1,616 research outputs found

    Formation of porous surface layers in reaction bonded silicon nitride during processing

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    An effort was undertaken to determine if the formation of the generally observed layer of large porosity adjacent to the as-nitride surfaces of reaction bonded silicon nitrides could be prevented during processing. Isostatically pressed test bars were prepared from wet vibratory milled Si powder. Sintering and nitriding were each done under three different conditions:(1) bars directly exposed to the furnance atmosphere; (2) bars packed in Si powder; (3) bars packed in Si3N4 powder. Packing the bars in either Si of Si3N4 powder during sintering retarded formation of the layer of large porosity. Only packing the bars in Si prevented formation of the layer during nitridation. The strongest bars (316 MPa) were those sintered in Si and nitrided in Si3N4 despite their having a layer of large surface porosity; failure initiated at very large pores and inclusions. The alpha/beta ratio was found to be directly proportional to the oxygen content; a possible explanation for this relationship is discussed

    Microstructures in rapidly solidified Ni-Mo alloys

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    Ni-Mo alloys of compositions ranging from pure Ni to Ni-40 at % Mo were rapidly solidified by Chill Block Melt Spinning in vacuum and were examined by optical metallography, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Rapid solidification resulted in an extension of molybdenum solubility in nickel from 28 to 37.5 at %. A number of different phases and microstructures were seen at different depths (solidification conditions) from the quenched surface of the melt spun ribbons

    Reaction bonded silicon nitride prepared from wet attrition-milled silicon

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    Silicon powder wet milled in heptane was dried, compacted into test bar shape, helium-sintered, and then reaction bonded in nitrogen-4 volume percent hydrogen. As-nitrided bend strengths averaged approximately 290 MPa at both room temperature and 1400 C. Fracture initiation appeared to be associated with subsurface flaws in high strength specimens and both subsurface and surface flaws in low strength specimens

    Crystallographic structure of porcine adenovirus type 4 fiber head and galectin domains

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    Adenovirus isolate NADC-1, a strain of porcine adenovirus type 4, has a fiber containing an N-terminal virus attachment region, shaft and head domains, and a C-terminal galectin domain connected to the head by an RGD-containing sequence. The crystal structure of the head domain is similar to previously solved adenovirus fiber head domains, but specific residues for binding the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR), CD46, or sialic acid are not conserved. The structure of the galectin domain reveals an interaction interface between its two carbohydrate recognition domains, locating both sugar binding sites face to face. Sequence evidence suggests other tandem-repeat galectins have the same arrangement. We show that the galectin domain binds carbohydrates containing lactose and N-acetyl-lactosamine units, and we present structures of the galectin domain with lactose, N-acetyl-lactosamine, 3-aminopropyl-lacto-N- neotetraose, and 2-aminoethyl-tri(N-acetyl-lactosamine), confirming the domain as a bona fide galectin domain. Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.Esta investigación fue patrocinada por becas de investigación: BFU2005-02974-24982, BFU2005 E-01588 y BFU2008 y por una beca predoctoral FPU para P. Guardado-Calvo del Ministerio Español de Educación y Ciencia. Este trabajo también fue apoyado por fondos de la Comisión Europea bajo el contrato NMP4-CT-2006-033256 (BeNatural-coordinated project).Peer Reviewe

    The way forward: the International Primary Care Respiratory Group 2nd World Conference, Melbourne, 19-22 February 2004

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Justin J Beilby, Nicholas J Glasgow and H John Fard

