1,342 research outputs found

    The Dog Enlists

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    Mna\u27s best friend is following his master to war. The use of the dog in war is not new. During the first World War, dogs were used extensively by both sides for various essential tasks, both at the front and behind the lines. Today on the fighting fronts which stretch around the world, the dog is again fighting beside his master

    Shear stress induced stimulation of mammalian cell metabolism

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    A flow apparatus was developed for the study of the metabolic response of anchorage dependent cells to a wide range of steady and pulsatile shear stresses under well controlled conditions. Human umbilical vein endothelial cell monolayers were subjected to steady shear stresses of up to 24 dynes/sq cm, and the production of prostacyclin was determined. The onset of flow led to a burst in prostacyclin production which decayed to a long term steady state rate (SSR). The SSR of cells exposed to flow was greater than the basal release level, and increased linearly with increasing shear stress. It is demonstrated that shear stresses in certain ranges may not be detrimental to mammalian cell metabolism. In fact, throughout the range of shear stresses studied, metabolite production is maximized by maximizing shear stress

    International Farm Prices and the Social Cost of Cheap Food Policies: Comment

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    Peterson's original paper (see WAERSA 21, 5621) supports the increasingly popular belief in the agricultural economics profession that government policies have reduced agricultural production in LDCs. Policy implications are that LDCs could raise production by improving domestic agricultural incentives, especially output prices. McIntire argues that this view, as quantified in Peterson's paper, can be seriously misleading (in terms of evidence from sub-Saharan Africa) because (a) it is based on a misinterpretation of the price data, (b) it obscures the market structure of many countries, (c) it groups African countries with others where agricultural supply functions are probably more price elastic; (d) it obscures the role of foreign trade. He argues also that actual prices received by farmers in LDCs are higher than those reported by FAO and used by Peterson. In reply Peterson restates his plea that countries would be better served if policy makers regarded the long run aggregate agricultural supply elasticity to be elastic rather than inelastic in making policy decisions

    Comparison of VIIRS Prelaunch RVS Among Independent Studies

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    The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is a key sensor carried on the NPOESS (National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System), upgraded and developed recently from heritage instruments including AVHRR, OLS, MODIS, and SeaWiFS. It has on-board calibration components including a solar diffuser (SD) and a solar diffuser stability monitor (SDSM) for the reflective solar bands (RSB), a V-groove blackbody for the thermal emissive bands (TEB), and a space view (SV) port for background subtraction. These on-board calibrators are located at fixed scan angles. The VIIRS response versus scan angle (RVS) was characterized prelaunch in lab ambient conditions and will be used on-orbit to characterize the response for the all scan angles relative to the calibrator scan angle (SD for RSB and blackbody for TEB). Since the RVS is vitally important to the quality of calibrated radiance products, several independent studies were performed and their results were compared and validated. This document provides RVS results from three groups: the NPP Instrument Calibration Support Team (NICST), Raytheon, and the Aerospace Corporation. A comparison of the RVS results obtained using a 2nd order polynomial fit to measurement data is conducted for each band, detector, and half angle mirror (HAM) side. The associated RVS fitting residuals are examined and compared with the relative differences in RVS found between independent studies. Results show that the agreement is within 0.1% and comparable with fitting residuals for all bands except for RSB band M9, where a difference of 0.2% results from the application of the atmospheric water vapor correction for laboratory conditions during the test by Raytheon. NICST has slightly larger RSB RVS uncertainties but still well within the 0.3% total uncertainty allowed for the RVS characterization defined in the Performance Verification Plan


