4,118 research outputs found

    Optimal domain for the Hardy operator

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    We study the optimal domain for the Hardy operator considered with values in a rearrangement invariant space. In particular, this domain can be represented as the space of integrable functions with respect to a vector measure defined on a δ-ring. A precise description is given for the case of the minimal Lorentz spaces.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). Españ

    Optimal domains for kernel operators on [0,∞)×[0,∞)

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    Let T be a kernel operator with values in a rearrangement invariant Banach function space X on [0,∞) and defined over simple functions on [0,∞) of bounded support. We identify the optimal domain for T (still with values in X) in terms of interpolation spaces, under appropriate conditions on the kernel and the space X. The techniques used are based on the relation between linear operators and vector measures.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BFM2003-06335-C03-0

    L1-spaces of vector measures defined on δ-rings

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    Given a vector measure ν defined on a δ-ring with values in a Banach space, we study the relation between the analytic properties of the measure ν and the lattice properties of the space L1(ν) of real functions which are integrable with respect to ν.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BFM2003-06335-C03-0

    An Approach on Integrated Territorial Competitiveness to Ensure Long Term Viability in Rural Areas of Andalusia (Spain)

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    After more than ten years of rural development programmes in Andalusia, there is ongoing concern about the sustainability of the rural development initiated by the LEADER-PRODER programmes in the hypothetical event that such programmes were no longer in place. In order to be able to express an opinion about this issue, it is important to answer to an entire series of questions about the concept of territorial competitiveness as a guarantee of the long term viability of a rural area. In order to be able to respond to these questions, as part of a wider research project into the transformation of rural areas in Andalusia, the competitive position of 3 territories in the "Campina Alta" (Cordoba), which have been benefiting from rural development programmes for several years, were analysed. This paper presents some of our results relating to territorial competitiveness. The analysis were chiefly qualitative, and was applied to the "case study" abovementioned. The methodology used is based fundamentally on the analysis proposal of territorial competitiveness provided by the European Observatory, supplemented with elements of the methodology proposed by the IICA. The results indicate: 1) one cannot generalise about whether certain factors in isolation are positive or negative for territorial competitiveness, 2) only a comprehensive approach to territorial competitiveness can guarantee the long term viability of a rural area and 3) the risks associated when the viability of the territory is linked to the existence of development programmes, whose presence is not guaranteed for the future.Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Phubbing. Wing Network connected and disconnected from Reality. An Analysis in Relation to Psychological Well-Being

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    La investigación analiza en qué medida el uso problemático de los smartphones repercute en el bienestar psicológico de los jóvenes universitarios. Partiendo de un enfoque metodológico descriptivo, se ha empleado el cuestionario MPPUSA versión adaptada a la población adolescente en español por López, Honrubia y Freixa (2012), y el cuestionario de Salud General de Golberg (1996) GHQ-28 que permite establecer relaciones entre el uso inadecuado smartphones y los indicadores del bienestar psicológico. Los resultados muestran una tendencia elevada en las puntuaciones obtenidas entre el uso problemático de estos dispositivos y las variables síntomas somáticos, ansiedad e insomnio, disfunción social y depresión.The purpose of study is to determine in which ways the problematic use of smartphones affect the wellbeing of university youth. From a descriptive methodological approach, it has been analyzed the information obtained through the Questionnaire MPPUSA adapted version in Spanish adolescents by López, Honrubia y Freixa (2012), and the General Health Questionnaire by Golberg (1996) GHQ-28 which it allows to establish relations between the inappropriate use of smartphones and indicators of psychological wellbeing. The results show a high trend in scores between the problematic use of this device and somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and depression

    Las funciones del personal eventual en la jurisprudencia

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    Aquest estudi analitza de manera exhaustiva la jurisprudència dels tribunals contenciosos administratius sobre les funcions de confiança i assessorament del personal eventual que la llei els encomana, sense concretar en què consisteixen. Aquesta indefinició ha generat nombrosos conflictes i litigis, aguditzats per la crisi econòmica. La Llei 27/2013, de racionalització i sostenibilitat de l'Administració local, estableix límits al nombre de llocs de personal eventual, segons la població del municipi, però no n’aborda la definició de les funcions. Per la qual cosa, la jurisprudència, que aquest treball sistematitza amb sentit crític, continua sent l'única orientació sobre aquest tema.This study is a comprehensive analysis of the case law of the administrative litigation courts relating to the responsibilities of trust and specialist advice that the law gives temporary staff, albeit without offering a clear definition of the nature of their functions. This legal and regulatory grey area has caused many conflicts and legal disputes made worse by the economic crisis. Act 27/2013 on Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Administration establishes a limit to the number of temporary staff according to the number of inhabitants in each municipality, but does not tackle the question of the definition of their functions. Consequently, the case law which this work systematises from a critical perspective, offers the only guidance on the subject to date.Este estudio analiza de manera exhaustiva la jurisprudencia de los tribunales de lo contencioso-administrativo sobre las funciones de confianza y asesoramiento del personal eventual, que la ley les encomienda sin concretar en qué consisten. Esta indefinición ha generado numerosos conflictos y litigios, agudizados por la crisis económica. La Ley 27/2013 de racionalización y sostenibilidad de la Administración Local establece límites al número de puestos de personal eventual, según la población del municipio, pero no aborda la definición de sus funciones. Por lo cual, la jurisprudencia, que este trabajo sistematiza con sentido crítico, sigue siendo la única orientación al respecto

    Representation of Banach lattices as L1w spaces of a vector measure defined on a δ-ring

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    In this paper we prove that every Banach lattice having the Fatou property and having its s-order continuous part as an order dense subset, can be represented as the space L1 w(n) of weakly integrable functions with respect to some vector measure n defined on a d-ring.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MTM2009-12740-C03-02Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia PAID-10 Ref. 214

    Mujer e identidad en el islám. El ímpetu de las tradiciones

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