188 research outputs found

    Análisis de la accesibilidad urbanística y arquitectónica: SIG de la accesibilidad de Mallorca

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    La movilidad es un derecho fundamental de todos los ciudadanos de aquí que el análisis de la accesibilidad y evaluación sea una exigencia que han de considerar los planificadores territoriales. Actualmente las tecnologías de la información geográfica constituyen un instrumento que facilitan el reconocimiento de las barreras arquitectónicas y urbanísticas, tanto desde el punto de vista técnico como del ciudadano. Sobre esta base, el presente artículo muestra el desarrollo del Sistema de Información Geográfica de la Accesibilidad de Mallorca (SIGMA) cuyo objetivo principal es el de facilitar información actualizada y precisa al ciudadano y, al mismo tiempo, diseñar una herramienta de análisis, evaluación y soporte a la toma de decisiones para la mejora de la accesibilidad urbana y arquitectónica. El proyecto se ha desarrollado de acuerdo al Decreto 20/2003 del Reglamento de Supresión de Barreras Arquitectónica, Boletín Oficial de las Islas Baleares 18-03-2003). La construcción del SIGMA ha sido realizada por un equipo de investigación de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares y un grupo de trabajo del Área de Accesibilidad del Consell de Mallorca.Mobility is a fundamental right of all citizens that is why the analysis accessibility and its evaluation are demands that have to be considered by the territorial planners. Currently geographical information technologies are instruments that provide the recognition of the architectural barriers and urban, both from the technical and from the citizen’s point of view. On this base, the present article shows the development of the Accessibility's Geographic information System of Majorca (SIGMA) whose main goal is that one of to provide up-to-date information and precise to the citizen and, at the same time, to design a tool of analysis, evaluation and support to the decision making for the improvement of the urban accessibility and architectural. The project has been developed according to the regulations (Decree 20/2003 of the Regulations of Barrier Suppression Architectural, Official Gazette of Balearic Islands 18-03-2003). The construction of the SIGMA has been made by a team of investigation of the University of Balearic Islands and a working group of the Area of Accessibility of the Council of Majorca

    Dynamic Simulation Methods for Evaluating Motor Vehicle and Roadway Design and Resolving Policy Issues

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    This study had three objectives: (1) to develop a comprehensive truck simulation that executes rapidly, has a modular program construction to allow variation of vehicle characteristics, and is able to realistically predict vehicle motion and the tire-road surface interaction forces; (2) to develop a model of doweled portland cement concrete pavement that can be used to determine slab deflection and stress at predetermined nodes, and that allows for the variation of traditional thickness design factors; and (3) to implement these two models on a work station with suitable menu driven modules so that both existing and proposed pavements can be evaluated with respect to design life, given specific characteristics of the heavy vehicles that will be using the facility. This report summarizes the work that has been performed during the first year of the study. Briefly, the following has been accomplished: A two dimensional model of a typical 3-S2 tractor-trailer combination was created. A finite element structural analysis program, ANSYS, was used to model the pavement. Computer runs have been performed varying the parameters defining both vehicle and road elements. The resulting time specific displacements for each node are plotted, and the displacement basin is generated for defined vehicles. Relative damage to the pavement can then be estimated. A damage function resulting from load replications must be assumed that will be reflected by further pavement deterioration. Comparison with actual damage on Interstate 80 will eventually allow verification of these procedures

    Dynamics of unvisited sites in presence of mutually repulsive random walkers

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    We have considered the persistence of unvisited sites of a lattice, i.e., the probability S(t)S(t) that a site remains unvisited till time tt in presence of mutually repulsive random walkers. The dynamics of this system has direct correspondence to that of the domain walls in a certain system of Ising spins where the number of domain walls become fixed following a zero termperature quench. Here we get the result that S(t)exp(αtβ)S(t) \propto \exp(-\alpha t^{\beta}) where β\beta is close to 0.5 and α\alpha a function of the density of the walkers ρ\rho. The number of persistent sites in presence of independent walkers of density ρ\rho^\prime is known to be S(t)=exp(22πρt1/2)S^\prime (t) = \exp(-2 \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}} \rho^\prime t^{1/2}). We show that a mapping of the interacting walkers' problem to the independent walkers' problem is possible with ρ=ρ/(1ρ)\rho^\prime = \rho/(1-\rho) provided ρ,ρ\rho^\prime, \rho are small. We also discuss some other intricate results obtained in the interacting walkers' case.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Application of Hilbert-Huang transform in the analysis of satellite-communication signals

