318 research outputs found

    Kuulonvaraisen soittamisen hyödyt

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    Tiivistelmä. Kuulonvarainen soittaminen on musiikillinen taito, josta on monelle muusikolle ja musiikin harrastajalle paljon käytännön hyötyä. Musiikin opiskelu pitää sisällään usein paljon nuotinlukua, mutta ainakin joissakin yhteyksissä vähemmän suoranaista kuulonvaraisen soittamisen opettelua. Tämä tutkielma on tieteellisestä lähdeaineistosta koostuva kirjallisuuskatsaus kuulonvaraisen soittamisen hyödyistä. Oma myönteinen kokemukseni kuulonvaraisen soittamisen arvosta ja sen opettamisesta johdattelivat tämän aiheen valintaan ja sen tutkimiseen. Tutkielmani myötä selvisi, että kuulonvarainen soittaminen edesauttaa soittotekniikkaan ja äänensävyyn keskittymistä, musiikin kokonaisvaltaista omaksumista, luo vapauden ja luovuuden tunnetta ja improvisaatiollisia työkaluja, sekä kehittää ongelmanratkaisukykyjä. Korvakuulosoittamisen aikana molemmat aivopuoliskot ovat usein käytössä yhtä aikaa, mikä osaltaan parantaa aivojen työskentelyä ja lähentää yhteyttä musiikin ”sisimpään olemukseen”. Vapautuminen henkisistä ja fyysisistä jännitteistä sekä ilon ja saavuttamisen tunteet mainittiin myös positiivisina kuulonvaraisen soittamisen vaikutuksina

    Kitaristin kuulonvaraisen soittotaidon kehittyminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee kitaristin kuulonvaraisen soittotaidon kehittymistä ja sen tuomia hyötyjä. Kuulonvarainen soittotaito on musiikillinen taito, jota käyttäessä hyödynnetään nuottien tai muun kirjallisen ohjeen sijaan omaa sisäistä korvaa. Ihmisen musiikillinen kehitys saa alkunsa jo sikiöajasta lähtien ja kuulonvarainen soittotaito voi kehittyä sen rinnalla olosuhteitten mukaan enemmän tai vähemmän. Tässä tutkielmassa syvennytään erityisesti kitaristin kuulonvaraiseen soittotaitoon. Kuulonvaraisuuden kehittymisestä juuri kitaristin näkökulmasta ei löytynyt tämänkaltaista tutkimusta, joten halusin lähteä tutkimaan ilmiötä. Tutkimusongelmani on: miten kitaristin kuulonvarainen soittotaito kehittyy? Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kolmen kuulonvaraisuutta hyödyntävän kitaristin kyselylomakevastauksista. Kysymyksissä keskityttiin erityisesti kitaristin kuulonvaraisen soittotaidon kehittymiseen ja sen kanssa työskentelemiseen. Aiheeseen keräämäni teoreettinen viitekehys toimii aineiston analyysissa ohjaavassa roolissa. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, että kitaristin kuulonvarainen soittotaito kehittyy monen asian summana musiikkia kuuntelemalla ja soittamalla ja myös musiikinteoriaa hyödyntämällä. Kuulonvarainen soittotaito mahdollistaa nuotittoman musiikin oppimisen ja nopean kappaleiden omaksumisen sekä toimii hyvänä työkaluna ja opetettavana taitona soitonopetuksessa. Kitaristi voi hyödyntää kuulonvaraista soittotaitoaan monissa yhteyksissä harrastustoiminnassa, ammatillisessa muusikon keikkatyöskentelyssä sekä instrumenttiopettamisessa. Tutkimukseni aineiston kitaristit kokivat kuulonvaraisen soittotaidon olevan erittäin tärkeä työkalu omassa musiikillisessa toiminnassaan. Tutkimuksen aineistosta ja teoreettisesta viitekehyksestä löytyi paljon yhtäläisyyksiä, mikä osaltaan vahvistaa tutkimustuloksia.Aural skills development of guitarist. Abstract. This Master’s thesis deals with the development of a guitarist’s aural skills and the benefits it brings. The ability to play by ear is a musical skill that uses one’s own inner ear instead of notes or other written instructions. A person’s musical development starts already from the fetal period, and the ability to play by ear can develop alongside it to a greater or lesser extent depending on the circumstances. In this treatise, I delve into the guitarist’s aural skills in particular. I couldn’t find any research like this on the development of hearing from a guitarist’s point of view, so I wanted to research the phenomenon. My research problem is: how does a guitarist’s aural skill develop? The material of this qualitative study consists of the questionnaire responses of three guitarists who uses this skill. The questions focused especially on the development of the guitarist’s aural skills and working with it. The theoretical reference framework I collected for the topic works as a guide in the analysis of the material. The research shows that a guitarist’s aural skills develop as a sum of many things by listening and by playing music and also by utilizing music theory. The ability to play by ear makes it possible to learn music without notes and to quickly absorb songs, and it is a good tool and teachable skill in music lessons. A guitarist can use his aural skills in many contexts in hobby activities, as a professional musician and as a music teacher. The guitarists in the material of my research felt that the ability to play by ear is a very important tool in their own musical activity. A lot of similarities were found in the research material and the theoretical framework, which in part confirms the research results