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    Immunoglobulins (Ig) on cells of the immune system: The cytotoxicity test, with class-specific and type-specific anti-Ig sera, identifies κ and µ determinants on mouse lymphocytes. The proportion of κ+ cells is characteristic for each source of cells: 30% of bone marrow cells, 40% of cells from peripheral lymph nodes, 45% of lymphocytes from peripheral blood or peritoneal cavity, and 50% of spleen cells. No Ig was demonstrable on thymocytes or on leukemia cells (most of which arise from thymus-derived [T] cells). Cytotoxicity tests were performed on various myelomas secreting different Ig; the only positive reactions were given by κγ1 myelomas (all four κγ1 myelomas tested were sensitive to both anti-κ and anti-γ1). Hemolytic plaque-forming cells (PFC) of IgG type had no demonstrable surface Ig, but a proportion of IgM PFC were κ+µ+. Virtually all rosette-forming cells (RFC) have surface Ig, more than 90% of them being inhibited by anti-κ, 50% by anti-µ, and 10–30% by antisera to other heavy chains. Anti-λ sera gave no positive reactions with any cell type, which is in keeping with the low level of this light chain in mouse serum. Ig and other differentiation antigens as markers for T and B cells: Thymocytes are hallmarked by the alloantigens TL, θ, and the Ly series, and it is generally held that extrathymic lymphoid cells that bear them are derived from thymocytes. There is one alloantigen marker for the thymus-independent (B) cell, and that is PC, which appears late in differentiation. (The mouse-specific lymphocyte (MSLA) and mouse-specific bone marrow-derived lymphocyte (MBLA) antigens recognized by heteroantisera, not used in the present study, are other candidates for T and B cell markers.) Making use of antisera to these surface antigens to inhibit the function of cells that carry them, we find the following: Approximately 30% of RFC, 60% of IgM PFC, and 90% of IgG are PC+ and so are identified as B cells. No T markers were demonstrable on these cell populations. Thus if T cells do become RFC or PFC they presumably lose their T surface markers in the process (cf. the quantitative reduction of T markers accompanying the thymocyte → lymphocyte transition). Cells that have the potential to initiate graft-versus-host (GVH) reactions have the T cell surface phenotype θ+Ig-. Adoptive transfer of thymus-dependent antibody-forming capacity (response to sheep erythrocytes) required θ+ cells but transfer of a thymus-independent immune response to Brucella antigen did not. Cells with surface Ig were involved in both types of adoptive transfers. Thus the presently available T markers do not provide evidence for T cells carrying surface Ig. Suppression of the Ig phenotype by antibody: antigenic modulation? A phenotypic change from Ig+ to Ig- occurs when Ig+ lymphocytes or myeloma cells are incubated with anti-Ig sera in vitro in the absence of complement (C). As with antigenic modulation in the TL system, which it resembles, this phenomenon is temperature dependent and in the case of lymph node cells (LNC) can be inhibited by high doses of actinomycin D

    Hydrologic Scales, Cloud Variability, Remote Sensing, and Models: Implications for Forecasting Snowmelt and Streamflow

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    Accurate prediction of available water supply from snowmelt is needed if the myriad of human, environmental, agricultural, and industrial demands for water are to be satisfied, especially given legislatively imposed conditions on its allocation. Robust retrievals of hydrologic basin model variables (e.g., insolation or areal extent of snow cover) provide several advantages over the current operational use of either point measurements or parameter-izations to help to meet this requirement. Insolation can be provided at hourly time scales (or better if needed during rapid melt events associated with flooding) and at 1-km spatial resolution. These satellite-based retrievals incorporate the effects of highly variable (both in space and time) and unpredictable cloud cover on estimates of insolation. The insolation estimates are further adjusted for the effects of basin topography using a high-resolution digital elevation model prior to model input. Simulations of two Sierra Nevada rivers in the snowmelt seasons of 1998 and 1999 indicate that even the simplest improvements in modeled insolation can improve snowmelt simulations, with 10%–20 % reductions in root-mean-square errors. Direct retrieval of the areal extent of snow cover may mitigate the need to rely entirely on internal calculations of this variable, a reliance that can yield large errors that are difficult to correct until long after the season is complete and that often leads to persistent underestimates or overestimates of the volumes of the water to operational reservoirs. Agencie