119 research outputs found

    Minkowski-type and Alexandrov-type theorems for polyhedral herissons

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    Classical H.Minkowski theorems on existence and uniqueness of convex polyhedra with prescribed directions and areas of faces as well as the well-known generalization of H.Minkowski uniqueness theorem due to A.D.Alexandrov are extended to a class of nonconvex polyhedra which are called polyhedral herissons and may be described as polyhedra with injective spherical image.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX 2.0

    Factores que influyen en la falta de docentes químicos y la motivación que lleva al profesional químico a suplir las vacantes docentes

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    La educación de un país es primordial para el crecimiento socioeconómico y cada área temática es fundamental para complementar, de manera integral, las competencias de una sociedad. Para lograrlo debemos tener docentes comprometidos, incentivados y capacitados con las herramientas necesarias para la enseñanza. Al final de una educación, integral superior, encontramos profesionales preparados, competentes para desarrollarse en las diferentes áreas laborales. Sin embargo, cuando llegan a su puesto de trabajo detectan una variedad de realidades como oportunidades de estabilidad laboral, diversas remuneraciones, horarios y riesgos. En esta investigación nos enfocamos en la Licenciatura en Docencia en Química, la cual tiene un amplio campo laboral, pero mantiene un reducido ingreso estudiantil. Por consiguiente, buscamos los factores que influyen en la falta de docentes químicos y su migración a otras áreas educativas. Nuestros objetivos consisten en determinar los factores que llevan a los egresados, de las carreras de Química, a ingresar al campo laboral docente y ofrecer alternativas para atraer a discentes al estudio de carreras de docencia en ciencias puras. La metodología de investigación que usamos es de tipo descriptivo, no experimental de uso aplicada. Utilizamos dos instrumentos de encuesta cerrada, con dos preguntas abiertas, para la recolección de datos. Luego de obtener los resultados podemos resaltar que los graduandos en 2018, de Licenciatura en Docencia en Química, tienen expectativa de un amplio campo laboral y estabilidad. Sin embargo, los egresados químicos que laboran como educadores, y no son Licenciados en Docencia en Química, han migrado al ámbito educativo por la comodidad de horarios y la consistencia laboral

    Prevalencia de enteroparasitos en una población de niños menores de 14 años de Las Heras, Mendoza

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    Objetivos Detectar e identificar enteroparásitos en una población de niños menores de 14 años que concurrió en forma espontánea con solicitud médica de estudio parasitológico, al Servicio de Laboratorio del Centro de Salud Nº 17 del departamento de Las Heras, en la provincia de Mendoza. Disponer de estadísticas propias para establecer acciones de Salud Pública efectivas y adecuadas a la población a cargo de esta Área Sanitaria

    Prevalencia de enteroparasitos en una población de niños menores de 14 años de Las Heras, Mendoza

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    Las enteroparasitosis son un problema de Salud Pública de gran impacto en niños de sectores desprotegidos de la sociedad multiplicando efectos de otros flagelos como la desnutrición provocando aumento de morbimortalidad en situaciones de riesgo social, deterioro del desarrollo psicofísico y de la calidad de vida (OMS). El ecosistema semiárido-templado de Mendoza y la mejora en servicios de agua potable y red cloacal, no serían óptimos para mantener altos registros de enteroparasitosis a lo largo de los años, por ello, los programas de prevención de Atención Primaria en Salud han mostrado mayor efectividad a través de la educación sanitaria y saneamiento ambiental

    Assessing the spatio-temporal distribution of extreme heat events in Mozambique using the CHIRTS temperature dataset for 1983-2016.

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    The frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme heat events are increasing worldwide, posing a significant threat to public health. However, these events have been largely under-reported and understudied across the African continent. Consequently, the nature of extreme heat hazards and the impacts of such events across Africa remain largely unknown. This research aims to address this research gap by characterising extreme heat events and their trends for Mozambique using the high- resolution remotely sensed CHIRTS-daily temperature data for 1983-2016. The results can be used for heat impact assessments and development of heat early warning system for Mozambique and other data-scarce regions

