513 research outputs found

    Algorithms for identification and categorization

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    The main features of a family of efficient algorithms for recognition and classification of complex patterns are briefly reviewed. They are inspired in the observation that fast synaptic noise is essential for some of the processing of information in the brain.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Mutations of penicillin acylase residue B71 extend substrate specificity by decreasing steric constraints for substrate binding

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    Two mutant forms of penicillin acylase from Escherichia coli strains, selected using directed evolution for the ability to use glutaryl-L-leucine for growth [Forney, Wong and Ferber (1989) Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55, 2550-2555], are changed within one codon, replacing the B-chain residue Phe(B71) with either Cys or Leu. Increases of up to a factor of ten in k(cat)/K-m values for substrates possessing a phenylacetyl leaving group are consistent with a decrease in K-s. Values of k(cat/)K(m) for glutaryl-L-leucine are increased at least 100-fold. A decrease in k(cat)/K-m for the CySB71 mutant with increased pH is consistent with binding of the uncharged glutaryl group. The mutant proteins are more resistant to urea denaturation monitored by protein fluorescence, to inactivation in the presence of substrate either in the presence of urea or at high pH, and to heat inactivation. The crystal structure of the Leu(B71) mutant protein, solved to 2 X resolution, shows a flip of the side chain of Phe(B256) into the periphery of the catalytic centre, associated with loss of the pi-stacking interactions between Phe(B256) and Phe(B71). Molecular modelling demonstrates that glutaryl-L-leucine may bind with the uncharged glutaryl group in the S-1 subsite of either the wild-type or the Leu(B71) mutant but with greater potential freedom of rotation of the substrate leucine moiety in the complex with the mutant protein. This implies a smaller decrease in the conformational entropy of the substrate on binding to the mutant proteins and consequently greater catalytic activity

    New coronavirus outbreak. Lessons learned from the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic

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    System dynamics approach offers great potential for addressing how intervention policies can affect the spread of emerging infectious diseases in complex and highly networked systems. Here, we develop a model that explains the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) epidemic that occurred in Hong Kong in 2003. The dynamic model developed with system dynamics methodology included 23 variables (five states, four flows, eight auxiliary variables, six parameters), five differential equations and 12 algebraic equations. The parameters were optimized following an iterative process of simulation to fit the real data from the epidemics. Univariate and multivariate sensitivity analyses were performed to determine the reliability of the model. In addition, we discuss how further testing using this model can inform community interventions to reduce the risk in current and future outbreaks, such as the recently Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) epidemic.Centro de Biología Molecular ‘Severo Ochoa’ by the Fundación Ramón ArecesPeer Reviewe

    Attractors of stochastic lattice dynamical systems with a multiplicative noise and non-Lipschitz nonlinearities

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    In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of solutions of a first-order stochastic lattice dynamical system with a multiplicative noise. We do not assume any Lipschitz condition on the nonlinear term, just a continuity assumption together with growth and dissipative conditions, so that uniqueness of the Cauchy problem fails to be true. Using the theory of multi-valued random dynamical systems we prove the existence of a random compact global attracto

    Análisis dinámico de los efectos de la estructura de demanda sobre crecimiento y medio ambiente en Andalucía

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    En este trabajo se relaciona la especialización productiva de una región española (Andalucía) con el crecimiento económico, el consumo de recursos naturales y la polución atmosférica. Para ello, nos hemos centrado en dos de los recursos naturales básicos, como son el agua y la energía, así como en otros indicadores de calidad atmosférica, tales como las emisiones de CO y SO2. La metodología seguida parte de la aplicación de la dinámica de sistemas, proponiendo un modelo que pone en relación ciertas variables medio ambientales con las de otros subsistemas (laboral y macroeconómico). En el modelo se integran las tablas input-output de Andalucía (Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía) y los resultados recientes, respecto a consumos de agua, energía y emisión de contaminantes, obtenidos en la contabilidad ambiental, elaborada por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de esta Comunidad Autónoma.environment economics, dymamic systems, input-output analysis, regional analysis


