114 research outputs found

    The languages of Sulawesi

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    Majapahit in the fifteenth century

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    Motivacija za pisanje ovoga rada je želja za prikupljanjem, vrednovanjem, organiziranjem i objavljivanjem sadržaja koji će dati pregled područja te koristiti stručnoj i znanstvenoj zajednici u daljnjemu radu. Građa za bibliografiju radova s područja košarke objavljenih u Hrvatskoj do 2019. : znanstveni i stručni članci se bavi znanstvenim i stručnim člancima kao rezultatima stručnog i znanstveno-istraživačkog rada na području košarkaške igre u Hrvatskoj od početaka zabilježenih sustavnih istraživanja 1970-tih zaključno s 2018. godinom. Uvodna poglavlja daju sažeti pregled osnova bibliografije i košarkaške igre. Bibliografski popis donosi isključivo kategorizirane znanstvene i stručne radove u dva niza: Znanstveni i stručni članci u časopisima i Znanstveni i stručni radovi u zbornicima sa skupova, s ukupno 384 bibliografske jedinice. Zapisi sadrže osnovne elemente bibliografskog opisa, redani su kronološki, a unutar godišta abecedno prema autorskoj odrednici. Pomoć u pristupu i pretraživanju popisa osiguravaju tri kazala: kazalo autora, predmetno kazalo i kazalo časopisa. Izvori za sastavljanje bibliografije su većinom sekundarni što ostavlja mjesta za daljnja istraživanja i dopunjavanja. Stručna i znanstvena istraživanja košarkaške igre u Hrvatskoj posebno su se intenzivirala nakon osamostaljenja države te su danas sustavna, interdisciplinarna i relativno opsežna. Ova bibliografija je doprinos uređivanju i organiziranju informacija s ovoga područja što bi trebalo olakšati pristup bibliografskim izvorima u budućem znanstveno-istraživačkom radu. Vjerujem da će ona biti sastavni dio moga autorskog projekta cjelovitog popisivanja raznolike bibliografske građe objavljene u Hrvatskoj s temom košarkaške igre koji će biti objavljen uskoro.The motivation for writing this paper is based upon a desire to collect, evaluate, organize and publish content providing an overview of the scope, eventually being used by the field of expert and scientific community in their further works. Materials for the Bibliography of Papers in the Field of Basketball Published in Croatia by 2019 : scientific and expert articles is dealing with the mentioned content as a result of a previous research work in the field of basketball in Croatia dating back from the beginning of the systematic researches in the 1970's until 2019. The introductory chapters present a summary overview of the basics of bibliography, as well as the basics of basketball as a sport. The bibliographic list provides only categorized scientific and expert papers presented in two series: Scientific and Expert Articles in Journals and Scientific and Expert Papers in Proceedings (contenting the total of 384 bibliographic records). The records contain the basic elements of the bibliographic description, they are chronologically lined up within the year alphabetically according to the author headings. Access and search help provide three indexes: an author index, a subject index and a journal index. Bibliography sources are mostly ones of secondary nature, leaving space for further research and supplementation. Expert and scientific research of basketball in Croatia have intensified especially after the independence in the 1990's and become systematic, interdisciplinary and relatively extensive today. This bibliography is a contribution to the editing and organiziting information from this scope which should facilitate access to bibliographic sources in future scientific research work. I believe it will be an integral part of my authoring project which includes comprehensive bibliography of a various materials published in Croatia on the subject of basketball to be released shortly

    Sound changes in the Gorontalo language

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    Nucleolar partition induced by actinomycin D was used to demonstrate some aspects of nucleolar RNA synthesis and release in mouse hepatic cells, with light and electron microscopic radioautography. The effect of the drug on RNA synthesis and nucleolar morphology was studied when actinomycin D treatment preceded labeling with tritiated orotic acid. Nucleolar partition, consisting of a segegration into granular and fibrillar parts was visible if a dosage of 25 µg of actinomycin D was used, but nucleolar RNA was still synthesized. After a dosage of 400 µg of actinomycin D, nucleolar RNA synthesis was completely stopped If labeling with tritiated orotic acid preceded treatment with 400 µg of actinomycin D, labeled nucleolar RNA was present 15 min after actinomycin D treatment while high resolution radioautography showed an association of silver grains with the granular component. At 30 min after actinomicyn D treatment all labeling was lost. Since labeling was associated with the granular component the progressive loss of label as a result of actinomycin D treatment indicated a release of nucleolar granules. The correlation between this release and the loss of 28S RNA from actinomycin D treated nucleoli as described in the literature is discussed

    Een echte boerderij met een echte boer : de waarde van agrarische productie bij multifunctionele landbouw

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    Wat is nu precies de meerwaarde van een ‘echte’ boerderij bij kinderopvang, boerengolf, een camping, educatie-activiteiten of het verlenen van zorg? Hoe belangrijk is het dat het bedrijf een deel van zijn inkomsten haalt uit de productie van melk of aardappelen en hoe beïnvloeden beide takken elkaar? Wat zeggen de afnemers over de combinatie van activiteiten en landbouw en hoe denken andere boeren en betrokken organisaties hierover? Allemaal vragen waarop deze brochure ingaat. De tekst is gebaseerd op interviews met multifunctionele ondernemers, klanten en organisaties die actief zijn in de multifunctionele landbouw

