501 research outputs found

    Convergence rates in expectation for Tikhonov-type regularization of Inverse Problems with Poisson data

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    In this paper we study a Tikhonov-type method for ill-posed nonlinear operator equations \gdag = F( ag) where \gdag is an integrable, non-negative function. We assume that data are drawn from a Poisson process with density t\gdag where t>0t>0 may be interpreted as an exposure time. Such problems occur in many photonic imaging applications including positron emission tomography, confocal fluorescence microscopy, astronomic observations, and phase retrieval problems in optics. Our approach uses a Kullback-Leibler-type data fidelity functional and allows for general convex penalty terms. We prove convergence rates of the expectation of the reconstruction error under a variational source condition as t→∞t\to\infty both for an a priori and for a Lepski{\u\i}-type parameter choice rule

    A fluorinated quinuclidine benzamide named LMA 10203 acts as an agonist of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

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    In the present study, we take advantage of the fact that cockroach dorsal unpaired median neurons express different nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes to demonstrate that simple quinuclidine benzamides such as the 2-fluorinated benzamide LMA 10203, could act as an agonist of cockroach alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtype, called nAChR2. Indeed, 1 mM LMA 10203 induced ionic currents which were partially blocked by 0.5 muM alpha-bungarotoxin and methyllycaconitine and completely blocked by 5 muM mecamylamine. Moreover, the current-voltage curve revealed that the ionic current induced by LMA 10203 increased from -30 mV to +20 mV confirming that it acted as an agonist of alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive nAChR2. In addition, 1 mM LMA 10203 induced a depolarization of the sixth abdominal ganglion and this neuroexcitatory activity was completely blocked by 5 muM mecamylamine. These data suggest that nAChR2 was also expressed at the postsynaptic level on the synapse between the cercal afferent nerve and the giant interneurons. Interestingly, despite LMA 10203 being an agonist of cockroach nicotinic receptors, it had a poor insecticidal activity. We conclude that LMA 10203 could be used as an interesting compound to identify specific insect nAChR subtypes

    Statistical analysis of the individual variability of 1D protein profiles as a tool in ecology: an application to parasitoid venom

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    International audienceUnderstanding the forces that shape eco-evolutionary patterns often requires linking phenotypes to genotypes, allowing characterization of these patterns at the molecular level. DNA-based markers are less informative in this aim compared to markers associated with gene expression and, more specifically, with protein quantities. The characterization of eco-evolutionary patterns also usually requires the analysis of large sample sizes to accurately estimate interindividual variability. However, the methods used to characterize and compare protein samples are generally expensive and time-consuming, which constrains the size of the produced data sets to few individuals. We present here a method that estimates the interindividual variability of protein quantities based on a global, semi-automatic analysis of 1D electrophoretic profiles, opening the way to rapid analysis and comparison of hundreds of individuals. The main original features of the method are the in silico normalization of sample protein quantities using pictures of electrophoresis gels at different staining levels, as well as a new method of analysis of electrophoretic profiles based on a median profile. We demonstrate that this method can accurately discriminate between species and between geographically distant or close populations, based on interindividual variation in venom protein profiles from three endoparasitoid wasps of two different genera (Psyttalia concolor, Psyttalia lounsburyi and Leptopili-na boulardi). Finally, we discuss the experimental designs that would benefit from the use of this method

    Similar Comparative Low and High Doses of Deltamethrin and Acetamiprid Differently Impair the Retrieval of the Proboscis Extension Reflex in the Forager Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)

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    In the present study, the effects of low (10 ng/bee) and high (100 ng/bee) doses of acetamiprid and deltamethrin insecticides on multi-trial learning and retrieval were evaluated in the honey bee Apis mellifera. After oral application, acetamiprid and deltamethrin at the concentrations used were not able to impair learning sessions. When the retention tests were performed 1 h, 6 h, and 24 h after learning, we found a significant difference between bees after learning sessions when drugs were applied 24 h before learning. Deltamethrin-treated bees were found to be more sensitive at 10 ng/bee and 100 ng/bee doses compared to acetamiprid-treated bees, only with amounts of 100 ng/bee and at 6 h and 24 h delays. When insecticides were applied during learning sessions, none of the tested insecticides was able to impair learning performance at 10 ng/bee or 100 ng/bee but retention performance was altered 24 h after learning sessions. Acetamiprid was the only one to impair retrieval at 10 ng/bee, whereas at 100 ng/bee an impairment of retrieval was found with both insecticides. The present results therefore suggest that acetamiprid and deltamethrin are able to impair retrieval performance in the honey bee Apis mellifera

    Quinuclidine compounds differently act as agonists of Kenyon cell nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and induced distinct effect on insect ganglionic depolarizations