    Value-transforming financial, carbon and biodiversity footprint accounting

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    Transformative changes in our production and consumption habits are needed to enable the sustainability transition towards carbon neutrality, no net loss of biodiversity, and planetary well-being. Organizations are the way we humans have organized our everyday life, and much of our negative environmental impacts, also called carbon and biodiversity footprints, are caused by organizations. Here we show how the financial accounts of any organization can be exploited to develop an integrated carbon and biodiversity footprint account. As a metric we utilize spatially explicit potential global loss of species which, we argue, can be understood as the biodiversity equivalent, the utility of which for biodiversity is similar to what carbon dioxide equivalent is for climate. We provide a global Biodiversity Footprint Database that organizations, experts and researchers can use to assess consumption-based biodiversity footprints. We also argue that the current integration of financial and environmental accounting is superficial, and provide a framework for a more robust financial value-transforming accounting model. To test the methodologies, we utilized a Finnish university as a living lab. Assigning an offsetting cost to the footprints significantly altered the financial value of the organization. We believe such value-transforming accounting is needed in order to draw the attention of senior executives and investors to the negative environmental impacts of their organizations

    The effects of drainage and restoration of pine mires on habitat structure, vegetation and ants

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    Habitat loss and degradation are the main threats to biodiversity worldwide. For example, nearly 80% of peatlands in southern Finland have been drained. There is thus a need to safeguard the remaining pristine mires and to restore degraded ones. Ants play a pivotal role in many ecosystems and like many keystone plant species, shape ecosystem conditions for other biota. The effects of mire restoration and subsequent vegetation succession on ants, however, are poorly understood. We inventoried tree stands, vegetation, water-table level, and ants (with pitfall traps) in nine mires in southern Finland to explore differences in habitats, vegetation and ant assemblages among pristine, drained (30-40 years ago) and recently restored (1-3 years ago) pine mires. We expected that restoring the water-table level by ditch filling and reconstructing sparse tree stands by cuttings will recover mire vegetation and ants. We found predictable responses in habitat structure, floristic composition and ant assemblage structure both to drainage and restoration. However, for mire-specialist ants the results were variable and longer-term monitoring is needed to confirm the success of restoration since these social insects establish perennial colonies with long colony cycles. We conclude that restoring the water-table level and tree stand structure seem to recover the characteristic vegetation and ant assemblages in the short term. This recovery was likely enhanced because drained mires still had both acrotelm and catotelm, and connectedness was still reasonable for mire organisms to recolonize the restored mires either from local refugia or from populations of nearby mires.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation and application of static headspace-multicapillary column-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry for complex sample analysis.

