (s.e.=4%). The prognostic value of both markers was stronger in stages I and II, and independent of the TNM stage. Ep-CAM and CD44v6-expression provides prognostic information additional to the TNM stage. Loss of Ep-CAM-expression identifies aggressive tumours especially in patients with stage I and II disease. This information may be helpful in selecting patients suitable for surgery or for additional treatment pre- or postoperatively
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