    A fatal pseudo-tumour: disseminated basidiobolomycosis

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    BACKGROUND: Basidiobolomycosis is a rare disease caused by the fungus Basidiobolus ranarum, member of the class Zygomycetes, order Entomophthorales, found worldwide. Usually basidiobolomycosis is a subcutaneous infection but rarely gastrointestinal manifestations have been described; 13 adults and 10 children and a few retroperitoneal or pulmonary cases. In gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis the colon is most frequently involved, usually presenting with subacute mild abdominal pain. In contrast to children only very few described adult patients had hepatic masses. Definitive diagnosis requires culture, serological testing can be helpful. The fungal morphology and the Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon are characteristic histological features. There are no prominent risk factors. Usually surgery and prolonged antifungal therapy are required. CASE PRESENTATION: A 61 year old man presented with progressive left abdominal pain and constipation since a few months. Colonoscopy showed an obstructing tumour in the descending colon, and a hemicolectomy was performed. Histology showed inflammation, possibly caused by a fungal or parasitic infection, without definite identification of an organism. A few weeks postoperatively a CT scan made because of abdominal discomfort, revealed a livermass (6 cm). Treatment with metronidazole, directed against an amoebic liver abscess, was unsuccessful. He developed a marked eosinophilia (27.7%). A liver biopsy was performed and the patient was referred to a university hospital. A repeated CT scan showed a livermass of 9 cm diameter. Review of colon and liver biopsy samples showed extensive necrosis and histiocytes, multinucleated giant cells and numerous eosinophils. Grocott stained sections contained unusually large hyphae surrounded by strongly eosinophilic material in haematoxylin and eosin stained sections (Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon). A presumptive diagnosis of Basidiobolus spp. infection was made and treated with amphotericin B (Itraconazol contra-indicated because of renal insufficiency). A few days later the patient died of a septic shock. After autopsy Basidiobolus ranarum was cultured from liver, gallbladder and colon. CONCLUSION: Our patient died of gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis with an obstructing colon tumour and a large hepatic mass. This was a rare presentation of basidiobolomycosis and the second fatal case described worldwide

    A scoping review establishes need for consensus guidance on reporting health equity in observational studies.

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    To evaluate the support from the available guidance on reporting of health equity in research for our candidate items and to identify additional items for the Strengthening Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology-Equity extension. We conducted a scoping review by searching Embase, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane Methodology Register, LILACS, and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information up to January 2022. We also searched reference lists and gray literature for additional resources. We included guidance and assessments (hereafter termed "resources") related to conduct and/or reporting for any type of health research with or about people experiencing health inequity. We included 34 resources, which supported one or more candidate items or contributed to new items about health equity reporting in observational research. Each candidate item was supported by a median of six (range: 1-15) resources. In addition, 12 resources suggested 13 new items, such as "report the background of investigators". Existing resources for reporting health equity in observational studies aligned with our interim checklist of candidate items. We also identified additional items that will be considered in the development of a consensus-based and evidence-based guideline for reporting health equity in observational studies

    In patients eligible for meniscal surgery who first receive physical therapy, multivariable prognostic models cannot predict who will eventually undergo surgery

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    Purpose Although physical therapy is the recommended treatment in patients over 45 years old with a degenerative meniscal tear, 24% still opt for meniscal surgery. The aim was to identify those patients with a degenerative meniscal tear who will undergo surgery following physical therapy. Methods The data for this study were generated in the physical therapy arm of the ESCAPE trial, a randomized clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of surgery versus physical therapy in patients of 45-70 years old, with a degenerative meniscal tear. At 6 and 24 months patients were divided into two groups: those who did not undergo surgery, and those who did undergo surgery. Two multivariable prognostic models were developed using candidate predictors that were selected from the list of the patients' baseline variables. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed with backward Wald selection and a cut-off of p < 0.157. For both models the performance was assessed and corrected for the models' optimism through an internal validation using bootstrapping technique with 500 repetitions. Results At 6 months, 32/153 patients (20.9%) underwent meniscal surgery following physical therapy. Based on the multivariable regression analysis, patients were more likely to opt for meniscal surgery within 6 months when they had worse knee function, lower education level and a better general physical health status at baseline. At 24 months, 43/153 patients (28.1%) underwent meniscal surgery following physical therapy. Patients were more likely to opt for meniscal surgery within 24 months when they had worse knee function and a lower level of education at baseline at baseline. Both models had a low explained variance (16 and 11%, respectively) and an insufficient predictive accuracy. Conclusion Not all patients with degenerative meniscal tears experience beneficial results following physical therapy. The non-responders to physical therapy could not accurately be predicted by our prognostic models.Orthopaedics, Trauma Surgery and Rehabilitatio