52 research outputs found

    Angioedema: diagnosis and treatment

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    El angioedema es una tumefacción de dermis de la piel y tejido conjuntivo de mucosas debido a vasodilatación y edema. El hecho de que el angioedema interese al tejido conjuntivo de distintas mucosas tiene el riesgo vital de afectar a la vía aérea superior. Por tanto, nos encontramos con un síndrome de máximo interés como objeto de estudio por parte del clínico. Por una parte, es una entidad que puede tener consecuencias fatales, por otra, su exploración clínica es altamente inespecífica para orientar su etiología. De esta manera, en esta revisión se propone exponer las diferentes causas que pueden conducir a un angioedema para ayudar en la orientación diagnóstica al clínico en su práctica habitual y el manejo terapéutico del mismo.Angioedema is a swelling of the dermis and connective tissue of mucous due to vasodilatation and edema. The fact that angioedema interests mucosal tissues is a risk of affecting the upper airway. Therfore we have a syndrome of great interest as study object by the clinician. On the one hand, it is an entity that can have fatal consequences, on the other, the clinician examination is highly unspecific to guide its etiology. Thus, in this review we try to expose the main different causes that can lead to angioedema to help clinician in diagnostic practice and management thereof

    Teachers' training in sex education: past, present and future

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    Resumen Este trabajo pretende hacer un análisis sobre la formación del profesorado en materia de educación sexual, considerando 3 momentos: pasado, presente y futuro próximo. Para ello, en primer lugar, se revisan las posibilidades de formación universitaria y continua en las últimas décadas, y se ofrecen algunos datos sobre la formación actual del profesorado en activo en el conjunto del Estado. En segundo lugar, en relación con la formación futura, se revisan los planes de estudio de los grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria de las universidades españolas que surgen de la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Los resultados muestran una escasa formación en sexualidad y educación sexual del profesorado en activo, y unas pobres expectativas en cuanto a las posibilidades de formación inicial (solo 3 universidades recogen de manera explícita y concreta esta formación, aunque desde la optatividad). Finalmente, se aportan sugerencias de mejora en el ámbito de la formación universitaria y continuaAbstract This paper aims to analyze the level of sex education training of Spanish teachers in the past, present and near future. Firstly, a review of the possibilities of university and continuous training in recent decades is offered. Secondly, some data on the current level of training of Spanish teachers are provided. Thirdly, a review of the new curricula of the degrees in Preschool and Primary Education resulting from the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area is included. According to results, teachers currently lack sexuality and sex education training, and prospective possibilities of university training are scarce as well (only three Spanish universities offer explicit and speciÞ cally this training, although through optional subjects). Finally, suggestions for improvement both in the Þ eld of university and continuous training are offered

    Vitamin D and melanoma

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    La relación entre la vitamina D y diversos tumores ha sido objeto de estudio por varios autores en los últimos años. El papel protector de la vitamina D se ha confirmado en estudios epidemiológicos para tumores como el de colon y se ha sugerido en el melanoma. La vitamina D podría tener un papel antitumoral, de tal manera que una menor actividad de la vitamina D estaría relacionada con un mayor riesgo de melanoma. La mayor parte de la vitamina D se obtiene a través de la radiación ultravioleta. Surge así la controversia entre el beneficio de la vitamina D y su función antitumoral, frente a la radiación ultravioleta, carcinógeno conocido que altera el ADN de las células y aumenta el riesgo de cáncer cutáneo. El objetivo de nuestra revisión es proporcionar un análisis detallado que hace referencia al actual interés en la vitamina D y el melanoma.The relationship between vitamin D and various tumors has been studied by several authors in recent years. The protective role of vitamin D has been confirmed in epidemiological studies for tumors such as colon cancer and melanoma has been suggested. Vitamin D may have an antitumor role, so that a reduced activity of vitamin D be associated with an increased risk of melanoma. Most vitamin D is obtained through ultraviolet radiation. This led to the dispute between the benefit of vitamin D and its antitumor function, compared to ultraviolet radiation, a carcinogen known to alter the DNA of cells and increases the risk of skin cancer. The objective of our review is to provide a detailed analysis refers to the current interest in vitamin D and melanoma

