85 research outputs found

    Endotrophic mycorrhiza and the nutrition of grape vines

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    The roots of grape vines collected from a number of different localities throughout the Australian continent were all infected with mycorrhiza of the vesiculararbuscular type. Similarly a range of Vitis species and hybrids and a number of V. vinifera cultivars all displayed microscopic evidence of mycorrhizal infection.The growth of vine seedlings in soils sterilized either by autoclaving or by gamma irradiation was less than in similar non-sterile soil. The vine seedlings in sterile soils were not infected with mycorrhiza while those in non sterile were. Normal growth of vine seedlings in sterile soils was obtained by inoculating them with vine roots infected with live mycorrhiza. lnoculatio!1 of vine seedlings grown in sterile soils with roots containing dead mycorrhiza (autoclaved) or with filtered soil suspensions does not stimulate their growth. The shoots of vine seedlings grown In nori-sterile soil or in sterile soils and inoculated with live mycorrhiza had a significantly higher phosphorus content than seedlings not infected with mycorrhiza.i:t is suggested that in many of the habitats in which vines are grown in Australia and in Europe vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza aids their nutrition

    Use of nitrogen and potassium reserves during growth of grape vine cuttings

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    Single node cuttings of dormant grape vine canes were analysed to determine the relative amounts of soluble and insoluble nitrogen, and of potassium that are stored in bark and wood and in node and internode respectively. The amounts of these constituents that can be utilized for the growth of new shoot and roots were determined in experiments in which cuttings were grown in nutrient solutions which were either complete or lacking in nitrogen or potassium. When cuttings were grown for ten weeks with no added nitrogen 87 percent of the soluble nitrogen and 43 percent of the insoluble nitrogen was utilized for new growth. When cuttings were grown with an unrestricted supply of fertilizer nitrogen 82 percent of the soluble nitrogen and 20 percent of the insoluble nitrogen was utilized for new growth during the same period. Even in vines adequately supplied with fertilizer nitrogen, stored nitrogen of the cane is used preferentially for new growth.Vine cuttings grown for ten weeks with no supplemental potassium utilized 48 percent of the potassium reserve in the dormant cane for the growth of new shoot and roots. The amount translocated to the shoots was five times the amount transferred to roots. When supplemental potassium was supplied in the nutrient solution the potassium level in plant canes (initial cutting) was increased relative to that in the original cutting with equal amounts being translocated to both shoots and roots. It would appear that in contrast to nitrogen, stored potassium is not used preferentially for the growth of new shoot and roots.Die Nutzung von Stickstoff- und Kaliumreserven beim Wachstum von RebstecklingenEinaugenstecklinge von Rebenholz, das sich in der Ruhephase befand, wurden analysiert, um die relativen Mengen von löslichem und unlöslichem Stickstoff und von Kalium zu bestimmen, die im Rinden- und Holzteil bzw. Nodus und Internodium eingelagert waren. In NĂ€hrlösungen, die entweder vollstĂ€ndig waren oder in denen N oder K fehlten, wurden Stecklinge angezogen und an ihnen ermittelt, in welchem Ausmaß diese Elemente fĂŒr das Wachstum neuer Sprosse und Wurzeln genutzt wurden.Wuchsen die Stecklinge 10 Wochen lang ohne zusĂ€tzlichen Stickstoff, so wurden 87% des löslichen und 43% des unlöslichen Stickstoffs fĂŒr das neue Wachstum genutzt. Bei unbeschrĂ€nktem Vorrat an DĂŒngerstickstoff wurden 82% des löslichen und 20% des unlöslichen Stickstoffs fĂŒr das neue Wachstum wĂ€hrend derselben Periode genutzt. Selbst in Reben, die ausreichend mit DĂŒnger-Stickstoff versorgt waren, wurde vorzugsweise der im Holz eingelagerte Stickstoff fĂŒr das neue Wachstum verwendet. Rebstecklinge, die 10 Wochen lang ohne zusĂ€tzliches Kalium wuchsen, nutzten 48% der Kalium-Reserve in dem ruhenden Rebholz fĂŒr die Entwicklung neuer Sprosse und Wurzeln. In die Sprosse wurde fĂŒnf mal so viel Kalium wie in die Wurzeln befördert. Nach einem Kalium-Zusatz zur NĂ€hrlösung stieg der Kaliumgehalt im Stecklingsholz (Ausgangsholz) gegenĂŒber dem im AusgangsstĂŒck, wobei gleiche Mengen in Sprosse und Wurzeln befördert wurden. Es hat den Anschein, als ob bei der Bildung neuer Sprosse und Wurzeln das eingelagerte Kalium - im Gegensatz zum Stickstoff - nicht bevorzugt verwertet wĂŒrde

    Photographs: Resistance!