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    We have recently demonstrated that a new quinuclidine benzamide compound named LMA10203 acted as an agonist of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Its specific pharmacological profile on cockroach dorsal unpaired median neurons (DUM) helped to identify alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive nAChR2 receptors. In the present study, we tested its effect on cockroach Kenyon cells. We found that it induced an inward current demonstrating that it bounds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed on Kenyon cells. Interestingly, LMA10203-induced currents were completely blocked by the nicotinic antagonist alpha-bungarotoxin. We suggested that LMA10203 effect occurred through the activation of alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive receptors and did not involve alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive nAChR2, previously identified in DUM neurons. In addition, we have synthesized two new compounds, LMA10210 and LMA10211, and compared their effects on Kenyon cells. These compounds were members of the 3-quinuclidinyl benzamide or benzoate families. Interestingly, 1 mM LMA10210 was not able to induce an inward current on Kenyon cells compared to LMA10211. Similarly, we did not find any significant effect of LMA10210 on cockroach ganglionic depolarization, whereas these three compounds were able to induce an effect on the central nervous system of the third instar M. domestica larvae. Our data suggested that these three compounds could bind to distinct cockroach nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

    Multiple phenotypes conferred by a single insect symbiont are independent

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    Many microbial symbionts have multiple phenotypic consequences for their animal hosts. However, the ways in which different symbiont-mediated phenotypes combine to affect fitness are not well understood. We investigated whether there are correlations between different symbiont-mediated phenotypes. We used the symbiont Spiroplasma, a striking example of a bacterial symbiont conferring diverse phenotypes on insect hosts. We took 11 strains of Spiroplasma infecting pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) and assessed their ability to provide protection against the fungal pathogen Pandora neoaphidis and the parasitoids Aphidius ervi and Praon volucre. We also assessed effects on male offspring production for five of the Spiroplasma strains. All but one of the Spiroplasma strains provided very strong protection against the parasitoid P. volucre. As previously reported, variable protection against P. neoaphidis and A. ervi was also present; male-killing was likewise a variable phenotype. We find no evidence of any correlation, positive or negative, between the different phenotypes, nor was there any evidence of an effect of symbiont phylogeny on protective phenotype. We conclude that multiple symbiont-mediated phenotypes can evolve independently from one another without trade-offs between them

    Digging into acceptor splice site prediction : an iterative feature selection approach

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    Feature selection techniques are often used to reduce data dimensionality, increase classification performance, and gain insight into the processes that generated the data. In this paper, we describe an iterative procedure of feature selection and feature construction steps, improving the classification of acceptor splice sites, an important subtask of gene prediction. We show that acceptor prediction can benefit from feature selection, and describe how feature selection techniques can be used to gain new insights in the classification of acceptor sites. This is illustrated by the identification of a new, biologically motivated feature: the AG-scanning feature. The results described in this paper contribute both to the domain of gene prediction, and to research in feature selection techniques, describing a new wrapper based feature weighting method that aids in knowledge discovery when dealing with complex datasets

    Imidacloprid and thiacloprid neonicotinoids bind more favourably to cockroach than to honeybee alpha6 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: insights from computational studies

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    The binding interactions of two neonicotinoids, imidacloprid (IMI) and thiacloprid (THI) with the extracellular domains of cockroach and honeybee alpha6 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits in an homomeric receptor have been studied through docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The binding mode predicted for the two neonicotinoids is validated through the good agreement observed between the theoretical results with the crystal structures of the corresponding complexes with Ac-AChBP, the recognized structural surrogate for insects nAChR extracellular ligand binding domain. The binding site of the two insect alpha6 receptors differs by only one residue of loop D, a serine residue (Ser83) in cockroach being replaced by a lysine residue (Lys108) in honeybee. The docking results show very close interactions for the two neonicotinoids with both alpha6 nAChR models, in correspondence to the trends observed in the experimental neonicotinoid-Ac-AChBP complexes. However, the docking parameters (scores and energies) are not significantly different between the two insect alpha6 nAChRs to draw clear conclusions. The MD results bring distinct trends. The analysis of the average interaction energies in the two insects alpha6 nAChRs shows indeed better affinity of neonicotinoids bound to alpha6 cockroach compared to honeybee nAChR. This preference is explained by tighter contacts with aromatic residues (Trp and Tyr) of the binding pocket. Interestingly, the non-conserved residue Lys108 of loop D of alpha6 honeybee nAChR interacts through van der Waals contacts with neonicotinoids, which appear more favourable than the direct or water mediated hydrogen-bond interaction between the OH group of Ser83 of alpha6 cockroach nAChR and the electronegative terminal group of the two neonicotinoids (nitro in IMI and cyano in THI). Finally, in both insects nAChRs, THI is consistently found to bind more favourably than IMI

    Iteratively regularized Newton-type methods for general data misfit functionals and applications to Poisson data

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    We study Newton type methods for inverse problems described by nonlinear operator equations F(u)=gF(u)=g in Banach spaces where the Newton equations Fâ€Č(un;un+1−un)=g−F(un)F'(u_n;u_{n+1}-u_n) = g-F(u_n) are regularized variationally using a general data misfit functional and a convex regularization term. This generalizes the well-known iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton method (IRGNM). We prove convergence and convergence rates as the noise level tends to 0 both for an a priori stopping rule and for a Lepski{\u\i}-type a posteriori stopping rule. Our analysis includes previous order optimal convergence rate results for the IRGNM as special cases. The main focus of this paper is on inverse problems with Poisson data where the natural data misfit functional is given by the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Two examples of such problems are discussed in detail: an inverse obstacle scattering problem with amplitude data of the far-field pattern and a phase retrieval problem. The performence of the proposed method for these problems is illustrated in numerical examples