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    En este trabajo se evalúan los efectos ex-post del MAC 1994-1999 en Andalucía (España), los efectos directos e indirectos de las inversiones dentro de la región y los efectos fuga producidos hacia el resto del país (cross-border leakage). Utilizando un modelo multisectorial de dos regiones, la andaluza y el resto de España, se comparan los estímulos inducidos por los fondos estructurales en es resto de la economía nacional con los producidos en la economía andaluza. Los resultados muestran que, al menos a corto y medio plazo, los resultados sobre la convergencia real pueden ser poco o nada relevantes. Podría afirmarse que las regiones más desarrolladas del país han sido grandes beneficiarias indirectas de los fondos destinados a las regiones de objetivo 1.Structural Funds Evaluation; Regional Convergence; Cross- Border Leakages

    A model based on local graphs for colour images and its application for Gaussian noise smoothing

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    [EN] In this paper, a new model for processing colour images is presented. A graph is built for each image pixel taking into account some constraints on links. Each pixel is characterized depending on the features of its related graph, which allows to process it appropriately. As an example, we provide a characterization of each pixel based on the link cardinality of its connected component. This feature enables us to properly distinguish flat image regions respect to edge and detail regions. According to this, we have designed a hybrid filter for colour image smoothing. It combines a filter able to properly process flat image regions with another one that is more appropriate for details and texture. Experimental results show that our model performs appropriately. We also see that our proposed filter is competitive with respect to state-of-the-art methods. It is close closer to the corresponding optimal switching filter respect to other analogous hybrid method.Samuel Morillas acknowledges the support of grant MTM2015-64373-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE). Cristina Jordan acknowledges the support of grant TEC2016-79884-C2-2-R.Pérez-Benito, C.; Morillas, S.; Jordan-Lluch, C.; Conejero, JA. (2018). A model based on local graphs for colour images and its application for Gaussian noise smoothing. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 330:955-964. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2017.05.013S95596433

    Enhancing magnetorheological effect using bimodal suspensions in the singlemultidomain limit

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    We demonstrate a new route to enhance the magnetorheological effect using bimodal suspensions in the single-multidomain limit. Experimental results are satisfactorily compared to 3D finite element method simulations. The physical reason behind this enhancement is the coating of the larger particles by the smaller ones due to the remnant magnetization of the latter.This work was supported by MAT 2016-78778-R and PCIN 2015-051 projects (FEDER FUNDS and MINECO, Spain). A J F Bombard is grateful to FAPEMIG grants: APQ-01824-17, PEE-00081-16, RED-00144-16, ETC-00043-15, PEP-00231- 15, APQ-00463-11 and RDP-00164-10. J R Morillas acknowledges FPU14/01576 fellowship

    Prestaciones sismorresistentes de un edificio sanitario proyectado con la NCSE-02

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    We assess the seismic performance of a hospital building designed following current Spanish codes. The assessment is done with a state-of-the-art probabilistic framework which provides a consistent account for the uncertainties in the evaluation process. A prototype of a health facility serves as a basis to discuss a realistic estimate of the implications of occasional and rare ground motion in essential facilities. To this end, this study comprises nonlinear time history analyses of the building structure, the identification of structural and non-structural performance groups, the probabilistic expression of structural response, and the quantification of damage and repair costs by means of fragility relations. This work reveals that the seismic performance of the analysed facility is inappropriate in terms of damage, loss of functionality and repair costs.Se evalúan las prestaciones sismorresistentes de un edificio de uso sanitario proyectado con la normativa española actual. La evaluación ha sido realizada en el marco de una metodología probabilística que provee una base consistente con las incertidumbres del proceso de evaluación. Un prototipo de edificio sanitario sirve como base para discutir una estimación realista de las implicaciones de terremotos raros y ocasionales en edificios de importancia especial. Para este fin, el estudio comprende un análisis dinámico no lineal de la estructura del edificio, la identificación de grupos de prestaciones estructurales y no estructurales, la expresión probabilística de la respuesta de la estructura y la cuantificación de daños y costes de reparación mediante relaciones de fragilidad. Este trabajo revela que las prestaciones sismorresistentes del edificio analizado son inapropiadas en términos de daños, pérdida de funcionalidad y costes de reparación

    Seasonal and mesoscale variability of biological and chemical parameters related to the hydrodynamics of the Ibiza Channel (western Mediterranean)