    A Strategy for Adenovirus Vector Targeting with a Secreted Single Chain Antibody

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    BACKGROUND:Successful gene therapy will require targeted delivery vectors capable of self-directed localization. In this regard, the use of antibodies or single chain antibody fragments (scFv) in conjunction with adenovirus (Ad) vectors remains an attractive means to achieve cell-specific targeting. However, a longstanding barrier to the development of Ad vectors with genetically incorporated scFvs has been the biosynthetic incompatibility between Ad capsid proteins and antibody-derived species. Specifically, scFv require posttranslational modifications not available to Ad capsid proteins due to their cytoplasmic routing during protein synthesis and virion assembly. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We have therefore sought to develop scFv-targeted Ad vectors using a secreted scFv that undergoes the requisite posttranslational modifications and is trafficked for secretion. Formation of the scFv-targeted Ad vector is achieved via highly specific association of the Ad virion and a targeting scFv employing synthetic leucine zipper-like dimerization domains (zippers) that have been optimized for structural compatibility with the Ad capsid and for association with the secreted scFv. Our results show that zipper-containing Ad fiber molecules trimerize and incorporate into mature virions and that zippers can be genetically fused to scFv without ablating target recognition. Most importantly, we show that zipper-tagged virions and scFv provide target-specific gene transfer. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:This work describes a new approach to produce targeted Ad vectors using a secreted scFv molecule, thereby avoiding the problem of structural and biosynthetic incompatibility between Ad and a complex targeting ligand. This approach may facilitate Ad targeting using a wide variety of targeting ligands directed towards a variety of cellular receptors

    The Standardized Fish Bioassay Procedure for Detecting and Culturing Actively Toxic Pfiesteria, Used by Two Reference Laboratories for Atlantic and Gulf Coast States

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    In the absence of purified standards of toxins from Pfiesteria species, appropriately conducted fish bioassays are the gold standard that must be used to detect toxic strains of Pfiesteria slop. from natural estuarine water or sediment samples and to culture actively toxic Pfiesteria. In this article, we describe the standardized steps of our fish bioassay as an abbreviated term for a procedure that includes two sets of trials with fish, following the Henle-Koch postulates modified for toxic rather than infectious agents. This procedure was developed in 1991, and has been refined over more than 12 years of experience in research with toxic Pfiesteria. The steps involve isolating toxic strains of Pfiesteria (or other potentially, as-yet-undetected, toxic Pfiesteria or Pfiesteria-like species) from fish-killing bioassays with natural samples; growing the clones with axenic algal prey; and retesting the isolates in a second set of fish bioassays. The specific environmental conditions used (e.g., temperature, salinity, light, other factors) must remain flexible, given the wide range of conditions from which natural estuarine samples are derived. We present a comparison of information provided for fish culture conditions, reported in international science journals in which such research is routinely published, and we provide information from more than 2,000 fish bioassays with toxic Pfiesteria, along with recommendations for suitable ranges and frequency of monitoring of environmental variables. We present data demonstrating that algal assays, unlike these standardized fish bioassays, should not be used to detect toxic strains of Pfiesteria spp. Finally, we recommend how quality control/assurance can be most rapidly advanced among laboratories engaged in studies that require research-quality isolates of toxic Pfiesteria spp

    Peculiarities of the function of cardiomyocytes in patients with ischemic heart disease associated with diabetes mellitus type 2

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    The functional activity of myocardium in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) and coronary heart disease (CAD) was studied. The study included patients with CAD with T2DM as representatives of the main group, the comparison group consisted of patients with univariant course of ischemic heart disease without violation of carbohydrate metabolism. Contractile activity of the myocardium was evaluated by the inotroic reaction of isolated trabeculae of patients according to the Protocol tests "Post-rest" and "Ekstrasistoliei test". As a result, it was found that rhythm-inotropic myocardial response in patients with comorbid pathology persists to a greater extent than in the one-dimensional flow of CAD

    Community ownership in Glasgow: the devolution of ownership and control, or a centralizing process

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    The largest housing stock transfer in Europe, the 2003 Glasgow transfer promises to ‘empower’ tenants by devolving ownership and control from the state to local communities. This is to be delivered through a devolved structure in which day to day housing management is delegated to a citywide network of 60 Local Housing Organisations, governed at the neighbourhood level by committees of local residents. The receiving landlord, the Glasgow Housing Association, has further made commitments to disaggregate the organisation via Second Stage Transfer in order to facilitate local community ownership, as well as management of the housing stock. This paper argues that whilst the Glasgow transfer has enhanced local control in the decision making process within the limits permitted by the transfer framework, it has nonetheless failed to deliver the levels of involvement aspired to by those actively engaged in the process. Displaying at times more of the semblance of a movement than an organisation, the Glasgow Housing Association operates a classic centre-periphery divide. These tense central-local relations have contributed to the emergence of conflict which has further undermined negotiations surrounding the realisation of full community ownership via Second Stage Transfer