718 research outputs found

    The Evolving Depictions of Women in Films about the Holocaust (Die sich entwickelnden Darstellungen von Frauen in visuellen Texten zum Holocaust)

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    This paper explores how women are depicted in films about the Holocaust. Close readings of three films about the Holocaust reveal that the year of production, not the gender of the director or country of origin, is the greatest factor in how women are depicted. The miniseries Holocaust (1978) set the stage for depictions of women as naive and sexualized. Europa Europa (1990) continued to depict women in a typical way, as set by Holocaust (1978). Phönix (2014) departed from typical depictions of women by showing them as independent and not sexualized

    Therapists Who Specialize in Addiction: A Grounded Situational Analysis of a Stigmatized Profession

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    This study used the methodology of a grounded situational analysis to explore the lives of therapists who specialize in addiction. Historians have researched the history of addiction treatment itself and some have identified parallel processes of discrimination, stigma, and stigma by association for therapist and client, but the complex intersectionality between social processes and organizational issues have been largely invisible. In this study, therapists who specialize in addiction (including social workers, clinical mental health counselors, and alcohol and drug counselors) were asked about their sense of how others see them in their role. These conversations made visible the many, enmeshed challenges faced by these therapists and how the process of professionalization, with its promise of validation, has been thwarted by social and organizational processes. This study presents a comprehensive theoretical model of the supports and the problems facing therapists who specialize in addiction and ultimately supports a theory of how to redress these issues in the face of the increased need and resources available during the current opioid epidemic. This dissertation is available in open access at AURA: Antioch University Repository and Archive, http://aura.antioch.edu/ and OhioLINK ETD Center, https://etd.ohiolink.edu

    Pourquoi Craindre l\u27Amour? : Valse Chantee

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    Learning Environment Simulator: A Tool for Local Decision Makers and First

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    Abstract – The National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC) has developed a prototype learning environment simulator (LES) based on the Critical Infrastructure Protection Decision Support System (CIPDSS) infrastructure and scenario models. The LES is designed to engage decision makers at the grass-roots level (local/city/state) to deepen their understanding of evolving crises, enhance their intuition and allow them to test their own strategies for events before they occur. An initial version is being developed, centered on a pandemic influenza outbreak and has been successfully tested with a group of hospital administrators and first responders. LES is not a predictive tool but rather a simulated environment allowing the user to experience the complexities of a crisis before it happens. Users can contrast various approaches to the crisis, competing with alternative strategies of their own or other participants. LES is designed to assist decision makers in making informed choices by functionally representing relevant scenarios before they occur, including impacts to critical infrastructures with their interdependencies and estimating human health & safety and economic impacts. In this paper a brief overview of the underlying models are given followed by a description of the LES, its interface, usage and testing experience

    Cyanine platelet single crystals: Growth, crystal structure and optical spectra

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    © the Owner Societies. Crystalline organic semiconducting materials are much in demand for multiple electronic and optoelectronic device applications. Here, solution grown ultrathin rhombic crystals of a trimethine carbocyanine anionic dye are used to establish relationships between structural and optical properties. The dye crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21/c featuring alternating layers of molecules in two different herringbone type patterns, with perchlorate counterions located mostly within one of the two layers. Micro transmittance spectroscopy revealed a broadened spectrum compared to those obtained in solution and in an amorphous thin film. Using polarized light, transmission spectroscopy revealed strong low-energy and weak high-energy bands polarized along the crystallographic b- and c-axis, respectively. Using the extended dipole approximation, significant exciton couplings are predicted between neighboring molecules in the crystal, of the order of the intrinsic monomer reorganization energies associated with nuclear relaxation after excitation, depicting a complex spectral scenario. The exciton coupling pattern explains the relative energies of the b- and c-polarized components but the observed intensities are opposite to expectations based on chromophore alignment within the crystal

    MULTIPASS: gestion des consentements pour accéder aux données des exploitations dans une chaîne de confiance afin de favoriser l'émergence de nouveaux services pour les agriculteurs

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    12th EFITA International Conference, Rhode island, GRC, 27-/06/2019 - 29/06/2019International audienceWith the emergence of digital technologies, farms become a relevant source of data to meet the challenges of multi-performance agriculture. Beyond the services provided, access to farmers' data depends on a clear understanding of their use, which must be done in a transparent way. Several codes of conduct at a national or international level push for a voluntary commitment to respect some good practices in the use of agricultural data. To provide a tool and answer farmer's questions on the control of their data and the transparency of the data processing, the partners of the MULTIPASS project, have imagined an interoperable ecosystem of farmer consents management, protecting farmers from no consented uses of their data.Farmers' expectations of such an ecosystem have been expressed during workshops. They want to better identify existing data flows, including actors, data processes, and data clusters. Based on the farmers' expectations, the MULTIPASS project stakeholders have proposed the architecture of an ecosystem integrating two consent management tools as "pilots". This ecosystem should take in charge the interoperability between each consent management tools or with future tools. This solution is based on a shared typology of data and data processes as well as on the specifications of the consent message content. All these elements should be easily accessible to meet the interoperability need of the ecosystem. It is also based on a router, which provides unified access to consent management tools (using API). In particular, it provides the farmer (beneficiary) with an exhaustive view of his/her consents (which can be distributed on several consent management systems), meeting farmers' expectations for transparency. It is also the point where a data provider can check whether the consent required to provide data exists, without needing to know which consent management system is concerned. In this project, the stakeholders want to demonstrate to agricultural professional organizations the benefits and feasibility of a consent management ecosystem. By strengthening the confidence of farmers to share data, the project will allow the emergence of new knowledge and new services

    Genomic analysis on broiler-associated Clostridium perfringens strains and exploratory caecal microbiome investigation reveals key factors linked to poultry necrotic enteritis.