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    Este trabajo está basado en el análisis tridimensional a mesoescala de la relación entre la hidrodinámica y la distribución espacial de los nutrientes (nitratos), el porcentaje de saturación de oxígeno y la concentración de clorofila a, de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en cuatro campañas llevadas a cabo en el canal de Ibiza en noviembre de 1990, marzo de 1991 y a principios y mediados de julio de 1992. El estudio comparado de estas cuatro campañas muestra una fenomenología diversa y cambiante, aunque puede ser descrita como variación de un patrón básico consistente en la generación de un sistema ciclónico y un frente originado por el agua entrante en el canal, de procedencia atlántica, situada sobre el agua residente que sale a través de él. Este fenómeno determina la fertilización por afloramiento producido por el sistema divergencia superficial - convergencia profunda asociado al sistema frontal y al torbellino ciclónico. La variabilidad espacial detectada a mesoescala está estrechamente relacionada con las distribuciones hidrográficas y la escasa duración de algunas estructuras de dimensiones reducidas. En consecuencia, este tipo de fenomenología puede ser considerada independiente de la época del año, que condiciona principalmente los gradientes verticales y la circulación general. De acuerdo con esto, en noviembre de 1990, las concentraciones relativamente bajas de clorofila a observadas pueden estar relacionadas con fenómenos de difusión y transporte debido a la intensidad de la corriente de agua de procedencia atlántica. Por el contrario, en la campaña efectuada en marzo de 1991, parece existir un fenómeno de confinamiento del material producido en una cuña ciclónica, que queda relativamente aislada y horizontalmente comprimida por una masa de agua situada al norte de la misma que, simultáneamente, obstaculiza el avance hacia el norte del agua de procedencia atlántica. Esto puede explicar, en parte, las elevadas concentraciones de clorofila observadas en el área ciclónica. La comparación de las campañas realizadas a primeros y mediados de julio de 1992 muestra cómo un simple desplazamiento hacia el sur del sistema ciclónico puede alterar, de manera importante, tanto los aportes de nutrientes como la distribución de los máximos de clorofila. En ambos casos las elevadas, aunque discontinuas, concentraciones de clorofila registradas pueden ser causadas por un mecanismo de acumulación que abarcaría conjuntamente procesos tales como un relativamente pequeño transporte advectivo y la disminución de la velocidad de sedimentación del fitoplancton a través de la picnoclina, así como la acumulación de nutrientes debida a la compresión vertical de los afloramientos que alcanzan la picnoclina, pudiendo permitir la producción fitoplanctónica cerca de los máximos de clorofila.The interactions between the hydrodynamics and the spatial distribution of nutrients (nitrates), percentage of oxygen saturation and chlorophyll-a concentration were studied by means of a 3-D mesoscale analysis. The data were obtained from four surveys carried out in the Ibiza Channel in November 1990, March 1991 and twice in July 1992. The comparative study of the data showed a high variability due to variations of a cyclonic eddy and a frontal system caused by the incoming modified Atlantic water, layered anta the resident water that flows out of the channel. This phenomenon determined fertilisation by upwelling, as a consequence of the surface-divergence/deep-convergence system associated with the front and the cyclonic gyre. Mesoscale spatial variability was closely related to hydrographic parameters. The short life of some small-scale structures can be considered independently of the season, which mainly causes vertical gradients and general circulation. In November 1990, the relatively low chlorophyll concentrations could be related to transport and diffusion phenomena caused by the intense inflow of the Modified Atlantic Water (MAW) mass. On the other hand, in March 1991, it seems that an enclosure phenomenon was found. The material produced was accumulated in a relatively isolated cyclonic area, horizontally compressed by a northern water mass, which also obstructed the normal inflow of the MAW. This could explain the high chlorophyll concentrations observed in the cyclonic area. The comparison between the surveys carried out in early and mid-July 1992 showed how a single southward displacement of the cyclonic system could have a great impact on the intensity of nutrient inputs and the location of chlorophyll maxima. In both cases, the very high, but patchy, chlorophyll concentrations observed might have been caused by an accumulation mechanism. This mechanism could be based on a joint process involving a slight advective transport and a drop in the phytoplankton's sinking rate through the pycnocline. Also, accumulation al nutrients due to vertical compression of upwelling phenomena reaching the pycnocline may lead to some phytoplankton production near the deep chlorophyll maxima.Instituto Español de Oceanografí