41,994 research outputs found

    Fundamental constants and tests of theory in Rydberg states of one-electron ions

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    The nature of the theory of circular Rydberg states of hydrogenlike ions allows highly-accurate predictions to be made for energy levels. In particular, uncertainties arising from the problematic nuclear size correction which beset low angular-momentum states are negligibly small for the high angular-momentum states. The largest remaining source of uncertainty can be addressed with the help of quantum electrodynamics (QED) calculations, including a new nonperturbative result reported here. More stringent tests of theory and an improved determination of the Rydberg constant may be possible if predictions can be compared with precision frequency measurements in this regime. The diversity of information can be increased by utilizing a variety of combinations of ions and Ryberg states to determine fundamental constants and test theory.Comment: 10 pages; LaTe

    Three-boson problem at low energy and Implications for dilute Bose-Einstein condensates

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    It is shown that the effective interaction strength of three bosons at small collision energies can be extracted from their wave function at zero energy. An asymptotic expansion of this wave function at large interparticle distances is derived, from which is defined a quantity DD named three-body scattering hypervolume, which is an analog of the two-body scattering length. Given any finite-range interaction potentials, one can thus predict the effective three-body force from a numerical solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In this way the constant DD for hard-sphere bosons is computed, leading to the complete result for the ground state energy per particle of a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of hard spheres to order ρ2\rho^2, where ρ\rho is the number density. Effects of DD are also demonstrated in the three-body energy in a finite box of size LL, which is expanded to the order L−7L^{-7}, and in the three-body scattering amplitude in vacuum. Another key prediction is that there is a violation of the effective field theory (EFT) in the condensate fraction in dilute BECs, caused by short-range physics. EFT predictions for the ground state energy and few-body scattering amplitudes, however, are corroborated.Comment: 24 pages, no figur

    Exciton and biexciton energies in bilayer systems

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    We report calculations of the energies of excitons and biexcitons in ideal two-dimensional bilayer systems within the effective-mass approximation with isotropic electron and hole masses. The exciton energies are obtained by a simple numerical integration technique, while the biexciton energies are obtained from diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations. The exciton binding energy decays as the inverse of the separation of the layers, while the binding energy of the biexciton with respect to dissociation into two separate excitons decays exponentially

    Joint perception: gaze and beliefs about social context

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    The way that we look at images is influenced by social context. Previously we demonstrated this phenomenon of joint perception. If lone participants believed that an unseen other person was also looking at the images they saw, it shifted the balance of their gaze between negative and positive images. The direction of this shift depended upon whether participants thought that later they would be compared against the other person or would be collaborating with them. Here we examined whether the joint perception is caused by beliefs about shared experience (looking at the same images) or beliefs about joint action (being engaged in the same task with the images). We place our results in the context of the emerging field of joint action, and discuss their connection to notions of group emotion and situated cognition. Such findings reveal the persuasive and subtle effect of social context upon cognitive and perceptual processes

    A heterotic sigma model with novel target geometry

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    We construct a (1,2) heterotic sigma model whose target space geometry consists of a transitive Lie algebroid with complex structure on a Kaehler manifold. We show that, under certain geometrical and topological conditions, there are two distinguished topological half--twists of the heterotic sigma model leading to A and B type half--topological models. Each of these models is characterized by the usual topological BRST operator, stemming from the heterotic (0,2) supersymmetry, and a second BRST operator anticommuting with the former, originating from the (1,0) supersymmetry. These BRST operators combined in a certain way provide each half--topological model with two inequivalent BRST structures and, correspondingly, two distinct perturbative chiral algebras and chiral rings. The latter are studied in detail and characterized geometrically in terms of Lie algebroid cohomology in the quasiclassical limit.Comment: 83 pages, no figures, 2 references adde

    Scalable squeezed light source for continuous variable quantum sampling

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    We propose a novel squeezed light source capable of meeting the stringent requirements of continuous variable quantum sampling. Using the effective χ2\chi_2 interaction induced by a strong driving beam in the presence of the χ3\chi_3 response in an integrated microresonator, our device is compatible with established nanophotonic fabrication platforms. With typical realistic parameters, squeezed states with a mean photon number of 10 or higher can be generated in a single consistent temporal mode at repetition rates in excess of 100MHz. Over 15dB of squeezing is achievable in existing ultra-low loss platforms

    Noisy pre-processing facilitating a photonic realisation of device-independent quantum key distribution

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    Device-independent quantum key distribution provides security even when the equipment used to communicate over the quantum channel is largely uncharacterized. An experimental demonstration of device-independent quantum key distribution is however challenging. A central obstacle in photonic implementations is that the global detection efficiency, i.e., the probability that the signals sent over the quantum channel are successfully received, must be above a certain threshold. We here propose a method to significantly relax this threshold, while maintaining provable device-independent security. This is achieved with a protocol that adds artificial noise, which cannot be known or controlled by an adversary, to the initial measurement data (the raw key). Focusing on a realistic photonic setup using a source based on spontaneous parametric down conversion, we give explicit bounds on the minimal required global detection efficiency.Comment: 5+16 pages, 4 figure

    A re-evaluation of finite-element models and stress-intensity factors for surface cracks emanating from stress concentrations

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    A re-evaluation of the 3-D finite-element models and methods used to analyze surface crack at stress concentrations is presented. Previous finite-element models used by Raju and Newman for surface and corner cracks at holes were shown to have ill-shaped elements at the intersection of the hole and crack boundaries. These ill-shaped elements tended to make the model too stiff and, hence, gave lower stress-intensity factors near the hole-crack intersection than models without these elements. Improved models, without these ill-shaped elements, were developed for a surface crack at a circular hole and at a semi-circular edge notch. Stress-intensity factors were calculated by both the nodal-force and virtual-crack-closure methods. Both methods and different models gave essentially the same results. Comparisons made between the previously developed stress-intensity factor equations and the results from the improved models agreed well except for configurations with large notch-radii-to-plate-thickness ratios. Stress-intensity factors for a semi-elliptical surface crack located at the center of a semi-circular edge notch in a plate subjected to remote tensile loadings were calculated using the improved models. The ratio of crack depth to crack length ranged form 0.4 to 2; the ratio of crack depth to plate thickness ranged from 0.2 to 0.8; and the ratio of notch radius to the plate thickness ranged from 1 to 3. The models had about 15,000 degrees-of-freedom. Stress-intensity factors were calculated by using the nodal-force method