    Fuchsian convex bodies: basics of Brunn--Minkowski theory

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    The hyperbolic space \H^d can be defined as a pseudo-sphere in the (d+1)(d+1) Minkowski space-time. In this paper, a Fuchsian group Γ\Gamma is a group of linear isometries of the Minkowski space such that \H^d/\Gamma is a compact manifold. We introduce Fuchsian convex bodies, which are closed convex sets in Minkowski space, globally invariant for the action of a Fuchsian group. A volume can be associated to each Fuchsian convex body, and, if the group is fixed, Minkowski addition behaves well. Then Fuchsian convex bodies can be studied in the same manner as convex bodies of Euclidean space in the classical Brunn--Minkowski theory. For example, support functions can be defined, as functions on a compact hyperbolic manifold instead of the sphere. The main result is the convexity of the associated volume (it is log concave in the classical setting). This implies analogs of Alexandrov--Fenchel and Brunn--Minkowski inequalities. Here the inequalities are reversed

    The antibiotic bedaquiline activates host macrophage innate immune resistance to bacterial infection

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    Antibiotics are widely used in the treatment of bacterial infections. Although known for their microbicidal activity, antibiotics may also interfere with the host's immune system. Here, we analyzed the effects of bedaquiline (BDQ), an inhibitor of the mycobacterial ATP synthase, on human macrophages. Genome-wide gene expression analysis revealed that BDQ reprogramed cells into potent bactericidal phagocytes. We found that 579 and 1,495 genes were respectively differentially expressed in naive- and M. tuberculosis-infected macrophages incubated with the drug, with an over-representation of lysosome-associated genes. BDQ treatment triggered a variety of antimicrobial defense mechanisms, including phagosome-lysosome fusion, and autophagy. These effects were associated with activation of transcription factor EB, involved in the transcription of lysosomal genes, resulting in enhanced intracellular killing of different bacterial species that were naturally insensitive to BDQ. Thus, BDQ could be used as a host-directed therapy against a wide range of bacterial infections

    Diagnosis of contagious ecthyma in goats in a quarantine station in Panama

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    ABSTRACT We report an outbreak of contagious ecthyma (CE) in a herd of goats at Paso Canoas quarantine station, Panama. The goats were adult intact females. Visible clinical signs became apparent from day 13 after the start of quarantine. We performed clinical examination. Serum biopsy and scabs were collected from crusted lesions in the epithelium of the lips, nose and eyelid corners. Samples were studied by histopathology,complement fixation test, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), DAS-ELISA, viral isolationand nucleic acid amplification tests. Histopathology revealed ortho and parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, epithelial hyperplasia, viral inclusion bodies, keratinocytes with balonoid degeneration, vesicles with neutrophils and degenerated cells, in superficial dermis there is marked neovascularization. Complement fixation test, DAS-ELISA and nucleic acid amplification tests resulted positive for contagious ecthyma. TEM showed viral particles, consistent with Parapoxvirus. Clinical and laboratory findings were consistent with poxvirus infection in the quarantine goat her

    Use of interferon to prevent neurological disease in rabbits inoculated with strains of bovine herpesvirus 1 and 5

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la eficacia del interferón (IFN) para evitar las manifestaciones nerviosas características de la infección con BoHV 1 y 5 en conejos de 22 días de vida, y analizar su potencial como antiviral. Se establecieron 3 grupos de 3 conejos cada uno. De cada grupo, 1 animal se inoculó con la cepa Los Angeles (BoHV-1.1) y 2 con la cepa A663 (BoHV-5). Se lo hizo por vía intranasal.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    A Parasitoid Wasp Induces Overwintering Behaviour in Its Spider Host

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    Parasites and parasitoids control behaviors of their hosts. However, the origin of the behavior evoked by the parasitic organism has been rarely identified. It is also not known whether the manipulation is universal or host-specific. Polysphinctine wasps, koinobiont ectoparasitoids of several spider species that manipulate host web-spinning activity for their own protection during pupation, provide an ideal system to reveal the origin of the evoked behavior. Larva of Zatypota percontatoria performed species-specific manipulation of theridiid spiders, Neottiura bimaculata and Theridion varians, shortly before pupation. Parasitized N. bimaculata produced a dense web, whereas parasitized T. varians built a cupola-like structure. The larva pupated inside of either the dense web or the cupola-like structure. We discovered that unparasitized N. bimaculata produce an analogous dense web around their eggsacs and for themselves during winter, while T. varians construct an analogous ‘cupola’ only for overwintering. We induced analogous manipulation in unparasitized hosts by altering ambient conditions. We discovered that the behavior evoked by larvae in two hosts was functionally similar. The larva evoked protective behaviors that occur in unparasitized hosts only during specific life-history periods