37 research outputs found

    Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in Klinefelter syndrome and hypothalamic-pituitary tumor

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    El síndrome de Klinefelter es la causa más frecuente de hipogonadismo hipergonadotropo en el varón. La supresión en la respuesta al estímulo con hormona liberadora de la hormona luteinizante en estos pacientes debe hacer sospechar como posible etiología una tumoración a nivel hipotalámico. Se presenta el caso de un paciente diagnosticado a los 4 meses con síndrome de Klinefelter mediante cribado neonatal, con cariotipo 47 XXY, en el que se realizan controles clínicos y analíticos seriados y se encuentran, a los 17 años, valores suprimidos de hormona luteinizante y hormona folículo estimulante. Inicia, posteriormente, cefalea y amaurosis de ojo izquierdo, y se encuentra, en una resonancia magnética cerebral, un tumor germinal mixto a nivel hipotalámico, que precisa tratamiento quirúrgico, quimioterapia y radioterapia, con respuesta favorable. Klinefelter Syndrome is the most frequent cause of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism in men. A flat response at luteinizing hormone releasing hormone stimulation test could be the first sign of hypothalamic tumor in these patients. We report the case of a patient diagnosed by neonatal screening with Klinefelter Syndrome, 47 XXY, that at 17 years follow-up presents analytical modification of the response to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone stimulation test with suppressed luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone values; lately he presents with headache and loss of left eye vision. A magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed a mixed germ cell hypothalamus tumor, requiring surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy with optimal response

    Cranial and extracranial large-vessel giant cell arteritis share a genetic pattern of interferon-gamma pathway

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    OBJECTIVES: Two main different clinical phenotypes of giant cell arteritis (GCA) have been described, the classic cranial pattern and the extracranial large-vessel (LV) pattern. Since interferon gamma (IFNG) has shown to be a pivotal cytokine in the pathophysiology of GCA, our aim was to evaluate for the first time the influence of IFNG and IFNG receptor 1 (IFNGR1) polymorphisms in the different clinical phenotypes of GCA. METHODS: Two IFNG polymorphisms (rs2069718 G/A and rs1861493 A/G) and one polymorphism in IFNGR1 (rs1327474 G/A) were genotyped in 191 patients with biopsy-proven cranial GCA, 109 with extracranial LV-GCA and 490 healthy controls. A comparative study was conducted between patients with cranial and extracranial LV-GCA. RESULTS: No significant differences in genotype, allele, and haplotype frequencies of IFNG polymorphisms were found between GCA patients with the classic cranial pattern and the extracranial LV-GCA pattern. Similar results were found for genotype and allele frequencies of IFNGR1 polymorphism. It was also the case when patients with extracranial LV-GCA were compared with healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that IFNG and IFNGR1 polymorphisms do not influence the clinical phenotype of expression of GCA. Classic cranial GCA and extracranial LV-GCA seem to share a genetic pattern of IFNG pathway

    The presence of both HLA-DRB1[*]04:01 and HLA-B[*]15:01 increases the susceptibility to cranial and extracranial giant cell arteritis.

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    Objectives: To determine if patients with the predominant extracranial large-vessel-vasculitis (LVV) pattern of giant cell arteritis (GCA) have a distinctive HLA-B association, different from that reported in biopsy-proven cranial GCA patients. In a further step we assessed if the combination of HLA-B and HLA-DRB1 alleles confers an increased risk for GCA susceptibility, either for the cranial and extracranial LVV phenotypes. Methods: A total of 184 patients with biopsy-proven cranial GCA, 105 with LVV-GCA and 486 healthy controls were included in our study. We compared HLA-B phenotype frequencies between the three groups. Results: HLA-B*15 phenotype was significantly increased in patients with classic cranial GCA compared to controls (14.7% versus 5.8%, respectively; p<0.01; OR [95% CI] =2.81 [1.54-5.11]). It was mainly due to the HLA-B*15:01 allele (12.5% versus 4.0%, respectively; p<0.01; OR [95% CI] =3.51 [1.77-6.99]) and remained statistically significant after Bonferroni correction. Similar HLA-B*15 association was observed in patients with the LVV-GCA (11.4% versus 5.8%, p=0.04, OR [95% CI] =2.11 [1.04-4.30]). This association was also mainly due to the HLA-B*15:01 allele (10.5% versus 4.0%, respectively; p=0.0054; OR [95% CI] =2.88 [1.19-6.59]). Noteworthy, the presence of HLA-B*15:01 together with HLA-DRB1*04:01 led to an increased risk of developing both cranial and extracranial LVV-GCA. Conclusions: Susceptibility to GCA is strongly related to the HLA region, regardless of the clinical phenotype of expression of the disease.This work was partially supported by RETICS Programs, RD08/0075 (RIER), RD12/0009/0013 and RD16/0012 from ‘‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’’ (ISCIII) (Spain). However, this research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the commercial or not-for-profit sectors

    Cranial and extracranial giant cell arteritis do not exhibit differences in the IL6 -174 G/C gene polymorphism

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    Since interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pivotal proinflammatory cytokine implicated in the pathogenesis of giant cell arteritis (GCA), we aimed to determine the potential association of the functional IL6 -174 G/C polymorphism with GCA as well as if the single base change variation at the promoter region in the human IL-6 gene may account for differences in the clinical spectrum of GCA between cranial and extracranial large vessel vasculitis (LVV)-GCA

    Armed Rollers: Does Nestling’s Vomit Function as a Defence against Predators?