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    An evaluation of static headspace-multicapillary column-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (SHS-MCC-GC-IMS) has been undertaken to assess its applicability for the determination of 32 volatile compounds (VCs). The key experimental variables of sample incubation time and temperature have been evaluated alongside the MCC-GC variables of column polarity, syringe temperature, injection temperature, injection volume, column temperature and carrier gas flow rate coupled with the IMS variables of temperature and drift gas flow rate. This evaluation resulted in six sets of experimental variables being required to separate the 32 VCs. The optimum experimental variables for SHS-MCC-GC-IMS, the retention time and drift time operating parameters were determined; to normalise the operating parameters, the relative drift time and normalised reduced ion mobility for each VC were determined. In addition, a full theoretical explanation is provided on the formation of the monomer, dimer and trimer of a VC. The optimum operating condition for each VC calibration data was obtained alongside limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) values. Typical detection limits ranged from 0.1ng bis(methylthio)methane, ethylbutanoate and (E)-2-nonenal to 472ng isovaleric acid with correlation coefficient (R(2)) data ranging from 0.9793 (for the dimer of octanal) through to 0.9990 (for isobutyric acid). Finally, the developed protocols were applied to the analysis of malodour in sock samples. Initial work involved spiking an inert matrix and sock samples with appropriate concentrations of eight VCs. The average recovery from the inert matrix was 101±18% (n=8), while recoveries from the sock samples were lower, that is, 54±30% (n=8) for sock type 1 and 78±24% (n=6) for sock type 2. Finally, SHS-MCC-GC-IMS was applied to sock malodour in a field trial based on 11 volunteers (mixed gender) over a 3-week period. By applying the SHS-MCC-GC-IMS database, four VCs were identified and quantified: ammonia, dimethyl disulphide, dimethyl trisulphide and butyric acid. A link was identified between the presence of high ammonia and dimethyl disulphide concentrations and a high malodour odour grading, that is, ≥ 6. Statistical analysis did not find any correlation between the occurrence of dimethyl disulphide and participant gender

    Practical realization of a sub-λ/2 acoustic jet

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    Studies in optics and acoustics have employed metamaterial lenses to achieve sub-wavelength localization, e.g. a recently introduced concept called 'acoustojet' which in simulations localizes acoustic energy to a spot smaller than lambda/2. However previous experimental results on the acoustojet have barely reached lambda/2-wide localization. Here we show, by simulations and experiments, that a sub-lambda/2 wide localization can be achieved by translating the concept of a photonic jet into the acoustic realm. We performed nano-to macroscale molecular dynamics (MD) and finite element method (FEM) simulations as well as macroscale experiments. We demonstrated that by choosing a suitable size cylindrical lens, and by selecting the speed-of-sound ratio between the lens material(s) and the surrounding medium, an acoustic jet ('acoustic sheet') is formed with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) less than lambda/2. The results show, that the acoustojet approach can be experimentally realized with easy-to-manufacture acoustic lenses at the macroscale. MD simulations demonstrate that the concept can be extended to coherent phonons at nanoscale. Finally, our FEM simulations identify some micrometer size structures that could be realized in practice. Our results may contribute to starting a new era of super resolution acoustic imaging: We foresee that jet generating constructs can be readily manufactured, since suitable material combinations can be found from nanoscale to macroscale. Tight focusing of mechanical energy is highly desirable in e.g. electronics, materials science, medicine, biosciences, and energy harvesting.Peer reviewe

    The effect of buffer strip width and selective logging on streamside plant communities

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    Abstract Background Riparian forests surrounding streams host high biodiversity values, but are threatened by clear-cut logging. Narrow buffer strips of about 15 m are commonly left between the stream and the clear-cut, but studies suggest that the buffer width should be at least 30 m to protect riparian plant communities. Moreover, selective logging is often allowed on the buffer strips in order to increase economic gain. We used an experiment of 43 riparian sites where buffer strip width and selective logging within the strip were manipulated and supplemented with unlogged control sites. We report the short-term changes in the community composition of vascular plants and mosses near the stream (0–15 m distance). Results 15-meter buffers are not enough to protect the vascular plant communities from changes caused by a clear-cut irrespective of the selective logging on the buffer strip. For moss communities 15-m buffers were not enough if they were selectively logged. Relative to the control sites, we observed no significant changes in community composition of vascular plants or mosses in the sites with 30-m buffer strips, whether selectively logged or not. Conclusions We conclude that buffer strips of 15 m are not sufficient to protect streamside plant communities even in the short term, but that buffers of 30 m should be left on both sides of the stream. Selective logging appears not to have effects on buffers that are at least 30 m wide. Thus, it may be more reasonable to increase buffer width and to allow selective logging on the wider buffer in order to compensate for the economic losses than to leave all trees on a narrow and ecologically insufficient buffer
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