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    [EN] In communication links between satellites and ground stations, the transmitted signal is exposed to disturbances such as noise of different types that hinder reception or retrieval of information. For that reason, different methods are used to process the received signal and to remove these perturbations, and thus recover the information. Different techniques of signal analysis have been used to achieve the above described but the results are not completely satisfactory. The Hilbert Huang Transform has been applied increasingly in different areas and satellite signals are not the exception. In this work, a study where the Hilbert-Huang transform is used to analyze the received signal and removes these perturbations, and thus recover the transmitted signal is presented.[ES] En los enlaces de comunicación entre satélites y estaciones terrenas, la señal transmitida está expuesta a perturbaciones y ruido de diferentes tipos que dificultan la recepción y recuperación de la información. Por está razón, diferentes métodos son utilizados para procesar la señal recibida y eliminar dichas perturbaciones, y así recuperar la información. Diferentes técnicas de análisis de señales se han utilizado para lograr lo anteriormente descrito pero los resultados no son completamente satisfactorios. La Transformada de Hilbert Huang ha venido aplicándose cada vez más en diferentes áreas y las señales satelitales no son la excepción. En este trabajo, se realiza el análisis mediante la Transformada de Hilbert Huang de una señal de comunicación satelital que presenta ruido gausiano; el propósito es eliminar las perturbaciones del ruido y poder recuperar la señal transmitida. La estrategia propuesta es comparada con la Transformada Rápida de Fourier la cual normalmente es usada para estas aplicaciones. Algunos resultados con señales simuladas y reales son mostradas para validar la metodología.Este trabajo fue apoyado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) a través del programa de Cátedras CONACYT dentro del proyecto 3066, la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas y por UNAM-PAPIIT IA104218.Villanueva, J.; Bueno, M.; Simón, J.; Molinas, M.; Flores, J.; Méndez, PE. (2020). Aplicación de la transformada de Hilbert-Huang en el análisis de señales de comunicación satelital. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 17(2):181-189. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2019.10878OJS181189172Boashash, B., Apr 1992. Estimating and interpreting the instantaneous fre- quency of a signal. Part 1: Fundamentals. Proceedings of the IEEE 80 (4), 520-538. https://doi.org/10.1109/5.135376Bueno-Lopez, M., Giraldo, E., Molinas, M., December 2017a. Analysis of neu- ral activity from EEG data based on EMD frequency bands. In: 24th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS). Vol. 1. IEEE, Batumi, Georgia, pp. 401-405. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICECS.2017.8292116Bueno-Lopez, M., Molinas, M., Kulia, G., September 2017b. Understanding instantaneous frequency detection: A discussion of Hilbert-Huang Trans- form versus Wavelet Transform. In: International Work-Conference on Time Series Analysis-ITISE. Vol. 1. University of Granada, Granada, Spain, pp. 474-486.Dowel, J. M. (Ed.), 2014. The Cubesat Explosion. Harvard, http://planet4589.org/talks/cubesats/cube3.pdf.E. Hari Krishna, M. Raghuram, K. V. M. K. S., Reddy, K. A., May 2012. Emd based ofdm channel estimation. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229395Gasca Segura, M., Bueno-Lopez, M., Molinas, M., Fosso, O. B., April 2018. Time-frequency analysis for nonlinear and non-stationary signals using hht: A mode mixing separation technique. IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (4), 1091-1098. https://doi.org/10.1109/TLA.2018.8362142Hao Chen, J.-h. G., Liu, T., December 2013. Fm signal parameter estimation using the hilbert huang transform. 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP). https://doi.org/10.1109/CISP.2013.6743863Hou, T. Y., Shi, Z., Sept 2013. Data-driven time-frequency analysis. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 35 (2), 284-308. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acha.2012.10.001Huang, N. E., Shen, S. S. P. (Eds.), 2014. Hilbert-Huang Transform and its Ap- plications. Vol. 16. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1142/5862Huang, N. E., Shen, Z., Long, S. R., Wu, M. C., Shih, H. H., Zheng, Q., Yen, N.-C., Tung, C. C., Liu, H. H., 1998. The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analy- sis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 454 (1971), 903-995. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.1998.0193Huang Yuchun, Huang Zailu, H. B., Shuhua, X., September 2007. Integrated fft- based interpolation frequency estimator and its application to feature extrac- tion of fm signal. International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. https://doi.org/10.1109/WICOM.2007.305Mandic, D. P., Rehman, N. U., Wu, Z., Huang, N. E., Nov 2013. Empirical mode decomposition-based time-frequency analysis of multivariate signals: The power of adaptive data analysis. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 30 (6), 74-86.https://doi.org/10.1109/MSP.2013.2267931N.Padmaja, D. a., R.Swathi, September 2011. Signal processing of radar echoes using wavelets and hilbert huang transform. Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) 2 (3). https://doi.org/10.5121/sipij.2011.2310Radiometrix, 2010a. Manual: 500mw rf power amplifier module. urlhttp://www.radiometrix.com/content/afs2-0.Radiometrix, 2010b. Manual:uhf narrow band fm multi channel transceiver. urlhttps://www.radiometrix.com/node/187.Stone, T. (Ed.), 2004. Technical Report NAS-04-009: Introduc- tion to Satellite Communications Technology for NREN. NASA, https://www.nas.nasa.gov/assets/pdf/techreports/2004/nas-04-009.pdf.Wang, X., Wang, Y., October 2013. A single-channel bss new method of time- frequency overlapped communication signal based on multi-scale cwt and ica. International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving (ICCP). https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCPS.2013.6893582Wu, Z., Huang, N. E. (Eds.), August 2009. Ensemble Empirical Mode Decom- position: A Noise Assisted Data Analysis Method. Vol. 1. World Scientific Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793536909000047Xu, D., Xia, Y., Mandic, D. P., Feb 2016. Optimization in quaternion dynamic systems: Gradient, hessian, and learning algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 27 (2), 249-261. https://doi.org/10.1109/TNNLS.2015.2440473Yingjun Yuan, Zhitao Huang, H. W., Wang, X., 2013. Specific emitter iden- tification based on hilbert-huang transform-based time-frequency-energy distribution features. IET Communications 8 (13), 2404-2412. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-com.2013.0865Yu, W., Qian, X., November 2010. Some factors which affect the satellite com- munication. In: 2nd International Workshop on Database Technology and Applications. IEEE, Wuhan, China. https://doi.org/10.1109/DBTA.2010.565906