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    Sequential Monte Carlo simulation of collision risk in free flight air traffic

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    Within HYBRIDGE a novel approach in speeding up Monte Carlo simulation of rare events has been developed. In the current report this method is extended for application to simulating collisions with a stochastic dynamical model of an air traffic operational concept. Subsequently this extended Monte Carlo simulation approach is applied to a simulation model of an advanced free flight operational concept; i.e. one in which aircraft are responsible for self separation with each other. The Monte Carlo simulation results obtained for this advanced concept show that the novel method works well, and that it allows studying rare events that stayed invisible in previous Monte Carlo simulations of advanced air traffic operational concepts

    Regional investigation of a cyclosporiasis outbreak linked to imported romaine lettuce – Nebraska and Iowa, June–August 2013

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    A regional, multistate investigation into a June–August 2013 cyclosporiasis outbreak was conducted in Nebraska, Iowa, and neighbouring states. Cases were confirmed on the basis of laboratory and clinical findings. Of 227 cases in Iowa (n = 140) and Nebraska (n=87) residents, 162 (71%) reported dining at chain A/B restaurants – 96% reported house salad consumption. A case-control study identified chain A/B house salad as the most likely vehicle. Traceback was conducted to ascertain production lot codes of bagged salad mix (iceberg and romaine lettuce, red cabbage, and carrots) served as house salad in implicated restaurants. A single production lot code of salad mix supplied by both a common producer and distributor was linked to the majority of confirmed cases in persons reporting regional chain A/B exposure. The salad mix linked to illnesses contained imported romaine lettuce from two separate single-grower fields-of-origin and 51 additional field from another grower

    Simulation of cell-substrate traction force dynamics in response to soluble factors

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    Finite element (FE) simulations of contractile responses of vascular muscular thin films (vMTFs) and endothelial cells resting on an array of micro-posts under stimulation of soluble factors were conducted in comparison with experimental measurements reported in literature. Two types of constitutive models were employed in the simulations, i.e. smooth muscle cell type and non-smooth muscle cell type. The time histories of the effects of soluble factors were obtained via calibration against experimental measurements of contractile responses of tissues or cells. The numerical results for vMTFs with micropatterned tissues suggest that the radius of curvature of vMTFs under stimulation of soluble factors is sensitive to width of the micropatterned tissue, i.e. the radius of curvature increases as the tissue width decreases. However, as the tissue response is essentially isometric, the time history of the maximum principal stress of the micropatterned tissues is not sensitive to tissue width. Good agreement has been achieved for predictions of the vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 (ET-1) induced contraction stress between the FE numerical simulation and the experiment based approach of Alford, et al. (2011) for the vMTFs with 40, 60, 80 and 100 ÎŒm width patterns. This may suggest the contraction stress is weakly sensitive to the tissue width for these patterns. However, for 20 ÎŒm width tissue patterning, the numerical simulation result for contraction stress is less than the average value of experimental measurements, which may suggest the thinner and more elongated spindle-like cells within the 20 ÎŒm width tissue patterning have higher contractile output. The constitutive model for non-smooth muscle cells was used to simulate the contractile response of the endothelial cells. The substrate was treated as an effective continuum. For agonists such as Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), the deformation of the cell diminishes from edge to centre and the central part of the cell is essentially under isometric state. Numerical studies demonstrated the scenarios that cell polarity can be triggered via manipulation of the effective stiffness and Possion’s ratio of the substrate

    Reasons for Discontinuing Active Surveillance : Assessment of 21 Centres in 12 Countries in the Movember GAP3 Consortium

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    Background: Careful assessment of the reasons for discontinuation of active surveillance (AS) is required for men with prostate cancer (PCa). Objective: Using Movember's Global Action Plan Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance initiative (GAP3) database, we report on reasons for AS discontinuation. Design, setting, and participants: We compared data from 10 296 men on AS from 21 centres across 12 countries. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Cumulative incidence methods were used to estimate the cumulative incidence rates of AS discontinuation. Results and limitations: During 5-yr follow-up, 27.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 26.4-28.6%) men showed signs of disease progression, 12.8% (95% CI: 12.0-13.6%) converted to active treatment without evidence of progression, 1.7% (95% CI: 1.5-2.0%) continued to watchful waiting, and 1.7% (95% CI: 1.4-2.1%) died from other causes. Of the 7049 men who remained on AS, 2339 had follow-up for >5 yr, 4561 had follow-up for Conclusions: Our descriptive analyses of current AS practices worldwide showed that 43.6% of men drop out of AS during 5-yr follow-up, mainly due to signs of disease progression. Improvements in selection tools for AS are thus needed to correctly allocate men with PCa to AS, which will also reduce discontinuation due to conversion to active treatment without evidence of disease progression. Patient summary: Our assessment of a worldwide database of men with prostate cancer (PCa) on active surveillance (AS) shows that 43.6% drop out of AS within 5 yr, mainly due to signs of disease progression. Better tools are needed to select and monitor men with PCa as part of AS. (C) 2018 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Contrasting effects of diclofenac and ibuprofen on active imatinib uptake into leukaemic cells