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    BACKGROUND: Clostridium perfringens is a key pathogen in poultry-associated necrotic enteritis (NE). To date there are limited Whole Genome Sequencing based studies describing broiler-associated C. perfringens in healthy and diseased birds. Moreover, changes in the caecal microbiome during NE is currently not well characterised. Thus, the aim of this present study was to investigate C. perfringens virulence factors linked to health and diseased chickens, including identifying putative caecal microbiota signatures associated with NE. RESULTS: We analysed 88 broiler chicken C. perfringens genomes (representing 66 publicly available genomes and 22 newly sequenced genomes) using different phylogenomics approaches and identified a potential hypervirulent and globally-distributed clone spanning 20-year time-frame (1993-2013). These isolates harbored a greater number of virulence genes (including toxin and collagen adhesin genes) when compared to other isolates. Further genomic analysis indicated exclusive and overabundant presence of important NE-linked toxin genes including netB and tpeL in NE-associated broiler isolates. Secondary virulence genes including pfoA, cpb2, and collagen adhesin genes cna, cnaA and cnaD were also enriched in the NE-linked C. perfringens genomes. Moreover, an environmental isolate obtained from farm animal feeds was found to encode netB, suggesting potential reservoirs of NetB-positive C. perfringens strains (toxinotype G). We also analysed caecal samples from a small sub-set of 11 diseased and healthy broilers for exploratory microbiome investigation using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, which indicated a significant and positive correlation in genus Clostridium within the wider microbiota of those broilers diagnosed with NE, alongside reductions in beneficial microbiota members. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate a positive association of virulence genes including netB, pfoA, cpb2, tpeL and cna variants linked to NE-linked isolates. Potential global dissemination of specific hypervirulent lineage, coupled with distinctive microbiome profiles, highlights the need for further investigations, which will require a large worldwide sample collection from healthy and NE-associated birds

    Use of specific Green's functions for solving direct problems involving a heterogeneous rigid frame porous medium slab solicited by acoustic waves

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    A domain integral method employing a specific Green's function (i.e., incorporating some features of the global problem of wave propagation in an inhomogeneous medium) is developed for solving direct and inverse scattering problems relative to slab-like macroscopically inhomogeneous porous obstacles. It is shown how to numerically solve such problems, involving both spatially-varying density and compressibility, by means of an iterative scheme initialized with a Born approximation. A numerical solution is obtained for a canonical problem involving a two-layer slab.Comment: submitted to Math.Meth.Appl.Sc

    Use of integral experiments for the assessment of a new 235

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    The Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) subgroup 29 (SG 29) was established to investigate an issue with the 235U capture cross-section in the energy range from 0.1 to 2.25 keV, due to a possible overestimation of 10% or more. To improve the 235U capture crosssection, a new 235U evaluation has been proposed by the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) and the CEA, mainly based on new time-of-flight 235U capture cross-section measurements and recent fission cross-section measurements performed at the n_TOF facility from CERN. IRSN and CEA Cadarache were in charge of the thermal to 2.25 keV energy range, whereas the CEA DIF was responsible of the high energy region. Integral experiments showing a strong 235U sensitivity are used to assess the new evaluation, using Monte-Carlo methods. The keff calculations were performed with the 5.D.1 beta version of the MORET 5 code, using the JEFF-3.2 library and the new 235U evaluation, as well as the JEFF-3.3T1 library in which the new 235U has been included. The benchmark selection allowed highlighting a significant improvement on keff due to the new 235U evaluation. The results of this data testing are presented here

    Gut microbiota analysis reveals a marked shift to bifidobacteria by a starter infant formula containing a synbiotic of bovine milk-derived oligosaccharides and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis CNCM I-3446.

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    Non-digestible milk oligosaccharides were proposed as receptor decoys for pathogens and as nutrients for beneficial gut commensals like bifidobacteria. Bovine milk contains oligosaccharides, some of which are structurally identical or similar to those found in human milk. In a controlled, randomized double-blinded clinical trial we tested the effect of feeding a formula supplemented with a mixture of bovine milk-derived oligosaccharides (BMOS) generated from whey permeate, containing galacto-oligosaccharides and 3'- and 6'-sialyllactose, and the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (B. lactis) strain CNCM I-3446. Breastfed infants served as reference group. Compared with a non-supplemented control formula, the test formula showed a similar tolerability and supported a similar growth in healthy newborns followed for 12 weeks. The control, but not the test group, differed from the breast-fed reference group by a higher faecal pH and a significantly higher diversity of the faecal microbiota. In the test group the probiotic B. lactis increased by 100-fold in the stool and was detected in all supplemented infants. BMOS stimulated a marked shift to a bifidobacterium-dominated faecal microbiota via increases in endogenous bifidobacteria (B. longum, B. breve, B. bifidum, B. pseudocatenulatum)