    Cutaneous manifestations of scleroderma: a therapeutic challenge

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    La esclerodermia es una conectivopatía crónica y multisistémica con alta morbi-mortalidad y de patogenia desconocida. Los principales síntomas son consecuencia del depósito de colágeno y el daño endotelial a nivel de corazón, pulmón, tubo digestivo, riñón y piel. La afectación cutánea puede llegar a ser muy incapacitante y empeorar de forma marcada la calidad de vida de los pacientes. En la presente revisión se repasan las principales manifestaciones dermatológicas de esta enfermedad, su diagnóstico y las posibilidades de tratamiento.Scleroderma is a chronic and multisystemic connective tissue disease with high morbidity and mortality and unknown pathogenesis. The main symptoms are a result of collagen deposition and endothelial damage at heart, lung, gastrointestinal tract, kidney and skin. The skin involvement can become disabling and markedly worsen the quality of life of patients. The present article reviews the main cutaneous manifestations of this disease, its diagnosis and treatment options

    Atopic dermatitis and vitamin D: facts and controversies

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    Patients with atopic dermatitis have genetically determined risk factors that affect the barrier function of the skin and immune responses that interact with environmental factors. Clinically, this results in an intensely pruriginous and inflamed skin that allows the penetration of irritants and allergens and predisposes patients to colonization and infection by microorganisms. Among the various etiological factors responsible for the increased prevalence of atopic diseases over the past few decades, the role of vitamin D has been emphasized. As the pathogenesis of AD involves a complex interplay of epidermal barrier dysfunction and dysregulated immune response, and vitamin D is involved in both processes, it is reasonable to expect that vitamin D's status could be associated with atopic dermatitis' risk or severity. Such association is suggested by epidemiological and experimental data. in this review, we will discuss the evidence for and against this controversial relationship, emphasizing the possible etiopathogenic mechanisms involved.Univ Brasilia UNB, Brasilia, DF, BrazilFed Dist Hlth State Dept SES DF, Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniv Brasilia HUB UNB, Brasilia Univ Hosp, Brasilia, DF, BrazilSão Paulo Fed Univ UNIFESP, Brasilia, DF, BrazilSão Paulo Fed Univ UNIFESP, Brasilia, DF, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    RICORS2040 : The need for collaborative research in chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a silent and poorly known killer. The current concept of CKD is relatively young and uptake by the public, physicians and health authorities is not widespread. Physicians still confuse CKD with chronic kidney insufficiency or failure. For the wider public and health authorities, CKD evokes kidney replacement therapy (KRT). In Spain, the prevalence of KRT is 0.13%. Thus health authorities may consider CKD a non-issue: very few persons eventually need KRT and, for those in whom kidneys fail, the problem is 'solved' by dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, KRT is the tip of the iceberg in the burden of CKD. The main burden of CKD is accelerated ageing and premature death. The cut-off points for kidney function and kidney damage indexes that define CKD also mark an increased risk for all-cause premature death. CKD is the most prevalent risk factor for lethal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the factor that most increases the risk of death in COVID-19, after old age. Men and women undergoing KRT still have an annual mortality that is 10- to 100-fold higher than similar-age peers, and life expectancy is shortened by ~40 years for young persons on dialysis and by 15 years for young persons with a functioning kidney graft. CKD is expected to become the fifth greatest global cause of death by 2040 and the second greatest cause of death in Spain before the end of the century, a time when one in four Spaniards will have CKD. However, by 2022, CKD will become the only top-15 global predicted cause of death that is not supported by a dedicated well-funded Centres for Biomedical Research (CIBER) network structure in Spain. Realizing the underestimation of the CKD burden of disease by health authorities, the Decade of the Kidney initiative for 2020-2030 was launched by the American Association of Kidney Patients and the European Kidney Health Alliance. Leading Spanish kidney researchers grouped in the kidney collaborative research network Red de Investigación Renal have now applied for the Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud (RICORS) call for collaborative research in Spain with the support of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, Federación Nacional de Asociaciones para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades del Riñón and ONT: RICORS2040 aims to prevent the dire predictions for the global 2040 burden of CKD from becoming true

    Vitamin D and its role in psoriasis: An overview of the dermatologist and nutritionist

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