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    Chemical defences against predators are widespread in the animal kingdom although have been seldom reported in birds. Here, we investigate the possibility that the orange liquid that nestlings of an insectivorous bird, the Eurasian roller (Coracias garrulus), expel when scared at their nests acts as a chemical defence against predators. We studied the diet of nestling rollers and vomit origin, its chemical composition and deterrent effect on a mammal generalist predator. We also hypothesized that nestling rollers, as their main prey (i.e. grasshoppers) do from plants, could sequester chemicals from their prey for their use. Grasshoppers, that also regurgitate when facing to a threat, store the harmful substances used by plants to defend themselves against herbivores. We found that nestling rollers only vomit after being grasped and moved. The production of vomit depended on food consumption and the vomit contained two deterrent chemicals (hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids) stored by grasshoppers and used by plants to diminish herbivory, suggesting that they originate from the rollers’ prey. Finally, we showed for the first time that the oral secretion of a vertebrate had a deterrent effect on a model predator because vomit of nestling rollers made meat distasteful to dogs. These results support the idea that the vomit of nestling rollers is a chemical defence against predators.Financial support was provided by the Junta de Andalucía (project P06-RNM-02177) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education/FEDER (projects CGL2008-00718 and CGL2011-27561)

    Analysis of ancestral and functionally relevant CD5 variants in systemic lupus erythematosus patients

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    OBJECTIVE: CD5 plays a crucial role in autoimmunity and is a well-established genetic risk factor of developing RA. Recently, evidence of positive selection has been provided for the CD5 Pro224-Val471 haplotype in East Asian populations. The aim of the present work was to further analyze the functional relevance of non-synonymous CD5 polymorphisms conforming the ancestral and the newly derived haplotypes (Pro224-Ala471 and Pro224-Val471, respectively) as well as to investigate the potential role of CD5 on the development of SLE and/or SLE nephritis. METHODS: The CD5 SNPs rs2241002 (C/T; Pro224Leu) and rs2229177 (C/T; Ala471Val) were genotyped using TaqMan allelic discrimination assays in a total of 1,324 controls and 681 SLE patients of Spanish origin. In vitro analysis of CD3-mediated T cell proliferative and cytokine response profiles of healthy volunteers homozygous for the above mentioned CD5 haplotypes were also analyzed. RESULTS: T-cell proliferation and cytokine release were significantly increased showing a bias towards to a Th2 profile after CD3 cross-linking of peripheral mononuclear cells from healthy individuals homozygous for the ancestral Pro224-Ala471 (CC) haplotype, compared to the more recently derived Pro224-Val471 (CT). The same allelic combination was statistically associated with Lupus nephritis. CONCLUSION: The ancestral Ala471 CD5 allele confers lymphocyte hyper-responsiveness to TCR/CD3 cross-linking and is associated with nephritis in SLE patients

    Soporte tridimensional para producción artificial de órganos y otras estructuras del organismo humano y método de obtención del mismo

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    Soporte tridimensional para producción artificial de órganos y otras estructuras del organismo humano y método de obtención del mismo. La invención se refiere a un método de obtención de un soporte tridimensional de apoyo a tareas de producción artificial de órganos y otras estructuras del organismo humano caracterizado por una geometría exterior, que se adapta a la forma de la estructura biológica original, rellena de un conjunto de semillas fractales sólidas que conforman una retícula tridimensional, que permite enfoques personalizados para adaptarse de forma óptima a las características propias del órgano o estructura del organismo objeto de producción artificial y que promociona el crecimiento de células vivas sobre el soporte tridimensional sintético obtenido.Peer reviewedUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)B2 Patente sin exámen previ

    Prevalence and predictors of vitamin D deficiency in non-supplemented women with systemic lupus erythematosus in the Mediterranean region: a cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVES: Over the past few years researchers have suggested that vitamin D plays a diverse role in autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We sought to determine the prevalence and predictors of vitamin D deficiency in a cohort of non-supplemented female SLE patients from the Mediterranean region. METHODS: We carried out a prospective cohort study on all SLE patients who had visited the Department of Rheumatology at the Parc de Salut MAR (Barcelona, Spain) between June 2007 and December 2008, excluding those who had been taking vitamin D supplements (total: 73 patients, all female). For each patient, demographic information was collected; scores were measured for disease severity [SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI)] and structural damage [Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinic/American College of Rheumatology, (SLICC/ACR) Damage Index]; pharmacological treatment was recorded; analytical variables were analysed; and plasma levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] were quantified. RESULTS: Among the patients in our cohort, 68.5% [95% confidence interval (CI) 60.3-79.2] exhibited vitamin D deficiency [plasma level of 25(OH)D &lt; 30 ng/mL]. The predictors for vitamin D deficiency were daily sunscreen use [odds ratio (OR) 1.67, p = 0.02] and high body mass index (BMI) (OR 1.32 when adjusted for seasons and patient age, p = 0.04). We did not find any correlation between vitamin D deficiency and SLEDAI score (p = 0.31), SLICC/ACR score (p = 0.82), or any other of the variables. CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D insufficiency is highly prevalent among SLE patients, even in southern regions. Sunscreen use and obesity increase the risk. Clinicians should be aware of these factors and supplement SLE patients at risk of vitamin D deficiency accordingly