    Peritoneal changes due to laparoscopic surgery

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    Item does not contain fulltextBACKGROUND: Laparoscopic surgery has been incorporated into common surgical practice. The peritoneum is an organ with various biologic functions that may be affected in different ways by laparoscopic and open techniques. Clinically, these alterations may be important in issues such as peritoneal metastasis and adhesion formation. METHODS: A literature search using the Pubmed and Cochrane databases identified articles focusing on the key issues of laparoscopy, peritoneum, inflammation, morphology, immunology, and fibrinolysis. Results : Laparoscopic surgery induces alterations in the peritoneal integrity and causes local acidosis, probably due to peritoneal hypoxia. The local immune system and inflammation are modulated by a pneumoperitoneum. Additionally, the peritoneal plasmin system is inhibited, leading to peritoneal hypofibrinolysis. CONCLUSION: Similar to open surgery, laparoscopic surgery affects both the integrity and biology of the peritoneum. These observations may have implications for various clinical conditions.1 januari 201

    Single-cell delineation of lineage and genetic identity in the mouse brain

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    During neurogenesis, mitotic progenitor cells lining the ventricles ofthe embryonic mouse brain undergo their final rounds of cell division, giving rise to a wide spectrum of postmitotic neurons and glia(1,2). The link between developmental lineage and cell-type diversity remains an open question. Here we used massively parallel tagging of progenitors to track clonal relationships and transcriptomic signatures during mouse forebrain development. We quantified clonal divergence and convergence across all major cell classes postnatally, and found diverse types of GABAergic neuron that share a common lineage. Divergence of GABAergic clones occurred during embryogenesis upon cell-cycle exit, suggesting that differentiation into subtypes is initiated as a lineage-dependent process at the progenitor cell level