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    BACKGROUND: The human organic cation transporter-1 (OCT-1) is the primary active protein for imatinib uptake into target BCR-ABL-positive cells. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are frequently used by chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patients on imatinib to manage musculoskeletal complaints. METHODS: Here we investigated the impact of NSAIDs on functional activity of the OCT-1 (OCT-1 activity; OA) in CML cells. RESULTS: Although ten of twelve NSAIDs tested had no significant impact on OA (P>0.05), we observed increased OA (27% increase in K562; 22% increase in KU812 cells, P<0.05) and reduced IC50(imatinib) when treated with diclofenac. Co-incubation with imatinib and diclofenac resulted in a significantly lower viable cell number compared with imatinib alone. In contrast, ibuprofen led to a significant decrease in OA, an increase in IC50(imatinib) and thus reduced the cytotoxicity of imatinib. In primary CML samples, diclofenac significantly increased OA, particularly in patients with low OA (<4 ng per 200 000 cells), and significantly decreased IC50(imatinib). Ibuprofen induced significant decreases in OA in CML samples and healthy donors. CONCLUSION: On the basis of the expected impact of these two drugs on OA, ibuprofen should be avoided in combination with imatinib. Further studies are warranted regarding the potential benefit of diclofenac to improve OA in a clinical setting.J. Wang, T.P. Hughes, C.H. Kok, V.A. Saunders, A. Frede, K. Groot-Obbink, M. Osborn, A.A. Somogyi, R.J. D’Andrea and D.L. Whit

    The Movember Foundation's GAP3 cohort: a profile of the largest global prostate cancer active surveillance database to date

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    OBJECTIVES: The Movember Foundation launched the Global Action Plan Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance (GAP3) initiative to create a global consensus on the selection and monitoring of men with low‐risk prostate cancer (PCa) on active surveillance (AS). The aim of this study is to present data on inclusion and follow‐up for AS in this unique global AS database. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 2014 and 2016, the database was created by combining patient data from 25 established AS cohorts worldwide (USA, Canada, Australasia, UK and Europe). Data on a total of 15 101 patients were included. Descriptive statistics were used to report patients' clinical and demographic characteristics at the time of PCa diagnosis, clinical follow‐up, discontinuation of AS and subsequent treatment. Cumulative incidence curves were used to report discontinuation rates over time. RESULTS: At diagnosis, the median (interquartile range [IQR]) patient age was 65 (60–70) years and the median prostate‐specific antigen level was 5.4 (4.0–7.3) ng/mL. Most patients had clinical stage T1 disease (71.8%), a biopsy Gleason score of 6 (88.8%) and one tumour‐positive biopsy core (60.3%). Patients on AS had a median follow‐up time of 2.2 (1.0–5.0) years. After 5, 10 and 15 years of follow‐up, respectively, 58%, 39% and 23% of patients were still on AS. The current version of GAP3 has limited data on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), quality of life and genomic testing. CONCLUSIONS: GAP3 is the largest worldwide collaboration integrating patient data from men with PCa on AS. The results will allow individual patients and clinicians to have greater confidence in the personalized decision to either delay or proceed with active treatment. Longer follow‐up and the evaluation of MRI, new genomic markers and patient‐related outcomes will result in even more valuable data and eventually in better patient outcomes

    The Movember Foundation&apos;s GAP3 cohort : a profile of the largest global prostate cancer active surveillance database to date

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    Objectives: The Movember Foundation launched the Global Action Plan Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance (GAP3) initiative to create a global consensus on the selection and monitoring of men with low-risk prostate cancer (PCa) on active surveillance (AS). The aim of this study is to present data on inclusion and follow-up for AS in this unique global AS database. Patients and Methods: Between 2014 and 2016, the database was created by combining patient data from 25 established AS cohorts worldwide (USA, Canada, Australasia, UK and Europe). Data on a total of 15 101 patients were included. Descriptive statistics were used to report patients' clinical and demographic characteristics at the time of PCa diagnosis, clinical follow-up, discontinuation of AS and subsequent treatment. Cumulative incidence curves were used to report discontinuation rates over time. Results: At diagnosis, the median (interquartile range [IQR]) patient age was 65 (60\u201370) years and the median prostate-specific antigen level was 5.4 (4.0\u20137.3) ng/mL. Most patients had clinical stage T1 disease (71.8%), a biopsy Gleason score of 6 (88.8%) and one tumour-positive biopsy core (60.3%). Patients on AS had a median follow-up time of 2.2 (1.0\u20135.0) years. After 5, 10 and 15 years of follow-up, respectively, 58%, 39% and 23% of patients were still on AS. The current version of GAP3 has limited data on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), quality of life and genomic testing. Conclusions: GAP3 is the largest worldwide collaboration integrating patient data from men with PCa on AS. The results will allow individual patients and clinicians to have greater confidence in the personalized decision to either delay or proceed with active treatment. Longer follow-up and the evaluation of MRI, new genomic markers and patient-related outcomes will result in even more valuable data and eventually in better patient outcomes