    Association Analysis of Ten Candidate Genes in a Large Multinational Cohort of Small for Gestational Age Children and Children with Idiopathic Short Stature (NESTEGG study)

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    Background: Fetal growth failure has been associated with an increased risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes in adulthood. Exploring the mechanisms underlying this association should improve our understanding of these common adult diseases. Patients and Methods: We investigated 225 SNPs in 10 genes involved in growth and glucose metabolism (GH1, GHR, IGF1, IGF1R, STAT5A, STAT5B, MAPK1, MAPK3, PPARγ and INS) in 1,437 children from the multinational NESTEGG consortium: 345 patients born small for gestational age who remained short (SGA-S), 288 who showed catch-up growth (SGA-Cu), 410 idiopathic short stature (ISS) and 394 controls. We related genotype to pre- and/or postnatal growth parameters, response to growth hormone (if applicable) and blood pressure. Results: We found several clinical associations for GH1, GHR, IGF1, IGF1R, PPARγ and MAPK1. One SNP remained significant after Bonferroni's correction: IGF1R SNP rs4966035's minor allele A was significantly more prevalent among SGA and associated with smaller birth length (p = 0.000378) and birth weight (weaker association), independent of gestational age. Conclusion:IGF1R SNP rs4966035 is significantly associated with birth length, independent of gestational age. This and other associations suggest that polymorphisms in these genes might partly explain the phenotype of short children born SGA and children with ISS

    Elevated ratio of acylated to unacylated ghrelin in children and young adults with Prader–Willi syndrome

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    Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is characterized by a switch from failure to thrive to excessive weight gain and hyperphagia in early childhood. Hyperghrelinemia may be involved in the underlying mechanisms of the switch. The purpose of this study is to evaluate acylated ghrelin (AG) and unacylated ghrelin (UAG) levels in PWS and investigate their associations with hyperphagia. This is a cross-sectional clinical study conducted in three PWS expert centers in the Netherlands and France. Levels of AG and UAG and the AG/UAG ratio were determined in 138 patients with PWS (0.2–29.4 years) and compared with 50 age-matched obese subjects (4.3–16.9 years) and 39 healthy controls (0.8–28.6 years). AEBSF was used to inhibit deacylation of AG. As a group, PWS patients had higher AG but similar UAG levels as healthy controls (AG 129.1 vs 82.4 pg/ml, p = 0.016; UAG 135.3 vs 157.3 pg/ml, resp.), resulting in a significantly higher AG/UAG ratio (1.00 vs 0.61, p = 0.001, resp.). Obese subjects had significantly lower AG and UAG levels than PWS and controls (40.3 and 35.3 pg/ml, resp.), but also a high AG/UAG ratio (1.16). The reason for the higher AG/UAG ratio in PWS and obese was, however, completely different, as PWS had a high AG and obese a very low UAG. PWS patients without weight gain or hyperphagia had a similar AG/UAG ratio as age-matched controls, in contrast to those with weight gain and/or hyperphagia who had an elevated AG/UAG ratio. The switch to excessive weight gain in PWS seems to coincide with an increase in the AG/UAG ratio, even prior to the start of hyperphagia

    Cork : properties, capabilities and applications

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    Cork is a natural, renewable, sustainable raw material that has been used for many centuries. As a result of this very long term interest, the scientific literature on cork is extensive. The present review focuses on the chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties of cork and on its products and sub-products. The substantial efforts to fully characterise cork, as well as new developments and evolving research, are reviewed, beginning with its histology, growth and morphology (at macro- and microscales). The chemical structure is analysed in detail, covering both the materials that form the wall structure and the low molecular weight, extractable components. The unique properties of cork are discussed and correlated with current knowledge on morphology and chemical structure. Finally, the important industrial applications of cork are reviewed, in the context of research to provide cork with novel, high added-value applications